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Dual Image Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Three Pixel Value Difference Expansion

  • Conference paper
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Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications

Part of the book series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ((AISC,volume 434))


In this paper, we proposed dual image based reversible data hiding scheme using three pixel value difference and difference expansion. We take consecutive three pixels from original image and embed 13 bits secret data by using three pixel value difference (TPVD) and difference expansion (DE) method. Using TPVD, we get modified three pixel values and using DE, we get another three modified pixel values after embedding secret data. These two sets of three stego pixel values are stored on dual images to achieve reversibility. We extract the secret data successfully using TPVD and DE method using two sets of three pixel values from dual images. The classical PVD and TPVD was not reversible data hiding scheme, we achieve reversibility using DE and dual image that means, we recover original cover image from dual stego images without any distortion. Finally, we compare our scheme with other state-of-the-art methods and obtain reasonably better performance in terms of data embedding capacity.

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Debasis, G., Biswapati, J., Kumar, M.S. (2016). Dual Image Based Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Three Pixel Value Difference Expansion. In: Satapathy, S.C., Mandal, J.K., Udgata, S.K., Bhateja, V. (eds) Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 434. Springer, New Delhi.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, New Delhi

  • Print ISBN: 978-81-322-2750-2

  • Online ISBN: 978-81-322-2752-6

  • eBook Packages: EngineeringEngineering (R0)

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