1 Introduction

The UAE, College of Engineering, Architectural Engineering program has the graduating projects as the last task before the exit exam and then graduating. The students in their fifth year of study learn how to design a building with sustainable architectural principles and calculate structural systems and MEP. The GP covers two semesters. The first semester is related mainly to the main goals of the project, literature review, case study analysis, and initial concept design. The second semester advances with the selected design into structural details and MEP analysis. The minimum number of faculty following the students is three. Due to the complexity of the GP, the students can contact additional faculty based on their needs. The GP shall not only have innovative thinking in terms of design and structure, but also shall have tools for the students to bring to life their ideas based on all the studies done previously [1, 2].

1.1 Advanced Design and Impact on Energy Reduction

The application of sustainable measures in building design has proven to have a major impact on energy saving in buildings. The building design through active and passive systems contributes to a sustainable environment from the initial stages of the design. Considering that UAE has a hot arid climate, finding innovative ideas for building design to reduce energy consumption is part of the local authorities initiatives. Through the application of the standards, architects and other professionals are encouraged to contribute to this aspect. Referring to recent studies, the cooling load in buildings is a major issue in energy consumption in the middle east and in UAE specifically. Due to the excessive use of the air conditioner in the summertime, energy consumption reaches the value of 70%. This energy consumption can be reduced through passive or active strategies applied in buildings [3,4,5].

The elements of sustainable design vary from one region to another. In the Middle East, one of the most used elements is shading devices, which combined with the building design can achieve elevated levels of sustainability. The design of these devices, based on the architectural heritage of the region, connects the building to the area where it is built. Al Baher Towers in Abu Dhabi have a dynamic parametric façade that opens and closes according to the movement of the sun. This  application reduces energy consumption by 20%. The design of the shading structure was done by using advanced tools [6].

Applying shading devices in many areas can lead to more energy consumption due to artificial lighting in the building. So, when installing a shading device on a building, it is important to choose the best elevation and direction to have enough natural lighting entering the building to reduce electricity use. Shading devices are the best choice regarding retrofit strategies. The shading devices have been used historically in the region not only to have a passive cooling strategy, but also in creating privacy in internal spaces. Based on the above literature analysis, there is a large space for improvement in retrofit strategies for low-rise buildings. Shading devices are an efficient strategy (among others) [7, 8].

1.2 Advanced Tools

Due to the application of advanced tools such as rhino/grasshopper, the design of shading devices can be parametrized by adding parameters to the design and optimizing the function of such structures. There are several plug-ins to the software that can have an impact in optimizing the design of the traditional geometric shapes or even improve the current ones. It is defined as the use of complex shapes and curved geometry with material optimization or design iterations integrated with the functional process. Parameterization allows the integration of envelope, shape, and performance variables in one single and transparent process, making it difficult to separate them. The reliance on computational strategies for the design process is to enhance that process by encoding design decisions using computer power and language and through Building Information Modeling (BIM) [9, 10].

The introduction to advanced tools in academia is a process that helps students integrate into the industrial environment. In a recent study, parametric architecture was introduced as a separate course. For the students to design buildings with advanced structures, they need to apply the knowledge that they have to practical solutions. Tools such as Rhino/Grasshopper help visualize and calculate the advanced design by adding parameters set by the user. Creativity connects with the calculations, helping the students express their ideas more clearly [11, 12].

1.3 Pandemic Impact on Academia

The academic environment was impacted by COVID-19. The pandemic brought changes to the education system in terms of the teaching mode and adapting to the new virtual environment during the lockdown. The demanding situation of moving from face-to-face classes to online mode was challenging for everyone, particularly for the students. Difficulties in concentrating, difficulties in collaborating in groups, and challenges in finishing the tasks on time were encountered. Even though the technology was available, adapting on such short notice was difficult to comprehend and adapt. These changes impacted the wellbeing of the students [13].

However, the changes during the pandemic for the academic environment are a digital revolution. The months and years in some countries spent in and out of the quarantine gave time for web developers to increase the speed of digitalization. Many tasks would take several months or years to be finalized, now it is just a matter of days or weeks. Innovation in several aspects of the academic environment has increased. Researchers have increased the number of publications. Faculty have become more creative in including new tools in teaching online. The students have more possibilities in taking more free online courses, and due to the time, they must understand better their future careers. Also, online support has increased drastically. Several tools that have open forums have enabled students to advance more with their tools and discuss any difficulty online. This made it possible to have replies in real time and advance more with the projects [14].

2 Methodology

The methodology of this research follows a linear path. The first step is the case study analysis where two projects are compared and evaluated. Case study A refers to a parametric shading structure in a residential building in the Mreifa Compound in AL Ain. Meanwhile, case study B refers to the dynamic/parametric façade of the library extension building on the UAEU (United Arab Emirates University) Campus. Both projects used advanced tools such as Rhino (modeling environment) and several plug-ins such as: Grasshopper, Ladybug, and Honeybee. This defines the second step in this research. Afterward, describes the pandemic’s impact on student psychology and productivity. This step is connected to the adaptation period needed from students and faculty in the online training.

The last step is the results, and the findings of this study (Fig. 1) shows a schematic view of the methodology, and below are mentioned the main steps followed:

Fig. 1
A flow chart. Blocks of case study A and B lead to advanced software evaluation, which along with the block of pandemic impact on students psychology and productivity, leads to results and findings.

Schematic image of the methodology followed in this study

  • Case Study Analysis,

  • Advanced Software Evaluation,

  • Pandemic’s impact on students’ psychology and productivity.

3 Results

3.1 Case Study Analysis

Case Study A: Parametric Design Structures in Low-Rise Buildings in relation to the urban context in UAE. This case study refers to the retrofit analysis of a low-rise building by applying parametric design to it. The case study is in the City of Al Ain. This selection was done after evaluating several projects in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Al Ain. Due to available data for the building construction materials and the energy consumption, the selected building was in Al Ain. This case study had the aim to not only reduce energy consumption inside the building, but also create shade in the outdoor area in front of the building. The structure was designed through the tool of rhino grasshoppers. Based on a traditional Arabic mashrabiya pattern, there was a design optimization process in the software to achieve the aims of the project [15].

Moreover, the advanced design used aimed to create a link between the UAE heritage in the use of the mashrabiya patterns. In Fig. 2, the location of the analyzed house and an image of the unit are shown. Figure 3 shows the complexity of the structure with several layers overlapping and creating the desired design. The connection to the ground is done by the steel columns. Afterward, an aluminum supportive structure made of 3D-printed sand molds lays on top of the columns. The upper layer is a customized BIPV for the structure to produce its own electricity for the night lights’ energy consumption. Linked to this layer, there is GKD Metal Fabric/Solar Omega, advanced material applied in several projects.

Fig. 2
A site analysis of Mreifa Villa Compound. It includes a photo of a building. The plan of the Mreifa compound locates the building at its extreme left end.

Building location in Mreifa compound

Fig. 3
A 3 D structure of a house with layers of design of the parametric shading structure slanting above the house. Layers from the top are G K D metal fabric or solar omega, customized B I P V, 3 D printed aluminum sand models for support, and 2 steel trees in front of the house.

Materials applied based on our Façade design

Case Study B: Design of Library Extension Featuring a Parametric/Dynamic Façade and Integrated with the Landscape in UAEU Campus. This case study was performed on the campus of United Arab Emirates University. The aim was to design a library extension by creating an integration to the landscape oriented in the south of the current library. The sustainability of the projects followed the Estidama code. For the façade of the building to integrate into the landscape of green areas, the floral shape of the building was only one side of the integration. The use of glazing in the façade was crucial for the library users to connect with the outdoors. Therefore, the use of parametric design in the façade to optimize the view not only from indoors was crucial. Additionally, the energy consumption in the cooling load, due to high glazing exposure was very important in the study. New software such as Rhino and plug-ins like Grasshopper make calculations of parametric façade that previously were proven difficult to apply. Dynamic/parametric façade optimizes solar gains in internal spaces. The study of the façade through the advanced software making the elements dynamic concluded with high values of energy saving in the interior. This was one of the initial goals. Also, the integration of indoor and outdoor was achieved due to the advanced analysis of the façade. Figure 4 shows the site plan of the project, and Fig. 5 shows that the ground floor is integrated into the landscape. Figure 6 shows the ground floor, and Fig. 7 the first floor [16].

Fig. 4
A building plan in the shape of a flower within the concave shape of the land. The overall appearance of the structure is 4 overlapping petals and an elongated and expanding stem. The surrounding yard has a series of curved paths lined with plants.

Site plan of the project

Fig. 5
A building plan in the shape of a flower within the concave shape of the land. The overall appearance of the structure is four overlapping petals and an elongated and expanding stem. The surrounding garden has a series of curved paths lined with plants. The interior of the house is depicted.

Site Plan

Fig. 6
A zoomed-out view of the floral-shaped building's ground floor plan. The area at the bottom is shaded.

Ground floor

Fig. 7
A plan of the first floor of the floral-shaped building. The area at the bottom is shaded. The interior of the room at the top is depicted. It has sections for prayer room, meeting room, and offices.

First floor

3.2 Advanced Software Comparison

In both case studies, rhino and grasshopper were used to model the complex structures. Rhino is designed to work on complex structures. Grasshopper is a plug-in that enables parametrization to happen. For each stage of this research, different software programs are used. Alignment of the plug-ins was difficult due to the python language, the building geometry, and the pattern design [17, 18].

In case study A, the modeling of the unit used for this study was conducted in Rhino software. The energy simulation and the validation were done using Grasshopper as a plug-in. the python language was modified as per the building energy zones. The structure was afterward introduced to the base model where the energy consumption was re-calculated (Figs. 8 and 9). Figures 10 and 11 show the calculation of the UTCI, where the structure has a positive impact on improving the outdoor conditions. Figure 12 shows the solar radiation analysis of the facade. Figure 13 shows the Parametric/dynamic façade closed and Fig. 14 opened. Figure 15 shows the Parametric/dynamic façade closed and the connection nodes. Figure 16 shows the same but opened.

Fig. 8
A 3 D energy model of the base case without the shading structure. It has distinct color gradients for different thermal loads. Most of the structure falls below 576-kilowatt hour by square millimeters.

Energy model before shading, 3D

Fig. 9
A top view of the 2-D energy model of the base case without the shading structure. The energy consumption is highest on one end and lowest on the opposite end. The scale on the right reads from less than 314.21 to 971.13 kilowatt hours by millimeters square.

Energy model before shading, 2D

Fig. 10
Four maps of U T C I analysis of the building under severe heat exposure from the sun during September and December. The results in the first row are before shading and the second row are after shading. The temperature decreases after shading.

UTCI calculations in September and December

Fig. 11
Four maps of U T C I analysis of the building under severe heat exposure from the sun during March and June. The results in the first row are before shading and the second row are after shading. The temperature decreases after shading.

UTCI calculations in March and June

Fig. 12
A heat map of the facade. It has the highest shade in embossed parts and lower shades at the corners.

Solar radiation analysis of the facade

Fig. 13
Structural analysis of the parametric design structure. The shells in the structure are folded outward.

Parametric/dynamic façade closed

Fig. 14
Structural analysis of the parametric design structure. The shells in the structure are folded inward.

Parametric/dynamic façade opened

Fig. 15
Structural analysis of the parametric design structure. 2 consecutive curved facades. The facade on the left is folded inward with a prominent gap in each shell, while the one on the right is folded outward.

Parametric/dynamic façade opened (frontal view) (a) and closed (b) showing the connection nodes

Fig. 16
Structural analysis of the parametric design structure. 2 consecutive curved facades in the lateral view. The facade on the left is open while the one on the right is closed. The connecting joints are embossed.

Parametric/dynamic façade opened  (perspective) (a) and closed (b) showing the connection nodes

3.3 Pandemic Impact on Students’ Psychology and Productivity

The pandemic was difficult to manage not only for the authorities, but also for the people. In the academic environment, the sudden change brought difficulties in understanding the teaching procedures’ applications; students were expected to adapt immediately. It took more time also to process the changes in society. Student wellbeing was also an important responsibility for the faculty, therefore, in many online classes, there was an initial motivation for encouraging the students to try to adapt to the new reality.

When the change started, the students had initially difficulties following long hours of project correction. Working in teams was also challenging. The time for the execution of several tasks initially was longer than the face-to-face classes. The productivity in the initial stages of the design was slow. However, the tools used even though they were advanced were taken as a challenge by the students. The faculty guidance helped them find the right resources for this transitioning phase.

4 Results

The results of this study are in three aspects: the GP goals achievement, the advanced tools, and the pandemic impact overall.

4.1 GP Goals Achievement

Case study A results were following the initial goal. The aim was to design and evaluate a parametric structure through the advanced tool of rhino/grasshopper. The design of the parametric structure was achieved based on many parameters that were considered in this study. The base model was validated with site data. Based on the energy simulations, there was a saving of 10% on the energy bill. The GP ware published online to show the work done and help other research in the same field. Figure x shows the 3D of the project (Fig. 17) [15].

Fig. 17
2 photographs present the left and right oblique views of a house with a parametric shade at its front yard for car parking and a top edge for sun shade.

3D images of the parametric structure in case study A [15]

Case study B achieved the initial goals set in the GP which was to design an innovative dynamic/parametric façade for the library extension in the UAEU Campus. The students, with the guidance and support of the faculty, managed to design the library extension building together with the façade. The results from the simulations showed a reduction of 25% in energy consumption. The students received second place in the CISBE CIBSE Building Simulation Awards 2021 for the innovative work done in the modeling of such a complex façade. Furthermore, this GP was also published online. The efforts done in such advanced design were also recognized by UAEU (Fig. 18) [16].

Fig. 18
Two photographs present the top and an anterior view of a 3 D floral building that has a facade structure with large folding units on the side with the most sun exposure.

3D of the case study B, dynamic/parametric façade of the library extension building [16]

4.2 Advanced Tools

Based on this project results the use of advanced tools during the pandemic gave students more time to experiment. The methodology followed in these two Graduate Projects is to introduce the advanced architectural tools since the initial stage of the project, considering that the deadlines of the midterms and finals are quite close. Moreover, additional online sessions in consulting and guiding students into parametric architecture brought better results. Also, additional workshops outside the GP program were helpful to the students.

The pandemic impacted the use of advanced tools. Several steps were taken to teach and motivate the students to learn new tools. There were additional classes through the blackboard to guide the students in each step of the project while using the new tools. There were online workshops added to the class schedule followed by the students and guided by the instructors. Moreover, additional tutorials on the python scripting language were shared from the instructors to the students. Also, the students made individual investigations on online; opened data on scripts adaptable to the project analysis. Figure 19 shows the python language used in case study B.

Fig. 19
Two illustrations of a network module with series and columns of nodes. The first illustration has a horizontal network. The second illustration has a vertical network.

Python language used in case study B

4.3 Pandemic Impact

The pandemic impact on the graduation projects was major. The initial transition between face-to-face classes was proven difficult. Modifying the teaching tools and methods was challenging. The students’ initial reaction to the change of the study mode delayed the initial design project of the GP. However, due to the ability to adapt, the students with the assistance of faculty managed to get training online on the advanced tools and conclude the projects successfully within the deadlines. The additional work done with the online studies, tutorials, and training was shown in the final GP results. Furthermore, due to the efforts done in the modeling and simulation in case study B, an international award was achieved.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

This study aimed to analyze and highlight the results of the analysis of two GP projects done during the pandemic. Based on the results, even though the transition from the face-to-face classes to the online mode was initially difficult and time-consuming, it improved the students’ ability with the advanced tools. In case study A, the change of the study mode was after the design phase was done in the phase-to-phase classes, therefore, the time dedicated to exploring the advanced tool was minor compared to case study B. In the second case, both semesters were done online, therefore, the students had more time to practice the tools and the faculty managed to guide the students in the online mode. The pandemic helped the faculty improve their teaching skills during the online mode and guide the students into different online learning platforms and forums such as Rhino Grasshopper open forum. Furthermore, the award given to case study B is an additional achievement on the complex modeling done with the dynamic/parametric façade.

The findings of this research can help the GP program introduce a hybrid mode of teaching. Students can be encouraged to follow online free courses, have advanced training in innovative tools, and advance more in architecture and engineering. The pandemic increased the online connection in forums related to open tools. This progress into the connectivity of research can help students enhance advanced virtual tools and practices.

Further studies need to be conducted in the future to investigate the post pandemic GP work and compare it with the findings of this study, in the same field. Also, due to the complexity of the architectural and structural aspects of such structures, further investigation is needed to connect the parametric language to the history of the region in the use of shading structures.