5.1 Introduction

Representation learning is the critical component of machine learning systems, which aims to learn informative representations of objects from large-scale data. With the learned representations, machine learning systems thus can handle multiple tasks, languages, and modalities more flexibly and desirable. Representation learning for natural language processing (NLP) can be divided into three stages according to the learning paradigm: statistical learning, deep learning, and pre-trained models, with the paradigm shift of representation from symbolic representation to distributed representation.

Statistical learning started early in the 1940s [39, 93]. It requires domain experts to design task-specific rules according to their knowledge to transfer raw data into task-related representation task-by-task. This makes representation learning based on statistical learning fragmented in multiple granularities of text and multiple tasks. Later, distributed representation learning with deep learning techniques [45] was developed with larger datasets, more computing power, and advanced neural architectures. It utilizes deep neural networks such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to extract task-related representations automatically. It makes an initial step toward unified representation learning: although deep learning still results in various model parameters for multiple tasks, the learned representations can be transferred to multiple NLP tasks, and the same neural network architecture can be applied to model the data of various NLP tasks.

Recently, pre-trained models (PTMs) for representation learning [7, 20], also known as foundation models [6], have become a new trend in NLP. As shown in Figs. 5.1 and 5.2, compared with conventional representation learning techniques, the pre-training-fine-tuning paradigm of PTMs enables them to learn unified representations for multiple tasks, languages, and modalities. Moreover, big PTMs have shown high-level capabilities like human beings. In the following, we introduce the new characteristics of PTMs in detail.

Fig. 5.1
The flow diagram on the left includes a pre-training objective, a pre-trained model, embedding, a target objective, and a target model. It leads to a Venn diagram that includes multiple modalities, multiple languages, and multiple tasks with the pre-trained model as common.

Pre-training-fine-tuning paradigm and unified representation of pre-trained models

Fig. 5.2
An illustration of the development trends of P T M includes circles of different sizes from the years 2016 to 2022. The circles are of text in multilingual, text in English, text in Chinese, text in others, audio, code, protein, and vision.

The development trends of big PTMs. The size of the circles indicates the model scale. The figure is obtained from the official website of OpenBMB (https://openbmb.github.io/BMList/)

  1. (1)

    Pre-training-Fine-Tuning Paradigm. Transfer learning [103] enables the knowledge (usually stored in model parameters) learned from one task/domain to be transferred to help the learning of other tasks/domains in the same model architecture. Inspired by the idea of transfer learning, PTMs learn general task-agnostic representations via self-supervised learning from large-scale unlabeled data and then adapt their model parameters to downstream tasks by task-specific fine-tuning. Different from conventional deep learning techniques that only learn from task-specific supervised data, the self-supervised pre-training objective enables PTMs to learn from larger unlabeled web-scale data without labeled task signals automatically. With the pre-training-fine-tuning pipeline, PTMs learn general knowledge in the self-supervised pre-training and then stimulate task-related knowledge to complete the downstream tasks through model adaptation.

  2. (2)

    Unified Representation. The development of the Transformer architecture [104] unifies the encoders of multiple entries such as text, image, and video. Based on the Transformer architecture and the pre-training-fine-tuning paradigm, PTMs unify the paradigm for representation learning from three perspectives: task, language, and modality. A unified representation learned by pre-trained models can be adapted and utilized for multiple downstream tasks, multiple languages, and even multiple modalities.

  3. (3)

    Larger Models with Novel Capabilities. With more training data and computation power available, constructing larger PTMs has become a new trend in representation learning research. We demonstrate the development trends of big PTMs in Fig. 5.2. As model sizes go larger, PTMs emerge with many fantastic abilities approaching human beings. For example, big PTMs can perform in-context learning [7], which learns the downstream tasks with a task instruction and some optional examples as the additional input text. Big PTMs can also perform chain-of-thought reasoning [112], which mimics the intuitive thought process from human-written reasoning chains as the additional input text, and behavior learning [72] which learns the human behavior such as operating search engine. It indicates that PTMs are quickly evolving into more intelligent agents than we have ever imagined.

In this section, we mainly introduce text-based PTMs since the fantastic Transformer-based PTMs for representation learning begin from NLP, leaving the introduction of the PTMs for graph in Chap. 6, multi-modality in Chap. 7, and knowledge in Chaps. 9, 10, 11, and 12. In the rest of this chapter, we first introduce pre-training tasks in Sect. 5.2, including word-level and sentence-level pre-training tasks. After that, we present how to adapt PTMs to downstream tasks, including full-parameter fine-tuning, delta tuning, and prompt learning in Sect. 5.3. Note that we only discuss the PTMs with pre-training-fine-tuning paradigm in this section, while the feature-based PTMs have been discussed in Chapter refchap:word. Finally, we overview four advanced topics, including better model architecture, multilingual learning, multi-task learning, efficient representations, and chain-of-thought reasoning in Sect. 5.4.

5.2 Pre-training Tasks

As introduced in Sect. 5.1, PTMs for representation learning typically consist of two phases: pre-training and adaptation (fine-tuning). During pre-training, PTMs learn the task-agnostic representations, which aim to capture the text’s lexical, syntactic, semantic, and discourse knowledge as well as the world and commonsense knowledge hiding in the text. The typical form of PTMs can be divided into three types: encoder-based PTMs, decoder-based PTMs, and encoder-decoder-based PTMs. We list typical PTMs in Table 5.1. Based on existing pre-training tasks designed for these PTMs, we conclude two major categories of existing pre-training tasks from them, including word-level and sentence-level pre-training tasks.

Table 5.1 A list of typical pre-trained models in NLP

5.2.1 Word-Level Pre-training

Word-level pre-training tasks aim to learn contextualized word representations for PTMs from the large-scale unlabeled corpus. As discussed in Chap. 2, contextualized word representations can generate different representations according to different contexts, aiming to capture the lexical meaning of a word as well as the syntactic and semantic relations with its context words. Next, we present multiple widely used word-level pre-training objectives, including casual language modeling, masked language modeling (MLM), replaced language modeling (RLM), and denoising language modeling (DLM).

Casual Language Modeling (CLM)

CLM is the most typical form of language modeling task. It is widely adopted as the pre-training objective of decoder-based PTMs such as GPT [86], which utilizes an auto-regressive Transformer decoder to model the probability of the input text. As shown in Fig. 5.3, CLM feeds the whole input text sequence into the Transformer decoder word-by-word auto-regressively and then asks the model to predict the next word at each position. Formally, given the input text s = (w1, w2, …, wN) with N words, the pre-training objective of CLM is formulated as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{CLM} = -\sum_{i=1}^N \log P(w_i|w_0, w_1, \ldots, w_{i-1}), \end{aligned} $$

where w0 is the start token [s] of the sentence and P(wi|w0, w1, …, wi−1) is the probability of wi modeled conditioned on the historical context generated by an auto-regressive Transformer decoder. In fact, CLM is widely used as the pre-training task when training big PTMs due to its effectiveness and efficiency.

Fig. 5.3
An illustration of the casual language model. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. feeds into an auto-regressive transformer decoder that gives the same input text as output.

The casual language model objective

Although CLM can learn the contextualized word representations simply and effectively, it can only encode the historical information in one direction in language understanding tasks. Hence, the downstream language understanding applications usually concatenate the word representations of left-to-right and right-to-left Transformer decoders learned by CLM, which can naturally combine the contextual information from both directions.

Masked Language Modeling (MLM)

MLM is another widely used word-level pre-training objective for PTMs. MLM believes that the contextual information of a word is not a simple combination of the historical information captured by a left-to-right model and the future information captured by a right-to-left model. When generating a word, a deep bidirectional Transformer model should be utilized to consider both historical and future information. However, casual language modeling cannot be directly applied in pre-training the deep bidirectional Transformer model since it suffers from information leakage brought by the self-attention operation. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 5.4, MLM first masks out part of the words with [MASK] token in the input text and then asks the model to predict the masked words according to the remaining unmasked context. Formally, we denote the masked words as \(s_{\text{mask}} = (w_{m_1}, \ldots , w_{m_{M}})\) where mi is the index of the masked word and M is the number of the masked words and the masked sequence as \(\bar {s}\). The pre-training objective of MLM is formulated as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text{MLM}} = - \sum_{w\in s_{\text{mask}}} \log P(w|\bar{s}). \end{aligned} $$
Fig. 5.4
An illustration of the masked language model. The input text sequence is Bill MASK MASK the founder of Microsoft MASK feeds into a bidirectional transformer encoder and then asks the model to predict the masked words from the sentence which is Gates is I n c.

The masked language model objective

MLM was first adopted by BERT [20] and later used by many other PTMs. To address the gap between pre-training and adaptation phases caused by the introduction of the [MASK] token, BERT further utilizes a masking strategy: for a randomly selected word to be masked, BERT replaces it with (1) the [MASK] token with an 80% probability, (2) the original word with a 10% probability, and (3) a random word with a 10% probability. A major limitation of word-level masking is that it may not sufficiently capture the linguistic and knowledge information at the span level, such as phrases and named entities. Span-level semantics are important for many downstream NLP tasks, such as named entity recognition and entity linking. Hence, SpanBERT [49] and ERNIE (Baidu) [100] further introduce a novel masking strategy for MLM: span-based masking. Span-based masking proposes to mask contiguous random spans instead of individual random words. The PTMs can better encode the span-level semantics in their learned representations by predicting the entire masked spans.

Although MLM can take advantage of the superior power of a bidirectional Transformer encoder, its pre-training objective can only cover part of the input text, e.g., BERT only masks 15% input words. The reason is that it must ensure that the contextual information in the remaining unmasked words is sufficient to recover the masked words to some extent. Hence, the training efficiency of MLM is lower than that of CLM, which predicts every input word. MLM requires more training steps for convergence.

Replaced Language Modeling (RLM)

RLM is then proposed to improve the training efficiency of MLM, which is first adopted by ELECTRA [15]. RLM proposes to replace part of the words in random positions of the input text and then asks the model to predict which positions are replaced words. As shown in Fig. 5.5, RLM trains the PTMs in an adversarial manner. It uses a smaller bidirectional encoder as the generator, which generates replaced words that are harder to be discriminated against. And then, it regards the PTMs as a discriminator to distinguish the replaced words from other unreplaced words. Hence, RLM can cover its pre-training objective in all input words. Let \(\bar {s}\) denote the corrupted input text after random word replacement, and we can define the pre-training objective of RLM as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text{RLM}} = - \sum_{i = 1} ^{N} \log P(y_i|\bar{s}), \end{aligned} $$

where yi is the predicted label indicating whether the i-th word is replaced or not.

Fig. 5.5
An illustration of the replaced language model. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. feeds into a bidirectional transformer encoder as an encoder and then asks the model to predict the masked words which are replaced by the other words by the discriminator.

The replaced language modeling objective

Denoising Language Modeling (DLM)

DLM can cover nearly all the pre-training forms introduced above. It is widely used in encoder-decoder-based PTMs, which contain a bidirectional Transformer encoder and an auto-regressive Transformer decoder. With the encoder-decoder architecture, DLM allows more modifications to the input text sequence, which can help PTMs capture more lexical, syntactic, and semantic knowledge from the text. As shown in Fig. 5.6, DLM randomly modifies the input text in several strategies [59, 88, 97]:

  • Word Masking is to mask parts of the words in the input text. This strategy is the corresponding form of the MLM pre-training task in DLM, ensuring that DLM can make the PTMs capture the information learned by MLM.

    Fig. 5.6
    An illustration of the denoising language model. The input text sequence is Bill MASK M A S K the founder of Microsoft M A S K feeds into a bidirectional transformer encoder and then asks the model to predict the masked words which go to the autoregressive transformer decoder.

    The denoising language model objective

  • Text Infilling is to mask a contiguous span of the input text with a single [MASK] token. It can be viewed as a harder version of word masking, where PTMs require learning to predict how many words the masked span originally has instead of only distinguishing whether the word is masked. It is similar to the span-level masking strategy of MLM.

  • Word Deletion is to delete parts of the words from the input text randomly. It requires PTMs to decide which words have been deleted.

  • Word Permutation is to shuffle all words from the input text in random order. It requires PTMs to understand the syntactic and semantic relations between words as well as the whole meaning of the sentence to recover the sentence order.

Besides the above word-level modifications, DLM also allows sentence-level modifications, such as sentence permutation and document rotation. The sentence- and document-level modifications help the word representation learned by PTMs capture high-level semantics, such as the discourse relations between different sentences. We will discuss the sentence-level pre-training tasks in the next subsection.

Let \(\bar {s}\) denote the corrupted input text by applying several above input text modification strategies on s. The pre-training objective of DLM is then formulated as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text{DLM}} = -\sum_{i=1}^N \log P(w_i|\bar{s}, w_0, w_1, \ldots, w_{i-1}), {} \end{aligned} $$

where \(P(w_i|\bar {s}, w_0, w_1, \ldots , w_{i-1})\) is the conditional probability of wi, which is modeled with an encoder-decoder Transformer model.

5.2.2 Sentence-Level Pre-training

As discussed in Chap. 4, sentence representations are essential for many downstream NLP tasks such as information retrieval, question answering, machine translation, etc. Sentence-level pre-training aims to learn sentence representation which can capture the global meanings of sentences as well as the relationships between sentences for PTMs. In this subsection, we introduce three typical sentence-level pre-training tasks for PTMs, including the next sentence prediction (NSP), sentence order prediction (SOP), and sentence contrastive learning (SCL) tasks.

Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)

NSP is the first self-supervised pre-training objective to learn sentence representation for PTMs. As shown in Fig. 5.7, for the sentence s, NSP adds a [CLS] token in the front of the sentence and utilizes the representation of [CLS] as the sentence representation. After that, NSP adds another sentence s′ at the end of s with a token [SEP] to indicate the sentence boundary. s′ can be the next sentence of s in the document or a randomly selected sentence from the pre-training corpus. NSP aims to determine whether s′ and s appear consecutively in the original text, which may help PTMs understand the relationship between sentences. Formally, NSP’s pre-training objective can be formulated as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text{NSP}} = -\log P(y|s, s'), \end{aligned} $$

where y is the predicted label indicating whether s′ is the next sentence of s or not. In practice, BERT utilizes a uniform sampling strategy, i.e., choosing s′ with (1) the original next sentence of s with a half chance and (2) the randomly selected sentence with a half chance.

Fig. 5.7
An illustration of the next sentence prediction model. The input text sequence feeds into a bidirectional transformer encoder. It adds a C L S token at the beginning of the sentence to utilize the representation and 4 MASK tokens in the sentence.

The next sentence prediction objective

NSP is adopted by BERT, which claims that NSP can help PTMs capture sentence-level semantics. However, RoBERTa [68] reimplements BERT and surprisingly finds that the performance of PTMs on most downstream NLP tasks is even better by removing the NSP objective and only pre-training on the MLM objective. ALBERT [55] further points out that the lack of task difficulty of NSP may be the key reason for its ineffectiveness. In fact, due to the big difference in topic distribution between the original next sentence and the randomly selected sentence, NSP usually suffers from a shortcut, i.e., it just requires PTMs to perform topic prediction. It is easy and already partly covered by the MLM objective.

Sentence Order Prediction (SOP)

SOP is proposed to avoid the problem of NSP in modeling inter-sentence relationships. SOP also adds a [CLS] token in front of the sentence to obtain the sentence representation. After that, SOP randomly swaps the two consecutive sentences and asks the PTMs to predict the proper orders. In this way, the instances of SOP with correct or wrong sentence orders do not differ explicitly in topic distribution. Hence, SOP forces PTMs to distinguish discourse-level coherence relations between two input sentences rather than their topics. Formally, the objective of SOP can be formulated similarly to the NSP objective:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text{SOP}} = -\log P(y|s, s'), \end{aligned} $$

where y is the predicted label indicating whether s′ and s are in order or not. The experimental results on several downstream tasks of ALBERT show that SOP can somewhat solve the problem of NSP, which may come from analyzing misaligned coherence cues.

Sentence Contrastive Learning (SCL)

SimCSE [29] introduces sentence contrastive learning to pre-train the PTMs. Unlike NSP and SOP, which learn the sentence-level semantics by distinguishing the relations between different raw sentences, SimCSE simply predicts whether two input sentences are the same. The basic idea of SimCSE is that the representations of a sentence with different dropout masks should be closer than representation of other sentences. Formally, as shown in Fig. 5.8, let and \({\mathbf {s}}^{z'} \) denote the sentence representations of sentence s with dropout mask z and z′, respectively. We can define the pre-training objective of SimSCE as:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{\text{SimCSE}} = -\log \frac{\exp(\text{cos}({\mathbf{s}}^{z}, {\mathbf{s}}^{z'}))}{\sum_{i=1}^M\exp(\text{cos}({\mathbf{s}}^{z}, {\mathbf{s}}_i))}, \end{aligned} $$

where si is the representation of the i-th negative sentence in the training batch, cos(⋅) indicates the cosine similarity, and M is the batch size. In practice, the negative sentences are usually sampled from the same mini-batch for convenience. Although SimCSE is strikingly simple, it outperforms the NSP and SOP pre-training objectives by a large margin in a series of downstream NLP tasks [29]. Other concurrent works also adopt the idea of sentence contrastive learning for sentence-level pre-training, such as self-guidance contrastive learning [52], contrastive tension [46], and TSDAE [107].

Fig. 5.8
An illustration of the Sim C S E objective. The three-input text sequence feeds into a bidirectional transformer encoder which gives two forward passes using different hidden dropout masks.

The SimCSE objective. The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 1 from SimCSE paper [29]

Besides word-level and sentence-level pre-training tasks, knowledge-level pre-training tasks have also been widely explored to help PTMs better capture the world knowledge hiding behind the text. We will introduce how to pre-train PTMs at the knowledge level in Chap. 9.

5.3 Model Adaptation

Through self-supervised pre-training on the large-scale unlabeled corpus, PTMs have learned a strong ability to understand language and thus can generate task-agnostic informative representations. Then for downstream NLP tasks, it is natural to introduce task-specific objectives to adapt the PTMs, aiming to directionally stimulate the specific functionality of PTMs and obtain task-specific text representation. Now, the remaining question is how to adapt big PTMs to target downstream tasks effectively and efficiently. We introduce the model adaptation methods from full-parameter fine-tuning to optimization-efficient delta tuning and data-efficient prompt learning. In fact, between pre-training and model adaptation, some works also explore to pre-adapt the PTMs with multi-task learning or domain-specific learning. We remain the introduction of model preadaptation in Sect. 5.4.

5.3.1 Full-Parameter Fine-Tuning

Full-parameter fine-tuning is the most straightforward solution for adapting PTMs to downstream tasks. Full-parameter fine-tuning tunes all parameters of PTMs with the guidance of task-specific data, aiming to stimulate the task-specific abilities of PTMs. Given a PTM model Θ = {θ1, θ2, …, θ|Θ|} and the training data D of the downstream task, the goal of fine-tuning phase can be formulated as finding the parameter updates ΔΘ:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \varDelta\varTheta = \nabla f_{\varTheta}(D), \end{aligned} $$

where fΘ(D) is the adaptation objective of the downstream task. That is, we can simply feed the task-specific inputs into PTMs and fine-tune all the parameters so that the parameters of PTMs for the downstream task can be obtained by Θ′ = Θ − ΔΘ.

Now, the remaining problem is how to define the adaptation objective fΘ(D). It can be divided into three categories according to the downstream task types: classification, sequence labeling, and generation.


Classification is one of the typical forms of NLP tasks, such as topic classification, sentiment classification, natural language inference, etc. Formally, given the input sentence s and the output label y, the classification task models the conditional probability P(y|s). As shown in Figs. 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11, a common solution to fine-tune PTMs is to add a task-specific classifier on the top of the sentence/document representation generated by PTMs, i.e., P(y|s) = P(y|s). As for the sentence/document representation s, we usually use (1) the representation of the [CLS] token for encoder-based PTMs, (2) the representation of the last word in the sentence for decoder-based PTMs, and (3) the representation of the start word in the Transformer-based decoder for encoder-decoder-based PTMs. Besides adding an external classifier, decoder-based and encoder-decoder-based PTMs also model the classification tasks as text generation, which directly generate the target labels in the decoder.

Fig. 5.9
An illustration of the encoder-based P T M s for classification tasks. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. and the C L S token is added at first which feeds into the bidirectional transformer encoder to get the classifier and generate labels.

The adaptation form of encoder-based PTMs for classification tasks

Fig. 5.10
An illustration of the decoder-based P T M s for classification tasks. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. which feeds into the auto-regressive transformer decoder to get the classifier and generates labels at the end of the sentence.

The adaptation form of decoder-based PTMs for classification tasks

Fig. 5.11
An illustration of the encoder-decoder based P T M s for classification tasks. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. which feeds into the bidirectional transformer encoder and then auto regressive transformer decoder to get the classifier and generate labels.

The adaptation form of encoder-decoder-based PTMs for classification tasks

Sequence Labeling

Sequence labeling is also a classical NLP task format, such as part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, etc. Formally, given the input sentence s = (w1, …, wN) and the corresponding output labels y = (y1, …, yN) for all words, the sequence labeling task models the conditional probabilities P(y|s). It is usually modeled as the word-level classification form, in which the output labels of all words are conducted independently, i.e., \(P(y|s) = \prod P(y_i|s)\). As shown in Fig. 5.12, we can add a task-specific classifier on top of the output representation hi for the i-th word generated by either the bidirectional Transformer encoder (e.g., encoder-based PTMs and encoder-decoder-based PTMs) or the auto-regressive Transformer decoder (e.g., decoder-based PTMs), i.e., P(yi|s) = P(yi|hi). Except for the basic word-level classification form, we can also regard the sequence labeling task as a generation task, i.e., directly generating the whole label sequence.

Fig. 5.12
An illustration of the P T M s for sequence labeling tasks. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. which feeds into the bidirectional transformer encoder and the autoregressive transformer decoder to get the classifier and generate values from y 1 through y 8.

The adaptation form of PTMs for sequence labeling tasks


As we have introduced in Chap. 4, many typical NLP tasks are in text generation form, such as machine translation, summarization, etc. Formally, given the source sentence s and the corresponding target sentence t, the generation task models the conditional probability P(t|s) (for the language modeling task, we only model P(t) without any condition). As shown in Fig. 5.13, for decoder-based PTMs, we can directly feed the input text into the auto-regressive Transformer decoder and ask it to generate the target sentence after the input text continually. As shown in Fig. 5.14, for encoder-decoder-based PTMs, we can feed the text into the bidirectional Transformer encoder and ask the auto-regressive Transformer decoder to generate the target sentence.

Fig. 5.13
An illustration of the P T M s for generation tasks. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. with the start and end of the sentence as s token and exceeding with y 1 to y 7 at the end, which feeds into the autoregressive transformer decoder and generates values y 1 to y 8.

The adaptation form of decoder-based PTMs for generation tasks

Fig. 5.14
An illustration of a decoder-based P T M s for generation tasks. The input text sequence is Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft I n c. with a C L S token at the beginning which feeds into the bidirectional transformer encoder that goes to the auto-regressive transformer decoder and gets y 1 to y 8.

The adaptation form of encoder-decoder-based PTMs for generation tasks

Fine-tuning the whole PTMs is simple and effective, showing superior performance in a wide range of downstream NLP tasks. However, performing full-parameter fine-tuning has two significant drawbacks. First, it is time- and resource-consuming, especially considering the growing model scale. Nowadays, researchers [7, 88] have revealed that the performance of PTMs can be continually improved as the PTMs get larger and the increasing scale has become an irreversible trend for developing PTMs. Full-parameter fine-tuning requires the PTMs to update all the model parameters during adaptation and storing the whole model for each task. Second, it is hard to generalize from a few examples and thus still requires considerable training examples in the downstream tasks for model adaptation. In fact, when taking a closer look at model adaptations, we can find the gap between pre-training and full-parameter fine-tuning. Hence, this raises a new question: how can we adapt PTMs more effectively? Therefore, delta tuning and prompt learning target these two problems from model optimization perspective and data utilization perspective, respectively. We will introduce them as follows.

5.3.2 Delta Tuning

Delta tuning (a.k.a., parameter-efficient tuning) [22] proposes to only update part of the model parameters instead of full-parameter updating for adapting PTMs to downstream tasks, which improves the model adaptation from the optimization perspective. The basic assumption of delta tuning is that we can stimulate the necessary abilities for downstream tasks by only modifying a few model parameters. Formally, different from full-parameter fine-tuning that the number of updated parameters |ΔΘ| is equal to the number of whole model parameters |Θ|(Θ = θ1, θ2, …, θn), delta tuning only updates a small number of parameters while achieving the same adaptation objectives. From the perspective of representation learning, the general representations obtained by self-supervised pre-training can be adapted to task-specific representations with little cost.

We classify existing delta tuning methods into three main categories [22]: addition-based, specification-based, and reparameterization-based methods, as shown in Fig. 5.15. In this subsection, we detail these three types of delta tuning approaches.

Fig. 5.15
An illustration of delta tuning. The pre-trained models with circles of frozen flow to the data tuning method which is further classified into 3 categories that are addition, specification, and parameterization. Each contains circles of frozen and tunable.

The overall architecture of delta tuning. The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 4 from delta tuning paper [22]

Addition-Based Approach

Addition-based approach keeps all the parameters in the original PTMs frozen and inserts new trainable neural modules or parameters (denoted as ΔΘ = Θadd = {θn+1, θn+2, …, θn+m} for tuning the downstream tasks). In practice, we have m ≪ n in the addition-based methods. In the following, we introduce two typical addition-based methods: adapter-based and prefix tuning.

Adapter-Based Methods

Adapter-based methods insert tiny neural adapter modules into the middle of Transformer layers. It only tunes the parameters of the inserted adapter while keeping the PTMs frozen to adapt the model for downstream tasks. Vanilla adapter [42] first utilizes a two-layer feed-forward network as adapters and achieves comparable performance compared with full-parameter fine-tuning in a lot of downstream NLP tasks. As shown in Fig. 5.16, for an output hidden representation \(\mathbf {h}\in \mathbb {R}^d\) of a PTM module, vanilla adapter first feeds h into a down-projection network which projects it into r-dimensional semantic space with a transform matrix \({\mathbf {W}}_{down}\in \mathbb {R}^{d\times r} (r<d)\) and then feeds the output into an up-projection network which projects it back to d-dimensional space with a transform matrix \({\mathbf {W}}_{up}\in \mathbb {R}^{r\times d}\). The process of vanilla adapter can be formulated as:


where ΔΘ = [Wdown, Wup] are the tunable parameters (we highlight them by red color and underline) and f(⋅) is a nonlinear activation function.

Fig. 5.16
An illustration of adapter-based tuning methods. The value of x goes to the P T M module followed by the hidden representation which goes to the adapter and add. The adapter contains W down that links the R e L U unit and finally to the W up.

The illustration of adapter-based tuning methods

In practice, the adapter modules are inserted in the middle of two Transformer blocks in the PTMs, and it can reduce the number of tunable parameters of PTMs to about 0.5–8%. Moreover, AdapterDrop [90] further proposes to dynamically remove adapter modules from lower Transformer layers to further reduce the computational cost for model inference.

After the vanilla adapter, recent works continue to explore better forms of adapter modules. For example, Compacter [50] further reduces the number of tunable parameters of the adapter module with parameterized hypercomplex multiplication layer. Formally, it replaces the original projection matrix with the sum of the Kronecker products of two low-rank matrices:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} {\mathbf{W}}_{up} = \sum_{i = 1}^{l} {\mathbf{A}}_i\otimes {\mathbf{B}}_i, \end{aligned} $$

where \({\mathbf {A}}_i\in \mathbb {R}^{l\times l}\) and \({\mathbf {B}}_i\in \mathbb {R}^{(d/l)\times (r/l)}\) and ⊗ indicates the Kronecker product operation. The formulation of Wdown is similar. The experimental results of Compacter [50] show that it can effectively reduce the number of tunable parameters in the adapter modules into \(\frac {1}{l}\) without hurting the model performance in the downstream tasks.

Although existing adapter-based methods can achieve the performance of nearly full-parameter fine-tuning with fewer modified parameters, it still requires backpropagation through the whole PTM. To address this issue, Ladder side tuning [101] further proposes to move the adapter modules out of the Transformer architecture of PTMs, bridging a ladder outside the backbone model. Hence, it can effectively save computation of backpropagation of the original PTMs while updating adapter modules and also save memory by shrinking the hidden size of representations.

Prefix Tuning Methods

Prefix tuning [62] adds trainable prefix vectors to the hidden states at each layer instead of inserting adapter modules in the middle of the Transformer layers. Formally, as shown in Fig. 5.17, prefix tuning can be viewed as concatenating two prefix matrices PK, PV ∈Rl×d (l is the number of the inserted prefix vectors in the prefix matrix) to the input key hidden matrix K and value hidden matrix V  of the multi-head attention layer, which is formulated as:


where \({\mathbf {P}}_{K}^i\) and \({\mathbf {P}}_V^i\) are the i-th sub-vectors of PK and PV for i-th attention head’s calculation, ATT(⋅) indicates the self-attention function, and x is the input feature of Transformer blocks. For prefix tuning, we have ΔΘ = PK ∪PV. Empirically, directly optimizing PK and PV may be unstable and hurt the performance slightly, and thus prefix tuning proposes to reparametrize them with feed-forward neural networks:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} {\mathbf{P}}_{K} & =&\displaystyle \text{MLP}({\mathbf{P}}_{K}^{\prime}), \\ {\mathbf{P}}_{V} & =&\displaystyle \text{MLP}({\mathbf{P}}_{V}^{\prime}), \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

and they only save PK and PV after training.

Fig. 5.17
An illustration of prefix tuning methods. The value of x goes to the W subscript Q, W subscript K, and W subscript V in the P M T module and further lead to multi-head attention by prefix matrices. The P T M module leads to the hidden representation.

The illustration of the prefix tuning method

Prompt tuning [58] is a simplified form of prefix-tuning, which only adds prefix vectors (a.k.a., soft prompts) to the input layer instead of all layers. It shows that prompt tuning can achieve nearly the same performance as full-parameter fine-tuning when the model size increases. A significant limitation of prefix tuning approaches is that their extremely small parameter spaces make them challenging to optimize and thus require more training time to converge compared to full-parameter fine-tuning. This phenomenon is more severe in small-scale PTMs. Gu et al. [32] thus propose to pre-train the representations of soft prompt tokens in the pre-training stage. The experimental results demonstrate that pre-training soft prompts can effectively improve the performance of prompt learning in downstream tasks and even outperform full-parameter fine-tuning.

In summary, both prefix tuning and adapter-based methods insert new trainable parameters to learn the downstream tasks, and their major difference is the position of the inserted parameters.

Specification-Based Approach

Specification-based approach proposes to specify part of the model parameters in the original PTMs to be tunable (denoted as \(\varDelta \varTheta = \{\varDelta \theta _{idx_1}, \varDelta \theta _{idx_2}, \ldots , \varDelta \theta _{idx_m})\) where idxi ∈ [1, n] is the index of tunable parameters) and also m ≪ n.

BitFit [125] proposes to only optimize the bias terms inside the PTMs while freezing other parameters. Formally, as shown in Fig. 5.18, BitFit first specifies the multi-head attention layer in the Transformer block as:


and then specifies the next feed-forward layer as:


where GeLU(⋅) indicates the Gaussian error linear unit [41]. We do not show the layer-norm layers for convenience, but their bias terms are also tunable in BitFit. Experimental results in BitFit show that it can achieve over 95% performance as full-parameter fine-tuning on several benchmarks. They also find that different functionalities may be controlled by different parts of specified bias terms during model adaptation.

Fig. 5.18
An illustration of bit-fit tuning methods. The value of x goes to the W subscript Q, W subscript K, and W subscript V in the P M T module and further lead to multi-head attention, followed by A D D and layer norm, W subscript 1, and W subscript 2. The P T M module leads to the hidden representation.

The illustration of the BitFit method

Besides BitFit which directly specifies the bias term to be tuned, diff pruning [34] proposes to learn to select part of the model parameters for model adaptation. The basic idea of diff pruning is to encourage the delta parameter ΔΘ to be as sparse as possible. To this end, Diff pruning first decomposes ΔΘ into a binary mask vector z ∈{0, 1}|Θ| multiplied with a dense vector \(\mathbf {w}\in \mathcal {R}^{|\varTheta |}\):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \varDelta\varTheta = \mathbf{z} \odot \mathbf{w}, \end{aligned} $$

and then it optimizes an expectation with respect to z under a Bernoulli distribution parameter α:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \min_{\alpha, \mathbf{w}} \mathcal{E}_{\mathbf{z} \sim p(\mathbf{z};\alpha)}[\mathcal{L}(\varTheta + \varDelta\varTheta) + \lambda\Vert\varDelta\varTheta\Vert_0], \end{aligned} $$

where \(\mathcal {L}(\cdot )\) indicates the learning objective of the downstream task and the L0-norm penalty is added to achieve the goal of sparsity. The idea of learning a binary mask vector for delta tuning is also proposed by Zhao et al. [135].

Reparameterization-Based Approach

Reparameterization-based approach proposes to reparameterize part of existing parameters in PTMs to a parameter-efficient form by transformation. Let P = {p1, p2, …, pm} represent the set of parameter subsets to be reparameterized and \(\varDelta \varTheta = \varTheta + (\cup _{i=1}^m R({\mathbf {p}}_i))\) where R(pi) is used to reparameterize the parameter subset pi.

LoRA [43] decomposes the change of the original weight matrices in the multi-head attention modules into low-rank matrices. Its basic idea is inspired by Aghajanyan et al. [2] that the full-parameter fine-tuning phase of PTMs has a low intrinsic dimension. As shown in Fig. 5.19, LoRA utilizes four low-rank matrices to decomposite the changes of the transform matrices for key and value spaces, which can be formulated as:


where \({\mathbf {A}}_K, {\mathbf {A}}_V \in \mathbb {R}^{d\times r}\) and BK, \({\mathbf {B}}_V\in \mathbb {R}^{r\times d}\). In the experiment on the GLUE benchmark, LoRA can nearly achieve comparable performance with full-parameter fine-tuning for the PTMs of various scales and architectures.

Fig. 5.19
An illustration of LoRA methods. The value of x goes to the W subscript Q, W subscript K with LoRA, and W subscript V with LoRA in the P M T module and further lead to multi-head attention. The P T M module leads to the hidden representation.

The illustration of the LoRA method

Understanding Delta Tuning from Ability Space

Qin et al. [84] point out that for a particular delta tuning method, the adaptations of PTM for multiple downstream tasks can be reparameterized as optimizations in a unified low-dimension parameter space. Based on this work, Yi et al. [119] further find that the optimization of different delta tuning methods for adapting PTMs to downstream tasks can also be reparameterized into optimizations in a unified low-dimension parameter space. This demonstrates the optimization space of PTMs’ adaptation is intrinsically low-dimensional, which may explain why the adaptation of PTMs can be done with relatively small-scale downstream data. The intrinsic low-dimensional tuning parameter space may indicate parts of the parameters in the PTMs that are related to each other, which may be co-activated and controlled in a unified manner. This phenomenon is also observed by MoEfication [134].

5.3.3 Prompt Learning

Prompt learning [64] is proposed to overcome the limitation of full-parameter fine-tuning from the data utilization perspective. It reformulates the downstream tasks as the conditional language modeling form with a textual prompt as task instruction. This could effectively bridge the gap between model pre-training and adaptation for PTMs. Moreover, it incorporates the prior knowledge of domain experts into the model adaptation phase by elaborately designing the textual prompt, which can be viewed as feature engineering toward PTMs. Therefore, prompt learning can significantly reduce the requirements of extensive training data in the model adaptation phase while maintaining good performance.

Prompt learning is inspired by the in-context learning ability in GPT-3 [7]. In-context learning regards PTMs as a black box and utilizes the input to describe the downstream task with a task instruction and some optional examples to PTMs. It hopes PTMs to learn to proceed with the downstream task from the given descriptive context without updating the model parameters. Taking the English-to-Chinese translation task as an example, as shown in Fig. 5.20, in-context learning can be divided into two levels: (1) task instruction learning, which adds a task instruction (Translate English to Chinese) in front of the translated text sequence and requires the PTMs to perform zero-shot learning, and (2) example learning, which also adds some task examples besides the task instruction and requires the PTMs to perform few-shot learning based on the task-related context.

Fig. 5.20
A chart of the task instruction learning and an example of learning. The task instruction learning has input as cheese which is translated into Chinese. The example learning has inputs of the sea otter, peppermint, giraffe, and cheese which is translated into Chinese.

The illustration of task instruction learning and example learning of in-context learning. The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 2.1 from OpenAI’s GPT-3 paper [7]

In-context learning provides a flexible way to utilize PTMs, with which we can describe many possible tasks, from text classification, named entity recognition, and question answering to machine translation. The experimental results in GPT-3 show that large PTM with in-context learning can even achieve better performance compared with the full-parameter fine-tuning in small PTMs.

From the fantastic results of in-context learning in GPT-3, researchers realize that we can stimulate PTMs’ specific functionalities with textual prompts. After that, many researchers focus on exploring how to better stimulate PTMs with textual prompts, i.e., prompt learning. As shown in Fig. 5.21, prompt learning has two essential parts, including task instruction, which is a textual prompt (The movie is [MASK]) to stimulate the specific functionalities of PTMs for the downstream tasks, and task verbalizers, which maps the output words of the language modeling head to label space of the target task. Therefore, the research work on prompt learning focuses on how to design the optimal task instruction prompts and task verbalizers for downstream tasks.

Fig. 5.21
An illustration of prompt learning. The full parameter fine-tuning includes an input text sequence that goes to a pre-trained model which gives a classifier and generates a label. The prompt learning includes input text with a task instruction that feeds to the pre-trained model and further goes to L M head to vocab and to the label.

An example of prompt learning

Task Instruction Design

Task instruction design aims to find the optimal task instruction prompts that can achieve the best performance in the downstream tasks. It can be divided into three categories, including manual, automatic, and knowledgeable methods.

Manual Design

Early works [7, 19, 77, 120] usually design the task instruction prompts manually, based on the intuition of human experts. Although manual design methods are simple and effective, they still have two significant limitations: first, they require much time and expert experience. Second, the optimal task instruction prompts are highly related to specific PTMs and task datasets, and even experts may fail to find the optimal task instruction prompts.

Automatic Design

Later, automatic design methods are proposed to learn or find the optimal task instruction prompts automatically. We categorize them into two typical types: (1) generate-then-rank. It first generates a candidate set of task instruction prompts by prompt mining [47], prompt paraphrasing [40, 122], or prompt generation [5, 28] and then ranks the best one according to the performance in the downstream tasks. (2) Gradient-based search. It searches over all words in the vocabulary to find short task instructions that can stimulate the specific PTMs to generate the target output of the downstream tasks according to the gradients [95, 106].

Knowledgeable Design

Knowledgeable design methods further incorporate external knowledge into the task instruction prompts. For example, Han et al. [38] propose prompt tuning with rules (PTR) to handle text classification tasks. It applies logic rules to guide the construction of task instruction prompts, encoding the prior knowledge of each class into prompt learning. Besides, Chen et al. [9] propose to insert the type markers in front of the head and tail entities to incorporate the entity type knowledge and insert a soft word with the average embeddings of the relation descriptions between the head and tail entities to incorporate the relation knowledge.

Task Verbalizer Design

Task verbalizer design aims to find the optimal label word space of the verbalizer, i.e., the optimal words in the output vocabulary to map to the label words. Similar to task instruction design, it can also be divided into manual, automatic, and knowledgeable methods.

Manual Design

Early manual task instruction designs usually accompany manual task verbalizer designs [19, 77, 120]. They ask the experienced experts to select the optimal words in the vocabulary as the task verbalizer, which is often based on specific downstream tasks such as sentiment classification, named entity recognition, etc. For example, as shown in Fig. 5.21, for sentiment analysis, it usually maps the probability of the word great into the probability of the positive sentiment and the probability of the word terrible to the negative sentiment.

Automatic Design

After early manual designs, researchers have devoted much effort to automating the task verbalizer design. Its most typical form is to find a candidate word set by paraphrasing [47], searching [92], or generation [28, 121] that maps to task labels. After that, different from task instruction design, task verbalizer design usually selects the top-k candidate words/phrases as the verbalizer and sums up their probabilities as the label probabilities. The reason is that a task label may have multiple expressions in language. For example, we can describe that The movie is great/interesting/fantastic/awesome, and they are all mapped to positive sentiment.

Knowledgeable Approaches

Knowledgeable task verbalizer design aims to utilize external knowledge information to help design or learn the label word space in the verbalizer. Hu et al. [44] first propose to utilize external knowledge bases to help to expand the verbalizer’s label word space. Specially, for topic classification, they utilize the external topic-related vocabulary, and for sentiment classification, they use an external sentiment vocabulary to help expand the candidate words mapping to the label space of the verbalizer. Moreover, Cui et al. [18] extend the label word space from discrete words into soft embeddings and learn prototype vectors as verbalizers by self-supervised contrastive learning. Ding et al. [21] also learn to prototype vectors for entity typing tasks by self-supervised learning.

Connections Between Prompt Learning and Prompt Tuning

Prompt learning directly utilizes textual prompts to stimulate the specific functionalities of PTMs for downstream tasks. However, the optimal textual prompt corresponds to many factors, such as the selection of PTMs, task data distribution, etc. The restricted discrete space of words limits the manual [7, 19, 77, 120], automatic [5, 28, 47, 95, 106], or even knowledgeable prompt learning [9, 38] to find optimal textual prompts. Stimulating PTMs’ abilities with textual prompts still has a performance gap with full-parameter fine-tuning in many scenarios. Hence, prompt learning [18, 21] proposes to extend the space of textual prompts to a soft form, i.e., utilizing several additional tunable tokens instead of hard prompt tokens. This can be viewed as a kind of prompt tuning introduced in Sect. 5.3.2. In summary, while prompt tuning is a more parameter-efficient way compared to prompt learning, prompt learning utilizes the prior knowledge of human beings by designing explainable textual prompts and is a natural interface of PTMs which is more explainable for users.

5.4 Advanced Topics

In the previous section, we have introduced the basics of PTMs, including the pre-training and adaptation of text representations. In this section, we present several advanced topics of PTMs, including better model architecture, multilingual representation, multi-task representation, efficient representation, and chain-of-thought reasoning.

5.4.1 Better Model Architecture

Although Transformer-based PTMs have achieved promising results in a wide range of downstream tasks, we still have a question: is Transformer the optimal architecture for PTMs? In this subsection, we introduce the explorations in better model architecture, which can be categorized into three types:

Improving Model Capacity

Recently, researchers have found that the strong ability of PTMs comes from their large-scale parameters, i.e., the bigger model leads to better performance. Therefore, researchers explore improving the Transformer architecture to increase the number of model parameters while keeping the same theoretical computation complexity.

Sparsity, which indicates that the model only activates a part of the parameters for a specific task, has been widely explored. In this way, model capacity can be significantly increased without proportionally increasing theoretical computation complexity. Sparsely gated mixture of experts layer (MoE) [94] is thus proposed to allow models to only activate a part of the parameters for each input sample. As shown in Fig. 5.22, the architecture of sparse-gated MoE consists of two parts: experts and a routing network. Each expert is usually a feed-forward neural network. The routing network is to determine which experts are activated when processing each input sample. Compared with the vanilla Transformer, sparse-gated MoE only selects a part of experts for computation (the number of parameters is the same as the vanilla feed-forward layer), and thus does not increase the training and inference time.

Fig. 5.22
An illustration of the sparse-gated M o E. The inputs X 1 and X 2 lead to 2 hidden representations, followed by the multi-head attention, A D D and layer norm, the routing network, feed-forward neural networks, and again A D D and layer norm to generate outputs of h 1 and h 2.

The architecture of sparsely gated mixture of experts layer. The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 2 from the Switch Transformer paper [26].

However, the sparsely gated MoE still cannot be applied in real-world scenarios due to the training instability and the communication costs in GPU clusters. To address these issues, GShard [57], the first work to combine sparsely gated MoE with Transformer architecture, simplifies the routing strategy of sparsely gated MoE, which only assigns at most two experts for each instance and employs a capacity factor to balance the workload of each expert. Based on the improvement of GShard, Switch Transformer [26] extends sparsely gated MoE as the basic modeling block for PTMs, and only allows one expert for each input sample. GLaM [24] further improves the routing strategy by allowing PTMs to select two experts for each input sample, which provides more model capacity while restricting computation cost. The experimental results in Switch Transformer [26] and GLaM [24] show that PTMs with sparsely gated MoE can converge faster than that with vanilla Transformer architecture due to the significantly larger model capacity.

We believe sparse model architectures, which allow PTMs to stimulate a part of the neurons for each input sample, would be an essential feature of the next generation of PTMs’ architecture. This corresponds to the phenomenon in neuroscience that each neuron tends to have fewer average connections to other neurons with the increasing number of neurons in a primate brain. In fact, Zhang et al. [134] also point out that the vanilla Transformer can be transformed into a sparse-gated MoE form by their proposed MoEfication strategy, i.e., the vanilla Transformer is a special case of sparse-gated MoE. It may demonstrate that sparsity is the intrinsic emergent characteristic of the neural network after pre-training, even without any constraint or pre-design.

Modeling Long-Term Dependency

Besides the model capacity, another critical problem of the vanilla Transformer is that its self-attention mechanism’s computational and memory footprints are quadratic with the length of the input sequence. Hence, a question is can we implement a quadratic Transformer so that the scale of computational and memory requirements are linear with the input sequence length? To this end, a natural solution is to approximate the original multi-head attention with faster attention mechanisms. We introduce several typical fast attention mechanisms widely used in PTMs.

Structured Sparse Attention

Clark et al. [14] point out that the attention heads of PTMs exhibit specific patterns. For example, some tokens may attend to the [CLS] token, and some tokens may attend to the other tokens’ specific positional offsets, etc. Motivated by this phenomenon, later works propose to replace the original full-connected multi-head attentions with several types of pre-defined structured sparse attentions, including (1) the sparse global attention with which the token is visible for all other tokens and typically employed in the [CLS] token, (2) the structured local attention which reduces the visible field for most other tokens with stride window form [4, 124] or blockwise form [12, 85], etc.

Low-Rank Approximation

Since the attention heads of PTMs exhibit specific patterns, the learned attention matrices are low-rank. Hence, several recent works [13, 51, 108] propose to approximate the multi-head attention matrices with low-rank decomposition, reducing the multi-head attention to an operation which is linear with the length of the sentence.

Cluster-Based Sparse Attention

Its basic idea is that tokens can only attend to similar tokens according to the routing mechanism of the multi-head attention layer. Hence, it learns to cluster tokens in the input text sequence according to their similarities and restricts that only the tokens in the same clusters are visible to each other in the attention layer. For example, Reformer [53] employs a locality-sensitive hashing strategy to cluster tokens for attention calculation, and routing Transformer [89] employs a ks-means algorithm to cluster tokens.

Retrieving External Information

Researchers argue that it is a very unreasonable way for traditional PTMs to store all knowledge in model parameters due to their limited capacity compared with the endless knowledge. Therefore, REALM [36] proposes to teach PLMs to retrieve and use external knowledge during inference. REALM augments the BERT model with a latent knowledge retriever, allowing PTMs to retrieve relevant text information (i.e., documents) from a large-scale unlabeled corpus, such as Wikipedia. In the experiment, REALM demonstrates that it can achieve much better results compared to T5–11B, which has nearly 100 times parameters, verifying the effectiveness of retrieving external knowledge. Nevertheless, REALM is based on the BERT model, an encoder-based PTM, which is limited in classification tasks. To address this issue, RAG [60] further extends the idea of retrieval augmentation into the encoder-decoder-based PTM, allowing retrieval-based PTMs to handle text generation tasks.

5.4.2 Multilingual Representation

Big PTMs trained on the large-scale monolingual corpus, such as the English corpus, have shown superior performance in a wide range of NLP tasks. Nevertheless, there are thousands of languages in the world, and it is nearly impossible and unreasonable for us to train individual big PTMs for each language. The reason lies in two points: (1) there are many resource-scarce languages that we cannot easily collect a large amount of unlabeled text for pre-training; (2) there are many NLP tasks related to more than one language. In fact, semantics is independent of symbolic languages since people in the world can express the same meaning in different languages. Hence, training multilingual PTMs has recently attracted much attention from researchers. In this subsection, we introduce the explorations of learning multilingual PTMs in two main categories:

Nonparallel Pre-training

Nonparallel pre-training is the initial attempt at learning multilingual PTMs, which directly pre-trains PTMs on nonparallel multilingual corpora with monolingual pre-training tasks. Its basic idea is that the lexical overlaps between languages can help to align the multilingual language representations of PTMs learned from corpora of multiple languages in the semantic space. It can be divided into three categories according to the model architecture: (1) encoder-based PTMs. Multilingual BERT (mBERT) [20] is the first multilingual PTM with nonparallel pre-training. It pre-trains with an MLM pre-training objective on multilingual Wikipedia corpora which have 104 languages but are nonparallel. (2) Decoder-based PTMs. Multilingual GPT (mGPT) [96] pre-trains with a CLM pre-training objective with Wikipedia and colossal clean crawled corpus, learning a multilingual PTM with 60 languages from 25 language families. (3) Encoder-decoder-based PTMs. mBART [67] and mT5 [115] extend the DLM pre-training objective to support multilingual pre-training. They simply add special language symbols to the end of the input text for the encoder and the start of the input text for the decoder of PTMs. Such special language symbols enable PTMs to realize the languages to be encoded and generated. With the development of multilingual PTMs with nonparallel pre-training, we still wonder how multilingual these PTMs can reach. Therefore, Pires et al. [79] take mBERT as an example for investigation and find that mBERT can achieve superior zero-shot performance in a wide range of cross-lingual NLP tasks, showing its ability in cross-lingual knowledge generalization. This verifies the reasonability of learning multilingual capabilities from the nonparallel multilingual corpora with the Transformer-based PTMs.

A major challenge of multilingual pre-training is how to alleviate the data unbalance problem between high-resource and low-resource languages. To address this issue, mBERT perform exponentially smoothed weighting of the data distribution of different languages during pre-training data construction. Furthermore, XLM-R [16] constructs a new nonparallel multilingual corpus named CC-100, which has 100 languages. Compared to the Wikipedia corpora used by mBERT, CC-100 has a larger scale, especially for those low-resource languages.

Although the monolingual pre-training objective can simply extend to train multilingual PTMs in nonparallel corpora, it cannot well utilize the language-alignment signals from parallel corpora. In fact, such language-alignment signals are essential for multilingual NLP tasks such as cross-lingual information retrieval and machine translation.

Parallel Pre-training

Parallel pre-training is another typical approach for learning multilingual PTMs, which mainly focuses on designing multilingual pre-training tasks to better utilize the language-alignment signals from parallel corpora. This line of research work can be divided into three types according to the pre-training tasks: (1) cross-lingual masked language modeling. XLM [17] thus proposes the cross-lingual masked language modeling (CMLM) pre-training objective to better utilize the language-alignment signals from bilingual sentence pairs. Extending the MLM objective, CMLM concatenates two semantically matched sentences in two languages and asks PTMs to recover randomly masked tokens in the connected sentence. Compared to MLM, CMLM allows PTMs to recover the masked tokens not only from the monolingual context information but also from its aligned tokens in another language. (2) Cross-lingual denoising language modeling. XNLG [10] proposes cross-lingual denoising language modeling (CDLM). Different from DLM, CDLM assigns the inputs of the encoder and decoder of PTMs with text in different languages, similar to CMLM. (3) Cross-lingual contrastive learning. InfoXLM [11] further analyzes MLM and CMLM from the perspective of information theory and proposes a contrastive pre-training objective for learning multilingual PTMs based on the analysis. Based on InfoXLM, HICTL [113] further extends the idea of cross-lingual contrastive learning to help PTMs to learn with multilingual representations at the word level and sentence level.

Compared to nonparallel pre-training, performing parallel pre-training can learn semantic-aligned multilingual representations more effectively and thus achieves promising results in a series of cross-lingual NLP tasks. However, most existing parallel pre-training objective relies on a large number of parallel data at the sentence level and even word level, which is quite rare for many languages. To address this issue, ERNIE-M [74] proposes to expand the scale of parallel multilingual corpora using the back-translation technique as well as a back-translation masked language modeling (BTMLM) pre-training objective. Except for utilizing machine translation technique, ALM [116] proposes a code-switched pre-training objective, which directly replaces the tokens/spans in one language with the token/spans from either its semantic-aligned sentence in another language or bilingual lexicons and then performs CMLM on it.

5.4.3 Multi-Task Representation

Multi-task learning [8] has been widely explored in the representation learning of NLP. With the development of PTMs, pre-trained representations have become much more expressive, unifying text representations across a wide range of NLP tasks. Nevertheless, it still has no clear answer whether multi-task learning in downstream tasks can make the pre-trained representations more expressive. Therefore, researchers have devoted many efforts to exploring how multi-task learning of downstream tasks can promote the PTMs and stimulate the potential of pre-trained representations. We roughly divide the explorations into the following three directions:

Multi-Task Pre-training

Multi-task pre-training unifies the learning paradigm of various kinds of NLP tasks during the pre-training stage for PTMs. The basic idea of multi-task pre-training is to introduce the learning signals of different NLP tasks into the pre-training phase. For example, T5 [88] unifies nearly all NLP tasks as text-to-text generation problems so that it can pre-train the encoder-decoder-based PTMs with all NLP task data besides self-supervised learning with unlabeled corpus. After that, Liu et al. [64] propose to unify the learning objective of all NLP tasks as prompt learning by inserting human-designed /automatically generated task prompts into the input text. This combines the idea of multi-task learning and prompt learning, which can further mitigate the gap between multi-task pre-training and task-specific model adaptation. Besides directly enhancing the PTMs by multi-task learning, some works also explore understanding the principle of task unification in the pre-training stage. Qin et al. [84] reveal that PTMs actually learn the capabilities to handle multiple tasks in the pre-training phase. Moreover, they find that there exists a unified low-dimensional task subspace to the task capabilities, and the task-specific model adaptation of big PTMs can be all reparameterized into optimizing the task vector in this space.

Multi-Task Preadaptation

Multi-task preadaptation additionally adapts the big PTMs by adding intermediate auxiliary tasks between pre-training and model adaptation. The research of multi-task preadaptation can be roughly divided into three categories: (1) exploring the effectiveness of preadaptation. First, big PTMs could further learn more task capabilities that are not reflected in the self-supervised learning signals by incorporating the intermediate knowledge transfer from auxiliary tasks, such as text classification [78], named entity recognition [128], relation extraction [82], and question answering [30]. Second, preadaptation on domain-specific unlabeled data for downstream tasks could provide rich domain-specific knowledge for PTMs [33, 35, 56, 83]. (2) Understanding the working mechanism of preadaptation. Although simple and effective, the success of preadaptation is very sensitive to the selection of intermediate auxiliary tasks. Hence, recent works have focused on exploring the reason for this phenomenon. One on hand, Aghajanyan et al. [1] find that scaling the number of tasks as well as adopting task-heterogeneous batches and task-rebalancing loss scaling is important for multi-task preadaptation. On the other hand, Pruksachatkun et al. [81] explore the task capabilities big PTMs learn during the model preadaptation stage and find that the preadaptation tasks requiring high-level reasoning abilities lead to better downstream task performance. (3) Selecting intermediate auxiliary tasks for preadaptation. Researchers also explore how to efficiently select the optimal intermediate auxiliary tasks according to the knowledge transferability among different tasks, such as embedding-based methods [80], manually defined feature-based methods [63], task gradient-based methods [27], etc.

Multi-Task Model Adaptation

Multi-task model adaptation aims to fine-tune PTMs so that their generated text representations can jointly solve multiple tasks. Researchers argue that PTMs have learned versatile knowledge during self-supervised pre-training in the large-scale unlabeled corpus, which may help a wide range of NLP tasks. Hence, big PTMs can be stimulated with multiple task signals to build a unified downstream task model that can handle a variety of downstream NLP tasks. However, in real-world applications, we usually suffer from the data imbalance problem, i.e., the data volume of different tasks varies a lot. Hence, simply performing typical multi-task learning for model adaptation will lead to underfitting in resource-rich tasks and over-fitting on resource-scarce tasks [3]. To address this problem, the basic idea is to learn task-specific model modules for the PTMs, which can be divided into three types: (1) task-specific layers which are added on top of the shared universal text representations of PTMs [65]; (2) task-specific controlling modules which generate weights of the existing layers such as the FFN layers of the Transformer [102]; and (3) delta tuning modules which reduce the number of newly added model parameters for multiple downstream tasks [70, 98].

5.4.4 Efficient Representation

Although the text representations learned by big PTMs have shown fantastic abilities in language understanding, it requires a large amount of inference time, making them impractical in real-world applications. Therefore, many recent works have explored how to generate efficient pre-trained representations, which can be mainly divided into three types, including model pruning, knowledge distillation, and parameter quantization.

Model Pruning

Model pruning reduces the size of PTMs by omitting redundant model parameters of big PTMs. Model pruning has two main categories: (1) unstructured pruning, which directly prunes the model parameter at the neuron level. CompressingBERT [31] conducts a comprehensive analysis of the multi-head attention layers and feed-forward layers of Transformer blocks in PTMs and then prunes 30–40% of the weights in PTMs without loss of performance during the pre-training stage. This is because these weights do not encode any useful inductive bias for language understanding in the downstream tasks. Although unstructured pruning effectively makes PTMs more sparse, it cannot speed up the inference since the computation hardware cannot well deal with the pruned unstructured PTMs. (2) Structured pruning, which prunes the model parameter at the attention level or layer level. For layer-level pruning, Fan et al. [25] propose to randomly drop several layers so that they can dynamically pick up parts of the model layers during inference. Besides, DeeBERT [114] and CascadeBERT [61] learn to exit the inference in the shallow layer of PTMs in the downstream tasks. While these works all focus on the layer-wise early exiting for the classification tasks, TR-BERT [118] further extends the idea of early exiting into the inference of the sequence labeling tasks for PTMs. For attention-level pruning, researchers observe that there exist redundancy phenomena in attention heads, i.e., the same syntactic or semantic relations may be modeled by more than one attention head [71, 105], and thus they propose to remove the redundant attention heads. Compared to unstructured pruning, the PTMs after structured pruning is still structured and can be easily accelerated in typical computation hardware such as GPUs.

Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation learns a smaller student PTM to transfer the knowledge from a bigger teacher PTM, which aims to reduce both the inference time and memory cost while maintaining the performance of big PTMs. The main challenge of knowledge distillation is how to construct effective supervisions from the teacher PTMs, which can be divided into three types: from (1) the original output probabilities [91] of the self-supervised learning tasks or downstream tasks, (2) the hidden states in different layers [48, 99], and (3) the attention matrices [109]. Compared to directly training a smaller PTM, knowledge distillation can transfer the learned knowledge in larger PTMs, enhancing the representations generated by student PTMs.

Parameter Quantization

Parameter quantization converts the precision of model parameters from a higher float point to the lower one. The original precision of PTMs is usually 32 bits, 16 bits, or mixed 32–16-bits. Q8BERT [123] first proposes to quantize the model parameters’ coding of PTMs into 8-bit to speed up its inference speed. However, it is harder to reduce the parameter coding into extremely low-bit further (e.g., 1 or 2 bits) since the low fixed points have huge precision gaps with float points which may affect the output representations of PTMs. To address this issue, Q-BERT [110] further proposes to apply different levels of precisions for different kinds of modules in the PTMs according to their different precision requirements. Besides, TernaryBERT [130] proposes quantization-aware training for PTMs, which directly trains the quantized PTMs during the pre-training stage. However, extreme low-bit quantization is still limited in real-world applications since it relies on specially designed hardware implementation.

5.4.5 Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

Recent studies have revealed that even the extremely large-scale PTMs can still struggle with complex multi-step reasoning tasks, such as numerical reasoning and commonsense reasoning. Therefore, we have a question: do PTMs learn complex reasoning abilities in the pre-training stage? If yes, how can we stimulate the complex reasoning ability of PTMs?

To this end, chain-of-thought (COT) reasoning [112] is proposed to stimulate the complex reasoning ability of PTMs. The basic idea of COT reasoning is that a model-generated chain of thought can enable PTMs to mimic an intuitive thought process to perform reasoning. As shown in Fig. 5.23, COT reasoning adds a human-labeled explanation that describes the explicit intermediate reasoning path as the textual prompt for obtaining the final answer. COT reasoning hopes the PTMs can learn to decompose the complex reasoning task into multiple intermediate steps that are solved individually, and then PTMs can obtain the correct answer by reasoning over the generated path. In this way, PTMs can generate more interpretable solutions and improve the model performance in the samples requiring complex reasoning. Experimental results in the original paper [112] show that the complex reasoning ability emerges from PTMs when the model parameter grows up to about 100B with COT reasoning, and such big PTMs can achieve promising results on numerical reasoning and commonsense reasoning tasks. Later, Wang et al. [111] further propose an answer ensembling strategy to improve the reasoning accuracy for COT reasoning. They first sample a diverse set of reasoning paths with beam search and then perform reasoning over them. After that, they select the most consistent final answer from the generated answer set following these reasoning paths. Their experiments show that such a simple strategy can effectively improve the model performance without additional training for various PTMs with different scales. Although simple and effective, a major drawback of COT reasoning is that it requires expensive manually annotating explanations for different tasks and datasets. To address this problem, STaR [126] further proposes a bootstrapping approach to generate high-quality explanations for each example from a tiny seed training set and verifies its effectiveness in arithmetic, math word problems, and commonsense reasoning, especially in the few-shot settings.

Fig. 5.23
An illustration of chain-of-thought reasoning. It includes two questions. The first question gives an answer through a chain of thought. Both questions enter the pre-trained model which gives the answer to the second question.

An example of chain-of-thought reasoning. The text colored red is the added explanation. The figure is redrawn according to Fig. 1 from the chain-of-thought reasoning paper [112]

Now, the remaining question is where does the complex reasoning ability of PTMs come from? One possibility is the intrinsic ability of PTMs that are learned in the self-supervised pre-training phase, while another possibility is learning from the provided reasoning explanations due to the few-shot learning ability of big PTMs. Recently, Kojima et al. [54] reveal that big PTMs can perform complex multi-step reasoning without any human-labeled explanation prompt. As shown in Fig. 5.24, they find that big PTMs can perform zero-shot COT reasoning by simply adding “Let’s think step by step” before each answer as the textual prompt. They show that with such a simple prompt, the zero-shot performance of big PTMs achieves consistent improvements in diverse NLP tasks, including arithmetic, symbolic, and other reasoning tasks. This preliminarily demonstrates that the complex reasoning ability may be learned by PTMs during pre-training on the large-scale corpus.

Fig. 5.24
An illustration of the zero-shot chain-of-thought reasoning. The prompt goes to the question that feeds into the pre-trained model and gives an answer.

An example of zero-shot chain-of-thought reasoning

Nevertheless, it is still unclear to us how PTMs learn such ability: do such reasoning text patterns exist in the training corpus and PTMs just learn a shortcut? Or have PTMs evolved into more intelligent agents we never imagined, i.e., the pre-trained representations of big PTMs may also exist other untapped and understudied fundamental “magic” abilities? This is still an open question. But we confirmedly believe that big PTMs are the foundation and future direction toward high-level cognitive intelligence.

For this question, an interesting recent finding is that big PTMs have the ability to behavior learning. For example, WebGPT [72] can learn how to operate an online search engine like Bing APIFootnote 1 to answer open-domain questions. InstructGPT [73] can perform various types of tasks according to the corresponding task instructions by learning from human feedback with reinforcement learning. Inspired by the idea of reinforcement learning from human feedback of InstructGPT, more recently, ChatGPTFootnote 2 have also demonstrated the fantastic dialogue ability of big PTMs, which learns from tens of thousands of human conversation behaviors. All these works make an initial exploration to more intelligent utilization of big PTMs: by learning from human behavior with reinforcement learning, we may mine the unexplored high-level cognitive intelligence hiding in big PTMs.

5.5 Summary and Further Readings

In this section, we review the current progress and the remaining challenges of pre-trained models for representation learning in NLP. First, we introduce the pre-training tasks, including word-level pre-training and sentence-level pre-training. After that, we turn to the model adaptation, from full-parameter fine-tuning to optimization-perspective delta tuning and data-perspective prompt learning. Finally, we discuss several advanced topics, such as better model architecture, multilingual learning, multi-task learning, efficient representations, and chain-of-thought reasoning.

For further understanding of pre-trained models for representation learning, you can find more related papers in our paper lists about pre-trained models,Footnote 3 delta tuningFootnote 4 and prompt learning.Footnote 5 On the survey of pre-trained models, Han et al. [37] give a comprehensive review of the history and recent breakthroughs of PTMs and also discuss its remaining open challenges. Ding et al. [22] give a detailed review of existing delta tuning methods. Bommasani et al. [6] systematically review the PTMs’ developments from the capability, technical principle, application, and societal impact perspectives.