As of December 31, 2021, 6,655,000 NEVs have been accessed to the National Monitoring and Management Platform. This chapter, based on the real-time operation data of millions of NEVs on the National Monitoring and Management Platform, analyzes the operation characteristics of vehicles in the seven major segments, including private cars, e-taxis, taxis, cars for sharing and rental service, logistics vehicles, buses, and heavy-duty trucks, providing important research basis and references for the study and evaluation of the electrification characteristics and the construction of an intelligent traffic system (ITS).

4.1 NEV Online Rate in 2021

Vehicle online rate refers to the ratio of the number of vehicles running in the current period to the cumulative vehicle access, which reflects the use of vehicles in the current period. The higher the online rate of the vehicle, the higher the demand for the use of the vehicle and the higher the utilization rate of the vehicle. On the contrary, it means there is a certain idle situation of vehicles in the current period. Through an analysis of the overall online rate of vehicles on the National Monitoring and Management Platform and the vehicle online rate in key markets in the past three years, this section summarizes the current utilization rate of NEVs in China’s NEV market.

4.1.1 NEV Online Rate in China

The average monthly online rate of NEVs in 2021 was 81.8% and has increased continuously for three consecutive years.

The average monthly online rate of NEVs in China is gradually stabilized. According to the data from the past three years, the average monthly online rate had increased steadily for two consecutive years: in 2021, it was 81.8%, increased by 1.8% compared with 2019 and by 0.7% compared with 2020 (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Average monthly online rate in China

According to the monthly online rate distribution of vehicles over the years (Fig. 4.1), the online rate fluctuated wildly in 2019 and 2020 (especially in the first five months). In 2021, the online rate of vehicles was balanced each month, indicating that the use of vehicles tends to be routine and stable.

Fig. 4.1
A line graph of online rate versus months. It has 3 fluctuating ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The year 2021 has the highest rise, followed by 2019 and 2020.

Monthly online rate of NEVs in China-by driving type

Considering the driving type of vehicles, the online rate of PHEVs is higher than that of BEVs and FCVs.

As shown in Table 4.2, in 2021, the average online rate of PHEVs was significantly higher than that of BEVs and FCVs, and PHEV users used vehicles more frequently; BEVs followed the PHEVs in the average monthly online rate with a value of 79.7%; FCVs had a relatively low average monthly online rate of 72.0%. FCVs are currently in large-scale demonstration operation, and the vehicle types are mainly commercial vehicles. The average online rate in 2021 was 72%, close to the average value of BEVs of 79.7%, and the vehicle operation effect was good.

Table 4.2 Average online rate of China in 2021—by driving type

4.1.2 Online Rate in Each Region in China

The gap between the online rates of vehicles in different regions in China has gradually narrowed, and the average monthly online rate of vehicles in Northeast China is generally higher than that in other regions.

From the average monthly online rate of vehicles in all regions of China (Fig. 4.2), the average monthly online rate in other regions continues to increase slightly, except for Northeast China and North China. In 2021, the average monthly online rates of vehicles in Northeast China and South China were 86.3% and 85.6%, respectively, which were generally higher than other regions; the average monthly online rate in North China was 78.3%, which was relatively low. The average online rate in Northeast China was higher than that in other regions, mainly because the cumulative access ratio of commercial vehicles (buses, logistics vehicles, and other types of special vehicles) in Northeast China was significantly higher than that in other regions, and the frequency of vehicle attendance was higher (Fig. 4.3).

Fig. 4.2
A clustered bar graph of online rate versus regions. It has a decreasing trend of clusters up to cluster 6. Each cluster has 3 bars. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar has a value of 87.9 for Northeast China in 2019.

Average monthly online rate of new energy vehicles in various regions of China

Fig. 4.3
A 100% stacked bar graph of proportion versus regions. Private cars have the highest shares in all regions except Northeast China. Commercial Vehicles have the highest share in Northeast China. B E V passenger cars have the lowest shares in all 7 regions.

Proportion of cumulative access volume of new energy vehicles of different types in China

4.1.3 Online Rate in Cities at All Tiers in China

The difference in the average monthly online rate of vehicles in cities at all tiers has been significantly reduced, and the online rate of fifth-tier cities is significantly higher than that of other cities.

Judging from the average monthly online rate of vehicles in cities at all tiers in China, the average monthly online rate of vehicles in cities at all tiers is increasing yearly, and the difference between the average monthly online rates of vehicles in first-and second-tier cities was gradually narrowing in 2021. Specifically, Regarding the monthly average online rate of vehicles in each region (Fig. 4.4), the annual monthly average online rate of fourth and fifth-tier cities was significantly higher, indicating a high demand for vehicles; at the same time, the base of NEV holdings in fourth and fifth-tier cities is relatively small, making it an important area for future promotion of NEVs. During vehicle promotion, attention shall be paid to the corresponding matching between the vehicle performance and price.

Fig. 4.4
A clustered bar graph of online rates versus cities. It has a fluctuating trend of clusters. The bars in each cluster also have a fluctuating trend. The highest bar has a value of 90.6 for fifth-tier cities in 2019. The lowest bar has a value of 76.2 for second-tier cities in 2019.

Average monthly online rate of new energy vehicles in cities at all tiers in China over the years

4.1.4 Online Rate of Vehicles in Each Segment

The average monthly online rate of e-taxis is higher than that of other segments.

From the online rate in key market segments (Fig. 4.5), the monthly average online rate of e-taxis in 2021 was the highest, reaching 96.5%; from the annual change of online rate of vehicles, the monthly average online rate of e-taxis, private cars, and heavy-duty trucks is increasing yearly. The online rate truly reflects the demand for vehicles. E-taxis and cars for sharing are both new formats in recent years. From 2021, the online rate of e-taxis (96.5%) was much higher than that of cars for sharing (63.8%), and the online rate of cars for sharing is decreasing yearly. From this point, it is necessary to diversify and innovate in the use, parking, and maintenance of cars for sharing to improve the online rate of vehicles and achieve healthy and sustainable development of vehicle operation.

Fig. 4.5
A clustered bar graph of online rates versus vehicle types. It has a fluctuating trend of clusters. The bars in each cluster also have a fluctuating trend. The highest bar has a value of 996.5 for E-taxis in 2019. The lowest bar has a value of 52.2 for heavy-duty trucks in 2019.

Annual online rate of key segments for NEVs

4.2 Operation Characteristics of Vehicles in Key Segments

This section studies the operation characteristics of vehicles in key segments. It summarizes the travel characteristics of users, providing an essential basis for promoting the transition of the development mode of the NEV industry from the policy-driven mode to the market-driven mode. This section divides the NEV market into seven segments for further analysis: private cars, e-taxis, taxis, cars for sharing, logistics vehicles, buses, and heavy-duty trucks. It summarizes the average single-trip travel characteristics, average daily travel characteristics, and average monthly travel characteristics of vehicles in those segments to obtain the travel characteristics of different segments, with the specific indicators and the descriptions as shown in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 Indicators of NEV market operation characteristics

4.2.1 Operation Characteristics of Private Cars

  1. 1.

    Average single-trip travel characteristics of private cars

The average single-trip travel duration of private cars in 2021 was higher than that of the same period in 2020.

According to the data over the years, in 2021, the average single-trip travel duration of private cars was 0.63 h, with an increase compared with 2019 and 2020 (Table 4.4).

Table 4.4 Average single-trip travel duration of private cars over the years

In 2021, the proportion of vehicles with an average single-trip travel duration of 0.5 h significantly increased as the average single-trip travel duration of private cars moves towards higher durations.

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.6), the proportion of private cars with an average single-trip travel duration of less than 0.5 h in China significantly decreased in 2021; the proportion of private cars with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 0.5 h was 56.33%, with an increase of 27.69% compared with 2020.

Fig. 4.6
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars. The bars in each cluster have a fluctuating trend. The highest bar has a value of 70 for 0 to 0.5 hours in 2020. The lowest bar has a value of 2 for more than 2 hours in 2020.

Distribution of private cars of different average single-trip travel durations—by year

The average single-trip travel duration of private cars in first-tier cities is longer.

Although the average single-trip travel duration of private cars in various tiers of cities is mainly concentrated within 1 h, it can be seen from Fig. 4.7 that the distribution of average single-trip travel duration of private cars in first-tier cities is mainly between 0.5 and 1 h, accounting for 56.8%, while that in other tiers of cities is mainly within 0.5 h. The main reason for this is due to factors such as large regional areas and frequent traffic congestion in first-tier cities.

Fig. 4.7
A line graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has 4 decreasing curves for, second, third-tier cities, fourth-tier cities, and fifth-tier cities. The curve for first-tier cities ascends at the beginning and later descends.

Distribution of private cars of average single-trip travel durations in 2021—by city tier

In 2021, the average single-trip mileage of private cars was mainly within 20 km, higher than the previous two years.

According to the data (Table 4.5), the average monthly single-trip mileage of private cars in 2021 was higher than that in 2019 and 2020.

Table 4.5 Average single-trip mileage of private cars over the years

The average single-trip mileage of private cars was mainly within 20 km, with the proportion over the years around 80%. The proportion of vehicles with an average single-trip mileage of over 10 km in 2021 was 61.38%, with an increase of 9.71% compared with 2020. Among them, the proportion of vehicles with an average single-trip mileage of 20–30 km increased by 21.1% year-on-year, and that of vehicles with an average single-trip mileage of 30–40 km increased by 17.3% year-on-year, both reaching new highs (Fig. 4.8). Combining this data with the average single-trip travel duration, it can be concluded that the daily travel radius of private cars is gradually increasing.

Fig. 4.8
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip mileage. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for 0 to 10 kilometers in 2020. The lowest bar is for more than 50 kilometers in 2021.

Distribution of private cars of different average single-trip mileages—by year

The distribution of average single-trip mileage of private cars in first-tier and second-tier cities differs from that in other cities. From Fig. 4.9, the proportion of private cars with an average single-trip mileage of not more than 10 km in first-tier cities in 2021 was the lowest, followed by second-tier cities, and the curves of third-tier and above cities were coincident, with the average single-trip mileage being more concentrated below 30 km.

Fig. 4.9
A line graph of proportion versus average single-mileage travel duration. It has 3 decreasing curves for third-tier cities, fourth-tier cities, and fifth-tier cities. The curves for first-tier and second-tier cities ascend at the beginning and later descend.

Distribution of private cars of different average single-trip mileages in 2021—by city tier

The average single-trip speed of private cars is mainly 10–40 km/h; in 2021, it was 23.39 km/h.

The single-trip average speed of private cars in 2021 was 23.39 km/h, with a YoY decrease of 120.6% (Table 4.6). From Fig. 4.10, the average single-trip speed of private cars is mainly in the range of 10–40 km/h. In 2021, the proportion of private cars with an average single-trip speed of 10–30 km/h was 86.1%, and that of cars with low speeds continued to increase compared with 2019 and 2020.

Table 4.6 Average single-trip speed of private cars-average
Fig. 4.10
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip speed. It has a bell-shaped trend of clusters. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for 20 to 30 kilometers per hour in 2021. The lowest bar is for 0 to kilometers per hour in 2020.

Distribution of private cars of different average single-trip speeds—by year

  1. 2.

    Average daily travel characteristics of private cars

The average daily travel duration of private cars has shown an increasing trend in the past three years, with an increase of 5.1% compared with last year.

Private cars’ average daily travel duration has been maintained at about 1.6 h, with a slow increase in the past three years. The average daily travel duration of private cars in 2021 was 1.66 h, 7.8%, and 5.1% higher than that in 2019 and 2020, respectively (Table 4.7; Fig. 4.11).

Table 4.7 Average daily travel duration of private cars-average
Fig. 4.11
A line graph of average daily travel duration versus months. It has 3 fluctuating and slightly ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Monthly average of average daily travel duration of private cars over the years

The proportion of the monthly average of private cars with an average daily travel duration of more than 2 h in 2021 was proliferating. From the distribution of the average daily travel duration of private cars over the years (Fig. 4.12), the proportion of private cars with an average daily travel duration of more than 2 h in 2021 accounted for 27.6%, with a significant increase compared with 2019 and 2020.

Fig. 4.12
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for 1 to 2 hours in 2020. The lowest bars are for 40 to 5 and more than 5 hours in 2019 and 2021.

Distribution of private cars of different average daily travel durations—by year

The overall level of average daily mileage of private cars in 2021 was higher than that in previous years.

According to the data (Table 4.8), in 2021, the average daily mileage of private cars was 46.25 km, with a YoY increase of 1.14%, higher than the average level of the past two years.

Table 4.8 Average daily mileage of private cars

The distribution (Fig. 4.13) shows that the average daily mileage of private cars is concentrated in the 10–50 km range. The YoY increase of vehicles with an average daily mileage of more than 20 km in 2021 was relatively significant, indicating an increase in the proportion of vehicles traveling between medium and long distances.

Fig. 4.13
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for 20 to 30 kilometers in 2021. The lowest bar is for 90 to 100 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of private cars of average daily mileage—by year

From Fig. 4.14, the average daily mileage of private cars in first-tier cities is significantly higher than that in cities of other tiers. The proportion of private cars with an average daily mileage of more than 40 km in first-tier cities accounts for 45.6%, while that in cities of other tiers accounts for the highest proportion of 34.6%, which indicates that the urban size of first-tier cities has a certain impact on travel intensity.

Fig. 4.14
A line graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of private cars of average daily mileage in 2021—by city tier

The driving time of private cars exhibits a “double-peak” characteristic, and currently, the primary use is still commuting.

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.15), the traffic of private cars mainly peaks at two-time points, namely 7:00 and 17:00. During the morning rush hours, the traffic of private cars climbed rapidly after 6:00, especially from 7:00 to 8:00, and reached the peak at 8:00 in 2021; during the evening rush hour, the traffic of private cars is mainly concentrated between 16:00 and 18:00, and the proportion of vehicle travel volume to the total daily volume had been over 23% in the past three years.

Fig. 4.15
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 curves that slightly descend, rise abruptly, descend and fluctuate, and again ascend and descend. It forms 2 major peaks in the curves. The curves are for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Distribution of private cars based on different driving times

The travel patterns in cities at all tiers are mostly consistent (Fig. 4.16), all concentrated in the morning and evening commuting peak hours, indicating that the primary use of new energy private cars in cities at all tiers is commuting.

Fig. 4.16
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 5 curves that slightly descend, rise abruptly, descend and fluctuate, and again ascend and descend. It forms 2 major peaks in the curves. The curves are for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier,, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of driving times of private cars in 2021—by city tier

  1. 3.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of private cars

In 2021, the average monthly travel days of private cars had been increasing yearly, with a relatively high proportion of travel for more than 20 days per month.

According to the average monthly travel days of private cars over the years, users’ dependence on new energy private cars has steadily increased. As shown in Table 4.9, the average monthly travel days in 2021 were 19.42, 3.80 days, and 0.74 days more than that in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

Table 4.9 Average monthly travel days of private cars-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.17), the proportion of private cars with average monthly travel days above 25 in 2021 was the highest, significantly increasing. The significant increase in the average monthly travel days of private cars indicates that new-energy passenger cars are increasingly recognized in private applications, and the proportion of users using new-energy private cars as family vehicles is increasing.

Fig. 4.17
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has a fluctuating trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for 20 to 25 days in 2020. The lowest bar is for less than 5 days in 2021.

Distribution of private cars of different average monthly travel days—by year

In 2021, the average monthly mileage of private cars was 921.70 km, with an increase of 0.34% compared with last year (Table 4.10).

Table 4.10 Average monthly mileage of private cars-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.18), the proportion of private cars with average monthly mileage of less than 1000 km is the majority, but with a slight decrease compared with the past two years. The proportion of private cars with average monthly mileage of 1000–3000 km had increased from 22.80% in 2019 to 29.60% in 2021.

Fig. 4.18
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for more than 1000 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 3000 kilometers in 2021.

Distribution of private cars of different average monthly mileages—by year

4.2.2 Operation Characteristics of E-taxis

  1. 1.

    Average daily travel characteristics of e-taxis

The daily travel duration of e-taxis in 2021 was 6.34 h, slightly decreasing compared with 2020.

In the past two years, the average daily travel duration of e-taxis had been maintained at about 6 h. In 2021, the average daily travel duration of e-taxis was 6.34 h (Table 4.11), slightly higher than that in 2020.

Table 4.11 Average daily travel duration of e-taxis-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.19), the proportion of e-taxis with an average daily travel duration of more than 8 h in 2021 was the highest, at 34.75%.

Fig. 4.19
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has an increasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for more than 8 hours in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 1 to 2 hours in 2021.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average daily travel durations—by year

From Fig. 4.20, the proportion of e-taxis with an average daily travel duration of over 6 h in first-tier cities is lower than that in cities of other tiers.

Fig. 4.20
A line graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has 5 fluctuating ascending curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average daily travel durations in 2021—by city tier

The average daily mileage of e-taxis is mainly 100–250 km, highlighting the characteristics of commercial operation. New energy passenger cars are recognized for their economy and convenience when used as e-taxis.

According to the data over the years, the average daily mileage of e-taxis was 168.56 km in 2021, with an increase of 0.78% and 6.81%, respectively, compared with 2019 and 2020 (Table 4.12). According to the monthly change of average daily mileage over the years (Fig. 4.21), the online rate of e-taxis in 2021 was significantly higher than that in 2020, and users’ willingness to share travel significantly improved.

Table 4.12 Average daily mileage of e-taxis-average
Fig. 4.21
A line graph of online rate versus months. It has 3 fluctuating and slightly ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Monthly average of average daily mileage of e-taxis over the years

The average daily mileage of e-taxis is mainly 100–250 km (Fig. 4.22), accounting for 84.78%. This mileage range mostly conforms to the travel characteristics of commercial vehicles, indicating that new energy passenger cars are recognized for their economy and convenience when used as e-taxis.

Fig. 4.22
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 2 bars of fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 150 to 200 kilometers in 2021. The lowest bar is for less than 50 kilometers in 2021.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average daily mileages—by year

The proportion of average daily mileage of e-taxis in the first-tier and second-tier cities is larger in the low mileage range (Fig. 4.23), and the proportion of cities of other tiers in the high mileage range is relatively larger, and the distribution curve is mostly the same.

Fig. 4.23
A line graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has 5 unsymmetrical bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average daily mileages in 2021—by city tier

The driving time of e-taxis is mainly 7:00–21:00, and the driving time distribution is mostly the same each year.

According to the distribution of driving time (Fig. 4.24), the driving time of e-taxis is mainly 7:00–21:00. In 2021, the proportion of early travel in the morning rush hours was slightly higher than that in previous years, and the proportion of travel between 6:00 and 8:00 was significantly higher than that in 2019 and 2020.

Fig. 4.24
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 curves that slightly descend, ascend abruptly, descend, again ascend and descend. It forms 2 peaks in the curves. The curves are for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Distribution of e-taxis of different driving times—by year

  1. 2.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of e-taxis

The average monthly travel days of the e-taxis market are increasing yearly, and in 2021, it was 24.6, which is 3 days more than that in 2020.

In the past three years, the average monthly travel days of e-taxis have increased yearly. Specifically, in 2021, the average monthly travel days of e-taxis was 24.60 days, which is 3.83 days and 3 days more than that in 2019 and 2020, respectively (Table 4.13).

Table 4.13 Average monthly travel days of e-taxis-average

In 2021, the proportion of e-taxis with average monthly travel days of more than 25 was 43.32%, close to total attendance. On the one hand, it shows that the market demand for e-taxis is strong, and on the other hand, it shows that the performance of new energy e-taxis can meet the operational demand (Fig. 4.25); the overall trend of the proportion distribution of average monthly travel days in cities of all tiers is consistent (Fig. 4.26).

Fig. 4.25
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has an increasing trend of clusters up to cluster 5. Each cluster has 3 bars. The bars have a fluctuating trend in each cluster. The highest bar is for 20 to 25 days in 2021. The lowest bar is for 5 to 10 days in 2021.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average monthly travel days—by year

Fig. 4.26
A line graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has 5 curves that slightly ascend at the beginning and later have an abruptly linear rise. The curves are for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average monthly travel days in 2021—by city tier

In 2021, the average monthly mileage of e-taxis increased significantly by 19.1% compared with last year.

According to the data over the years (Table 4.14), the average monthly mileage of e-taxis in 2021 was 4265.16 km, which is 19.13% higher than that in 2020, and still 10.67% higher than that in 2019.

Table 4.14 Average monthly mileage of e-taxis-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.27), the proportion of e-taxis with average monthly mileage of more than 5000 km in 2021 increased significantly, from 23.5% in 2020 to 34.2% in 2021.

Fig. 4.27
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel mileage. It has an increasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for more than 5000 kilometers in 2021. The lowest bar is for 0 to 1000 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average monthly mileages—by year

From Fig. 4.28, the proportion of e-taxis with an average monthly mileage of more than 5000 km in first-tier cities accounted for 29.15%; the proportion of e-taxis with an average monthly mileage of more than 5000 km in second, third, and fourth and fifth-tier cities was 38.48%, 42.00%, 40.33% and 41.54% respectively, indicating that the proportion of e-taxis for long-distance travel is significantly higher than that in first-tier cities.

Fig. 4.28
A line graph of proportion versus average monthly travel mileage. It has 5 ascending curves with a peak at 3000 to 4000 kilometers for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of e-taxis of different average monthly mileages in 2021—by city tier

4.2.3 Operation Characteristics of Taxis

  1. 1.

    Average daily travel characteristics of taxis

The average daily travel duration of taxis in 2021 gradually returned to normal, with a significant increase compared with 2020.

In the past three years, the average daily travel duration of taxis exceeded 7 h, and in 2020, it was only 8.17 h, increasing by 11.01% compared with 2020 (Table 4.15).

Table 4.15 Average daily travel duration of taxis-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.29), the proportion of taxis with an average daily travel duration of more than 8 h increased from 52.06% in 2020 to 58.98% in 2021.

Fig. 4.29
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has an increasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for more than 8 hours in 2019. The lowest bar is for 2 to 3 hours in 2019.

Distribution of taxis of different average daily travel durations—by year

In 2021, taxi operations gradually entered the right track, with an increase in daily mileage compared with 2020.

According to the data over the years, the average daily mileage of taxis in 2021 was 201.88 km, with an increase of 8.27% compared with 2020 (Table 4.16).

Table 4.16 Average daily mileage of taxis-average

According to the monthly changes in average daily mileage over the years (Fig. 4.30), the daily travel of taxis in 2021 mostly remained at the same level as in 2019, and the monthly average daily mileage remained around 200 km, showing a significant improvement compared with the first half of 2020.

Fig. 4.30
A line graph of average daily travel mileage versus months. It has 3 fluctuating curves with slightly increasing or decreasing trends for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The curve for 2019 has a slightly decreasing trend. The curve for 2021 descends and later ascends.

Monthly average of average daily mileage of taxis over the years

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.31), the proportion of taxis with an average daily mileage of more than 200 km in 2021 was mostly the same as in 2020, at 44.18%.

Fig. 4.31
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 150 to 200 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar is for 50 to 100 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of taxis of different average daily mileages—by year

In 2021, the proportion of taxis with an average daily mileage of 150–250 km in second-tier cities was higher than that in cities of other tires, accounting for 24.67% and 27.69%, respectively; the proportion of taxis with an average daily mileage of more than 250 km in fifth-tier cities was relatively high, possibly due to better traffic conditions and relatively higher average daily mileage (Fig. 4.32).

Fig. 4.32
A line graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has 5 ascending curves with a broad peak for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of taxis of different average daily mileages in 2020—by city tier

In 2021, taxis arrived significantly ahead of schedule during morning rush hours, and the proportion of taxis traveling from 5:00 to 8:00 the next day was higher than that in the previous two years.

According to the distribution of driving time of taxis (Fig. 4.33), the driving time of taxis is mainly 6:00–19:00. In 2021, taxis arrived significantly ahead of schedule during morning rush hours, and the proportion of taxis traveling from 5:00 to 8:00 the next day was higher than that in 2019 and 2020.

Fig. 4.33
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 curves that descend at the beginning, then ascend abruptly, descend, again ascend, and descend. It forms 2 peaks in the curves. The curves are for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The curve for 2021 has one more peak between the 2 peaks.

Distribution of taxis of different driving times—by year

  1. 2.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of taxis

The average monthly travel days of taxis are mainly 20 + , with an increase in travel days in 2021.

According to the data over the years, the average travel days of taxis in 2021 was 24.91, with a YoY decrease of 11.80% (Table 4.17).

Table 4.17 Average monthly travel days of taxis-average

Taxis’ average monthly travel days are mainly 20 + (Fig. 4.34). In 2021, the proportion of taxis with an average monthly travel day of more than 25 was 49.33%, a significant increase close to the number of fuel taxis.

Fig. 4.34
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has an increasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for more than 25 days in 2021. The lowest bar is for less than 5 days in 2019.

Distribution of taxis of different average monthly travel days—by year

The average monthly mileage of taxis in 2021 was 4838.73 km, with an increase of 16.3% compared with 2020 (Table 4.18).

Table 4.18 Average monthly mileage of taxis-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.35), the proportion of taxis with an average monthly mileage of more than 5000 km in 2021 was 48.04%, with an increase of 2.07% and 10.45%, respectively, compared with 2019 and 2020. On the one hand, the increase in average monthly mileage is due to the normalization of COVID-19 outbreak control and the increased intensity of user-shared travel. On the other hand, new energy taxis are gradually getting on track due to the rationalization of charging and swapping devices and vehicle matching.

Fig. 4.35
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel mileage. It has an increasing trend of clusters from cluster 2. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for more than 5000 kilometers in 2021. The lowest bar is for 0 to 1000 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of taxis of different average monthly mileages—by year

4.2.4 Operation Characteristics of Cars for Sharing

  1. 1.

    Average single-trip travel characteristics of cars for sharing

In 2021, the average single-trip travel duration of cars for sharing significantly increased, and users’ willingness to travel significantly increased.

According to the data over the years, the average single-trip travel duration of cars for sharing reached 0.92 h in 2021, with an increase of 0.26 h and 0.34 h compared with 2019 and 2020 (Table 4.19), respectively, indicating a significant increase in average single-trip travel duration. From the distribution of average single-trip travel duration of cars for sharing (Fig. 4.36), the proportion of cars for sharing with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 1 h in 2021 was 45.33%, with a significant increase compared with previous years.

Table 4.19 Average single-trip travel duration of cars for sharing-average
Fig. 4.36
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 0 to 0.5 hours in 2020. The lowest bar is for more than 2 hours in 2020.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average single-trip travel durations—by year

The distribution of travel duration in first-tier cities is relatively scattered (Fig. 4.37), and compared with cities of other tiers, the demand for long-term travel is higher.

Fig. 4.37
A line graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has 3 curves that ascend at the beginning and later descend for first-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities. It has 2 curves that slightly descend, ascend, and again descend for second-tier and third-tier cities.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average single-trip travel durations in 2021—by city tier

The average single-trip mileage of cars for sharing has steadily increased, with a YoY increase of 39.4% in 2021.

According to the data over the years (Table 4.20), in 2021, the single-trip mileage of cars for sharing was 29.07 km, with an increase of 39.42% compared with 2020. From 2019 to 2021, the average single-trip mileage of cars for sharing shifted towards high mileage distribution, and the proportion of cars for sharing with an average single-trip mileage of more than 20 km in 2021 was nearly 50% (Fig. 4.38).

Table 4.20 Average single-trip mileage of cars for sharing-average
Fig. 4.38
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip mileage. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 10 to 20 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 50 kilometers in 2020.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average single-trip mileages—by year

The average single-trip mileage has a significant reference value for the distribution of parking points and charging and swapping facilities for cars for sharing. The proportion of cars for sharing with an average single-trip mileage of more than 30 km in first-tier cities reaches 56.4%, which is higher than that in cities of other tiers (Fig. 4.39).

Fig. 4.39
A line graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel mileage. It has 3 curves that ascend at the beginning and later descend for first-tier, third-tier, and fourth-tier cities. It has 2 curves that slightly descend, ascend, and again descend for second-tier and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average single-trip mileages in 2021—by city tier

In 2021, the average single-trip speed of cars for sharing was 24.06 km/h, with a decrease of 21.3% compared with 2020.

In 2021, the average single-trip speed of cars for sharing was 24.06 km/h, with a YoY decrease of 21.3% (Table 4.21). Meanwhile, the proportion of cars sharing with an average single-trip speed of less than 30 km/h increased from 55.7% in 2020 to 90.9% in 2021 (Fig. 4.40). Overall, it can be preliminarily concluded that the traffic congestion in cities with newly added cars for sharing in 2021 was relatively severe, or that the designated networks are mainly concentrated in areas with relatively congested urban centers.

Table 4.21 Average single-trip speed of cars for sharing-average
Fig. 4.40
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip speed. It has a bell-shaped trend of clusters. Bars have a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 20 to 30 kilometers per hour in 2021. The lowest bar except zero value bars is for more than 50 kilometers per hour in 2020.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average single-trip speeds—by year

  1. 2.

    Average daily travel characteristics of cars for sharing

In 2021, the average daily travel duration of cars for sharing was 5.06 h, with a significant increase compared with previous years.

In 2021, the average daily travel duration of cars for sharing was 5.06 h, significantly increasing compared with 2019 and 2020 (Table 4.22). In 2021, the timeshare rental market for short-distance travel was gradually shrinking, with the shared rental market mainly focusing on monthly rentals or long-distance travel during holidays.

Table 4.22 Average daily travel duration of cars for sharing-average

From the monthly average daily travel duration over the years (Fig. 4.41), it can be seen that the average daily travel duration in winter is the shortest, which is related to the combined factors of holidays and reduced battery performance in winter. Starting from March 2021, the average daily travel duration of cars for sharing is close to 5 h, stabilizing at more than 5 h.

Fig. 4.41
A line graph of average daily travel duration versus months. It has 3 fluctuating slightly ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Monthly average of average daily travel duration of cars for sharing over the years

In 2021, the average daily travel duration of cars for sharing was more concentrated in the distribution segments of 1–2 h and above 8 h (Fig. 4.42), indicating that the operation of cars for sharing was concentrated at two distance segments. This phenomenon suggests that operating enterprises should focus on short-distance and long-distance travel regarding the reasonable network layout and user experience improvement.

Fig. 4.42
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has a fluctuating trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bars are for 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 hours in 2020 and 2019. The lowest bar is for 7 to 8 hours in 2019.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average daily travel durations—by year

The distribution of the average daily travel duration of cars for sharing in first-tier cities is somewhat different from cities of other tiers (Fig. 4.43), with each distribution segment relatively average, indicating that vehicle turnover and utilization are slightly better than cities of other tiers.

Fig. 4.43
A line graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has 5 curves that rise linearly, descend, slightly ascend, and then ascend linearly. The curves are for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average daily travel durations in 2021—by city tier

In 2021, the average daily mileage of cars for sharing was 123.96 km, and more and more car owners are using it for monthly rental or long-distance travel during holidays.

In the past three years, the average daily mileage of cars for sharing in China has increased yearly. In 2021, the average daily mileage of cars for sharing was 123.96 km, with a YoY increase of 24.4% (Table 4.23), but lower than the average daily mileage of taxis (201.88 km) and e-taxis (168.56 km). However, since taxis and e-taxis have no passengers during travel, cars for sharing do not have such a situation. If the daily mileage of cars for sharing can reach the level of e-taxis, it can be considered that the travel of cars for sharing is more efficient, with better operating economy under the same conditions.

Table 4.23 Average daily mileage of cars for sharing

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.44), the proportion of cars for sharing with an average daily mileage of more than 150 km in 2021 was 40.56%, with an increase of 32.82% and 11.22% compared with 2019 and 2020, respectively. The daily mileage is gradually transitioning towards the high mileage range.

Fig. 4.44
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 50 to 100 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar or zero value bar is for more than 300 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution cars for sharing of different average daily mileages—by year

There is a significant difference in the distribution of average daily mileage of cars for sharing in first-tier cities compared with that in cities of other tiers (Fig. 4.45). The proportion of cars for sharing with an average daily mileage of 50 and 150 km in first-tier cities is relatively high, while that of 0–50 km in cities of other tiers is higher.

Fig. 4.45
A line graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has 5 descending curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution cars for sharing of different average daily mileages in 2021—by city tier

The proportion of cars for sharing traveling during morning rush hours and forenoon in 2021 was higher than that in 2019 and 2020.

From the distribution of driving time (Fig. 4.46), the driving time of cars for sharing is mainly concentrated during the day. In the past three years, the proportion of cars for sharing traveling during morning rush hours and forenoon has shown an increasing trend yearly. The distribution proportion of cars for sharing traveling between 5:00 and 8:00 in 2021 was significantly higher than that in previous years.

Fig. 4.46
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 curves that descend, ascend abruptly, descend, again ascend, and descend for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. It forms 2 peaks in the curves.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different driving times—by year

By city tier, the proportion of cars for sharing traveling during the day is relatively high in lower-tier cities; the proportion of cars for sharing traveling from 0:00 to 5:00 the next day in first-tier cities is 11.9%, slightly higher than that in cities of other tiers (Fig. 4.47).

Fig. 4.47
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 5 curves that descend, ascend abruptly, fluctuate, and descend for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different driving times in 2021—by city tier

  1. 3.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of cars for sharing

In 2021, the average monthly travel days of cars for sharing were 21.74, with an increase of 18% compared with last year (Table 4.24).

Table 4.24 Average monthly travel days of cars for sharing-average

According to the data over the years (Fig. 4.48), the average monthly travel days of cars for sharing in 2021 exceeded 20, with a significant increase compared to 2019 and 2020.

Fig. 4.48
A line graph of average monthly travel days versus months. It has 3 fluctuating slightly ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. All curves descend linearly at the beginning. The curve for 2019 has a slight descend at the end.

Average monthly travel days of cars for sharing over the years

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.49), the proportion of cars for sharing with average monthly travel days of 15 or more increased significantly from 67.60% in 2020 to 73.83% in 2021.

Fig. 4.49
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has a left-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 20 to 25 days in 2019. The lowest bar is for less than 5 days in 2019.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average monthly travel days—by year

The average monthly mileage of cars for sharing is increasing yearly.

In 2021, the average monthly mileage of cars for sharing was 3103.41 km, with a YoY increase of 18.8% (Table 4.25).

Table 4.25 Average monthly mileage of cars for sharing-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.50), the proportion of cars for sharing with an average mileage of more than 3000 km increased from 28.31% in 2020 to 34.99% in 2021, with an increase of 6.68%, which is mostly in line with the current market situation of daily rental and long-term rental of cars for sharing.

Fig. 4.50
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has a wavy trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 1000 to 2000 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 5000 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of cars for sharing of different average monthly mileages—by year

4.2.5 Operation Characteristics of Logistics Vehicles

  1. 1.

    Average single-trip travel characteristics of logistics vehicles

The average single-trip travel duration of logistics vehicles in 2021 was 0.87 h, which is significantly improved compared with that in 2019 and 2020.

The average single-trip travel duration of logistics vehicles in 2021 significantly increased (Table 4.26), with an increase of 67.3% and 89.1% compared to 2019 and 2020, respectively. The average single-trip travel duration of logistics vehicles in each month in 2021 was higher than the same period in the past two years, and each month is relatively average without a significant trough, indicating that the use of new energy logistics vehicles is more conventional. In the past three years, logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage has rapidly grown. In 2021, logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage was 2270.33 km, with a YoY increase of 4.7% (Fig. 4.51).

Table 4.26 Average single-trip travel duration of logistics vehicles-average
Fig. 4.51
A line graph of average single-trip travel duration versus months. It has 3 fluctuating slightly ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The curve for 2019 descends at the end.

Monthly average of average single-trip travel duration of logistics vehicles—by year

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.52), the proportion of logistics vehicles with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 1 h in 2021 was 30%, with a significant increase compared with that in 2019 and 2020.

Fig. 4.52
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 0 to 0.5 hours in 2020. The lowest bars or the zero value bars are for more than 2 hours in 2019 and 2020.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average single-trip travel durations—by year

The average single-trip mileage of logistics vehicles in 2021 was 18.96 km, which has increased compared with that in the past two years.

The average single-trip mileage of logistics vehicles has increased significantly compared with the past two years (Table 4.27). In 2021, logistics vehicles’ monthly average single-trip mileage exceeded 18 km (Fig. 3.102), far higher than the same period in the past two years.

Table 4.27 Average single-trip mileage of logistics vehicles-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.53), the proportion of logistics vehicles with an average single-trip mileage of more than 20 km in 2021 was 12.4%, increasing compared with 2019 and 2020.

Fig. 4.53
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip mileage. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 0 to 10 kilometers in 2020. The lowest bars are for 40 to 50 and more than 50 kilometers in 2020.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average single-trip mileages—by year

The proportion of logistics vehicles with an average single-trip mileage of 20–40 km in first-tier cities is significantly higher than that in cities of other tiers, reaching 43.1%. The distribution mileage of logistics vehicles is relatively high (Fig. 4.54).

Fig. 4.54
A line graph of proportion versus average single-trip mileage. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average single-trip mileages in 2021—by city tier

The average single-trip speed of logistics vehicles in 2021 was 23.25 km/h, with a decrease compared with last year.

The average single-trip speed in 2021 was 23.25 km/h, with a decrease of 4.6% and 17.3% compared with 2019 and 2020, respectively (Table 4.28). As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.55), the proportion of logistics vehicles traveling at speeds above 30 km/h decreased from 26.3% in 2020 to 11.3% in 2021. The regional traffic efficiency of newly arranged logistics vehicles is generally low.

Table 4.28 Average single-trip speed of logistics vehicles-average
Fig. 4.55
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip speed. It has a bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 20 to 30 kilometers per hour in 2021 and the lowest bar for more than 50 kilometers per hour in 2021.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average single-trip speeds—by year

  1. 2.

    Average daily travel characteristics of logistics vehicles

The average daily travel duration of logistics vehicles is increasing yearly.

In the past three years, the average daily travel duration of logistics vehicles in China has increased yearly; in 2021, it reached 4.12 h, 1.27 h and 0.88 h longer than 2019 and 2020, respectively (Table 4.29).

Table 4.29 Average daily travel duration of logistics vehicles-average

According to the monthly average of average daily travel duration over the years (Fig. 4.56), it can be seen that in the past three years, the average daily travel duration of logistics vehicles has rapidly increased, and in 2021, it exceeded the same period in previous years.

Fig. 4.56
A line graph graph of average daily travel duration versus months. It has 3 fluctuating slightly ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Monthly average of average daily travel duration of logistics vehicles—by year

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.57), the proportion of logistics vehicles with an average daily travel duration of more than 4 h gradually increased. The proportion of logistics vehicles with an average daily travel duration of more than 4 h in 2021 was 50.2%, with an increase of 25.3% and 16.5% compared with 2019 and 2020, respectively. The average daily travel duration of logistics vehicles has significantly increased.

Fig. 4.57
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 3 to 4 hours in 2020 and the lowest bar for more than 8 hours in 2019.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average daily travel durations—by year

From Fig. 4.58, the proportion of logistics vehicles with an average daily travel duration of more than 5 h in first-tier cities was 38.1%, significantly higher than that in cities of other tiers. Logistics vehicles’ average daily travel duration in third-tier and below cities was more concentrated in 2–4 h.

Fig. 4.58
A line graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average daily travel durations in 2021—by city tier

The average daily mileage of logistics vehicles has shown an increasing trend in the past three years, with an increase of 8.7% compared with 2020.

According to the data over the years (Table 4.30), logistics vehicles’ average daily mileage was 94.12 km in 2021, with an increase of 35.4% and 8.7%, respectively, compared with 2019 and 2020, indicating a rapid increase in average daily mileage.

Table 4.30 Average daily mileage of logistics vehicles-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.59), the average daily mileage of logistics vehicles is mainly concentrated below 150 km, but the proportion of vehicles with mileage above 150 km in 2021 significantly increased, from 5.7% in 2019 to 17.9% in 2021.

Fig. 4.59
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 50 to 100 kilometers in 2019 and the lowest bar for more than 250 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average daily mileages—by year

The proportion of vehicles with high average daily mileage in first-tier cities is higher than that in cities of other tiers (Fig. 4.60).

Fig. 4.60
A line graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average daily mileages in 2021—by city tier

The driving time of logistics vehicles forms peaks during the morning and afternoon working hours.

The driving time of logistics vehicles in 2021 was slightly ahead of that in 2019 and 2020. From the distribution of driving time (Fig. 4.61), two significant peaks formed with 12:00–13:00 as the boundary, ranging from 8:00 to 10:00 and from 15:00 to 16:00, respectively. By city tier, the distribution of logistics vehicles traveling at the two peaks in first-tier cities is lower than that in cities of other tiers and tends to be more average (Fig. 4.62).

Fig. 4.61
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 unsymmetrical double peak bell curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different driving times—by year

Fig. 4.62
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 5 unsymmetrical double peak bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different driving times in 2021—by city tier

  1. 3.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of logistics vehicles

The average monthly travel days of logistics vehicles have shown a steadily increasing trend in the past three years, with an increase of 11.7% compared with last year.

In the past three years, logistics vehicles’ average monthly travel days have increased yearly. The average monthly travel days of logistics vehicles in 2021 were 21.94, with an increase of 6.32 days and 2.29 days compared with that in 2019 and 2020, and the travel frequency of logistics vehicles significantly increased (Table 4.31).

Table 4.31 Average monthly travel days of logistics vehicles-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.63), it can be seen that in 2021, over 60% of logistics vehicles traveled for more than 20 days per month, indicating that logistics vehicles are primarily in regular use.

Fig. 4.63
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has a wavy trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 20 to 25 days in 2021 and the lowest bar for 5 to 10 days in 2021.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average monthly travel days—by year

The average monthly mileage of logistics vehicles has shown a steadily increasing trend in the past three years, with an increase of 4.7% compared with last year.

Logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage has rapidly grown in the past three years. In 2021, logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage was 2270.33 km, with a YoY increase of 4.7% (Table 4.32).

Table 4.32 Average monthly mileage of logistics vehicles

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.64), the proportion of logistics vehicles with an average monthly mileage of more than 3000 km rapidly increased from 10.7% in 2019 to 29.2% in 2021, and new energy logistics vehicles are gradually tending towards benign operation.

Fig. 4.64
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for less than 1,000 kilometers in 2019 and the lowest bar for more than 5,000 in 2019.

Distribution of average monthly mileage of logistics vehicles—by year

By city tier, the proportion of logistics vehicles in the high mileage segment in first-tier cities was significantly higher than that in third-tier and below cities. From Fig. 4.65, the proportion of logistics vehicles with average monthly mileage of more than 3000 km in first-tier cities was 33.9%, while that in third-tier and below cities was less than 25%.

Fig. 4.65
A line graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has 5 descending curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of logistics vehicles of different average monthly mileages in 2021—by city tier

4.2.6 Operation Characteristics of Buses

  1. 1.

    Average single-trip travel characteristics of buses

In 2021, the average single-trip travel duration of buses was 1.39 h, with an increase of 0.41 h compared with last year.

The average single-trip travel duration of buses in 2021 was 1.39 h, with an increase of 0.23 h and 0.41 h compared with 2019 and 2020, respectively (Table 4.33). The monthly average single-trip travel duration of buses in 2021 significantly exceeded the same period in previous years (Fig. 4.66). As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.67), the proportion of buses with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 1.0 h in 2021 increased from 39.93 in 2020 to 43.47% in 2021.

Table 4.33 Average single-trip travel duration of buses
Fig. 4.66
A line graph of average single-trip travel duration versus months. The curve for 2019 has an overall descending trend. The curve for 2020 descends at the beginning and later ascends. The curve for 2021 ascends, descends, and ascends.

Monthly average of average single-trip travel duration of buses—by year

Fig. 4.67
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 0.5 to 1 hour in 2020 and The lowest bar for more than 2 hours in 2020.

Distribution of buses of different average single-trip travel durations—by year

By city tier, the proportion of buses with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 1.5 h in first to third-tier cities was significantly higher than that in third-tier and below cities (Fig. 4.68).

Fig. 4.68
A line graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of buses of different average single-trip travel durations in 2021—by city tier

In 2021, the average single-trip mileage of buses was 25.10 km, returning to pre-COVID-19 level.

In 2021, the average single-trip mileage of buses was 25.10 km, and the travel characteristics of buses returned to the pre-COVID-19 level (Table 4.34). The proportion of buses with an average single-trip mileage of 10–20 km accounted for the majority (Fig. 4.69).

Table 4.34 Average single-trip mileage of buses-average
Fig. 4.69
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip mileage. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 10 to 20 kilometers in 2020 and the lowest bar for more than 50 kilometers in 2020.

Distribution of buses of different average single-trip mileages—by year

The average single-trip speed of buses over the years has been higher than 20 km/h, and buses in first and second-tier cities are more concentrated in the low-speed segment.

The average single-trip speed of buses in the past three years has been slightly higher than 20 km (Table 4.35), which is mostly the same each year. The proportion of buses with an average single-trip speed of 10–30 km/h accounted for the majority (Fig. 4.70).

Table 4.35 Average single-trip speed of buses-average
Fig. 4.70
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip speed. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Bars have a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for 10 to 20 kilometers per hour in 2019 and the lowest bars for 0 to 10 and more than 50 kilometers in 2020 and 2021.

Distribution of buses of different average single-trip speeds—by year

The urban traffic environment affects first- and second-tier cities, resulting in a higher frequency of road congestion. The proportion of buses with an average single-trip speed of 10–20 km/h in the low-speed range is relatively more concentrated; on the contrary, the proportion of buses with an average single-trip speed of more than 20 km/h in cities of other tiers is significantly higher than that in first and second-tier cities (Fig. 4.71).

Fig. 4.71
A line graph of proportion versus average single-trip speed. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of buses of different average single-trip speeds in 2021—by city tier

  1. 2.

    Average daily travel characteristics of buses

The daily operation of buses has strong regularity, and the average daily travel duration of buses remains stable at around 7 h.

The average daily travel duration of buses has remained relatively stable over the years, with an average daily travel duration of 6.85 h in 2021, which is mostly consistent with previous years (Table 4.36); the proportion of vehicles with an average daily travel duration of more than 8 h accounted for the majority, reading over 30% (Fig. 4.72).

Table 4.36 Average daily travel duration of buses-average
Fig. 4.72
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has a roughly increasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for more than 8 hours in 2019 and the lowest bar for less than 1 hour in 2021.

Distribution of buses of different average daily travel durations—by year

The distribution proportion of buses in first-tier cities is higher during long travel periods. By city tier, from Fig. 4.73, the proportion of buses with an average daily travel duration of more than 8 h in first-tier cities was 42.3%, significantly higher than that in cities of other tiers.

Fig. 4.73
A line graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. It has 5 ascending curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities. The curve for 2019 has the highest rise.

Distribution of average daily travel duration of buses in 2021—by city tier

The average daily mileage of buses in 2021 mainly remained unchanged compared with previous years.

The average daily mileage in 2021 was 150.78 km, which mainly remained unchanged compared with previous years (Table 4.37). The average daily mileage of buses concentrated at 100–200 km (Fig. 4.74).

Table 4.37 Average daily mileage of buses-average
Fig. 4.74
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a slightly right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 100 to 200 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 300 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of buses of different average daily mileages—by year

From Fig. 4.75, due to the relatively low average speed, the proportion of buses with average daily mileage within 150 km in first and second-tier cities was slightly higher than that in cities of other tiers.

Fig. 4.75
A line graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has 5 right-skewed bell curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of buses of different average daily mileages in 2021—by city tier

The proportion of buses for nighttime travel in first-tier cities is relatively high.

From the distribution of driving time of buses over the years (Fig. 4.76), it can be seen that the driving time of buses in 2021 was earlier than that of 2019 and 2020, and the proportion of buses traveling between 8:00 and 16:00 was relatively stable, which is in line with the travel characteristics of buses; the proportion of buses traveling between 18:00 and 23:00 in first-tier cities was 16.6%, slightly higher than that in cities of other tiers, with the latter all below 13% (Fig. 4.77).

Fig. 4.76
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 curves that slightly descend, abruptly ascend, descend, again ascend, and descend for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. It forms 2 peaks in the curves.

Distribution of buses of different driving times—by year

Fig. 4.77
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 5 curves that slightly descend, abruptly ascend, descend, again ascend, and descend for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities. It forms 2 peaks in the curves.

Distribution of buses of different driving times in 2021—by city tier

  1. 3.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of buses

The average monthly travel days of more than 60% of buses were more than 25 in 2021.

The average monthly travel days of buses in 2021 were 23.44, mostly the same as in previous years (Table 4.38). The proportion of vehicles with average monthly travel days of 25 significantly increased, from 28.58% in 2020 to 61.74% in 2021 (Fig. 4.78). The operation of new energy buses has become more routine.

Table 4.38 Average monthly travel days of buses-average
Fig. 4.78
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has an increasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for more than 25 days in 2021. The lowest bar is for 5 to 10 days in 2021.

Distribution of buses of different average monthly travel days—by year

The average monthly mileage of buses has been relatively stable over the years, with an average monthly mileage of 3712.63 km in 2021.

In 2021, the average monthly mileage of buses was 3712.63 km, which has been relatively stable over the years (Table 4.39). The proportion of buses with an average monthly mileage of more than 5000 km in 2021 increased compared to 2019 and 2020 (Fig. 4.79).

Table 4.39 Average monthly mileage of buses-average
Fig. 4.79
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has a slightly left-skewed trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 3000 to 4000 kilometers in 2020. The lowest bar is for less than 1000 kilometers in 2020.

Distribution of buses of different average monthly mileages—by year

The proportion of buses with an average monthly mileage of more than 4000 km in fifth-tier cities was higher than that in cities of other tiers (Fig. 4.80).

Fig. 4.80
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has 5 ascending curves for first-tier, second-tier, third-tier, fourth-tier, and fifth-tier cities.

Distribution of buses of different average monthly mileages in 2021—by city tier

4.2.7 Operation Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Trucks

  1. 1.

    Average single-trip travel characteristics of heavy-duty trucks

The average single-trip travel duration of heavy-duty trucks has remained stable at 1.1 h in the past two years, with a significant increase compared with 2019.

In the past two years, the average single-trip travel duration of heavy-duty has remained relatively stable at around 1.1 h, and it was mostly the same as that in 2021 and 2020 (Table 4.40). The proportion of heavy-duty trucks with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 1.5 h in 2021 was 38.7%, close to 2020 but 9.5% higher than that in 2019 (Fig. 4.81).

Table 4.40 Average single-trip travel duration of heavy-duty trucks-average
Fig. 4.81
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip travel duration. It has a wavy trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 0 to 0.5 hours in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 2 hours in 2019.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average single-trip travel durations—by year

The average single-trip mileage of heavy-duty trucks in 2021 remained the same as that in 2020 but higher than that in 2019.

According to the average single-trip mileage of heavy-duty trucks over the years, in 2021, the average single-trip mileage of heavy-duty trucks was 22.97 km, the same as in 2020 (Table 4.41).

Table 4.41 Average single-trip mileage of heavy-duty trucks-average

Heavy-duty trucks’ average single-trip mileage was mainly concentrated within 30 km (Fig. 4.82), with a proportion of 74.53% in 2021. However, the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with an average single-trip mileage of more than 30 km is rising, increasing from 12.5% in 2019 to 25.5% in 2021.

Fig. 4.82
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip mileage. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 10 to 20 kilometers in 2019. The lowest bar is for more than 50 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average single-trip mileages—by year

The average single-trip speed of heavy-duty trucks in the past two years has been slightly higher than 20 km (Table 4.42). The average single-trip speed of heavy-duty trucks in 2021 was 20.65 km/h, mostly the same as the previous year.

Table 4.42 Average single-trip speed of heavy-duty trucks-average

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.83), the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with average single-trip speeds of more than 30 km/h increased from 4.1% in 2020 to 7.3% in 2021.

Fig. 4.83
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average single-trip speed. It has a right-skewed bell-shaped trend of clusters. Bars have a fluctuating trend. The highest bar is for 10 to 20 kilometers per hour in 2019. The lowest bar, except the zero value bars, is for 40 to 50 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average single-trip speeds—by year

  1. 2.

    Average daily travel characteristics of heavy-duty trucks

The average daily travel duration of heavy-duty trucks is increasing yearly.

Heavy-duty trucks’ average daily travel duration has been relatively stable in the past two years. Heavy-duty trucks’ average daily travel duration in 2021 was 5.21 h, an increase of 1.8% compared with 2020 (Table 4.43).

Table 4.43 Average daily travel duration of heavy-duty trucks-average

According to the monthly average daily travel duration over the years (Fig. 4.84), heavy-duty trucks’ average daily travel duration from January to May 2021 was higher than the same period in 2020, then decreased slightly, approaching the same period last year.

Fig. 4.84
A line graph of average daily travel duration versus months. It has 3 fluctuating ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Monthly average of average daily travel duration of heavy-duty trucks—by year

According to the distribution of average daily travel duration (Fig. 4.85), the proportion of heavy-duty trucks is relatively scattered; the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with average daily travel duration gradually shifted from low hours to high hours, and the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with an average daily travel duration of 4-7 h increased from 29.9% in 2019 to 49.1% in 2021.

Fig. 4.85
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily travel duration. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. 5 to 6 hours in 2021 has the highest bar. Less than 1 hour in 2021 has the lowest bar.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average daily travel durations—by year

The average daily mileage of heavy-duty trucks has gradually increased in the past three years.

In 2021, logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage was 2270.33 km, with a YoY increase of 1.7% (Table 4.44). Heavy-duty trucks’ monthly average daily mileage in 2021 was primarily consistent with the same period in 2020 (Fig. 4.86).

Table 4.44 Average daily mileage of heavy-duty trucks-average
Fig. 4.86
A line graph of average daily travel mileage. It has 3 fluctuating ascending curves for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Monthly average of average daily mileage of heavy-duty trucks—by year

As the distribution shows (Fig. 4.87), the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with an average daily mileage of more than 100 km increased from 27.2% in 2019 to 48.4% in 2021.

Fig. 4.87
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average daily mileage. It has a decreasing trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. Less than 50 kilometers in 2019 has the highest bar. More than 300 kilometers in 2019 has the lowest bar.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average daily mileages—by year

The proportion of heavy-duty trucks traveling in the early morning has been increasing yearly.

According to the distribution of the driving time of heavy-duty trucks over the years (Fig. 4.88), the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with driving time between 0:00 and 7:00 has been increasing yearly, from 15.2% in 2019 to 25.8% in 2021, which is in line with the driving characteristics of heavy-duty trucks.

Fig. 4.88
A line graph of proportion versus time. It has 3 fluctuating curves with 3 peaks for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different driving times—by year

  1. 3.

    Average monthly travel characteristics of heavy-duty trucks

The average monthly travel days of heavy-duty trucks have gradually increased in the past three years.

In the past three years, the average monthly travel days of heavy-duty trucks have been increasing yearly, and that in 2021 was 20.77, with an increase of 13.6% compared with 2020 (Table 4.45).

Table 4.45 Average monthly travel days of heavy-duty trucks

According to the monthly average daily mileage over the years (Fig. 4.89), except for February and November, the average daily mileage of heavy-duty trucks in other months of 2021 was higher than that of the same period in 2020.

Fig. 4.89
A line graph of average monthly travel days versus months. It has 2 fluctuating ascending curves for 2020 and 2021. The curve for 2019 ascends with fluctuations and slightly descends.

Average monthly travel days of heavy-duty trucks over the years

From the distribution of average monthly travel days of heavy-duty trucks (Fig. 4.90), the proportion of vehicles with an average monthly travel day of more than 20 significantly increased, from 41.9% in 2019 to 66.3% in 2021.

Fig. 4.90
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly travel days. It has an up-parabolic trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. More than 25 days has the highest value, and 5 to 10 days has the lowest value.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average monthly travel days—by year

The average monthly mileage of heavy-duty trucks has been increasing yearly, and that in 2021 was 2424.87 km.

The average monthly mileage of heavy-duty trucks in 2021 was 2424.87 km, an increase of 8.8% compared with 2020 (Table 4.46). According to the average monthly mileage over the years (Fig. 4.91), from January to May 2021, the average monthly mileage of heavy-duty trucks was higher than that in the same period in previous years and subsequently decreased; as the distribution shows (Fig. 4.92), the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with an average monthly mileage of more than 2000 km increased from 27.2% in 2019 to 50.8% in 2021.

Table 4.46 Average monthly mileage of heavy-duty trucks-average
Fig. 4.91
A line graph of average monthly travel mileage. It has 3 fluctuating ascending curves for the years 2019, 2020, 2021.

Average monthly mileage of heavy-duty trucks over the years

Fig. 4.92
A clustered bar graph of proportion versus average monthly mileage. It has a descending trend of clusters. Each cluster has 3 bars with a fluctuating trend. The graph plots the highest bar for less than 1,000 kilometers in 2019 and the lowest bar for 4,000 to 5,000 kilometers in 2019.

Distribution of heavy-duty trucks of different average monthly mileages—by year

Compared to other types of vehicles, BEV heavy-duty trucks have a large body and higher requirements for the three electric systems, including motor and electronic control. They need to adapt to more different scenarios, such as uphill and downhill roads, uneven roads, strong winds and snow, and other harsh weather environments. BEV heavy-duty trucks are more suitable for short-distance or fixed-line transportation to avoid sudden situations such as insufficient driving range. In this context, battery-swapping heavy-duty trucks have high promotion and application value. Battery-swapping-type heavy-duty trucks can complete battery swapping in only 3–10 min, resulting in higher operational efficiency; Regarding the economy, the purchase cost is reduced due to the separation of vehicles and electricity. Although the initial purchase cost is still higher than that of fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks, the economic efficiency during the operation process is higher than that of fuel-powered trucks. According to publicly available data, the electricity consumption of battery-swapping-type heavy-duty trucks is 1.2 kWh/km, saving approximately 60 yuan/100 km compared with fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks. Swapping-type heavy-duty trucks have achieved good promotion and application results in multiple scenarios, such as urban transportation, construction sites, mines, and ports. Although the battery swapping mode can accelerate the process of electrification of heavy-duty trucks, there are still many difficulties: firstly, regardless of leasing or purchasing batteries, the current acquisition and operating costs are relatively high; secondly, although the battery swapping time for a single vehicle is relatively short, due to the limited number of battery swapping stations, the waiting time will be extended once there is a queue for battery swapping, and it is uncertain whether there are sufficient backup batteries in the swapping station. Continuous innovation in technology, modes, and other aspects is still needed in the future.

4.3 Summary

  1. 1.

    Online rate

The online rate of NEVs in China has continued to grow in the past three years, with basic stability of around 80% in 2020 and 2021. The online rate of PHEVs is higher than that of BEVs and FCVs. It is worth noting that FCV is currently in the initial stage of industrialization and commercial operation, and 2021, its average online rate of 72% is close to 79.7% of BEV, and the vehicle operation tends to be routine.

Fourth and fifth-tier cities have a higher monthly online rate each year, indicating a higher demand for vehicles. At the same time, its holdings are lower than that of first and second-tier cities. Fourth and fifth-tier cities will be key promotion areas for NEVs in the future, and promoting marketable models in combination with the local market environment is necessary.

In each market segment, the monthly average online rate of e-taxis is the highest. e-taxis and cars for sharing are both new business forms emerging in recent years. From 2021, the online rate of the former (96.5%) is much higher than that of the latter (63.8%), and the online rate of the latter is decreasing yearly. From this point, the operators of cars for sharing need to make some breakthrough innovations in network layout, use, parking, and vehicle condition maintenance, and improve the online rate to achieve sustainable development. In the past three years, the online rate of heavy-duty trucks has shown a significant increase trend, with the growth rate ranking first among various segments, indicating that they are in a rapid release of operating demand. The electrification of heavy-duty trucks is significant for China to achieve the “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goal.

  1. 2.

    Operation characteristics of vehicles in key segments

  1. (1)

    Passenger cars

  • Private cars

The proportion of private cars with an average single-trip travel duration of more than 0.5 h in China is 56.3%, with an increase of 27.7% compared with that in 2020, which to some extent, indicates an increase in the proportion of long-distance travel of private cars. The average single-trip mileage of private cars was mainly within 20 km, with the proportion over the years around 80%. The proportion of private cars with an average single-trip mileage of more than 10 km in 2021 was 61.4%, with an increase of 9.7% compared with that in 2020. Based on the average single-trip driving time, it can be inferred that the daily travel radius of private cars is gradually increasing.

In 2021, the proportion of private cars with an average monthly travel day of more than 25 increased significantly, and private cars with an average monthly travel day of more than 25 can be considered the primary means of transportation for households. This phenomenon indicates that the proportion of new energy-private cars as the first and only vehicle for households has increased, and the frequency of use has significantly increased.

  • Taxis and e-taxis

The average daily mileage of e-taxis is mainly 100–250 km, accounting for 84.8%. This mileage range mostly conforms to the travel characteristics of commercial vehicles, indicating that new energy passenger cars are preliminarily recognized for their economy when used as e-taxis. The number of e-taxis with an average monthly mileage of more than 5000 km is proliferating, and the proportion of such e-taxis increased from 23.5% in 2020 to 34.2% in 2021. The main reason for the increase in the proportion of e-taxis in the high average monthly mileage is that with the gradual rationalization of the matching between charging and swapping devices and vehicles, the e-taxis operation is further normalized.

The average daily mileage of taxis is mostly around 200 km, with taxis with an average daily mileage of 100–250 km accounting for the main proportion; the proportion of taxis with an average daily mileage of more than 5000 km in 2021 was 48.04%, with an increase of 2.1% and 10.5% compared with that in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

  • Cars for sharing

In 2021, the average daily travel duration and average daily mileage of cars for sharing had significantly increased compared with previous years. The average daily travel duration of cars for sharing was 5.1 h in 2021, with an increase of 82.0% and 84.7% compared with that in 2019 and 2020, respectively; the average daily mileage of cars for sharing in 2021 was 124.0 km, with a YoY increase of 24.4%. Due to issues such as heavy assets and relatively low utilization rates in the timeshare rental market, the timeshare rental market is gradually shrinking, while the shared rental market for monthly rental or long-distance travel on weekends and holidays is proliferating, with a significant increase in vehicle operating hours and mileage.

  1. (2)

    Commercial vehicles

  • Logistics vehicles

The average single-trip travel duration and average single-trip mileage of logistics vehicles in 2021 were 0.87 h and 18.96 km, respectively, which showed an increase compared with that in 2020 and gradually returned to pre-COVID-19 level, indicating that the use of new energy logistics vehicles is gradually becoming more routine. In the past three years, logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage has rapidly grown. In 2021, logistics vehicles’ average monthly mileage was 2270.33 km, with a YoY increase of 4.7%. As the distribution shows, the proportion of logistics vehicles with an average monthly mileage of more than 3000 km rapidly increased from 10.7% in 2019 to 29.2% in 2021, and new energy logistics vehicles are gradually tending towards benign operation.

  • Buses

The daily operation of buses has a strong regularity, and the average daily travel duration remains stable at around 7 h. The average daily mileage is mostly the same as that in previous years, mainly concentrated in 100–200 km; Regarding monthly travel characteristics, the average monthly travel days of over 60% of buses in 2021 was more than 25, and the average monthly mileage has been relatively stable over the years, all of which are above 3500 km. With the normalization of bus operation, new energy buses are gradually replacing more fuel buses and taking on the operation tasks of longer routes.

  • Heavy-duty trucks

As the distribution shows, in the past three years, heavy-duty trucks’ average single-trip mileage was mainly concentrated within 30 km, with a proportion of 74.5% in 2021. However, the proportion of heavy-duty trucks with an average single-trip mileage of more than 30 km is rising, increasing from 12.5% in 2019 to 25.5% in 2021. The increase in average single-trip mileage provides more possibilities for expanding the application scenarios of BEV heavy-duty trucks. In 2021, the average daily travel duration and average daily mileage of heavy-duty trucks were 5.2 h and 107.6 km, respectively, increased compared with previous years, and vehicle operation is gradually becoming more routine. Currently, cities across China face pressure to save energy and reduce emissions and heavy-duty trucks play a crucial role in energy conservation and carbon reduction in transportation. It is necessary to pay practical attention to how to improve the utilization rate of new energy heavy-duty trucks, innovate from the perspectives including ROW, business model, and infrastructure improvement, and evaluate the energy consumption and carbon emissions indicators of new energy heavy-duty trucks from an entire lifecycle perspective, effectively enhancing the responsibility of “Pollution and Carbon Reduction” for new energy heavy-duty trucks.