Of the determinative methods used to study clay minerals, chemical analysis is the oldest and most established. Before the development of the earliest instrumental techniques, such as X-ray diffraction and thermal methods, the identification of clay-mineral phases was accomplished by chemical analysis, supplemented where possible by optical data and physical characteristics such as specific gravity, colour, hardness, etc. However, fine-grained materials cannot be characterized reliably using these methods alone, and misidentifications were common. With the routine application of infrared spectroscopy and electron microscopy, in addition to X-ray diffraction and thermal analysis, instrumental techniques are now unquestionably superior to chemical analysis for clay-mineral identification and a clay is often described and identified without recourse to chemical analysis. Nevertheless, for complete characterization, a chemical analysis is still essential, as this is the only way that a structural formula can be calculated and the distribution of cations in the structure defined directly. A full characterization should include the determination of all the major and minor elements (with the proportion of the iron present in the ferrous and ferric forms) and also the determination of the cation-exchange capacity and, if possible, the anion-exchange capacity.
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Bain, D.C., Smith, B.F.L. (1994). Chemical analysis. In: Wilson, M.J. (eds) Clay Mineralogy: Spectroscopic and Chemical Determinative Methods. Springer, Dordrecht. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-011-0727-3_8
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