
1 Introduction

Because of the complex shape of the assembled structure shear wall, the reinforcement design is a difficult point, and the traditional design can not meet the production demand. So in the parametric design of modern fabricated shear wall structure, virtual reality technology plays an indispensable application advantage. In order to realize the good application of virtual reality technology, designers need to fully understand this technology first, and then combined with the actual situation, complete the construction of parametric model, and then based on this, the parameterized design of the structure is carried out by reasonable methods. In this way, the design can be reasonably optimized to meet the actual design and application needs of the fabricated shear wall structure.

2 Overview of Virtual Reality Technology

Virtual reality technology, also known as VR technology, is a modern and integrated technology integrated by many disciplines, it integrates many advanced technologies such as multimedia, sensors, new display Internet and artificial intelligence [1]. Through the reasonable application of virtual reality technology, the real scene can be fully simulated, so as to bring users an immersive virtual experience. At present, virtual reality technology has been widely used in many fields such as architecture design, automobile manufacturing and military simulation. Especially in the field of prefabricated building design, virtual reality technology is playing a very good application value [2].

3 Parametric Design Model of Fabricated Shear Wall Structure Based on Virtual Reality Technology

Unity-3D is one of the most commonly used software in the virtual reality design of fabricated shear wall structures. Because prefabricated building shear walls have a complex configuration and vary in many ways, the number and location of openings inside may vary, therefore, there is usually no set of fixed rules to follow when constructing the structural model of fabricated shear wall. In this case, the Unity-3D virtual reality design software application is also facing greater difficulties. At the same time, in the multi-form prefabricated concrete shear wall structure, its reinforcement situation is a design difficulty [3]. Based on this, in the virtual reality design of prefabricated shear wall structure, the designer needs to combine the specific process design and relevant standards, to effectively interpret the actual situation of prefabricated shear wall construction, including its actual device situation, industrial production demand. Then based on this, combined with the previous relevant engineering design concepts and design experience, the Unity-3D virtual design software for its structure of a reasonable parametric design. The whole structure can be divided into concrete module, longitudinal reinforcement module and transverse reinforcement module, and the parametric design of prefabricated shear wall structure can be completed by constructing different models. The following is based on the software of fabricated shear wall structure parametric design model construction analysis [4].

3.1 The Model of Concrete Shear Wall

If the assembled shear wall structure is rectangular and has double openings, the lower left corner of the rectangle should be designed as the coordinate origin to realize the reasonable construction of the parametric model. Figure 1 is a parameterized design model of an assembled shear wall structure:

In this process, the endpoints on the shear wall structure can be shown by width (B0) and height (H0), and the vertices of the internal openings can be shown by the central points of width and height (xc1, yc1) and the coordinates of the openings width (b1, b2). Table 1 shows the main position coordinates and their functional relationships of the parametric design model of the fabricated shear wall structure:

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Parametric Design Model of Assembled Shear Wall Structure.

Table 1. The Coordinates of the Main Fixed Points and Their Functional Relations of the Parametric Design Model of an Assembled Shear Wall Structure (\(y_c = y_{c1} = y_{c2}\))

3.2 The Model of Longitudinal Steel Region

In order to construct the model of the longitudinal reinforcement region of the assembled shear wall structure by Unity 3D software, it is necessary to set the location of the reinforcement reasonably. Figure 2 is a parameterized design model of longitudinal reinforcement of an assembled shear wall structure.

Because the virtual number is much less than the actual number, so in the specific design, it can be regarded as a representative of each module in the longitudinal steel. In this stage, the area where the rebar is located can be divided into seven modules, which are indicated by serial numbers 1–7. In this parameterized model, Point 1 #–4 # belongs to External Control Point, Point 5 #–20 # belongs to Internal Control Point. Based on the geometric relationship between longitudinal bars, the coordinate of control point and its function can be obtained scientifically. Table 2 shows the location points of the main reinforcing bars and their coordinate functions in the longitudinal steel region model of the fabricated shear wall structure:

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Parametric Design Model of Longitudinal Reinforcement of an Assembled Shear Wall Structure.

Table 2. The Position Points of The Main Steel Bars and Their Coordinate Functions in the Model of Longitudinal Steel Region of an Assembled Shear Wall Structure.

3.3 The Model of Transverse Steel Region

In this stage, the area where the rebar is located can be divided into five modules, which are indicated by serial numbers 1–5. Figure 3 is a parameterized design model of the transverse steel of an assembled shear wall structure:

Because the virtual number is much less than the actual number, so in the specific design, it can be regarded as a representative of each module in the longitudinal reinforcement. The 1 #–4 # point belongs to the External Control Point and the 5 #–16 # point belongs to the Internal Control Point. Table 3 shows the location points of the main steel bars and their coordinate functions in the transverse steel region model of the assembled shear wall structure:

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Parameterized Design Model of Transverse Reinforcement of an Assembled Shear Wall Structure

Table 3. The Position Points of The Main Steel Bars and Their Coordinate Functions in the Model of Transverse Steel Region of an Assembled Shear Wall Structure.

4 Parametric Design Strategy of Fabricated Shear Wall Structure Based on Virtual Reality Technology

In the process of parametric design of assembly shear wall structure by Unity-3D virtual reality design software, in order to effectively ensure the rationality of its design, the designer needs to take object-oriented program form to design [5]. The Unity-3D virtual reality design technology is re-developed with the help of the cooperation of the assembly shear wall structure parametric design model. Then on the basis of this, the SQL Server database is reasonably built to achieve the effective storage of various control parameters [6]. Finally, with the help of virtual reality platform software such as AutoCAD and PKPM, the virtual reality design of assembly shear wall structure is carried out. The following is the parametric design process of fabricated shear wall structure under the condition of virtual reality technology:

4.1 Create an Assembled Shear Wall Model

In the Unity-3D virtual reality design software, every surface is drawn from triangles, and any shape can be obtained by piecing together multiple triangles. Mesh is one of the components of Unity, and in design terms, this component is often referred to as a grid component. Import 3-d model data in the form of vertices, normals, and UV. The model is constructed according to the grid division form in the component. In this case, the concrete parameterized model should be meshed by the ear-cut method. The main modeling steps are as follows: 1) to effectively solve the problem of internal openings, the parametric design model of assembled shear wall structure can be connected with 1 #, 5 #, 8 # and 9 # points by composite line, and the points of 16 #, 15 #, 14 # and 13 # are set as the coincidence points of the above four points respectively, so that the whole parametric model of concrete shear wall can be presented by a simple closed polygon structure. 2) polygon mesh is divided by polygon complex connection and programming method. (3) the corresponding auxiliary tools are added to the Polygon mesh so that the fabricated concrete structure can form an accurate parameterized model in the Unity-3D virtual reality design software.

4.2 Create the Steel Bar Model of Shear Wall

It is also necessary to use triangular mesh to build the steel bar model in the fabricated shear wall structure by the Unity-3D virtual reality design software. Creating, the main flow includes the following: 1) through the reinforcement center line to complete a number of short-line drawing. 2) draw the corresponding hexagons through all the radius of the reinforced page, and place the drawn hexagonal values on the steel axis at several short corners to distinguish the steel grid.

4.3 Create Overall Model

After creating parameterized models of concrete and steel structures in the Unity-3D virtual reality design software using the above methods, designers can extract the information of prefabricated shear wall components in Auto CAD drawings, extract the PKPM calculation results, and import them into the Unity-3D virtual reality design software [7]. In this way, the parameterized construction of the prefabricated shear wall structure model can be completed in the Unity-3D virtual reality design software, thereby fully meeting its parameterized design requirements.

5 Development Direction of Parameterized Design for Fabricated Shear Wall Structures Based on Virtual Reality Technology

With the continuous development of modern science and technology and the construction industry, the virtual reality technology applied in the structural design of prefabricated building engineering is also constantly updated [8]. Especially with the application of modern artificial intelligence technology, the design of prefabricated shear wall structures based on virtual reality technology has begun to develop towards automation and intelligence. To achieve this goal, relevant units, researchers, and technicians should strengthen the application research of this technology, introducing various more advanced big data technologies, artificial intelligence technologies, etc., in order to provide sufficient scientific assistance for virtual reality design [9]. At the same time, intelligent robots can also replace current design and technical personnel to improve the quality of parameterized design in such structural designs and avoid adverse effects of human factors on their design accuracy. Through this approach, virtual reality technology can be fully utilized in the parameterized design of modern prefabricated shear wall structures, thereby promoting the good design, application, and development of modern prefabricated buildings [10].

6 Conclusion

In summary, prefabricated buildings are a major development direction in today's construction technology. In the design of prefabricated building structures, the rational application of virtual reality technology is crucial. Especially for prefabricated shear wall structures, in specific parametric design, designers must take reasonable measures to apply virtual reality technology based on the actual situation, complete the model creation of each module of the prefabricated shear wall structure in the corresponding virtual reality design software, and create a sufficiently accurate parametric design model through the acquisition and comprehensive import of various parameters. Through this approach, the design quality of prefabricated building shear wall structures can be effectively ensured, meeting the actual design, manufacturing, and application needs of such structures. Virtual reality design technology will play an increasingly powerful advantage in the design of prefabricated building structures, thereby promoting the good development of prefabricated building engineering technology and its industry in China.