Since the release of the results from PISA 2000, Finland has been lauded as a high-performing, high-equity country. This success has been attributed in part to an egalitarian 9-year comprehensive school created by dramatic de-tracking reforms in the late 1960s and early 1970s. However, recent international assessments show this picture may be changing. Not only has Finland’s average performance fallen in recent cycles of PISA, but inequality in achievement appears to be increasing. In this chapter, we examine long-term trends in socioeconomic achievement gaps using data from 18 international assessments conducted between 1964 and 2015. We find that SES achievement gaps declined after de-tracking reforms but have increased more recently. These results are robust to two alternate methods of computing achievement gaps and do not appear to be an artifact of dramatic changes in Finland’s SES distribution over the time period studied. We suggest possible explanations for this rising inequality.
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Salmela-Aro, K., Chmielewski, A.K. (2019). Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes in Finnish Schools. In: Volante, L., Schnepf, S., Jerrim, J., Klinger, D. (eds) Socioeconomic Inequality and Student Outcomes. Education Policy & Social Inequality, vol 4. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9863-6_9
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9863-6_9
Publisher Name: Springer, Singapore
Print ISBN: 978-981-13-9862-9
Online ISBN: 978-981-13-9863-6
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