Wellbeing in development studies has been seen from the viewpoint of the quality of life (QOL). There are two dimensions of QOL, i.e., subjective and objective. Subjective QOL refers to individual’s own assessment through one’s own perspective. On the other hand, objective QOL means wellbeing in terms of material and social circumstances. The objective QOL can be measured by various social indicators by using secondary data. This study uses 18 different material indicators to perform principal component analysis (PCA) for framing a composite score index to measure the QOL of Darjeeling town. Further, spatial autocorrelation statistics, namely Global Moran’s I as the first measure and Getis-Ord GI* as the second measure, have been used to identify spatial clustering of QOL in the town. Spatial mapping of the composite score index and location of hotspots and coldspots has led to the identification of target areas where area-specific policies and plans can be framed, implemented and monitored to improve the QOL of the respective households.
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Chhetri, B., Lepcha, K. (2021). Spatial Analysis of the Intra-urban Quality of Life: A Study in the Darjeeling Town in India. In: Singh, R.B., Chatterjee, S., Mishra, M., de Lucena, A.J. (eds) Practices in Regional Science and Sustainable Regional Development. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2221-2_15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2221-2_15
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