12.1 Port Carbon Allowance Projections

Carbon emission quota refers to a certain quota of a given enterprise in the state. During the annual settlement, if the emissions exceed the allocated quota, it becomes necessary to purchase additional allowances from other enterprises to compensate. And if the emissions do not surpass the quota, the surplus carbon emission allowances can be sold. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality in green port, it is necessary to make the emissions equal to or less than the carbon quota. The difference between existing emissions and carbon allowances is the amount needed to be reduced each year.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s carbon emissions in 2021 are 10 billion tons, and the country’s GDP is 117 trillion yuan. Based on the recent Q-Series report titled “From 10 billion tons to zero: How can China achieve its carbon neutrality goal” by the UBS research team and the latest data released by the Tsinghua University Institute of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, it is estimated that the country’s carbon emissions will be around 1.9 billion tons in 2060. According to the forecasts of Tsinghua University, the Business and Finance Research Center of Waseda University and other institutions, the national GDP in 2060 will be about 400 to 600 trillion yuan, and the median value in this report is 500 trillion yuan.

Let's use the example of Rizhao Port in Shandong Province to illustrate carbon emissions. In 2021, Rizhao Port's carbon emissions are 162,166 tons, and the throughput is 463.08 million tons. The forecast for Rizhao Port's carbon emission quota is determined based on the contribution of port throughput to GDP and the proportion of Rizhao Port's carbon emissions in relation to the national carbon emissions. And the specific calculation formula is as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\text{C}}_{60}^{{\text{r}}} = \frac{{\frac{{{\text{T}}_{60}^{{\text{r}}} }}{{{\text{G}}_{60}^{{\text{c}}} }}}}{{\frac{{{\text{T}}_{21}^{{\text{r}}} }}{{{\text{G}}_{21}^{{\text{c}}} }}}} \times \frac{{{\text{C}}_{21}^{{\text{r}}} }}{{{\text{C}}_{21}^{{\text{c}}} }} \times {\text{C}}_{60}^{{\text{c}}} } \\ \end{array} $$

where \({\text{C}}_{60}^{{\text{r}}}\) is the 2060 Rizhao Port carbon emission quota, \({\text{C}}_{60}^{{\text{c}}}\) is the national carbon emission quota in 2060, \({\text{C}}_{20}^{{\text{r}}}\) is the 2021 Rizhao Port carbon emission quota, and \({\text{C}}_{20}^{{\text{c}}}\) is the national carbon emission in 2021. \({\text{T}}_{60}^{{\text{r}}}\) is the throughput of Rizhao Port in 2060, and \({\text{T}}_{20}^{{\text{r}}}\) is the throughput of Rizhao Port in 2021. \({\text{G}}_{60}^{{\text{c}}}\) is the national GDP in 2060, \({\text{G}}_{20}^{{\text{c}}}\) and for the national GDP in 2020.

According to the above formula, Rizhao Port's carbon emission quota from 2022 to 2060 can be determined by China's projected total GDP and national carbon emissions. The comparison of carbon emission quotas and carbon emission forecasts without emission reduction measures is shown in Fig. 12.1 and Table 12.1 is shown. It can be seen from the figure that the carbon emissions of Rizhao Port will increase year by year without taking emission reduction measures, and the carbon emission quota will be reduced year by year with the gradual strictness of carbon emission requirements. And the difference between the two is the carbon emissions that Rizhao Port needs to reduce in the carbon neutrality action plan.

Fig. 12.1
figure 1

Carbon emission forecast results under Rizhao Port's carbon emission quota (blue curve) and no emission reduction measures (orange curve)

Table 12.1 Rizhao Port carbon emission quota and carbon emission forecast result table under no emission reduction measures

According to the existing practice, when counting the total national carbon emissions, indirect carbon emissions have actually been calculated in the power generation and heat industries, and should not be included in the total national carbon emissions in order to avoid double counting. Secondly, the heavy oil consumption of some ports accounts for 20%, but it is mainly used for liner transportation consumption, and the carbon emission site is outside the port area and is not included in the port carbon emissions.

The measurement items of direct carbon emissions of ports include: (1) Carbon emissions from combustion generated by the production of port production equipment; (2) Transportation carbon emissions generated by port foreign vehicles in port activities; (3) Carbon emissions from combustion during the anchorage period of ships in port; (4) Carbon emissions generated by other energy-consuming facilities or capacity facilities in the port area. The indirect carbon emissions of Rizhao Port include: (1) Carbon emissions from electricity use; (2) Carbon emissions from heat or steam use.

Taking Rizhao Port as an example, the total direct carbon emissions of Rizhao Port are approximately 162,200 tons. This includes around 101,200 tons from the carbon emissions of port production equipment, 24,400 tons from ships calling at the port, approximately 2.53 × 10,000 tons from foreign vehicles, and roughly 11,300 tons from domestic carbon emissions generated by non-production units like communication companies, information companies, and hospitals. The main carbon emission sources of Rizhao Port in 2021 are shown in Fig. 12.2.

Fig. 12.2
figure 2

Proportion of major carbon emission sources in Rizhao Port in 2021

  1. (1)

    Carbon Emissions of Production Equipment in Rizhao Port

Rizhao Port production equipment mainly includes: container loading and unloading equipment, including quay bridges, yard bridges, rail cranes and other equipment. Dry bulk loading and unloading equipment, including stacker/reclaimer, belt machine, door machine, ship unloader, ship loader and other equipment. Loaders, excavators and other mobile machinery, as well as ships, locomotives and other equipment.

The main way to calculate the carbon emissions of port handling tools is to convert it into carbon emissions by calculating the amount of fuel consumed during production equipment operations. For production equipment that uses electricity, based on the existing commonly used carbon emission calculation rules in the world, electricity is included in the carbon emissions of the power plant when it is generated, so on the consumption side, the equipment using electricity can be considered to not produce carbon emissions. The main production equipment of Rizhao Port oil includes loaders, locomotives, excavators, environmental protection vehicles, jib cranes, dump trucks, reach stackers, forklifts, etc. The estimation of diesel consumption and carbon emissions of major production equipment in 2021 is shown in Table 12.2.

Table 12.2 Estimation of diesel consumption and carbon emissions of main production equipment in Rizhao Port
  1. (2)

    Carbon Emissions of Ships Calling at Rizhao Port

Ships are means of transportation that can sail or moor in water for transportation or operations. Maritime transportation by ships holds significant importance in international logistics, serving as the primary mode of transport and also plays a vital role in establishing ports as essential logistics nodes. The emission of the ship is mainly determined by the emission of each engine and boiler, and each engine and boiler has different emission characteristics in different sailing conditions of the ship.

The emission of the ship is mainly determined by the emission of each engine and boiler, and each engine and boiler has different emission characteristics in different sailing conditions of the ship.

Navigation status: sailing in open water, such as sailing in the sea;

Operational status: navigation in restricted waters, such as sailing from the warning area to the breakwater;

Berth status: the ship is docked at the berth, generally in the loading and unloading operation;

Anchorage status: the ship docks at the anchorage;

Transfer status: The state in which a ship is transferred from a berth or anchorage to another berth or anchorage.

Carbon emissions other than berthing and anchorage are not included in the carbon emissions of Rizhao Port Area, so they are not considered in this chapter. According to the above principles, the calculation principle of ship carbon emissions is shown in Fig. 12.3.

Fig. 12.3
figure 3

Calculation of carbon emissions from ships

In the above state, in addition to the navigation state and operation state, the ship needs greater power to sail and start the main engine, and the other states basically only use the auxiliary engine and boiler to provide power or energy to maintain the power required by the ship in the non-sailing state and operating state. This book studies the carbon emissions of port integrated logistics. It can be considered that the status of ships sailing in development waters and some restricted waters is not affected by the port integrated logistics system, but is only affected after the ship enters the entry and exit channels. Therefore, the navigation state and most of the operating states do not belong to the carbon emission measurement scope of the port. The calculation method of carbon emissions of ships calling at Rizhao Port can be found in the appendix.

  1. (3)

    Carbon emissions From Foreign Vehicles in the Port

Foreign vehicles in the port mainly include collection and distribution of inbound and outbound trucks. Studies have shown that the driving characteristics of motor vehicles have a significant impact on their emissions, with speed having the most significant impact on emissions. The emission model based on average speed corrects the emission factor by using the average speed as a parameter, and then multiplies the modified factor by the number of vehicle kilometers to obtain the total emissions, which is generally suitable for macro and meso scales. A speed-based emissions model can be represented by the following mathematical formula:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {E = L \times e} \\ \end{array} $$

where E is the total carbon emission of the vehicle, L is the mileage driven, and e is the carbon emission factor that takes into account the speed correction. According to the data, the carbon emission factors of large and medium-sized trucks (trucks) are shown in the following table 12.3.

Table 12.3 Carbon emission factors of large and medium-sized trucks (trucks)

12.2 Port Energy Consumption and Carbon Emission Projections

China's major decision to reach carbon peak and carbon neutrality highlights China's strategic determination and responsibility as a major country in the construction of ecological civilization, and releases a positive signal to the world that China firmly follows the path of green and low-carbon development and leads the construction of global ecological civilization and a beautiful world. In order to help achieve the dual carbon goals, this project will first make a forecast of Rizhao Port's energy consumption from 2022 to 2060. Based on the throughput data, energy consumption data and carbon emission data of Rizhao Port from 2016 to 2021, the future throughput, energy consumption and carbon emissions of Rizhao Port are forecasted. In this process, throughput prediction is greatly affected by world economic development and international political and economic situation, and has high uncertainties. At the same time, the types of port energy use are also affected by technological development and policy factors, and have great uncertainties.

First, the preliminary analysis of the problem is carried out, and the throughput forecast is based on the global maritime market demand forecast, the national port transportation development and the 14th Five-Year Plan of Rizhao Port released by the China Industry Research Report Network. Rizhao Port handles eight types of goods: iron ore, containers, crude oil, coal, wood chips, steel, soybeans and bauxite.

It is predicted that the transportation volume of oil, gas and products will maintain slow growth until 2030, and will gradually decrease after 30 years due to the impact of energy consumption depletion, energy conservation and emission reduction. Iron ore and steel throughput maintain rapid growth before 2030, but slow down after 2030. The throughput of coal and its products, timber and grain maintain a steady growth trend, but subject to the slowdown in globalization after 30 years. Other cargo types are mainly transported in the form of containers, and the throughput growth is relatively fast, and it will maintain a growth rate of about 1.5% in 2050. The prediction results of various cargo throughput are shown in Fig. 12.4, where blue curve represents historical data and orange curve represents forecast data.

Fig. 12.4
figure 4

Forecast of various cargo throughput in Rizhao Port

Based on the above cargo types and global development situation of Rizhao Port, the throughput forecast results of Rizhao Port from 2022 to 2060 (annual forecast from 2022 to 2030, and every five years from 2030 to 2060) are obtained, as shown in Fig. 12.5 and Table 12.4. It can be seen that from 2006 to2030, the throughput of Rizhao Port has been in a stage of rapid growth. From 2030 to 2060, throughput growth slows due to the slowdown in globalization and possible geographical conflicts, and the final throughput forecast for 2060 is around 830 million tonnes.

Fig. 12.5
figure 5

Overall throughput of Rizhao Port

Table 12.4 Summary table of the overall throughput of Rizhao Port

On the basis of Rizhao Port throughput forecast, taking the energy structure and energy consumption data of Rizhao Port in 2021 as a reference, the total energy consumption of Rizhao Port from 2022 to 2060 is obtained by the equal proportion method, that is, the relationship between various energy consumption and the total throughput of Rizhao Port is considered to be a positive proportional relationship. As the throughput increases, the energy consumption increases in equal proportion. The specific formula of the method is shown in the appendix.

The specific energy consumption of each sub-item is shown in Table 12.5.

Table 12.5 Energy consumption by sub-item

According to the energy consumption forecast results and the carbon emission statistics of ships calling at Rizhao Port, 3.33 tons of carbon dioxide are produced by the complete combustion of 1 ton of gasoline/diesel, and 2.85 tons of carbon dioxide is produced by the complete combustion of 1 ton of natural gas. The carbon emissions of Rizhao Port from 2022 to 2060 are obtained, as shown in Fig. 12.6 and Table 12.6. Under the existing energy ratio, based on the prospect analysis of the stable development of Rizhao Port, if carbon neutrality is not adopted, the carbon emissions of Rizhao Port in 2060 will be 1.5 times of the current level. The huge increase in carbon emissions will prevent Rizhao Port from achieving its carbon neutrality goal.

Fig. 12.6
figure 6

Carbon emission projections without emission reduction measures

Table 12.6 Carbon emission forecast table without emission reduction measures

12.3 Port Low-Carbon Planning

According to the requirements of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, as well as comprehensive consideration of the 14th Five-Year Plan for Port Action and national policies, the action plan for ports to achieve the dual carbon goal is divided as follows.

12.3.1 Action Plan for Electrification Equipment

From 2022 to 2030, the preparatory period for achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality will be deeply optimized, the proportion of electrification equipment will be further increased, and electric energy substitution technology will be fully applied in transportation vehicles and mobile machinery. By 2025, the technical level of electrification equipment such as electric trucks, electric tugboat ships, and electric flow machines will be further developed, and it will have a relatively stable market supply capacity. Rizhao Port will phase out diesel equipment, including trucks, locomotives, loaders, excavators, forklifts, reach stackers, environmental protection vehicles, dump trucks, etc., and replace them with electrified equipment to achieve a high degree of electrification.

By 2035, the technology of electrification equipment is expected to reach a mature stage, with a gradual decrease in economic costs. Additionally, the marketization level will see further improvement, resulting in a 100% adoption rate of electric drive equipment, and there will be rapid development in electric energy replacement technology. 2030–2035 is the adaptation period of energy transformation to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The number of electrification equipment continues to increase, and the number of vehicle electrification equipment with mature electric drive technologies such as trucks and tractors will grow rapidly.

From 2035 to 2045, the energy transition to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality is gradual, and the port has the ability to implement large-scale electrification transformation, which is the golden period for the port to carry out large-scale electrification transformation. The number of electrified equipment doubles. By 2045, there will be 2.5 times as many electrified trucks as in 2025, and the rest of the electrified equipment will be more than three times that of 2025.

From 2045 to 2055, the energy transition to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality will accelerate, the cost of electrification equipment will be rapidly reduced, and all types of electrification equipment will grow explosively. By 2055, there will be three times as many electrified trucks as in 2022, and more than four times as many electrified devices as in 2022.

2055–2060 is the energy transition period to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and the completion of the carbon neutrality goal will be completed. Carbon emissions will reach the lowest point since 2022 in 2060, the number of electrification equipment will increase by about 10% per year, and the quality level will be deeply optimized.

12.3.2 Action Plan for New Energy

New energy construction plans include shore power, wind turbines, photovoltaics and hydrogen energy equipment.

  1. (1)

    Construction Plan of Shore Power Berths

For shore power, the ship uses oil-fired power generation auxiliaries to supply power to the load during arrival and docking, which will produce a large amount of fuel exhaust emissions, bring serious air and water pollution problems to the port, and put greater pressure on environmental protection and sustainable development. According to statistics, 70% of the world's ship waste emissions occur in the near port area, of which 60%-90% occur during berthing, and the ship call in port will produce a large amount of carbon emissions and cause serious pollution impacts on the area near the port. The shore power system refers to the power supply system that replaces the ship's power generation auxiliary during the ship's arrival and port call, and provides the power required for the ship's pumps, ventilation, lighting, communications and other loads during the ship's arrival and docking. The use of shore power for energy supply by ships in port is of great significance to reduce regional environmental pollution, reduce the energy cost of ships in port and improve energy efficiency, and is one of the effective ways for port energy conservation and emission reduction.

In combination with the current use of shore power in the port, the shore power construction action plan is formulated as follows. (1) Increase the construction of shore power equipment. According to the overall plan of carbon peak and carbon neutrality of Rizhao Port, it is recommended that Rizhao Port maintain the construction of new shore power piles every year after 2030, and the shore power berth coverage rate will reach 9 5 by 2055% or more. (2) Improve shore power service capacity. After the completion of shore power pile construction, the shore power cable intelligent management system, ship-shore quick connection device and automatic synchronous merging device should be gradually completed, so as to improve the efficiency of shore power access to ships and reduce labor costs. At the same time, a shore power management system and operation service platform should be established to fully integrate shore power facility information, and provide ship users with services such as power connection guidance, ship monitoring, and shore power operation monitoring, so as to improve the convenience of shore power use and increase the use of shore power. (3) Improve the shore power use mechanism, improve the shore power service fee pricing mechanism, and establish a dynamic service fee pricing mechanism on a long-term scale based on price information such as oil prices, transformation costs and government subsidies to achieve mutual benefit and win–win results for both ships and ports, so as to guide more ships to connect to shore power.

  1. (2)

    Construction Plan of Wind Turbine

Breakwater fans and shoreline fans are planned to be installed in green ports to increase the proportion of clean energy generation. Based on the current application status of offshore wind power generation equipment and the application situation of other ports, this action plan selects 3–5 MW wind turbines to be installed on the shoreline and waveproof lifting of the port. According to the overall planning and step-by-step implementation of the principle of design, it is expected that the total proportion of wind turbines and photovoltaics will be more than 10% in 2030, and the wind turbines will reach more than 150 MW in 2060.

  1. (3)

    Construction Plan of Distributed PV

Distributed photovoltaic is a more suitable new energy power generation method in green ports. It can effectively solve the problem of consumption, because the distributed photovoltaic power supply is on the user side, the power generation is supplied to the local use to achieve nearby consumption, which can effectively reduce the dependence on grid power supply and reduce line loss. The photovoltaic operation mode adopts the form of spontaneous self-consumption, and the power generation surplus can be connected to the Internet. Considering the economy and the needs of port operations, the installation location of photovoltaic equipment should be mainly located on the roof of warehouses and processing workshops. The roof PV equipment of different buildings should be independent of each other and adopt the azimuth and inclination angle that is most suitable for the type of roof.

  1. (4)

    Construction Plan of Hydrogen Energy Facility

With the constant development of new energy technology and the continuous maturity of hydrogen energy technology, Rizhao Port can introduce hydrogen-powered equipment in the later stage to enrich the path of carbon neutrality. Hydrogen-powered equipments have been put into use in some ports at home and abroad, such as hydrogen-powered trucks, hydrogen-powered forklifts, hydrogen-powered bridge cranes, etc. According to the technical development and cost changes, hydrogen fuel equipment can be considered to replace electric equipment by referring to the hydrogen power equipment input scheme of domestic and foreign ports.

In addition, as an emerging technical solution, hydrogen-powered tugboats can be used as one of the feasible solutions for hydrogen energy replacement in Rizhao Port. At present, hydrogen-powered tugboats are already in service in Germany, and in January2022, the German “Elektra” will serve as a demonstration of zero-emission vessels, the power system of which is designed for all kinds of inland and offshore vessels. In addition to propulsion, the ship's electricity will also provide for the crew's living and working needs. The waste heat generated by the ship's fuel cells can be reused by heating continuous cold water. The vessel will use fuel cell technology to provide the basic energy for the drivetrain and electrical systems on board. At peak loads, the battery provides additional energy. The hydrogen supplied to the fuel cell is produced by electrolysis from green electricity generated by wind power. It is expected that after 2040, hydrogen-powered ship technology will become more mature, and its cost will be lower than that of electric tugboat ships, so it can be put into use.

12.3.3 Optimization Plan for Collection and Distribution System

  1. (1)

    Further Promotion of the Port Function Optimization, Transformation and Upgrading

The intensive and large-scale development of ports will be promoted. The overall management and efficient utilization of shoreline resources should be strengthened, and the zoning and centralized arrangement of goods and types will be implemented. The level of port specialization and process needs to be improved. By Realizing the optimization of port stock resources and carrying out port specialization and process transformation, the terminal loading and unloading efficiency and production energy efficiency will be improved, so as to essentially essentially improve the operating environment of the port area. Focusing on the southern area of Shijiu Port Area, professional, process-oriented and intelligent transformation will be implemented to realize the entire process transportation and interconnection of ore, coal, grain and other berths and rear storage and transportation systems, minimize the short fall of automobiles, and create a leading smart green bulk cargo functional area in China.

The dock will be green planned and its design level will also be improved. To expand the high-quality incremental supply of the terminal, the whole life cycle of the design, construction and operation of the new terminal will be integrated into the concept of green development. This is specifically manifested in strengthening the energy-saving evaluation and process review of new engineering projects, strictly controlling the energy consumption of unit products of the terminal, and strengthening the management of pollution sources in construction and operation.

  1. (2)

    Optimization of the Structure and Organization Mode of Logistics and Transportation

The proportion of collection and distribution of railways, waterways and pipelines needs to be increased. In accordance with the principle of “suitable iron is iron, suitable water is water, and suitable is public is public”, overall plans for the transportation of bulk goods “from road to iron and road to water” will be made. Bulk raw materials and industrial products such as coal and ore will be explored for transportation through railways, sealed corridors, pipelines, and other modes.

“Scattered revisions” and “piecemeal recollections” need to be vigorously developed. The special integrated service business such as “scattered reform collection”, “scattered collection” and railway open-top box evacuation will continue to be implemented. Bulk goods such as ore, coal, and coke will be converted into container railway collection and distribution ports, and the proportion of “piece recollection” of fertilizer, grain and other types of goods will be increased. Cooperation between Hong Kong and Hong Kong and port and shipping need to be strengthened, and measures such as preferential freight rates, space guarantees, and priority in trunking and entry and exit stations will be adopted to promote the rapid growth of “scattered and regrouped” cargo volume on waterways.

12.3.4 Operation Process Transformation Plan

In the operation process, by using three-dimensional laser scanning technology, simulation processing technology, high-precision positioning technology, PLC control technology, computer software, etc., based on the realization of the automatic unloading operation control of grab type ship unloader, automatic loading operation control of ship loader, automatic loading operation control of loading machine and digital dock, the equipment chain control model and ore terminal operation process full automatic control system are established according to the loading and unloading process operation line. They carry out the overall control of the operation line process, and achieve the whole process automation of unloading process, mixing process and loading process, which realizes the automation and centralized control of the whole process of dry bulk cargo terminal operation and improves the level of terminal management.

The application of tubular belt conveyor technology in ports is planned to increase. The “tubular belt conveyor” process replaces the traditional dump truck transfer method to realize the “oil to electricity” of bulk cargo transportation. The transformation of bulk cargo operation process will be strengthened. Pilot study will be carried out on the application of full-process technology for conditional professional dry bulk terminals. Promoting the full-process system project of berths in the south operation area of Shijiu Port Area will realize the full process transportation and interconnection of ore, coal, grain and other berths and rear storage and transportation systems, minimize the short fall of cars, create a new model of port transformation and upgrading, and establish a “new benchmark of smart and green dry bulk cargo operations”. The automation reconstruction project for the loading and unloading process system of the yard behind the bulk cargo berth will be continued, and the construction of the automated yard and the stacker, reclaimer and belt transportation system will be carried out step by step, realizing the specialization and automation of the ore loading and unloading process. The general bulk cargo terminal gives priority to the use of energy-saving mobile hopper loading method for unloading operations to reduce energy consumption in shore loading and unloading.

12.3.5 Action Plan for the Construction of Management Mechanisms

  1. (1)

    Further Advancing the Management of Low-Carbon and Green Development in Ports

Using advanced science and technology and modern systems, the overall planning for the low-carbon and green development of the port industry are made. In terms of port production equipment management, the corresponding inspection plan should be formulated, and the corresponding management system should be strictly implemented in the production and operation process, so as to realize the port's low-carbon green development goal.

In addition, in order to make all employees participate in the low-carbon and green construction of the port, a certain reward and punishment mechanism should be formulated for employees, encourage employees to carry out technological innovation, and actively contribute to the low-carbon and green development of the port.

  1. (2)

    Strict Limitations on the Entry and Exit of Equipment with High Fossil Energy Consumption

In the production and operation of the port, the most important source of carbon emissions is some production machinery and equipment in the port, which generally need to consume large fossil energy and emit a large quantity of polluting gases. In view of this phenomenon, port enterprises should strictly manage it, establish a strict assessment mechanism for the use and withdrawal of equipment, set energy consumption and carbon emission limit standards for the equipment used, and replace some old, high-energy, polluting machinery and equipment in time.

  1. (3)

    Promoting Energy-Saving Technologies and Advocating for Low-Carbon Practices

Publicity and education activities on low-carbon green development within the port industry should be carried out actively, so that the concept of low-carbon green development of the port is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This will promote the employees of port enterprises to actively participate in the low-carbon green development of the port, consciously practice various relevant policies and systems, set an example, and make due contributions to the low-carbon and green development of the port. It is also necessary to actively develop the active role of employees in the construction of low-carbon green ports, encourage innovation, and strengthen the training of various energy-saving and environmental protection technologies.

  1. (4)

    Establishing the Port Smart Energy Management Platform to Facilitate Regional Low-Carbon Operations

A smart energy ecological management platform for Rizhao Port will be built to monitor and manage the comprehensive energy system of Rizhao Port in real time, integrate 5G communication, carbon footprint tracking, Internet of Things and other technologies to improve Rizhao Port's energy ecological management capabilities and low-carbon service capabilities. Through the smart energy ecological management platform, Rizhao Port's comprehensive energy system is digitally intelligently supervised, managed and served, and carbon reduction services are created from source to terminal aggregation, ensuring energy supply and safe and efficient management in the port area, mastering the overall energy consumption, realizing refined management, helping energy conservation and consumption reduction, escorting safe production, and realizing green safety in the port area.

In summary, it can be seen that as long as the port through the above measures, it can achieve carbon peak in 2030 and carbon neutrality in 2060. After the above measures, the port can achieve deep optimization of energy structure, and achieve remarkable results in energy conservation and carbon reduction; The transportation structure is significantly optimized, and the logistics system is clean and efficient; The port structure has been greatly optimized, and the industrial structure has been comprehensively transformed; The low-carbon management means have been innovated and the green and intelligent coordinated development has been realized; The environmental governance mode has been innovated, and the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction has been achieved. A world-class marine port will be built, including the world's leading smart green port, the world's leading logistics hub port, the world's leading industry-city integration port, the world's leading financial and trade port, and the world's leading cruise cultural tourism port.