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Computation of economic equilibria by a sequence of linear complementarity problems

  • Part II. Solution Methods
  • Chapter
  • First Online:
Economic Equilibrium: Model Formulation and Solution

Part of the book series: Mathematical Programming Studies ((MATHPROGRAMM,volume 23))


This paper reviews computational experience with a modeling format and solution algorithm for partial and general economic equilibrium problems. This approach handles cases characterized by weak inequalities, complementary slackness, and ‘nonintegrability’.

The equilibrium is computed by solving a sequence of linear complementarity problems (LCP). Each LCP is obtained by taking a first order Taylor series expansion of the nonlinear equilibrium model, and the LCP is solved by Lemke’s almost complementary pivoting algorithm.

Theoretical results for the convergence of the iterative algorithm are at present available only for the partial equilibrium models. Income effects in the general equilibrium case seem to inhibit similar conclusions. Computational experience with both types of models, however, indicates that the algorithm is both robust and efficient.

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Mathiesen, L. (1985). Computation of economic equilibria by a sequence of linear complementarity problems. In: Manne, A.S. (eds) Economic Equilibrium: Model Formulation and Solution. Mathematical Programming Studies, vol 23. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-642-00916-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-642-00917-4

  • eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive

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