Correction to: Chapter 1 in: M. Dijkstra et al., Lyman-alpha as an Astrophysical and Cosmological Tool, Saas-Fee Advanced Course 46,

In the original version of this book, the following belated corrections have been incorporated:

In Chapter 1, p. 52, middle of the page (3 lines above Eq. 1.85) the following typo was corrected:

$$\frac{\partial ^2\phi }{\partial \phi^2}=\frac{6\phi }{x^2}$$

was corrected to

$$\frac{\partial ^2\phi }{\partial x^2}=\frac{6\phi }{x^2}.$$

Figure 1.35 has been replaced with the revised figure.

Fig. 1.35
figure 1

(Credit from Fig. 1 of [121] ©AAS. Reproduced with permission)

Observational constraints on the redshift-dependence of the volume averaged ‘effective’ escape fraction, \(f^\mathrm{eff}_\mathrm{esc}\), which contains constraints on the true escape fraction \(f^{\alpha }_\mathrm{esc}\)

The erratum chapter and the book have been updated with the changes.