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Slovenian Pedagogy between Social Sciences and Humanities

Historical, Theoretical, Methodological, and Comparative Implications

  • Chapter
Reimagining Utopias

Part of the book series: Bold Visions in Educational Research ((BVER))


Researching education is a widespread practice; however, different scientific communities frame it in various traditions of disciplined enquiry (Bridges, 2006). In Europe, there are at least three traditions of disciplinarization of educational research or pedagogy: the German, the French, and the Anglo-Saxon (Keiner & Schriever, 2000).

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Lesar, I., Ermenc, K.S. (2017). Slovenian Pedagogy between Social Sciences and Humanities. In: Silova, I., Sobe, N.W., Korzh, A., Kovalchuk, S. (eds) Reimagining Utopias. Bold Visions in Educational Research. SensePublishers, Rotterdam.

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