
1 Introduction

With the rapid development of internet, networks are becoming more and more important in our daily life. Organizations rely heavily on networks to do on-line transactions, and also, individuals are dependent on networks to work, study and entertain. In a word, networks are an essentially indispensable part in modern society. However, this over-dependence on networks might have potential risk, because considerable information that relates to organization operation and individual activities is accumulated and stored. It would cause huge losses, when the networks are been invaded or attacked.

Intrusion detection systems are the most widely used tool to protect information from being compromised. Intrusion detection has been long considered as a classification problem [1, 2]. Various statistic-based and machine-learning-based methods have been applied to improve the performances of intrusion detection systems [3, 4]. However, machine learning-based methods for intrusion detection suffer criticisms [5]. Though many machine- learning-based detection methods, such as support vector (SVM) machine and artificial neural network (ANN), could achieve better detection performances, the detailed procedures of the detection process remain unknown. It is called the black-box which is not favorable for practical applications. Moreover, machine-learning-based detection methods are common time-consuming. For example, the training complexity of SVM cannot be tolerable when confront with large-scale and high dimension dataset. However, the statistic-based detection methods could cover these shortages to a large extent in terms of the model interpretation and training speed. Therefore, it can be inferred that when compared to machine-learning-based intrusion detection approaches, statistic-based intrusion detection method have some advantages, that is, good interpretability and fast training speed.

Among these statistic-based detection methods, logistic regression is the most widely used classification approach, which could achieve good detection performances [6,7,8]. It is worthy to noting that logistic regression could model the correlations among feature and take into account of the joint effects between features to produce a decision boundary to separate different classes effectively. Therefore, logistic regression can be considered as an effective detection method. However, we should also realize that to achieve further improvement in detection performance, it may not be sufficient to use logistic regression alone. Review of related work in intrusion detection indicates that data quality data quality has been considered as a critical determinant [9].

Therefore, in our study, we propose an effective intrusion detection framework based on pls-logistic regression with feature augmentation. Specifically, the feature augmentation technique is used to improve the data quality, and pls-logistic regression is chosen to reduce the dimension and build the intrusion detection model using the transformed data. The reminder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, we give a brief overview of feature augmentation and pls-logistic regression. Section 3 describes the details of the proposed intrusion detection model. Section 4 presents the experiment settings, results and discussions. Finally, Sect. 5 comes to conclusion.

2 Methodology

To better illustrate the proposed detection model, firstly, we briefly review the main principles of the feature augmentation [10] in Sect. 2.1, as well as the pls-logistic regression classification model [11] in Sect. 2.2.

2.1 Feature Augmentation

Following Fan et al. (2016), suppose we have a pair of random variables \( \left( {{\mathbf{X}},Y} \right) \) with \( n \) observations, where \( {\mathbf{X}} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{p} \) denotes the original features and \( Y \in \left\{ {0,1} \right\} \) denotes the corresponding binary response. The logarithm marginal density ratio transformation is used as the feature augmentation technique to transform the original features. Specifically, for \( X_{j} ,j = 1,2, \ldots ,p \) in \( {\mathbf{X}} \), denote by \( f_{j} ,g_{j} \) the class conditional densities, respectively, for class 1 and class 0, that is, \( (X_{j} |Y = 1) \sim f_{j} \) and \( (X_{j} |Y = 0) \sim g_{j} \). Denote by \( {}^{1}X_{j} = \{ X_{ij} |Y_{i} = 1,i = 1,2, \ldots ,n\} \) and \( {}^{0}X_{j} = \{ X_{ij} |Y_{i} = 0,i = 1,2, \ldots ,n\} \). Then, \( f_{j} ,g_{j} \) is obtained by kernel density estimation on \( {}^{1}X_{j} \) and \( {}^{0}X_{j} \), and denote the estimates by \( \hat{f}_{j} \) and \( \hat{g}_{j} \), respectively. Thus, the feature augmentation for \( X_{j} \) using logarithm marginal density ratio transformation is shown as follows:

$$ X_{j}^{'} = \log \hat{f}_{j} (X_{j} ) - \log \hat{g}_{j} (X_{j} ) , $$

where \( X_{j}^{'} \) denotes the transformed feature for the \( j \) th feature \( X_{j} \).

2.2 Pls-Logistic Regression Classification Model

Suppose we have a pair of random variables \( (\varvec{X},Y) \), where \( \varvec{X} \in {\mathbb{R}}^{p} \) denotes the original features and \( Y \in \left\{ {0,1} \right\} \) denotes the corresponding binary response. The procedures of pls-logistic regression is depicted as follows:

  • Step 1. Perform univariate logistic regression on each feature to obtain \( p \) coefficients denoted by \( \omega^{1} = \left( {\omega_{1} ,\omega_{2} , \cdots ,\omega_{p} } \right) \). Denote the normalized \( \omega^{1} \) by \( \bar{\omega }^{1} \).

  • Step 2. Extract the first pls component \( t_{1} \) by \( t_{1} = {\mathbf{X}} \cdot \bar{\omega }^{1} \).

  • Step 3. Perform OLS regression of \( \varvec{X} \) against \( t_{1} \). Denote the residual of \( \varvec{X} \) by \( {\mathbf{X}}^{ * } \).

  • Step 4. Perform logistic regression on each feature of \( {\mathbf{X}}^{ * } \) against \( t_{1} \) to obtain the \( p \) coefficients of features in \( {\mathbf{X}}^{ * } \), denoted by \( \omega^{2} \), and then normalize \( \omega^{2} \) to \( \bar{\omega }^{2} \).

  • Step 5. Extract the second pls component \( t_{2} \) by \( t_{2} = {\mathbf{X}}^{ * } \cdot \bar{\omega }^{2} \).

  • Step 6. Repeat Step 3, Step 4 and Step 5 until the stopping criteria are satisfied.

  • Step 7. Denote by \( t_{1} ,t_{2} , \cdots ,t_{h} \) the final extracted pls components. Perform the logistic regression on these pls components to build the classification model.

3 Proposed Intrusion Detection Model: Fa-Plslogistic

In this section, we present the main procedures of our proposed intrusion detection model based on pls-logistic with feature augmentation. By embedding the data quality improvement technique into pls-logistic, we can obtain an effective intrusion detection with good performances and less complexity. First, we perform feature transformations on the original features to obtain high-quality training data that can significantly improve the detection performances. Then, the pls-logistic regression is perform on the newly transformed data to conduct dimension reduction and build the intrusion detection model. For clarity, the detailed procedures are summarized as follows:

  • Step 1. Data transformation

    Perform feature transformations on the original data to obtain high-qualified training data.

  • Step 2. Detection model building

    Use the newly obtained data from Step 1 to train pls-logistic-based classifier and build the intrusion detection model.

  • Step 3. Intrusion detection

    For a new testing sample, it is first transformed by the logarithm marginal density ratio transformation illustrated in Sect. 2.1; then, the transformed data is fed into the built intrusion detection model to classify it as either an intrusion or a normal.

4 Experimental Setting

4.1 Dataset Description

In our study, the NSL-KDD dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed intrusion detection model. The NSL-KDD dataset is a modified version of KDD 99 dataset which is considered as the benchmark dataset in intrusion detection domain. However, the KDD 99 dataset suffers from some drawbacks [12, 13]. For example, there are redundant and duplicate records which cause the classifier would be biased towards these more frequent records. The NSL-KDD dataset was proposed by [14] by removing all the redundant samples and reconstituting the dataset, making it more reasonable not only in data size, but also in data structure. The NSL-KDD dataset contains TCP connections that consist of 41 features and one labeling feature.

4.2 Experimental Results and Discussion

In order to prevent the dominance of features with large ranges, we normalize the data into a range of \( [0,1] \) before conducting the experiments. To evaluate our proposed detection model, the 10-fold cross validation has been adopted and the performance is evaluated by the following measurements according to the confusion matrix presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Confusion matrix

Accuracy = \( \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN} \), Detection rate (DR) = \( \frac{TP}{TP + FN} \), False alarm rate (FAR) = \( \frac{FP}{TN + FP} \)

To verify the effectiveness of our proposed intrusion detection model, we first compare the detection performance of Fa-plslogistic with that of the naïve-plslogistic detection model (pls-logistic regression on original data without feature transformation). The 10-fold cross validation results of these two detection models on NSL-KDD dataset with regard to accuracy, DR, FAR and training time are summarized in Table 2.

Table 2. Performances of proposed methods

As the results shown in Table 2, our proposed intrusion detection model takes clear advantages over the naïve-plslogistic detection model, indicating that the data quality improvement technique can greatly boost the detection performance. More specifically, the accuracy and detection rate of our proposed model both exceed 96%, while naïve-plslogistic only achieves 91.29% and 88. 59%, respectively. Besides, in terms of false alarm rate, our proposed method is below 2.3%, while naïve-plslogistic is over 6%. Moreover, the performances of our proposed is also more robust than that of naïve-plslogistic.

To further demonstrate the advantages of our proposed method, the training time required by Fa-plslogistic and naïve-plslogistic is also compared in Table 2. As shown, the training time of our proposed method is superior to that of naïve-plslogistic. Specifically, naïve-plslogistic demands about 1.39 time as much training time as Fa-plslogistic does. Thus, it can be inferred that our proposed method is much more concise than naïve-plslogistic, which can reduce the training time.

Therefore, according to the comparison results, it can be concluded that our proposed intrusion detection model is more effective than naïve-plslogistic and can achieve better detection performances.

Standard errors are in the parentheses in percentage form.

In addition, we examine which features are influential on the intrusion detection. Here, for simplicity, the feature whose coefficient is greater than 1 after standardization is considered to be important. Thus, the influential features recognized during the 10-fold cross-validation are shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Influential features for intrusion detection

According to the results in Table 3, the important features for intrusion detection are listed in descending order by frequency: land, su_attempted, num_failed_logins, src_bytes, urgent, hot, num_root, num_compromised, root_shell, is_guest_login and dst_bytes. These features are helpful in practice to efficiently detect network intrusion and attacks.

Furthermore, in order to better interpret the effectiveness of our proposed method in intrusion detection, performance comparisons between our proposed model and other existing methods in intrusion detection using NSL-KDD dataset are conduct. The comparison results are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4. Performance comparisons of proposed method and other detection methods

From the comparison results shown in Table 4, our proposed method outperforms other intrusion detection methods with regard to detection accuracy. However, it should be noted that Table 4 just provides a snapshot of performance comparison between our proposed method and other detection methods. Thus, it can be claimed that our proposed method always performs better when compared to any other methods. Nevertheless, from the results above, we can make a conclusion that our proposed method still possesses advantages in intrusion detection and can provide inspirations for the following researches.

5 Conclusion

Intrusion detection system is critical to network security. In this paper, we proposed an effective intrusion detection model based on pls-logistic with feature augmentation. Though the pls-logistic classifier might achieve a good performance, the detection capacity is much more dependent on the quality of the training data. Therefore, in order to increase the detection capacity, we use the logarithm marginal density ratio transformation on the original data to obtain high-quality training data for pls-logistic before building the intrusion detection model. Empirical results on NSL-KDD dataset show that our proposed intrusion detection model is effective and can achieve good and robust detection performances.