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The Costs of Caring: A Perspective on the Relationship Between Sex and Psychological Distress

  • Chapter
Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications

Part of the book series: NATO ASI Series ((ASID,volume 24))


This paper is different from the others in this volume in that we discuss the health-damaging effects of providing social support rather than the health-promoting effects of receiving it. Our topic has heretofore been neglected. Yet, as we show below, there is good reason to think that there are serious personal costs associated with being a supporter; costs that should be taken into account by those who advocate community interventions to increase access to support.

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Kessler, R.C., McLeod, J.D., Wethington, E. (1985). The Costs of Caring: A Perspective on the Relationship Between Sex and Psychological Distress. In: Sarason, I.G., Sarason, B.R. (eds) Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications. NATO ASI Series, vol 24. Springer, Dordrecht.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Dordrecht

  • Print ISBN: 978-94-010-8761-2

  • Online ISBN: 978-94-009-5115-0

  • eBook Packages: Springer Book Archive

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