
Automated map generalization: emerging techniques and new trends

Automated map generalization has been a major area of research for decades but has still not reached maturity. Besides the needs for more adaptive algorithms, a fundamental question remains: can we transfer human generalization knowledge into a computational system? Previous efforts do not seem capable to fully overcome the ‘knowledge acquisition bottleneck.’ As new theories and technologies have emerged in artificial intelligence, especially deep neural networks, computers are now able to solve human level tasks, showing great potential in automated generalization. In the meantime, crowdsourced geographic information is growing at an increasing speed, and the needs for visualizing and analyzing the data at various scales are numerous. It is therefore necessary to adapt map generalization to new contexts (e.g., online maps, 3D models or crowd-sourced geo-data). On the other hand, map generalization today also functions as a pattern analysis and mining tool. For example, the ‘overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand’ method in information visualization is essentially the same as the generalization approach to data analysis. This highlights the potential of applying generalization techniques, such as simplification and aggregation, in the visual, interactive, and exploratory analysis of abstract (e.g., hierarchical relations) and physical (e.g., movement trajectories) data. Therefore, we believe that it is now important to showcase the latest developments and trends in map generalization to a wider and interdisciplinary audience. The Special Issue is open for contributions related but not limited to the following topics: Deep/Machine learning techniques for data enrichment and generalization Continuous/variable/multi scale representations Adaptive generalization algorithms 3D generalization and LOD models Generalization and integration of crowd-sourced geographic data Generalization practices for map production Changing map requirements/specifications Generalization in web mapping and map mashups Generalization of trajectory/flow/spatial interaction data Use cases of generalization for data analysis and mining in other domains Quality or cognitive evaluation of generalization


  • Dr. Xiang Zhang

    School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China E-mail:

  • Dr. Guillaume Touya

    LASTIG, Univ Gustave Eiffel, ENSG, IGN, Saint-Mandé, France E-mail:

  • Dr. Martijn Meijers

    Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands E-mail:

Articles (5 in this collection)