
1 Introduction

The development process of the People’s Republic of China is a process of rapid industrialization of an agricultural country. Whether relying on the aid of the former Soviet Union to develop the military heavy industry in the early stage or undertaking the western labor-intensive low-end consumer goods industry in the later stage, it is at the cost of extracting a large amount of agricultural surplus value. Therefore, when China has basically completed industrialization, it is necessary to give back and feed back to agriculture and rural areas. The strategy of rural revitalization is the compensatory investment and modernization of agriculture and rural areas, and urban agriculture with short cycle and quick effect will be the entry point and breakthrough to realize the strategy of rural revitalization [2]. The rural revitalization strategy is also to find a new investment channel for the surplus urban financial capital and the surplus urban industrial capital. According to the concept of rural revitalization strategy, the scope of projects that can be operated in rural areas is very broad. In addition to traditional agriculture, planting, aquaculture, and agricultural by-product processing industries, tourism, leisure, culture, specialty cuisine, specialty processing and production, financial services, logistics services, real estate services, etc. [6] can also be developed in combination with local characteristics and specialties, which can attract a large number of local labor employment, and extend the industrial chain in both directions.

The rapid industrialization process, especially the labor-intensive industry, requires massive labor input. Therefore, most of the rural middle-aged peoples are attracted to work in cities, which has a huge impact on rural life, and even devastating in some areas. In the countryside, most families are left with only young children and elderly grandparents, and the elderly grandparents can’t take care of agricultural production and the normal growth of children at all, so rural life has lost its normal state, agricultural production can only be maintained at a low level, and children’s growth is also lack of parental care and discipline. This is extremely detrimental to children’s physical and psychological growth, and life without parents is not real life. Therefore, the connotation of rural revitalization is not only the rural economic development and rural landscape reconstruction, but also the integrity of rural families. The real core is the return of rural family integrity and the remodeling of rural pastoral life [3]. It is necessary to create enough employment opportunities to attract parents to return to reunite with children and live a happier rural pastoral life than before.

The return of rural family integrity and the reshaping of rural pastoral life should be based on a higher quality of life, otherwise it will not be attractive. Rural areas do not lack fresh air, bright sunshine, sweet springs, and beautiful scenery. What rural areas lack is clean and tidy living facilities and a high level of hygiene. Therefore, how to make up for the shortcomings in living facilities and hygiene is the first problem faced by rural revitalization. After cost-effectiveness comparison, adopting mature and affordable prefabricated building technology can significantly improve the living facilities and hygiene level in rural areas in a short period of time, providing clean and comfortable indoor and outdoor living environments for rural families. When the quality of life in rural areas approaches or is on par with the quality of life in urban areas, it will undoubtedly significantly weaken the urban-rural gap, enhance the flow of urban-rural personnel, promote more people to stay in rural areas, and directly assist in rural revitalization.

2 Countermeasures to be Taken in the Revitalization of Rural Areas in China

The long-term dual structure of urban and rural areas has to some extent restricted the development of rural and agricultural areas in China. While the rapid industrialization and urbanization process has drained a large number of rural labor, agriculture has actually been weakened, and obviously there is no need to pay attention to the development of agriculture in urban areas. After China has basically completed the industrialization process and rural poverty alleviation tasks around 2020, rural revitalization has been put on the government’s agenda, and improving the quality of life in rural areas is an important task.

2.1 Adopting Low-Cost Prefabricated Building Technology can Quickly Improve the Quality of Rural Life

The vast rural areas of China have made significant contributions and sacrifices to China’s industrialization process. Rural revitalization is the feedback of industrialization on rural society. For China, as the world’s factory, it is not difficult to improve the quality of life in rural areas with mature and affordable industrial products. In the field of architecture, prefabricated buildings and their technologies are the best choice for quickly improving the quality of rural life.

Traditional rural life in China is garbage free, and all food residues and human and animal excrement can be used as fertilizer to return to the field. However, the process of returning to the field is considered unhygienic, has an unpleasant odor, and can produce unpleasant experiences [4]. It is considered one of the important labels of the low quality of rural life. And prefabricated toilets and prefabricated septic tanks can completely change this perception, making the quality of life of rural households comparable to that of cities [7] (see Fig. 1). Combined with sewage pumps, the residue and liquid from septic tanks can be conveniently transported to the fields and used as organic fertilizers. Poultry and livestock manure can be put into prefabricated biogas digesters to produce biogas. After being liquefied and filled, biogas can be used as household fuel, and the residue can still be used as organic fertilizer (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Prefabricated integrated toilet/Prefabricated septic tank/Installation site.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Installation of prefabricated biogas digesters.

Made of fiberglass material, the cost of prefabricated septic tanks and biogas digesters can be greatly reduced, and replacement and recycling are convenient, all of which can be completed in the factory [8]. The fiberglass material is light and hard, non-conductive, stable in performance, high in mechanical strength, pollution-free, corrosion-resistant, and inexpensive, making it particularly suitable for the manufacturing of concealed prefabricated components.

Due to the relatively small scale of rural residential buildings, it is entirely possible to adopt prefabricated overall construction [5]. Rooms, stairs, kitchens, bathrooms, and various building components can be prefabricated in the factory, while on-site workers are only responsible for overall assembly, which can greatly improve efficiency and reduce costs [1] (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Construction of prefabricated rural residential buildings.

2.2 Prioritize Planning and Design Work Based on Local Conditions

Prefabricated building technology can provide support for rural revitalization from a technical perspective, while planning and design are needed to address project operations. Rural revitalization is aimed at achieving a better rural life, rather than continuing to destroy the countryside. Therefore, it cannot be constructed in a disorderly manner and must be comprehensively considered. Planning and design must take precedence [11]. For example, in Wangxian Valley, Shangrao, Jiangxi Province, the tourism and tourism industry chain of “Ecological Fairy Tour” has been planned and designed, driving the extension of industries such as humanities, folk customs, agriculture, food, vacation, and research (see Fig. 4). It provides more than 2000 direct employment positions and more than 30000 surrounding employment, promoting the return of villagers in hollow villages such as Wangxian, Shangzhen, Daji, and Gelu, promoting the development of all industries and achieving genuine rural revitalization. (Data cited from Jiangxi Daily).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Wangxian Valley, Shangrao, Jiangxi Province.

Due to the different economic levels, development conditions, and terrain and climate across the country, it is necessary to fully leverage the subjective initiative of each region, formulate development plans tailored to local conditions, and find the best development path suitable for local rural revitalization.

2.3 Pay Attention to Landscape and Ecology

Rural revitalization projects should be conducive to the protection of the ecological environment and the sustainable development of the landscape. While addressing the environmental pollution and landscape damage caused by industrialization, it is also necessary to handle the interactive relationship between the environment and people. Rural revitalization should be a dual improvement of the natural environment and living environment, and a psychological experience with good visual and cultural aesthetics should be formed. This will facilitate the formation of unique rural landscapes and tourism and leisure industries, promote the formation and development of local characteristic cultures, extend the ecological industrial chain, and promote harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

2.4 Pay Attention to Information and Logistics

Rural revitalization can utilize online platforms and video live streaming to communicate in real-time with end consumers, accurately grasp the supply and demand relationship, and meet the diverse needs of consumers. In order to better establish direct contact with consumers, various network application platforms should be fully utilized to form information groups, dynamically publish and receive information in real time, and establish fast logistics channels to complete transactions in a timely manner, maintain stable operations and secure cash flow [9]. Information and logistics are necessary support and reliable guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of rural revitalization projects.

3 Conclusion

Rural revitalization is a complex and systematic task, with the most important technical support being prefabricated building technology. Due to the generally small volume and scale of rural buildings and landscapes, which do not meet the high requirements of cities, prefabricated building technology applied in rural areas not only has the characteristics of fast construction, low cost, durability, energy conservation and environmental protection, but also has considerable flexibility, which can adapt well to various rural planning and design needs. For special needs in special regions and climatic conditions, prefabricated building technology can also be well met, which can be simulated and verified in factory workshops. At the planning and design level, the use of prefabricated building technology should be actively encouraged. Not only can building components and functional rooms be prefabricated and assembled, but even the entire house can be prefabricated and assembled. The workers on the construction site are only responsible for firmly connecting to the foundation. This not only saves construction costs and time costs, but also greatly enhances the replaceability of buildings and the flexibility of planning and design, showcasing different architectural styles and landscape features in different seasons and periods, creating a variety of visual and cultural experiences. This will greatly promote the formation and extension of the rural industrial chain, increase rural employment opportunities, meet the needs of family members to live together [10], build a complete and comprehensive beautiful rural life, and achieve true rural revitalization.