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The New Philanthropy: Private Power in International Development Policy?

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The Palgrave Handbook of International Development


This chapter examines the role and function of philanthropy in international development policy. Philanthropy has deep roots in development and its present influence is far from novel. Changes in the political economy of development finance, including growing private aid flows and continuing strain on the bilateral and multilateral aid systems, have increased its relative importance. Simultaneously, newly emerging foundations have financed novel institutional mechanisms for aid delivery in global health and transnational policy networks focussed on democratisation. These mechanisms have substantively shaped international development policy in key development sectors with important implications for the aid architecture by bringing in additional resources, ideas and approaches, while concurrently raising concerns, around the legitimacy and accountability of private actors.

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Moran, M., Stone, D. (2016). The New Philanthropy: Private Power in International Development Policy?. In: Grugel, J., Hammett, D. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of International Development. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

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