

The twenty-first century has seen an unparalleled surge in technological innovations that have disrupted and reshaped various sectors of society. Among these, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a particularly potent force with transformative implications across diverse fields including healthcare, transportation, finance, and, most notably, education (Berners-Lee, 2017). The influence of AI in the education sector has given rise to revolutionary pedagogical strategies and tools, propelling the world toward a future where education is increasingly personalized, adaptive, and data-driven (Bates & Galloway, 2012).

Emerging as a catalyst for education reform, AI has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning processes. AI-empowered educational data mining and learning analytics techniques have started to provide educators with rich insights into student learning behaviors and preferences (Baker & Siemens, 2014). These data-driven insights can inform the design and delivery of instruction, tailoring it to individual student needs and thereby fostering an educational environment that is both inclusive and effective (Baker & Siemens, 2014).

Personalized learning experiences are adaptive to the individual needs of each student and underscore a revolutionary approach to education that is moving away from the one-size-fits-all model to one that caters to individual learning styles, abilities, and needs (Bates & Galloway, 2012). Intelligent tutoring systems and AI-powered platforms are providing individualized instruction at an unprecedented scale, facilitating effective learning at a student’s own pace.

Moreover, AI’s role in data analytics has far-reaching implications for enhancing educational practices and pedagogy. AI systems’ ability to gather, analyze, and interpret vast amounts of educational data can provide valuable insights for instructional design and curriculum development (Baker & Siemens, 2014). These data-driven insights could be instrumental in identifying at-risk students, allowing for early interventions to support these students and improve their academic outcomes.

Even still, the integration of AI in education has not been merely limited to data analytics but also encompasses a broader spectrum of applications such as intelligent tutoring systems, adaptive learning platforms, automated assessment tools, and AI-powered educational hardware and software. Intelligent tutoring systems can provide one-on-one tutoring that dynamically adapts to a student’s learning pace, while automated assessment tools can swiftly grade assignments and provide timely feedback, thereby increasing efficiency and effectiveness in education (Woolf, 2010).

Against this backdrop, several countries have begun to recognize the transformative potential of AI in education and are undertaking significant reforms to leverage its benefits. Notably, China and the United States of America (USA), two of the world’s largest economies, have implemented robust AI-supported education reforms, demonstrating an ambitious vision for the future of education (Office of Educational Technology [OET], 2021).

China allocates significant financial resources to the AI sector and focuses a significant portion of these resources on educational technologies. According to one report:

AI adoption in education will explode over the next five years, with global spending projected to exceed $6 billion by 2025. Much of the growth will come from China followed by the United States, with these two countries accounting for 100% of global AI education spending… It will create its reputation. (Kulkarni, 2019)

China’s New Generation AI Education Innovation Action Plan and the USA’s National Education Technology Plan are testaments to the countries’ commitment to fostering AI-integrated educational systems. These strategic initiatives aim to harness the power of AI to improve educational quality, expand access to education, and promote personalized learning experiences (OET, 2021). Both countries also have made significant strides toward developing AI-powered educational hardware and software to support this endeavor.

Meanwhile, integrating AI into education brings forth a multitude of ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure responsible and equitable practices. These considerations include data privacy and security, algorithmic transparency, and the potential risks of bias and discrimination (Floridi & Cowls, 2019). Safeguarding student rights and promoting inclusivity while harnessing the potential benefits of AI requires the establishment of robust regulatory frameworks and the development of ethical guidelines (European Commission, 2019; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], 2020). These frameworks should encompass principles that prioritize privacy protection, promote transparency in AI decision-making processes, and mitigate the potential biases that can arise from AI algorithms (Floridi & Cowls, 2019). By navigating these ethical challenges, education systems can ensure that AI integration aligns with the values of fairness, equity, and respect for student autonomy.

This article provides an in-depth exploration of the AI-supported reforms in education in China and the USA. It examines the initiatives undertaken by both countries, the potential benefits and opportunities afforded by the integration of AI in educational settings, and the ethical considerations that must be addressed to ensure the responsible and equitable use of AI in education. In this exploration, this article draws upon diverse scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, and government reports.

AI-Supported Education Reforms in China

China is a nation recognized globally for its swift technological advancements and has displayed an unparalleled commitment to integrating AI into its education system. This drive is fundamentally embodied in the country's New Generation AI Education Innovation Action Plan, introduced by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (MOE, 2017). This landmark initiative underlines China’s proactive approach toward leveraging AI to transform its educational landscape and establishes a roadmap for the country’s pursuit of AI-enabled education reforms.

AI in education often begins by using diagnostic tests to determine a student’s activities and level of knowledge. After this stage, the aim is to create a personalized curriculum for each student according to their specific needs. According to Derek Li (as cited in Kulkarni, 2019), founder of China-based education technology company Squirrel AI, the AI his companies use is capable of gaining more information about understanding students in three hours than the three years the best teachers require.

At the heart of China’s AI-supported education reform lies the intent to improve educational quality while expanding access to education. By deploying AI technologies, China aspires to customize educational experiences to cater to the specific needs and preferences of individual students. The New Generation AI Education Innovation Action Plan also outlines an ambitious vision for the future of education in China, with AI positioned as a strategic tool to promote equity and inclusion in education.

The realization of this vision is evident in the development and implementation of various AI technologies in China’s educational settings. These include intelligent tutoring systems, virtual classrooms, automated assessment tools, AI-powered educational hardware as well as software, such as smartboards and learning management systems. These AI-powered tools and systems work in unison to create a comprehensive AI-supported learning environment that supports student learning in a myriad of ways.

As one of the cornerstones of China's AI-driven education reforms, intelligent tutoring systems are designed to provide individualized instruction to students. These systems are engineered to adapt to a student’s learning pace, thereby promoting a more personalized and effective learning experience. Meanwhile, virtual classrooms leverage AI to create an immersive and interactive learning environment that transcends the boundaries of physical classrooms. Through virtual classrooms, students in remote or underserved regions can access high-quality education resources, underscoring China’s commitment to expanding access to education.

At the same time, China has made significant strides in developing AI-powered educational hardware and software. Smartboards equipped with AI capabilities have been installed in many Chinese classrooms, transforming traditional teaching methods by enabling interactive and engaging lessons (Wang et al., 2021). Similarly, AI-powered learning management systems are increasingly being used to manage and streamline various aspects of educational administration, from curriculum planning to student performance tracking.

In China, many technology companies operate within AI-supported education. Offering these components often develops platforms designed for the purpose of personalized learning experiences. These platforms leverage AI techniques to determine knowledge levels and offer tailored solutions to enable learning. With government support, such practices also attract attention.

Education is deeply rooted in Chinese culture as one of the core values of society. A study detailed in the South China Morning Post (Kulkarni, 2019) found that, compared to the average income of families with preschool-aged children, these families spend 26% of their income on education. Likewise, the study emphasized that 20% of the income of families with children at the K-12 level is directed to education-related expenses. These findings can be considered a concrete indicator of the importance given to education in Chinese society.

Carnegie Mellon University and China-based education technology firm Yixue Education Inc. have launched a joint research initiative called the CMU-Squirrel AI Research Lab. The initiative focuses on AI, machine learning, cognitive science, and human–computer interface technologies with the aim of improving large-scale personalized educational experiences for K-12 students around the world. Yixue Education Inc. has opened more than 1700 AI-powered learning centers across China through its Squirrel AI Learning brand and has plans to open more centers in the future. This startup is just one example of the many EdTech companies in China (Kulkarni, 2019). Many different AI-supported training examples like this are found.

AI-powered education offers the potential to analyze student performance and create a curriculum to accordingly provide students with a more customized learning experience. This involves a strategy to optimize the learning process by identifying students’ strengths and weaknesses. These initiatives aim to increase overall learning outcomes by focusing on individual students.

The two most important of these applications can be shown as Squirrel AI and ALO7. The reason why these applications are important is because these two companies compete with each other over AI applications. With a population of 1.4 billion in China, a competitive environment has emerged between two different approaches to AI in education: AI-led and AI-assisted.

In this competitive environment, no company can pioneer AI in education like Squirrel AI, which was founded in 2014. Squirrel AI claims to be the first AI-powered adaptive education provider in China (Technology Review, 2019). Squirrel AI collaborates with highly qualified teachers to break topics into the smallest blocks of conceptual material. For example, Squirrel AI breaks down middle school-level math into more than 10,000 points of knowledge. This level of detail is intended to allow Squirrel to more precisely diagnose students’ knowledge gaps. Squirrel AI founder Derek Li envisions a model in which human teachers play a more passive role in the classroom. According to him, AI takes care of the actual teaching, while humans only step in when problems arise.

However, Squirrel AI is not the only player on the Chinese EdTech scene. ALO7 represents the other approach of AI-assisted education. Founder and CEO Pan Pengkai created an English learning platform using AI. Describing ALO7’s approach, Karen Hao stated, “The knowledge learned through adaptive learning, which includes word disassembly, can be applied at home. Creativity skills, such as writing and speaking, are learned in the classroom” (Kulkarni, 2019). In this context, while Squirrel AI follows a targeting strategy to almost replace human teachers, ALO7 aims to assist them.

In conclusion, China’s AI-supported education reforms represent a visionary and systematic approach to harnessing the potential of AI in education. From personalized learning experiences to efficient administrative processes, AI technologies have been instrumental in promoting educational quality, accessibility, and equity in China. As the country continues to advance its AI education initiatives, its experiences and achievements serve as valuable insights for other nations embarking on similar paths toward AI-supported education reforms.

AI-Supported Education Reforms in the USA

Much like China, the USA has also embarked on a journey to reimagine the role of technology in education, with AI being at the forefront of this transformation. The country’s vision for the future of education is articulated in the National Education Technology Plan (OET, 2021), which serves as the blueprint for the integration of AI technologies in American schools. By harnessing the power of AI, the USA aims to revolutionize its education system, making it more responsive to the needs of diverse learners and preparing them for a future increasingly mediated by AI and other emerging technologies.

AI-supported education reforms in the USA are characterized by a multi-faceted approach that involves leveraging AI technologies to enhance both teaching and learning practices. Key to these reforms is the development and adoption of adaptive learning platforms powered by AI algorithms that aim to personalize instruction based on individual student needs (Bates & Galloway, 2012). These platforms are designed to analyze student data and offer targeted recommendations and feedback, leading to improved learning outcomes (Craig et al., 2004).

One prominent example of such an adaptive learning platform in the USA is the DreamBox Learning Math program, which uses AI algorithms to adapt the learning content in real time based on each student’s interactions within the program (Woolf, 2010). The program provides immediate feedback to students, enabling them to learn at their own pace and style. This form of AI-facilitated personalized learning underscores the USA’s commitment to student-centered learning, with technology serving as a crucial tool for making instruction more responsive to individual learner needs.

Another critical aspect of the AI-supported education reforms in the USA is the use of AI-powered analytics tools that allow educators to draw valuable insights from educational data. These tools enable teachers and school administrators to make informed decisions and timely interventions based on data-driven insights (Bates & Galloway, 2012). For instance, platforms like BrightBytes harness machine learning algorithms to analyze multiple data points, providing educators with actionable insights into students’ performances and needs.

Moreover, AI is also being leveraged to support teachers in their instructional practices. For instance, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) use AI to provide immediate feedback to students, saving teachers time and enhancing their efficiency (Koedinger et al., 2012). Tools like these not only enhance the efficiency of teaching but also free up teachers’ time to engage in more student-centered teaching practices.

As AI’s role in education continues to expand, so too do concerns about the ethical implications of its use. Like China, the USA acknowledges these concerns and emphasizes the need for safeguards to protect student data privacy and ensure the ethical use of AI in education (OTE, 2021). Key to these efforts is a commitment to transparency, fairness, and accountability in using AI in education, with a clear emphasis on ensuring that AI algorithms do not perpetuate bias or discrimination (Reich & Ruipérez-Valiente, 2019).

Furthermore, a growing awareness is found regarding the potential adverse impacts of AI, such as the risk of over-reliance on AI for instruction or assessment, which could compromise the human aspects of education. The potential for AI to exacerbate existing inequalities in education if not implemented equitably also occurs (Williamson et al., 2020). Recognizing these concerns, the USA has emphasized the need for a balanced and thoughtful approach to integrating AI into education, one that respects the human dimensions of teaching and learning while capitalizing on the benefits AI can offer.

In conclusion, the AI-supported education reforms in the USA reflect a future-oriented vision of education, one that acknowledges the transformative potential of AI and harnesses it to support student learning and teacher effectiveness. As these reforms unfold, ongoing discussions on the ethical implications of AI use in education serve as important reminders of the need to navigate the intersection of education and technology with caution and care.

Benefits of AI-Supported Education Reforms

The benefits that AI-supported education reforms bring to both the USA’s and China’s educational landscape are vast and transformative. As AI technologies infiltrate more areas of human life, the case for their inclusion in education becomes increasingly compelling. By harnessing the power of AI, the education sector can realize an array of benefits that span personalizing learning experiences, improving engagement and learning outcomes, analyzing educational data for insights, and optimizing teaching approaches (Bates & Galloway, 2012). The following section provides a deeper exploration of these benefits by drawing on various studies and experiences from both countries.

At the core of AI-supported education reforms is the focus on personalizing learning experiences. This emphasis recognizes that learners are unique and have their own individual learning styles, paces, and needs. AI-powered systems offer the ability to tailor instruction to meet each student’s needs, thereby increasing the efficiency of the learning process (Pane et al., 2015). These systems analyze students’ performances, learning habits, and preferences and provide personalized content and feedback, making learning more engaging and effective. This form of adaptive learning has been found to result in better academic performance, increased motivation, and improved retention rates (VanLehn, 2011).

For instance, AI-supported platforms in the USA such as DreamBox Learning and BrightBytes are helping to create personalized learning experiences that are adaptive, flexible, and responsive to the needs of diverse learners (Woolf, 2010). Similarly, AI platforms in China such as Squirrel AI are pioneering adaptive learning by providing personalized tutoring services, thus leading to enhanced learning outcomes (Li et al., 2024). These developments underscore the profound role AI can play in creating learning experiences that are student-centered and tailored to individual needs.

Another significant benefit of AI-supported education reforms is the efficient analysis of vast educational data. AI-powered analytics tools can process and interpret large volumes of data, turning them into meaningful insights that inform instructional design, curriculum development, and pedagogical practices. These insights can help educators identify gaps in student learning, pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, and monitor progress over time.

Moreover, integrating AI technologies into education can provide teachers with tools that enhance their teaching practices. Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) that utilize AI to offer immediate and personalized feedback to students can save teachers time and increase their efficiency (Koedinger et al., 2012). AI can also aid in administrative tasks such as grading and scheduling, thereby freeing up teachers’ time for more impactful instructional activities (Luckin et al., 2016).

On a macro-scale, AI-supported education reforms can contribute to expanding access to education. In both China and the USA, AI technologies have been employed to provide educational resources to students who may otherwise have limited access, such as those in rural or disadvantaged areas. In China, AI-powered teaching robots have been used in remote areas to deliver quality education to children who lack access to qualified teachers. Similarly in the USA, AI technologies have been utilized to offer personalized learning resources to students in under-resourced schools, contributing to closing the education equity gap (Holstein et al., 2019).

In conclusion, the benefits of AI-supported education reforms are wide-ranging and transformative, spanning personalized learning experiences, efficient educational data analysis, improved teaching practices, and expanded access to education. However, the realization of these benefits necessitates a thoughtful, balanced, and ethically grounded approach to integrating AI into education.

Quantitative Insights: Comparing the USA and China in Terms of AI Adoption and Its Impact on Education

The impact AI has on education systems is undeniably transformative, prompting a closer examination of the data supporting these transformative changes, particularly in the USA and China. As two leading countries in AI research and development, their efforts to incorporate AI into education offer a compelling basis for comparative analysis. By exploring the statistical evidence and outcomes of AI-supported education reforms in these nations, a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape and future prospects can be obtained. Such an analysis will shed light on the effectiveness of integrating AI into education and inform discussions on the future of AI-supported reforms in both countries. By examining governmental and institutional reports alongside academic research and industry statistics, this analysis aims to offer an in-depth understanding of AI’s penetration and efficacy in countries’ respective educational landscapes.

To begin with, examining the rate at which AI technologies have been integrated into the education sector in each country is essential. Recent statistics reveal that China has aggressively been adopting AI, with approximately 77.6% of Chinese schools implementing AI in various capacities as of 2021 (Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, 2021). This is not surprising given China’s ambitious AI development plan, which includes education as a key focus area. On the other hand, data from the Center for Digital Education (2020) shows that nearly 48% of school districts in the USA have adopted AI in some form, indicating a somewhat slower rate of adoption.

The difference in these statistics doesn’t necessarily depict one country as being better than the other. Instead, it emphasizes how national priorities and resources shape AI’s role in education. The Chinese government’s push for AI integration aligns with its broader technological ambition, reflecting its readiness to invest heavily in this field. Conversely, the USA with its diverse and decentralized education system exhibits a different approach, with decisions on adopting AI often occurring at the district or school level.

Examining performance outcomes linked to AI-supported education next will provide another critical dimension to this comparison. In both China and the USA, AI incorporation has consistently resulted in increased student engagement, better learning outcomes, and greater teaching efficiency (Pane et al., 2015). For example, a study in China involving more than 10,000 students found the use of AI-assisted learning platforms to lead to an average increase in test scores of 15–20% within one academic year. Meanwhile, students in a Florida school district in the USA using AI-based adaptive learning platforms demonstrated an average improvement of 11% in their math scores (Pane et al., 2015). These findings confirm the positive impact AI has on academic performance, though the extent of its benefits can vary depending on a multitude of factors such as the specific technology used, its implementation strategy, and the overall learning environment.

In both the USA and China, regulations exist to protect students’ data privacy, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in the USA and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) in China (US Department of Education, 2020). However, the rapid advancement of AI technologies poses challenges to these existing legal frameworks, necessitating regular reviews and updates to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Lastly, the focus areas of AI-supported education reflect the unique educational challenges and strategic objectives within each country. In China, the vast geographical and demographic diversity calls for AI’s use to increase education access, particularly in remote and underserved areas. Moreover, China is heavily invested in personalizing education, employing AI to customize learning based on individual students’ abilities and progress. Meanwhile, the focus of AI in the USA is more on facilitating adaptive learning, aiding teachers with data-driven insights, and handling administrative tasks to allow educators more time for instruction.

To conclude, the statistics and comparisons illustrate that both China and the USA have made significant advancements in AI-supported education. However, the pace, impact, and focus of these reforms are shaped by the unique needs, resources, and objectives within each country. This analysis offers an insightful understanding of these variances and underlines the importance of contextualizing AI’s role in education.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

While the benefits of AI-supported education reforms are extensive, they are accompanied by a range of ethical considerations that demand careful attention. As AI increasingly influences the educational sector, stakeholders must address concerns related to privacy, bias and fairness, transparency, and accountability (Bietti, 2020). These ethical considerations necessitate a robust framework for the ethical and responsible use of AI in education. The following section delves into these ethical considerations by providing insights from both the USA and China.

Privacy is a central concern in the use of AI in education. With the growth of AI applications comes an increase in data collection, and this includes sensitive student information in the education sector (Rogers, 2021). For AI systems to personalize learning effectively, they need access to vast amounts of data about students’ learning behaviors, preferences, and performances. However, this raises questions about how these data are stored, who has access to them, and how they are used (Zeide, 2018).

Bias and fairness represent another critical ethical consideration in AI-supported education. AI systems are trained on datasets, and if these datasets are biased, the AI systems are likely to perpetuate these biases (Eubanks, 2017). For instance, an AI system that is trained on a dataset of high-performing students from well-resourced schools may struggle to accurately assess and support students from under-resourced schools or those with learning difficulties. Similarly, cultural biases could be reinforced if AI systems are trained predominantly on Western or Eastern educational philosophies and methods (Reich, 2020).

Furthermore, transparency and accountability are pivotal ethical considerations. Having stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators, understand how AI systems operate, make decisions, and affect learning outcomes is essential (Floridi & Cowls, 2019). Additionally, clear lines of accountability need to be established for the outcomes of AI applications in education, including both successful and unsuccessful outcomes (Bietti, 2020). In both the USA and China, efforts are being made to develop guidelines and frameworks that ensure transparency and accountability in AI-supported education reforms (Russell, 2019).

Acknowledging the ethical implications that arise from integrating AI into education is important. Ethics on using AI in education covers a wide range of issues, including data privacy, algorithmic transparency, and risk of bias and discrimination (UNESCO, 2020). These ethical concerns need to be carefully considered to ensure that AI is implemented responsibly and fairly in educational settings.

In conclusion, while AI-supported education reforms present significant opportunities for enhancing education, they also bring a range of ethical considerations that must be proactively addressed. These concerns require careful balancing, ethical oversight, and a commitment to putting students’ rights and interests at the center of AI-supported education reforms.


The ongoing AI-supported reforms in the education sectors of China and the United States of America clearly demonstrate the significant potential AI has to bring about substantial transformations in education. Various aspects of the education system, including personalized learning, adaptive instruction, data analytics, and intelligent tutoring systems, are currently being restructured and optimized under the umbrella of AI integration.

Protecting data privacy is of utmost importance when leveraging AI systems in education. AI relies on access to extensive amounts of personal and sensitive data to operate effectively. Therefore, establishing stringent data privacy measures is crucial. Educational institutions and policymakers need to develop robust regulations and guidelines to safeguard student data from unauthorized access and misuse and foster trust among students, parents, and educators regarding the use of AI in education.

In conclusion, the profound transformation AI is bringing about in the education sector is undeniable. The AI-supported education reforms in China and the USA illustrate a future where education is more personalized, adaptive, and data-driven. However, approaching this future with a keen awareness of the ethical challenges that AI integration presents is equally important. Striking a balance between leveraging AI’s benefits and ensuring this technology’s responsible and ethical use is critical. As the journey of AI integration in education continues, prioritizing stringent data privacy measures, transparency in AI algorithms, and a steadfast commitment to fairness and equality will be instrumental in shaping an inclusive and equitable future for education.