
1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background

The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Key work of Rural Revitalization in 2023 emphasize that: solidly promote the construction of livable and viable industries and beautiful villages [1], and rural housing construction has always been one of the key areas of rural construction. Traditional housing construction methods have such problems as long construction period, low level of construction technology, and difficult to guarantee construction quality, which affect the realization of the goal of beautiful countryside construction [2]. Prefabricated buildings have the characteristics of factory production and standardized assembly, and can quickly build a number of new buildings with unified style, so prefabricated buildings can be widely used in rural construction. However, due to a series of problems such as limited production conditions and transportation conditions [3], lack of professional institutions and talents, prefabricated buildings are not widely used in rural buildings.

1.2 Research Status

Many scholars have conducted research on rural prefabricated buildings from various angles. L Jankovi [4] proposed that the use of modular prefabricated wood structures for public urban and rural areas would ensure the sustainability of the natural environment and continue the Croatian architectural tradition. Dianbo W [5] introduced the modular design process of ALC building external wall light steel structure, and formed a standardized prefabricated farm house, providing a reference for the large-scale promotion of prefabricated buildings in rural areas Matsumoto A [6] analyzed the current situation of reinforced concrete system apartments and PC system apartments and concluded that “it is necessary to gradually use higher prefabricated buildings”. Wang Zhaohui [7] summarized the existing studies related to rural prefabricated buildings, and Lin Guohai et al. [8] believed that prefabricated passive house construction technology could promote the construction of beautiful villages and the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, but they did not give clear views on how to promote prefabricated buildings. Wu Lingling [9] and Zhang Heng [10] affirmed the necessity of the application of prefabricated buildings in rural areas and analyzed the influencing factors of the development of prefabricated housing in rural areas, but did not conduct quantitative analysis on the influencing factors. Dong Xuanxuan [11] analyzed the development of prefabricated farm houses based on the SWOT AHP, but only clarified the weights of each influencing factor and did not determine the final development strategy. Lv Lingxue [12] constructed a strategic positioning for the development of prefabricated buildings based on PEST-SWOT analysis, but the analysis was mainly carried out on a nationwide scale rather than in rural areas. He Pengwang [2] established a strategic selection model for rural extension prefabricated buildings by combining SWOT quantitative analysis method. However, only the literature method was used to extract the influencing factors, which was from a single source and not perfect enough.

On the whole, the existing literature affirms the necessity of promoting prefabricated buildings in rural areas, but there are some problems in the analysis of promotion factors, such as insufficient quantitative analysis, insufficient research, weak pertinancy and incomplete influencing factors. This paper aims to explore a suitable strategy for the promotion of prefabricated buildings in rural areas of Chongqing, so as to help rural revitalization.

2 Analysis on the Influencing Factors of the Popularization of Prefabricated Buildings in Rural Areas

In order to realize the deep popularization of prefabricated buildings in rural areas, it is necessary to analyze the factors that affect the popularization of prefabricated buildings in rural areas and establish the strategic model of prefabricated buildings in rural areas. This paper analyzes the influencing factors through the following three ways.

  • 1. Literature analysis. Read the literature related to “rural revitalization” and “prefabricated buildings” to extract the influencing factors.

  • 2. Policy analysis. Read policy documents related to prefabricated buildings, rural revitalization, rural housing construction, and rural construction to understand favorable policy factors.

  • 3. Social research. Survey for industry practitioners to understand the development of prefabricated buildings in rural areas and existing problems.

3 Establishment of Strategic Model for Promoting Prefabricated Buildings in Rural Areas of Chongqing

According to the above, 10 favorable factors and 10 unfavorable factors are sorted out. These factors not only have the influence of external environment but also the characteristics of prefabricated buildings themselves, which is highly matched with the internal and external advantages and disadvantages of SWOT analysis theory. As SWOT analysis is mainly qualitative research, there are problems such as insufficient quantitative analysis and strong subjectivity [13], this paper will use the polar coordinate method combined with SWOT to conduct quantitative evaluation of SWOT factors.

Step 1: Construct the hierarchy diagram of rural extension prefabricated buildings, and make a quantitative analysis of each factor of the index layer.

1. Determine the target layer, criterion layer and index layer of the hierarchy chart according to the influence factors sorted out above and the theoretical elements of SWOT analysis. (Table 1 Target layer, criterion layer and index layer).

2. Develop a survey questionnaire. A Likert scale was developed based on the influence of each index layer on the target layer. The scale was scored from 1 to 5. The higher the score, the greater the influence. Relevant personnel of the whole industry chain of prefabricated buildings were invited to score according to the actual situation, 123 valid questionnaires were collected, and the reliability and validity of the questionnaires were tested. After passing the test, the average score of each factor was calculated. (Table 1 Average score)

Table 1. Rural extension prefabricated building hierarchy chart and index scores

Step 2: Use analytic hierarchy process to determine the weight of each index layer to describe the impact of each factor on the result.

1.Construct a pair comparison matrix. Taking each criterion layer as a dimension, the judgment matrix is obtained by dividing the average score of the index in this dimension. The data in the judgment matrix in row i and column j are denoted as aij, aij = ai/aj, ai --The average score of Ai items, aj--The average score of Aj items. As shown in Table 2:

Table 2. AHP judgment matrix

Take the criterion layer “internal advantage (S)” as an example, As shown in Table 3:

Table 3. Internal dominance (S) layer pair comparison matrix
  • 2. The feature vector and weight value were calculated with SPSSAU online analysis tool, and do consistency test (take the criterion layer “internal advantage (S)” as an example, As shown in Table 4):

Table 4. Results of internal advantage (S) AHP hierarchy analysis

Consistency test index. Formula: \({\text{CI}} = \frac{{{\uplambda }_{{\text{max}}} - {\text{n}}}}{{{\text{n}} - 1}}\), among \({\uplambda }_{{\text{max}}}\)-- Determine the largest eigenroot of the matrix, n -- the order of the judgment matrix (number of terms), RI-- ratio coefficient of random consistency, RI for details see Table 5:

Table 5. Random consistent RI table

In this case \({\text{ CR}} = \frac{{{\text{CI}}}}{{{\text{RI}}}} = \frac{{{\uplambda }_{{\text{max}}} - {\text{n}}}}{{{\text{n}} - 1}}/{\text{RI}} = \frac{5 - 5}{{5 - 1}}1.12 = 0\), CR < 0.1, consistency check passed, the weight calculation results are valid.

3. The weights of factors under other criteria layers are calculated in the same way. (Table 6 Weights)

Step 3: Determine the degree of conformity between each factor of the index layer and the reality. (Table 6 Intensity factor)

Prefabricated construction industry experts are invited to score the degree of conformity between the factors of the indicator layer and the current actual situation, using a 0–4 scale, advantages and opportunities are positive, disadvantages and challenges are negative, the larger the absolute value is, the more consistent the indicator layer is with the actual situation, 0 is not understood. The average score of each factor was calculated.

Step 4: Determine the comprehensive strength of each criterion layer.Multiply each intensity factor by the corresponding weight to get the factor strength, the sum of factors' strength under each criterion layer is the comprehensive strength of the criterion layer. (Table 6 Comprehensive strength).

Table 6. Weight, factor strength and comprehensive strength table

Step 5: Identify the type of strategy. Draw the development strategy quadrangle with the comprehensive strength of each criterion layer as the coordinate (Fig. 1). The strategic quadrilateral center of gravity coordinates, strategic azimuth, and strategic strength coefficient were calculated to determine the strategic direction and type pedigree (Fig. 2).

Center of gravity coordinate P(x, y) = (\({\raise0.7ex\hbox{${\sum^{\text{x}}_{\text{i}} }$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sum^{\text{x}}_{\text{i}} } 4}}\right.\kern-0pt}\!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$4$}}\), \({\raise0.7ex\hbox{${\sum^{\text{y}}_{\text{i}} }$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sum^{\text{y}}_{\text{i}} } 4}}\right.\kern-0pt}\!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$4$}}\)) = (0.027, 0.0257)

Strategic type azimuth θ = arctan(y/x) = arctan(0.027/0.0257) = 46.4° (\(\frac{{\uppi }}{4}\) < \({\uptheta }\) < \(\frac{{\uppi }}{2}\)).

Strategic strength coefficient \({\uprho }\):Positive strategic strength U = O*S, Negative strategic intensity V = W*T, \({\uprho } = \frac{{\text{U}}}{{{\text{U}} + {\text{V}}}} = \frac{{2.95{*}2.93}}{{2.95{*}2.93 + ( - 2.82){*}( - 2.93)}}{ }\) = 0.512 (0.5 < \({\uprho }\) < 1)

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Development strategy Quadrangl

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Strategic direction and type pedigree

The results show that the azimuth of the strategic type is 46.4°, belonging to the pioneering strategic area, between \(\frac{{\uppi }}{4}\)\(\frac{{\uppi }}{2}\), belonging to the opportunistic strategy type, and the strategic intensity coefficient ρ > 0.5. Active measures should be taken to speed up the development.

4 Research Conclusions

The research shows that the development of rural prefabricated buildings in Chongqing belongs to the opportunistic strategy type of the pioneering strategic area, and the opportunity factor is the key factor affecting the promotion of rural prefabricated buildings in Chongqing. This conclusion provides a theoretical basis for the formulation of prefabricated building policies and the promotion of rural prefabricated buildings, provides practical suggestions for relevant departments and enterprises, and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for the promotion of prefabricated buildings in rural areas of Chongqing.

To be specific, we should seize external opportunities, give full play to internal advantages, and avoid internal disadvantages and external threats. Seize the favorable national policies and huge market demand, increase the support and cultivation of local prefabricated construction leading enterprises, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises; Strengthen the publicity, improve the social recognition of prefabricated buildings; Improve infrastructure construction, clear transport obstacles; Training township prefabricated building technical personnel; Formulate practical, reliable and easy to implement support policies, and establish a sound quality control system; Reduce construction and transportation costs. Through the combined application of various strategies, the development of prefabricated buildings in rural areas of Chongqing is effectively promoted.