Since sustainability-related concerns need to be answered beforehand, a vast majority of research in the recent past has been focussing on the potential utilization of data-driven approaches to move a step ahead in achieving sustainable development goals. While big data in itself is not technological advancement, practices such as analysis of data sets and implementation of Machine Learning algorithms on data sets can give deeper insights and understanding to aid the decision-making process of organizations. With the increasing amount of data in almost every sector, it is now even possible to get accurate predictions for practical purposes. Hence, big data sciences can be viewed as a paradigm shift in achieving sustainable development goals. First-hand, this chapter gives necessary background about sustainable development, renewable energy, big data, and E-mobility. Since smart cities are expected to integrate several important components of human–nature interactions in the near future, we perform a review of the existing literature to examine the current research directions in the role of big data tools and technologies in different components of smart cities. Additionally, pieces of literature on the applications of big data in electric vehicles are closely reviewed for better understanding & problem formulation. Lastly, this chapter also presents a case study based on traffic congestion data to analyse and understand the charging behaviour of users across the city of Mumbai and thus draw relevant conclusions regarding the Charging Pile Network of the city.
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Khanam, T., Alam, M.S., Deb, S., Rafat, Y. (2022). Big Data Applications in Smart Sustainable Energy Systems and E-Mobility: Review and Case Study. In: Ali, I., Chatterjee, P., Shaikh, A.A., Gupta, N., AlArjani, A. (eds) Computational Modelling in Industry 4.0. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7723-6_9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7723-6_9
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Print ISBN: 978-981-16-7722-9
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