Success of any diet therapy depends on many factors other than the diet itself, which is often a minor consideration. Without strong motivation, interest of the physician or his assistant, frequent attendance at clinics, the outlook for the patient can be very poor. Nevertheless, one can speculate on the maximum amount of weight loss which can be achieved 1. Assuming that the loss of lean body mass is small, and that an average patient requires 2500 kcal/day, the weekly calorie deficit on total starvation would be 17 500 kcalories. Each kg of fat is equivalent to approximately 9000 kcalories so that the maximum weight loss could not be greater than 2 kg (4.4 lb) per week. On a diet of 1250 kcal/day, the theoretical loss is half this, namely 1 kg/week. Similar calculations can be made for diets of other calorific values. Since most diets are low in carbohydrate, the initial one to two weeks is accompanied by a loss of body water of about 3 kg; a factor of some psychological importance for the patient4(see Chapter 1).
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© 1975 Dr T Silverstone
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Howard, A.N. (1975). Dietary Treatment of Obesity. In: Silverstone, T. (eds) Obesity: Its Pathogenesis And Management. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-7155-7_5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-7155-7_5
Publisher Name: Springer, Dordrecht
Print ISBN: 978-94-011-7157-1
Online ISBN: 978-94-011-7155-7
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