The following information has been incorrectly published in Chapters 1, 8 and 9 of the previous publication of the book. The changes are rectified now and please find the details below:

In Chapter 1 entitled “Early Childhood Education Policies in Australia”, the e-mail address of the author Anna Kilderry is not included in the chapter opening page. The e-mail address is

In page 3 the citation (ABS 2011) in the sentence “Most immigrants arrived from the UK…” is incorrect. The correct citation should read as ‘(ABS 2011b)’

In page 6, the sentence “Indeed, the Productivity Commission (PC)…” is incorrect. The correct sentence is “Indeed, the Productivity Commission’s (PC) recent report (2014c) states:”

In page 20, the sentence “For example, the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA 2008) …” is incorrect. The correct sentence is “For example, the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA 2008) included education ministers at the national as well as state and territory levels of government who agreed on two main goals to strive toward:”

The formatting of the below text is changed to roman in Page 21 as follows:

“Issues of access to ECE services have been a significant barrier for some families to enroll their children in preschool. Australian governments have provided part-time low-cost or free education to children in the year before school but have not extended universal access to education for all 3- to 4-year-old children (OECD 2001; Press and Hayes 2000). In 2000, Press and Hayes stated that”

In Chapter 8 entitled “A Story of Changing State Priorities: Early Childhood Care and Education Policies in Aotearoa New Zealand”, the citation “(Department of Education, Education to be more, Report of early childhood care and education working group. Government Printer, Wellington, 1988” in the sentence “The influential Before Five…” is incorrect in page 163. The correct citation is “Department of Education 1988b”.

In page 163, the citation “(Ministry of Education, Te Whāriki: He whāriki matauranga mo ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa: early childhood curriculum. Learning Media, Wellington, 1996)” in the sentence “In 1996, the internationally acclaimed” is incorrect. The correct citation is “Ministry of Education 1996”.

In page 163, point 3 has been updated as follows:

(3) that children living in poverty are less likely to attend licensed ECCE services and

In Page 164, the following acronyms have been updated as

ECE – early childhood education

ECCE – early childhood care and education

ECES – early childhood education services

MoE – Ministry of Education

NAEYC – National Association for the Education of Young Children

NGOs – Non-government organisations

NZD – New Zealand dollar

OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

UNCRC – United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund

In page 166, the sentence “After 1986–1987, the focus…” is incorrect. The correct sentence is “After 1986–1987, the focus of advocacy for ECES was shifted to equitable resources for childcare.”

In page 168, the citation in sentence “Statements foreshadowing the…” is missing. It has now been included to read as “Statements foreshadowing the development of a national ECCE curriculum were included in Education to Be More (Department of Education 1988a).”

In Chapter 9 entitled “Understanding the Early Childhood Education Policies in Pacific Islands”, the following references has been included in the reference list on page 219.

  1. 1.

    UNICEF Pacific and PRC4ECCE. (2014). Pacific guidelines for the development of National Quality Frameworks for Early Childhood Care and education (ECCE): Programming for ages 3–5.

  2. 2.

    UNICEF Pacific & PRC4ECCE. (2015). Implementation of the Pacific Regional ECCE Guidelines: Status report -presented to the Pacific Heads of Education Systems meeting, October 2015.

The online version of the updated original book can be found at