
Football Research

The Topical Collection on Football Research is a collaborative initiative that was launched to increase awareness of ongoing research that is contributing to new technology developments in football. The collection contains 16 papers that address current challenges in football, game analysis and player tracking technologies, officiating technologies, playing surface assessment, and football-surface, -player and -environment interaction.


  • Marcus Dunn

    Dr. Marcus Dunn is a Senior Research Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. His expertise lies in the development of applied measurement systems to advance human movement assessment in representative and real-world settings.

  • Johsan Billingham

    Mr. Johsan Billingham is the Research Manager for FIFA's Football Technology & Innovation division. With a decade of experience in Sport Technology & Research, his focus lies in cultivating synergies among academia, technology, and football to drive innovative solutions beneficial to the entire football ecosystem.

  • Paul Fleming

    Prof. Paul Fleming has a background in Geotechnical Engineering with more than 35 years’ experience. Since 2002 he has developed and led the Sports Surface Research Group at Loughborough University, working with colleagues on innovations in pitch base design, sustainable drainage, innovative pitch and materials testing; biomechanical performance, injury risk, player perception of comfort and risk, and optimising maintenance practice and effectiveness.

  • John Eric Goff

    John Eric Goff is a Professor of Physics at the University of Lynchburg, USA. His research interests include sports physics and computational modeling.

  • Sam Robertson

    Prof. Samuel Robertson is a Sports Analytics expert at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. He maintains a variety of research interests related to improving sporting performance. Most notably, he focuses on the application of sports analytics to sports performance problems, and has a particularly interest in improving the decision-making and skill development of both athletes and organisations.

Articles (16 in this collection)