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Origins and development of grassland communities in northwestern Europe

  • Chapter
Grazing and Conservation Management

Part of the book series: Conservation Biology Series ((COBI,volume 11))

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Most of the countryside of northwestern Europe is characterized by an absence of forest. Indeed, forest covers only about 25% of France, 27% of Germany, 10% of The Netherlands and 8% of England and Wales; in western Europe only 1% is considered to be ‘old-growth’ forest (Dudley, 1992). This quintessence was captured by many seventeenth century painters, who emphasized the sky with its clouds over near-treeless landscapes. To many a citizen of today, heaths, downs, limestone grasslands and other open vegetation types are viewed as original, natural and ancient. Yet many of these vegetation types are artificial and, as such, are as unnatural as most forests of northwestern Europe.

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Prins, H.H.T. (1998). Origins and development of grassland communities in northwestern Europe. In: WallisDeVries, M.F., Van Wieren, S.E., Bakker, J.P. (eds) Grazing and Conservation Management. Conservation Biology Series, vol 11. Springer, Dordrecht.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-94-010-5886-5

  • Online ISBN: 978-94-011-4391-2

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