

South Korea's ascendancy as a global education leader has been characterized by its exceptional advancements and outstanding scholastic accomplishments. Notably, the nation’s educational framework has undergone substantial transformations, embracing digitalization and innovation to enrich its pedagogy and curriculum. Through the assimilation of cutting-edge technologies and the adoption of progressive teaching methodologies, South Korea has spearheaded an educational paradigm shift. This article will delve into the manner in which South Korea has harnessed digitalization and innovation to revolutionize its educational system and thus result in the enhancement of its pedagogical practices and curriculum.

The World Bank (2021) has noted the ascent of global education investments to be witnessing an upsurge, as educational initiatives are being bolstered by governments, international organizations, and philanthropic entities. Inclusive and equitable education has taken precedence in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 (UN, 2023), while the mobilization of funding to support education in low-income countries has been spearheaded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE, 2023). These endeavors seek to cultivate sustainable development and bestow individuals with empowerment through the medium of quality education.

In line with this, the bedrock of South Korea’s educational prowess lies in its substantial investments in the sector. The government has accorded paramount importance to education, allocating significant resources to erect a resilient and comprehensive educational infrastructure. The government’s generous public expenditures in education have facilitated the provision of first-rate schools, state-of-the-art facilities, and abundant resources for students and educators alike (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2019). This considerable investment underscores the nation’s unwavering dedication to fostering human capital and cultivating an erudite society. Figure 1 illustrates South Korea’s investment in education over the years (OECD, 2023b).

Fig. 1
A bar graph plots the budget in trillion versus the years from 2015 to 2022. The highest budget is 84.1 in the year 2022, followed by 72.6 in 2020 and the lowest is 52.9 in the year 2015.

South Korean local governments’ budgets for educational sectors from 2015–2022 in trillions of South Korean won

South Korea’s cultural reverence for education has played a pivotal role in shaping its educational landscape. Education is highly prized, occupying a position of paramount importance within South Korean families. The pursuit of academic excellence is deeply ingrained in the societal fabric, as parents, students, and educators exhibit unwavering dedication to educational attainment. The tenets of diligence, discipline, and arduous effort have forged a culture that champions academic achievement and the pursuit of higher education (Lee, 2019).

South Korea has accorded great importance to recruiting and raising exceptionally skilled educators. The teaching profession is accessed exclusively by individuals who have demonstrated remarkable competence through rigorous selection procedures. Teachers in South Korea undergo arduous training and actively engage in extensive programs dedicated to their professional development, thereby enhancing their pedagogical acumen and subject mastery (OECD, 2019). The nation’s resolute dedication to the perpetual advancement of teachers’ expertise, coupled with unwavering support, serves as a catalyst for the provision of exceptional education within classrooms throughout the nation.

South Korea has taken significant strides to initiate comprehensive revisions to its educational framework in order to align it with the demands of the twenty-first century. The nation’s recognition of the paramount importance of equipping students with the skills essential for a rapidly evolving global economy has led to the introduction of pioneering pedagogical methodologies and an updated curriculum. Departing from conventional methods of rote-learning, South Korea has incorporated student-centered and inquiry-based approaches (Kwak & Kim, 2019). These reforms prioritize the cultivation of critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, creativity, and collaboration, thus effectively preparing students for the challenges and opportunities that prevail in the contemporary world (Table 1).

Table 1 South Korea's investment in education

The robust governance and coordination at both the national and local levels are vital contributors to the success of South Korea’s education system. South Korea’s Ministry of Education assumes a pivotal role in formulating policy, implementing reform, and ensuring the efficient operation of the education system. The ministry’s emphasis on data-driven decision-making, research-based practices, and collaboration among stakeholders fosters a culture of continuous enhancement (Ministry of Education of Korea, 2023). Furthermore, local education authorities work closely alongside schools and educators, providing guidance and support to ensure the effective execution of national policies and initiatives.

Digitalization in Pedagogy

The global agendas pertaining to the digitalization of education have garnered significant impetus in recent times. Governments, international organizations, and educational institutions have recognized the transformative potential technology has in augmenting educational outcomes and ensuring widespread access to high-quality education. The United Nations has underscored the paramountcy of utilizing digital technologies to foster all-encompassing and fair education through its SDG 4 (UN, 2023). Furthermore, the Digital Transformation of Education Initiative, spearheaded by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), aims to actively foster the seamless integration of digital technologies in educational systems on a global scale (UNESCO, 2023). The World Bank (2020) has highlighted the pivotal role digital solutions play in ameliorating the access to and quality of education, particularly in low-income nations. These endeavors bear testament to the worldwide dedication toward harnessing digitalization as a means to bridge educational disparities, enhance pedagogical practices, and equip students with indispensable competencies for the digital era.

South Korea has astutely employed digitalization to effectuate a metamorphosis in pedagogical methodologies within its education system. The infusion of cutting-edge technology into classrooms has ushered in a revolution in the realms of teaching and learning. These classrooms, replete with state-of-the-art equipment including interactive whiteboards, digital projectors, and high-speed Internet connectivity, have engendered an immersive and collaborative milieu for education (Kwak & Kim, 2019). The utilization of multimedia resources, interactive simulations, and instantaneous feedback has bolstered student engagement and comprehension, as well as the cultivation of critical thinking skills (Kim et al., 2018) (Table 2).

Table 2 Features of smart classrooms in South Korea

Alongside the implementation of smart classrooms, South Korea has made substantial investments in the advancement of e-learning platforms. These platforms offer students the opportunity to avail themselves of digital textbooks, multimedia resources, and virtual learning domains (Lee, 2019). Online platforms such as the Educational Broadcasting System (EBS) and Smart Education have ushered in an educational revolution by empowering students to engage in self-paced studies and to access high-quality education regardless of their geographical constraints (Cho & Hong, 2019). Notably, these platforms have demonstrated their exceptional value during the COVID-19 pandemic, facilitating remote learning and ensuring uninterrupted educational progression (OECD, 2021) (Table 3).

Table 3 E-learning platforms in South Korea

Moreover, South Korea has wholeheartedly embraced personalized learning through the utilization of adaptive technologies. By leveraging intelligent tutoring systems and learning analytics, student data is meticulously analyzed to deliver customized instruction, to identify areas for improvement, and to furnish individualized feedback (Lee, 2019). This tailored approach takes into account unique learning styles and individual progress, thus amplifying student motivation and fostering elevated academic performance (Cho & Hong, 2019).

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, South Korea implemented various measures to fortify the digital prowess of both pre-service and in-service educators. Notably, the advent of the Knowledge Spring (2020) has brought forth an individualized teacher training platform, empowering users to select content and resources that align with their specific needs, with expert teachers providing the relevant materials. The platform also encourages nationwide teacher collaboration (OECD, 2021). Furthermore, the establishment of the 10,000 Community serves as a support system for teachers to navigate the challenges of remote classes during online school operations. This community brings together exemplary educators, the Ministry of Education of South Korea, provincial education offices, and other related organizations to offer assistance for distance learning within school environments. Through online communication, the potential obstacles encountered during remote classes are promptly identified and resolved. These measures are reinforced by 495 pilot schools dedicated to online education, where teachers actively share the best practices throughout the system. To fortify the digital competencies of pre-service teachers and equip them with other vital skills essential for students’ future, South Korea has established Future Education Centers at higher education institutions to provide initial teacher training. Ten centers were inaugurated in 2020, with an additional 18 slated to open in 2021 (OECD, 2021) (Table 4).

Table 4 Benefits of e-learning platforms in South Korea

Innovation in Curriculum Design

The national curriculum for primary and secondary education in South Korea has been undergoing a continuous process of revision since 2015. A series of reforms were carried out between 2015 and 2020 with the aim of transitioning from a knowledge-centric instructional approach to a student-centered, competence-based approach. The curriculum revolves around six fundamental competences within this framework that are intended to be nurtured throughout a young individual’s educational journey: self-management, knowledge-information processing, creative thinking, aesthetic and emotional competency, communication skills, and community competence.

Significant transformations were implemented in the primary school curriculum, which included the strengthening of Korean language education and the introduction of courses designed to foster active student engagement. At the middle school level, reforms involved the full implementation of the Free Semester Program, which was initiated in 2013 to alleviate the burden of test preparation. Apart from reducing student stress, the Free Semester incorporates innovative assessment methods to enable students to pursue career-related activities. A survey conducted in 2014 revealed an increase in satisfaction levels among students, teachers, and parents with the program.

Since 2018, South Korea has been establishing the groundwork for artificial intelligence (AI) education by progressively expanding software education in primary and middle schools. In 2020, South Korea inaugurated 247 AI pilot schools and 34 designated high schools to serve as models for AI education.

South Korea has taken significant strides in the realm of curriculum innovation with the primary objective of nurturing critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Gradually displacing the traditional rote-learning approach, student-centered and inquiry-based methodologies have been embraced. The curriculum now incorporates project-based learning and collaborative activities that play pivotal roles in stimulating critical thinking, the application of knowledge, and collaborative endeavors among students (Kwak & Kim, 2019). These innovative teaching methodologies serve to cultivate higher-order cognitive skills, foster creativity, and promote independent learning.

A cognizance of the vital importance of nurturing creativity and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit has spurred South Korea to introduce specialized programs within the curriculum. The inception of the Creative Schools Initiative in 2018 stands as a testament to this endeavor, aiming to foster creative thinking, design prowess, and an entrepreneurial mindset among students (Kwak & Kim, 2019). By skillfully integrating the principles of design thinking, maker education, and entrepreneurship education, South Korea equips students with the requisite skills and mindset necessary to thrive within the swiftly evolving digital landscape of the modern economy (Lee, 2019) (Table 5).

Table 5 South Korea's curriculum reforms

Impact and Challenges

The remarkable advancements in South Korea’s education system have resulted in substantial positive ramifications on student outcomes and the overall quality of education. Evidenced by their consistently impressive performance in esteemed international assessments such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), South Korean students consistently demonstrate an elevated level of academic proficiency (OECD, 2019). The unwavering focus on fostering critical thinking, problem-solving capabilities, and creativity has endowed South Korean students with the essential skills required to thrive within the modern workforce of the twenty-frist century.

Nevertheless, the educational landscape of South Korea is not devoid of challenges. The pervasive culture of intense competition and the relentless pursuit of academic success can contribute to elevated levels of stress among students (Kim et al., 2018). Striking a delicate balance between academic rigor and student well-being remains an utmost priority for policymakers and educators. Conscientious efforts are being undertaken to promote a holistic approach to education that encompasses physical and mental well-being, character development, and social-emotional learning.

Future Directions

In its forward-looking trajectory, South Korea envisions a continued expedition of educational transformation through the integration of digitalization and innovation. The nation intends to harness the power of emerging technologies such as AI, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) to enrich the realm of teaching and learning, as detailed by Kwak and Kim (2019). By amalgamating AI-driven intelligent tutoring systems and immersive VR simulations, the potential arises to create personalized and captivating learning environments.

In addition, South Korea is resolute in its endeavor to foster digital literacy and equip students with the indispensable skills required to navigate the intricacies of the digital era proficiently. The formulation of a comprehensive digital literacy curriculum and the provision of training to educators in the realm of digital pedagogy are instrumental strides toward adequately preparing students for the demands that lie ahead (Cho & Hong, 2019).

South Korea has delineated ambitious strategies aimed at propelling the advancement of pedagogy and curriculum through the medium of digitalization and innovation. The nation duly recognizes the utmost significance of endowing students with the requisite skills and competencies to adeptly navigate the multifaceted dimensions of the future digital landscape. Presented below are pivotal future plans and initiatives to this effect (OECD, 2023a, 2023b):

  1. 1.

    Digital Transformation in Education: South Korea is poised to capitalize on emerging technologies such as AI, AR, and VR to revolutionize teaching and learning paradigms. The integration of AI-driven intelligent tutoring systems and immersive VR simulations holds immense promise in creating personalized and captivating educational environments that cater to individual student needs.

  2. 2.

    Cultivating Digital Literacy: Recognizing the imperative of digital literacy in the twenty-first century, South Korea aims to develop a comprehensive curriculum that imparts critical digital skills to students. Furthermore, empowering educators with the pedagogical expertise to navigate digital tools and platforms effectively is crucial for fostering a digitally proficient teaching workforce.

  3. 3.

    Empowering STEM Education: South Korea places significant emphasis on bolstering Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The nation seeks to elevate the quality and relevance of STEM instruction by seamlessly integrating it into the curriculum across all educational levels. This entails fostering experiential learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and collaborations with industry to nurture innovation and cultivate problem-solving acumen among students.

  4. 4.

    Expanding Online and Blended Learning: South Korea envisions an expansion of online and blended learning opportunities by ensuring greater flexibility and accessibility for students. By refining e-learning platforms and harnessing the potential of blended learning models, the nation aims to offer tailored and inclusive educational experiences that complement traditional classroom settings.

  5. 5.

    Collaborative Endeavors and Research: South Korea recognizes the transformative power of collaboration and research in propelling educational innovation. Encouraging partnerships among educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and research organizations serve as a catalyst for exploring cutting-edge technologies, pedagogical methodologies, and evidence-based practices in digital education.

By steadfastly pursuing these forward-looking plans, South Korea aims to fortify its position as a global vanguard in educational innovation, equipping its students with the dexterity and resilience needed to thrive in an increasingly digital-centric era.

Currently, South Korea is actively engaged in further curriculum revisions that will be gradually implemented in primary schools starting in 2024, followed by secondary schools in 2025. This process entails a reconsideration of the core competences with a specific focus on equipping learners with the adaptability necessary to navigate future changes. Moreover, South Korea intends to involve key stakeholders, including students, teachers, and parents in the revision process, as well as the metropolitan and provincial offices of education. The establishment of a curriculum development governance system that encourages the participation of the general public is also part of South Korea’s plan.

2023 was designated as the inaugural year for the comprehensive educational reform, which aims to advance through four distinct areas of reform and 10 key policies. The Ministry of Education intends to diligently prepare for this reform by conducting pilot operations to identify exemplary models. Emphasis will be placed on nationwide expansion and establishment starting in 2024. The four areas of reform and their corresponding policies are shown in Table 6 (Ministry of Education of Korea, 2023):

Table 6 Four reform areas and 10 core policies of South Korea’s future educational reforms

On January 5, 2023, the Ministry of Education headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Ju-ho presented the major task promotion plan for 2023 titled “Education Reform: The Beginning of South Korea’s Leap Forward” at the Blue House guesthouse. The Ministry of Education has established a vision centered around education’s role as a driving force for national development and as a means to foster the welfare of the people. From 2023 onwards, they will actively implement education reform by focusing on the four reform areas and 10 core policies (Ministry of Education of Korea, 2023). The study will now take a look at those in detail:

  1. A.

    Student-Customized Education Reform

    1. 1.

      Innovation in digital-based teaching–learning methods

      Technology advancements facilitate the digital transformation that empowers educators’ delivery in their classes and provides tailored learning opportunities for individual students. In January, the Digital-Based Education Innovation Plan will be introduced with the aim of establishing a digital textbook platform by 2025. This plan involves the utilization of AI-based courseware that builds upon existing paperback textbooks. Additionally, the expansion of test beds and the establishment of the Edutech Promotion Plan within the first half of the year will address educational challenges through the integration of new digital technology.

    2. 2.

      Enhancement of school education

      Customized education for students will be supported by enhancing school education through innovative approaches to classroom instruction and evaluation, strengthening the overall capacity of high school education, and nurturing exemplary schools in the localities. In February 2023, the High School Credit System Complement Plan was established to revitalize classroom teaching and evaluation methods. Furthermore, the Classroom Class Innovation Plan will be implemented in the first half of 2024, fostering project discussion-based classes and leveraging AI and educational technology (edutech). Additionally, the High School Education Competence Improvement Plan will be introduced during the first half of 2024 to enhance the role of national high schools as pioneering models for educational innovation. By fostering collaboration among schools, metropolitan and provincial education offices, and local governments, this plan endeavors to broaden the scope of school autonomy. Its ultimate objective is to facilitate customized education for all students by offering a multitude of diversified high school options.

    3. 3.

      Support for teacher innovation

      Measures will be taken to enhance teachers’ capabilities and improve their working conditions, enabling them to innovate their teaching practices. A committee comprising experienced educators and experts was established in January 2023. Subsequently, the Plan for Pilot Operation of Specialized Graduate Schools of Education was implemented in April 2023 to support graduate-level teacher training and encourage innovative teaching and educational practices based on future competency development and educational research. By August of 2023, plans will be formulated in collaboration with the educational field and teacher organizations to strengthen the protection of educational activities, reduce administrative burdens on teachers, and enhance the teacher personnel system.

  2. B.

    Family Customized Education Reform

    1. 1.

      Promotion of the consolidation of pre-school education

      Kindergartens and daycare centers will be redesigned into new high-quality educational institutions by considering the developmental needs and characteristics of infants and young children through the integration of reservations and preschools. In January 2024, the Pre-School Integration Promotion Committee and Pre-School Integration Promotion Team will be established within the Ministry of Education. Central and local management systems will gradually be unified, emphasizing equitable and high-quality childcare and educational opportunities for all infants and toddlers. The Management System Integration Plan will be announced during the first half of 2024, followed by the introduction of the Gap Reduction Plan between Kindergarten and Daycare Centers in the second half of 2024.

    2. 2.

      Promotion of the Neulbom School

      The Neulbom School initiative will be earnestly promoted to provide personalized education and care services (Educare) to elementary school students by utilizing various educational resources both within and outside of school. The Neulbom School will offer new demand programs, including AI and software, as well as tailored after-school programs encompassing cultural, sports, and artistic activities. To alleviate schools’ and teachers’ workloads, the operating system will be rearranged around the Education (Support) Office, and dedicated personnel will be provided. Four pilot education offices will be selected in 2024 for intensive support in terms of manpower and finances, with the nationwide expansion of the Neulbom School scheduled for 2025.

  3. C.

    Regionally Tailored Education Reform

    1. 1.

      Regulatory innovation, transfer of authority, and university structural reform

      Measures will be taken to promote regulatory innovation, devolve authority to provincial administrations, enhance regional and school autonomy, and reform university structures. Restrictive regulations pertaining to the quotas, academic policies, and financial operations of universities will be decisively lifted. Additionally, government-led uniform evaluations will be abolished, with general funding support facilitated through the financial diagnosis conducted by the Private School Promotion Foundation and the institutional evaluation certification provided by the South Korean Council for University Education and the College Education Association. Universities facing challenges will undergo structural reforms to improve their overall functioning. The Ministry of Education is actively transferring authority, such as approving the establishment or closure of higher education institutions in free economic zones, and developing plans to support local universities and talent development in collaboration with local governments. By easing educational regulations regarding the establishment and operation of schools, a special free education zone will be designated and operated to facilitate region-specific public education. Plans to revise laws and initiate pilot operations will be formulated during the first half of 2023, aiming for full implementation by 2024.

    2. 2.

      Establishment of Regional Innovation System & Education (RISE)

      To enhance the competitiveness of local universities, increase the authority of local governments in supporting higher education institutions, and streamline regulations, a Regional Innovation System and Education (RISE) will be established. Initially piloted in approximately five local governments in 2023, RISE will expand to encompass all regions by 2025. Through specialization and alignment with regional development strategies, the objective is to nurture global and local universities with world-class competitiveness, fostering regional growth and elevating universities’ standings.

    3. 3.

      Promotion of school facility complexification

      Efforts will be made to revitalize regions by transforming school facilities, including elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and universities, into public facilities that can be utilized by local residents. In February, the government plans to establish measures to revitalize school facility complexes by exploring avenues to expand financial resources and improve regulations to further stimulate the utilization of these facilities. Emphasis will be placed on leveraging school facilities in conjunction with various policies within and beyond provinces, such as the Neulbom School (Ministry of Education), urban regeneration projects (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport), and the relocation of public institutions (Ministry of Balance).

  4. D.

    Education Reform Tailored to Industry and Society

    1. 1.

      Cultivation of talents in key cutting-edge fields

      To gain a competitive advantage in the global race for technological supremacy, efforts will be made to nurture talents in crucial cutting-edge fields. In February, the President-led Talent Fostering Strategy Meeting was inaugurated to establish a comprehensive cross-governmental system for talent development. Following 2022s focus on semiconductor and digital sectors, plans to foster talents in key fields such as bio-health, environment/energy, aerospace/aviation, and high-tech materials will be devised in collaboration with relevant ministries and announced sequentially.

    2. 2.

      Promotion of major education reform legislation

      To ensure the autonomy of education as a driving force for national and regional growth, legislation will be enacted to enhance regional educational capabilities. Close collaboration with the National Assembly will be pursued to introduce the mayor/province governor-superintendent running mate system, thereby amending the Local Education Autonomy Act and the Public Official Election Act to foster education that is closely aligned with regional needs. Grounds will be prepared for the stable implementation and operation of special educational zones, enabling schools to be established and operated with greater freedom. Extensive revisions to the Higher Education Act and the Private School Act will also be advanced, establishing a future-oriented institutional foundation that encompasses a long-term perspective of 20–30 years, thus ensuring the autonomy and creativity of universities while promoting innovation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Joo-ho stated that, due to high public expectations and concerns from educational stakeholders, the ministry aims to provide thorough explanations throughout the process of promoting education reform tasks and to gather comprehensive opinions from the field. Given the essential nature of collaboration with ministries, provincial offices of education, and the private sector, the ministry will concentrate its efforts on fostering cooperative partnerships to achieve solidarity and cooperation.


In conclusion, South Korea’s commitment to digitalization and innovation has revolutionized its education system. The nation’s investments in education, coupled with robust governance and coordination, have laid a strong foundation for educational excellence. The integration of cutting-edge technologies such as smart classrooms and e-learning platforms has created immersive and collaborative learning environments, while personalized learning approaches and adaptive technologies have enhanced individualized instruction and student engagement. South Korea’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the Knowledge Spring platform and the 10,000 Community, has supported teachers and ensured uninterrupted learning. These initiatives showcase South Korea’s resilience and adaptability. By bridging educational disparities, enhancing pedagogical practices, and equipping students for the digital era, South Korea serves as a model for other nations. The nation’s success in harnessing digitalization and innovation underscores the transformative potential technology has in education.

South Korea’s curriculum innovation has revolutionized education by prioritizing critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. The shift from rote-learning to student-centered approaches has equipped students with the skills essential for the modern workforce. Challenges such as competition-induced stress highlight the need for a holistic approach that promotes well-being and character development. By looking ahead, South Korea aims to integrate emerging technologies such as AI, AR, and VR to create personalized learning environments. Digital literacy, STEM education, online and blended learning, and collaborative research are key focus areas for future development. South Korea’s commitment to digitalization and innovation ensures a promising trajectory in preparing students for the demands of the digital era.

South Korea is actively pursuing a comprehensive educational reform plan to strengthen its global leadership in innovation. Through four areas of reform and 10 core policies, the country aims to equip its students with the skills needed for success in a digital-centric era. The reform focuses on student customization, family customization, regional tailoring, and industry and society alignment. By introducing digital-based teaching methods, enhancing school education, supporting teacher innovation, promoting pre-school education consolidation, establishing the Neulbom Schools, facilitating regulatory innovation, and nurturing talents in key fields, South Korea is committed to fostering an innovative and responsive educational system. Collaborative partnerships with stakeholders are crucial in achieving these goals, and the Ministry of Education seeks comprehensive input from the field. Through these reforms, South Korea is poised to lead the way in preparing its students for the future, ensuring their adaptability and resilience in an evolving world.