
Special Section: The History of Cancer Survivorship Centers in the US: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities

The population of individuals who have completed treatment for cancer and are in the survivorship phase is growing at a rapid pace. There are currently 18 million cancer survivors in the US, and there will be an estimated 26 million survivors by 2040. As the survivor population grows and their life expectancy increases due to continued treatment advances, comprehensive cancer centers have implemented cancer survivorship programs. The goal of this special section is to characterize the history and current status of cancer survivorship centers in seven cancer centers in the United States. Each center will describe the development of their program and address series of questions, which include the program’s focus, services, how it adds value to the cancer center and the catchment area, and clinical model for survivorship care, initial and current implementation challenges, research components of the program, how research is funded, evaluation metrics, success stories, and key challenges and opportunities for the future of the survivorship program in the cancer center and the field as a whole. This special section will be published as a set of eight solicited brief reports with cancer survivorship program pioneers and leaders, which include: Anne Blaes (Minnesota), Patti Ganz (UCLA), Sofia Garcia (NW/Lurie), Melissa Hudson (St Jude), Linda Jacobs (Penn), Ann Partridge (HMS), Lidia Schapira (Stanford), and Mary Reid (Roswell). Word limit: Up to 1500-2000 words of text; 10 references; Two tables or figures Abstract: Up to 250 words; Three key terms using MESH; Unstructured


Articles (9 in this collection)