Understanding software non-functional properties (e.g. time, energy and security) requires deep understanding of the execution platform. The design of caches plays a crucial role in impacting software performance (for low latency of caches) and software security (for cache being used as a side channel). We present CATAPULT, a novel test generation framework to systematically explore the cache behaviour of an arbitrary program. Our framework leverages dynamic symbolic execution and satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solvers for generating test inputs. We show the application of CATAPULT in testing timing-related properties and testing cache side-channel vulnerabilities in several open-source programs, including applications from OpenSSL and Linux GDK libraries.
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1 Introduction
Program path captures an artifact of program behaviour in critical software validation process. For instance, in directed automated random testing (in short DART) [15], program paths are systematically explored to attempt path coverage and construct a test-suite for software validation. Several non-functional software properties (e.g. performance and security) critically depend on the execution platform and its interaction with the application software. For validating such properties, it is not sufficient to explore merely the program behaviour (e.g. program paths), it is crucial to explore both program behaviour and its interaction with the underlying hardware components (e.g. cache and communication bus). Hence, any technique that systematically explores both the program behaviour and the associated changes in the hardware, can be extremely useful for testing software non-functional properties.
In order to illustrate our observation, let us consider Fig. 1, which specifically records cache performance. We have generated Fig. 1 by executing an implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) [1]. We randomly generated 256000 different inputs to execute a single path of the respective implementation. Figure 1 captures the distribution of the number of inputs w.r.t. the number of observed cache misses [12]. We clearly observe a high variation on cache misses, hence the overall memory performance, even within the scope of a single program path. To solve the problem of systematically exploring cache behaviour and to expose the memory performance of a program, is the main contribution of our paper.
We present CATAPULT – a framework that leverages dynamic symbolic execution and satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) to explore both program behaviour and its associated cache behaviour. CATAPULT takes the binary code and a cache configuration as inputs, and produces a test suite as output. Each test in the test suite exposes a unique cache performance (i.e. the number of cache misses). Our framework does not generate false positives, meaning that the cache performance associated with each test indeed serves as an witness of an execution. Moreover, if our framework terminates, it guarantees to witness all possible cache behaviour in the respective program. Therefore, CATAPULT shares all the guarantees that come with classic approaches based on dynamic symbolic execution [15].
Our approach significantly differs from the techniques based on static cache analysis [20]. Unlike approaches based on static analysis, CATAPULT guarantees the absence of false positives. Moreover, unlike static analysis, CATAPULT generates a witness for each possible cache behaviour. To explore different cache behaviour of a program is, however, extremely involved. This is due to the complex interaction between program artifacts (e.g. memory-related instructions) and the design principle of caches. In order to solve this challenge, we have designed a novel symbolic model for the cache. Given a set of inputs, expressed via quantifier-free predicates, such a symbolic model encodes all possible cache behaviour observed for the respective set of inputs. As a result, this model can be integrated easily with the constraints explored and manipulated during dynamic symbolic execution. The size of our symbolic cache model is polynomial with respect to the number of memory-related instructions.
In summary, this paper makes the following contributions:
We present a test generator CATAPULT, leveraging on dynamic symbolic execution, to systematically explore the cache behaviour and hence, the memory performance of a program.
To show the generality of our approach, we instantiate our framework for two widely used cache replacement strategies – least recently used (LRU) and first in first out (FIFO).
We show the application of CATAPULT in two different contexts – (i) for testing timing-related constraints and (ii) for testing cache side-channel leakage.
We implement our framework on top of a state-of-the-art symbolic execution tool KLEE [2] and evaluate it with several cryptographic and device driver routines in OpenSSL library and Linux GDK library. For all the chosen subject programs, exhaustive test input generation is infeasible. However, CATAPULT terminates for all the subject programs and it generates all tests within a feasible timing-range from 10 s to 4.5 h. CATAPULT prototype and the obtained results are available for future usage and extension in the following URL: https://bitbucket.org/sudiptac/catapult/.
2 Background and Overview
Background on Caches. A cache is a fast memory employed between the CPU and the main memory (DRAM). For a given memory access, the cache is looked up first. A cache configuration can be defined by three parameters – cache line size (in bytes), number of cache sets, associativity and replacement policy. In an M-bit memory address, \(\mathcal {S}\) bits are reserved to distinguish the cache set in which the respective address is mapped to and \(\mathcal {B}\) bits are reserved to distinguish individual bytes within a cache line. For an arbitrary memory address addr, we say that it belongs to the memory block starting at address \(\left\lfloor \frac{addr}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \). If the content of addr is not found in the cache, \(2^{\mathcal {B}}\) consecutive bytes are fetched from the memory address \(\left\lfloor \frac{addr}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \) and they are mapped into the cache set \(\left\lfloor \frac{addr}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \ mod\ 2^{\mathcal {S}}\). Each cache set can only hold as many cache lines as the associativity of the cache. Therefore, if the associativity of the cache is \(\mathcal {A}\), the overall size of the cache is \(\left( 2^{\mathcal {S}} \cdot 2^{\mathcal {B}} \cdot \mathcal {A} \right) \). Finally, since different memory blocks may map into the same cache set, caches store a tag in each cache line to distinguish different memory blocks. Since \(\left( \mathcal {S}+\mathcal {B} \right) \) bits are used to identify cache sets and individual bytes in a cache line, the rest of the bits in the memory address are used as tag. For an \(\mathcal {A}\)-way set-associative cache, a cache state is a set of ordered \(\mathcal {A}\)-tuples, one for each cache set. Such a tuple captures the set of memory blocks contained in the respective set and the order in which these blocks would be replaced. For example, an ordered pair \(\langle m_1,m_2 \rangle \) captures the cache state where \(m_2\) would be replaced before \(m_1\) in a 2-way set-associative cache.
Overview. In this section, we discuss the motivation behind our approach through the example in Fig. 2. For the sake of illustration, we use both assembly-level and source-level syntax in Fig. 2(a). However, our test generation is carried out directly on the binary. Let us assume the code shown in Fig. 2(a) runs on a platform having direct-mapped (i.e. associativity \(\mathcal {A}=1\)), 256 bytes cache. The mapping of different variables into the cache is shown in Fig. 2(b). We assume that the variable x is also allocated a register in the generated code. Therefore, reading variable x in the code fragment, as shown in Fig. 2(a), does not involve any cache access.
Let us assume that we want to check whether the code in Fig. 2(a) exhibits more than two cache misses when x is a program input. We first execute the program with a random input \(x = 0\). We also compute the path condition \(x \ge 0 \wedge x \le 127\) which symbolically encodes all inputs exercising the respective program path. We note that for \(x = 0\), both \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) suffer cache misses. For \(x=0\), the store instruction \(r_4\) is a cache hit, as p[127] is already loaded into the cache and it was not replaced by q[0].
Since dynamic symbolic execution aims to obtain path coverage, the next test input will be generated by manipulating the path condition and solving the following constraint: \(\lnot (x \ge 0 \wedge x \le 127)\). This will result in inputs exercising the else branch in Fig. 2(a), which, in turn does not access memory.
It is worthwhile to note that classic symbolic execution may not reveal critical inputs related to cache performance. For instance, executing the code in Fig. 2(a), for \(x=127\), will access p[0], q[127] and p[0] in sequence. Since q[127] replaces p[0] from the cache, all accesses will be cache misses. Figure 2(c) shows the partitioning of the input space according to cache performance.
A classic symbolic-execution-based approach explores program paths instead of cache behaviour. The if branch in Fig. 2(a) encodes two different cache behaviors – one for inputs \(0 \le x \le 126\) and another for input \(x=127\). Therefore, it is crucial to devise a methodology that can differentiate inputs based on cache behaviour, even though such inputs exercise the same program path.
How CATAPULT Works. For each explored program path, CATAPULT generates symbolic constraints to encode all possible cache behaviour. For instance, consider the program path captured by the path condition \(x \ge 0 \wedge x \le 127\). Assuming an empty cache, the first load instruction will suffer a cache miss. For instruction \(r_2\), we check whether the memory block containing address &q[x] has been accessed for the first time as follows:
where tag (respectively, set) captures the cache-tag (respectively, cache set) for the memory address accessed by the respective instruction. Intuitively, the aforementioned constraint is true if \(r_2\) accesses a different cache set than \(r_1\) or the memory address accessed by \(r_2\) has a different cache-tag as compared to the memory address accessed by \(r_1\). In such cases \(r_2\) will suffer a cold miss. The constraint is valid as p and q are different arrays. Similarly, we can check whether \(r_4\) suffers a cold miss as follows:
This constraint is unsatisfiable, as \(r_1\) and \(r_4\) access the same memory address for all possible inputs. Therefore, \(r_4\) cannot suffer a cold cache miss. To check whether p[127-x] can be replaced by \(r_2\) (hence inducing a cache miss at \(r_4\)), we use the following set of constraints.
The variable \(miss_4\) indicates whether \(r_4\) is a cache miss or not. CATAPULT explores different solutions of \(miss_4\). In this example, \(miss_4\) is 1 for \(x = 127\) and \(miss_4\) is 0 for \(0 \le x \le 126\). Therefore, by systematically generating symbolic constraints and exploring the different solutions, CATAPULT can discover that \(r_4\) suffers a cache miss only for input \(x = 127\), leading to a total three cache misses in the respective execution.
3 Test Generation
Figure 3 and Algorithm 1 outline all the stages involved in CATAPULT. Algorithm 1 takes a program \(\mathcal {P}\), the cache configuration \(\mathcal {C}\) and an objective \(\mathcal {O}\) as inputs. Informally, \(\mathcal {O}\) captures dynamic properties related to cache performance. In Sect. 5, we show how \(\mathcal {O}\) is formulated to check (i) timing-related properties and (ii) cache side-channel vulnerabilities. Given the inputs, Algorithm 1 leverages dynamic symbolic execution and computes all unique tests (in the given time budget) that satisfy \(\mathcal {O}\).
We first execute \(\mathcal {P}\) with a random input \(\mathcal {I}\) and compute the path condition \(\varPsi _{path}\) as well as the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\). The trace \(\mathbb {S}\) is captured via a sequence of pairs as follows:
Here \(r_i\) denotes the i-th memory-related instruction executed and \(\sigma _i\) symbolically captures the memory address accessed by \(r_i\). For example, when we execute the code fragment of Fig. 2(a) with input \(x=0\), we obtain the following execution trace:
We use the variable \(miss_i\) to represent whether \(r_i\) is a cache miss (set to 1 if \(r_i\) was a cache miss and set to 0 otherwise) for inputs satisfying \(\varPsi _{path}\). The value of \(miss_i\) depends on all symbolic memory addresses \(\sigma _k\), where \(k \in [0,i)\). Therefore, we bound the value of \(miss_i\) through symbolic constraints. In particular, given the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\) and the path condition \(\varPsi _{path}\), the procedure \( CacheModel \) computes \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \) for cache configuration \(\mathcal {C}\) (cf. line 21 in Algorithm 1). Such a model \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \) encodes all possible values of \(miss_i\) for all \(i \in [1,n]\) and for any input satisfying \(\varPsi _{path}\). In Sect. 4, we describe the formulation of \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \) in detail.
The cache model \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \) and the path condition \(\varPsi _{path}\) are used to generate test inputs that satisfy the objective \(\mathcal {O}\) (cf. lines 31–34). We first extract a predicate \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) from the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\) that captures such an objective (cf. line 23). For example, let us assume our objective is to generate test inputs that suffer at least 1000 cache misses. For an execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\), we can simply extract \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) as \(\sum _{1}^{n} miss_i \ge 1000\). Subsequently, we can generate a test input that satisfies the following formula:
The refinement of \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) (line 33) depends on the context. For instance, let us assume that the designer needs to compute (at most) one test for each scenario exhibiting at least 1000 cache misses. In such a case, the following refinement is made to \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\):
where \(miss_i = miss_i^{(c)}\) (for \(i \in [1,n]\)) captures a satisfying solution of Constraint (2).
The procedure \( ExcludeCurTest \) ensures that the explored solutions in test suite \(\mathcal {T}\) are unique (cf. line 26). In particular, once \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) is constructed from the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\), it modifies \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) to exclude the previous solutions. For instance, if \(\mathcal {T}\) includes solutions of exhibiting 1000 and 2000 cache misses, objtrace is modified to \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i \ne 1000 \wedge \sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i \ne 2000\). Subsequently, this modified \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) is leveraged to explore different solutions of the predicate \(\varOmega \) (cf. lines 31–34).
When \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \wedge \mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \varPsi _{path}\) becomes unsatisfiable, \( UnchkdPCs \) keeps track of all unexplored partial path conditions (cf. lines 39–42) to manifest the remaining cache behaviour. In particular, our test generation satisfies the following crucial property.
Theorem 1
CATAPULT guarantees to discover all possible cache behaviour upon termination. Besides, each input generated by CATAPULT witnesses a unique cache behaviour.
4 Generating \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \)
Given a path condition \(\varPsi _{path}\) and the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\) (cf. Eq. (1)), this section describes the formulation of \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \) – the set of all cache behaviour for inputs x satisfying \(\varPsi _{path}\) (cf. line 21 in Algorithm 1). In order to explain the formulation of \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \), we assume the following notations throughout the paper:
\(2^\mathcal {S}:\) The number of cache sets in the cache.
\(2^\mathcal {B}:\) The size of a cache line (in bytes).
\(\mathcal {A}:\) Associativity of cache.
\(set(r_i):\) Cache set accessed by memory-related instruction \(r_i\).
\(tag(r_i):\) The tag stored in the cache for accessing address \(\sigma _i\) (cf. Eq. (1)).
\(\zeta _i:\) The cache state before \(r_i\) and after \(r_{i-1}\).
The formulation of \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \) revolves around the concept of cache conflict. Formally, we define cache conflict as follows:
Definition 1
(Cache Conflict): \(r_j\) generates a cache conflict to \(r_i\) only if \(r_j\) accesses a different memory block than \(r_i\) and executing \(r_j\) can influence the relative position of memory block \(\left\lfloor \frac{\sigma _i}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \) within the cache state \(\zeta _i\).
Clearly, \(r_j\) generates cache conflict to \(r_i\) only if \(j < i\). In the next sections, we shall elaborate other crucial conditions required for the generation of cache conflicts. Subsequently, we build upon such conditions to formulate the number of cache misses.
4.1 Modeling Symbolic Cache Access
Recall from Eq. (1) that we record the address \(\sigma _i\) (\(\sigma _i\) can be symbolic or concrete) for each memory-related instruction \(r_i\) during the execution. From \(\sigma _i\), we formulate the accessed cache set \(set(r_i)\) and the respective cache tag \(tag(r_i)\) as follows:
In Eq. (3), “&” captures a bitwise-and operation and “\(\gg \)"captures a right-shift operation. Since \(\sigma _i\) can be symbolic, both \(set(r_i)\) and \(tag(r_i)\), as captured via Eq. (3), can be symbolic expressions.
4.2 Modeling Symbolic Cache Constraints
In this section, we formulate constraints for the following two types of cache misses:
cold miss: Cold miss occurs if a memory block is accessed for the first time.
eviction miss: Any cache miss other than cold misses.
Conditions for Cold Misses. If \(r_i\) accesses a memory block for the first time, the following condition must hold:
Informally, Constraint (4) states that every memory access \(r \in \{r_1,r_2, \ldots , r_{i-1}\}\) is either mapped to a different cache set than \(set(r_i)\) or has a different tag compared to \(tag(r_i)\). This leads to a cold cache miss at \(r_i\).
In Constraint (4), for the sake of simplicity in the formulation, we assumed that initially, the cache is not loaded with any memory block used by the system under test. However, this condition can easily be relaxed via additional constraints that check the (un)availability of memory block \(\left\lfloor \frac{\sigma _i}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \) in an arbitrary initial cache state.
Necessary Conditions for Cache Conflict. The basic design principle of cache dictates that every cache set is independent. Therefore, a necessary condition for cache conflict is that the accessed memory blocks are mapped to the same cache set. In particular, the following two conditions must be satisfied for a possible cache conflict from \(r_j\) to \(r_i\):
\(\psi _{cnf}(j,i)\): \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) access the same cache set. Therefore, we get the following:
$$\begin{aligned} \psi _{cnf} \left( j,i \right) \equiv \left( set(r_j) = set(r_i) \right) \end{aligned}$$(5) -
\(\psi _{dif}(j,i)\): \(r_i\) and \(r_j\) access different memory-block tags. Therefore, we have,
$$\begin{aligned} \psi _{dif} \left( j,i \right) \equiv \left( tag(r_j) \ne tag(r_i) \right) \end{aligned}$$(6)
The satisfiability of \(\psi _{cnf}(j,i)\) and \(\psi _{dif}(j,i)\) is necessary irrespective of the underlying cache replacement policy. However, these two constraints are not sufficient to guarantee that \(r_j\) can affect the cache state \(\zeta _i\) (\(i > j\)). We need additional constraints that depend on the specific replacement policy. In the subsequent sections, we formulate these constraints for two widely used replacement policies – LRU and FIFO.
Constraints for LRU Caches. In this section, we formulate a set of constraints that precisely capture the cache conflict scenarios in LRU replacement policy.
Conditions for Eviction Misses. Let us check the conditions where instruction \(r_i\) will suffer a cache miss due to eviction. This might happen only due to instructions appearing before (in the program order) \(r_i\). Consider one such instruction \(r_j\), for \(j \in [1,i)\). Informally, \(r_j\) generates a cache conflict to \(r_i\), only if the following conditions hold:
\(\psi _{eqv}^{lru}(j,i):\) There does not exist any instruction \(r_k\) where \(k \in [j+1,i)\), such that \(r_k\) accesses the same memory block as \(r_i\) (i.e. \(\left\lfloor \frac{\sigma _i}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \)). It is worthwhile to note that the execution of \(r_k\) will make the memory block \(\left\lfloor \frac{\sigma _i}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \) to be most recently used. For instance, in Fig. 4(a), \(r_3\) accesses memory block \(m_1\) and therefore, \(r_2\) cannot generate cache conflict to \(r_4\). We capture \(\psi _{eqv}(j,i)\) via the following constraints:
$$\begin{aligned} \psi _{eqv}^{lru} \left( j,i \right) \equiv \bigwedge _{k:\ j< k < i} \left( \left( tag(r_k) \ne tag(r_i) \right) \right. \vee \left. \left( set(r_k) \ne set(r_i) \right) \right) \end{aligned}$$(7) -
\(\psi _{unq}^{lru}(j,i):\) Secondly, we need to count cache conflicts from unique memory blocks. As an example, consider the example shown in Fig. 4(b). \(r_4\) will still be a cache hit. This is because both \(r_2\) and \(r_3\) access the memory block \(m_2\). In order to account unique cache conflicts, we only record the cache conflict from the closest access to different memory blocks. For instance, in Fig. 4(b), we only record cache conflict from \(r_3\) to \(r_4\). We use the constraint \(\psi _{unq} \left( j,i \right) \) for such purpose. \(\psi _{unq} \left( j,i \right) \) is satisfiable if and only if there does not exist any memory-related instruction between \(r_j\) (where \(j \in [1,i)\)) and \(r_i\) that accesses the same memory block as \(r_j\). Therefore, \(\psi _{unq} \left( j,i \right) \) is captured as follows:
$$\begin{aligned} \psi _{unq}^{lru} \left( j,i \right) \equiv \bigwedge _{k:\ j< k < i} \left( \left( tag(r_j) \ne tag(r_k) \right) \right. \vee \left. \left( set(r_j) \ne set(r_k) \right) \right) \end{aligned}$$(8)
Constraints to Formulate Cache Conflict. Constraints (5)–(8) accurately capture scenarios where \(r_j\) (\(j \in [1,i)\)) will create a unique cache conflict to \(r_i\). Let us assume \(\varPsi _{i,j}^{evt}\) captures whether \(r_j\) creates a unique cache conflict to \(r_i\). Using the intuition described in the preceding paragraph, we can now formulate the following constraints to set the value of \(\varPsi _{i,j}^{evt}\).
If any of the conditions in Constraints (5)–(8) is not satisfied between \(r_j\) and \(r_i\), then \(r_j\) cannot influence the cache state immediately before \(r_i\) and therefore, \(r_j\) cannot create cache conflict to \(r_i\), as captured by the following constraints:
Constraints for FIFO Caches. Unlike LRU replacement policy, for FIFO replacement policy, the cache state does not change for a cache hit. Therefore, \(r_j\) can generate a cache conflict to \(r_i\) (where \(i > j\)) only if \(r_j\) is a cache miss.
Conditions for Eviction Misses. In order to incorporate the changes in the formulation of \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \), we need to modify Constraints (7)–(10) for FIFO replacement policy. In particular, instruction \(r_j\) can create a unique cache conflict to instruction \(r_i\) (\(i > j\)) only if \(r_j\) is a cache miss and the following conditions hold with \(\psi _{cnf} \left( j,i \right) \) and \(\psi _{dif} \left( j,i \right) \):
\(\psi _{eqv}^{fifo} \left( j,i \right) :\) There does not exist any instruction \(r_k\), where \(k \in [j+1,i)\), such that \(r_k\) is a cache miss and it accesses the same memory block as \(r_i\). For instance, in Fig. 5(a), \(r_2\) generates cache conflict to \(r_4\) because \(r_3\) was a cache hit. We capture \(\psi _{eqv}^{fifo} \left( j,i \right) \) as follows:
$$\begin{aligned} \psi _{eqv}^{fifo} \left( j,i \right) \equiv \bigwedge _{k:\ j< k < i} \left( \left( tag(r_k) \ne tag(r_i) \right) \right. \vee \left. \left( set(r_k) \ne set(r_i) \right) \vee \left( miss_k = 0 \right) \right) \end{aligned}$$(11) -
\(\psi _{unq}^{fifo} \left( j,i \right) :\) This constraint ensures that we only count unique cache conflicts. For LRU policy, we checked whether \(r_j\) was the closest instruction to \(r_i\) accessing memory block \(\left\lfloor \frac{\sigma _j}{2^{\mathcal {B}}} \right\rfloor \). For FIFO policy, we have a slightly different situation, as demonstrated in Fig. 5(b). Even though \(r_4\) is the closest instruction to \(r_5\) accessing \(m_2\), \(r_4\) cannot generate cache conflict to \(r_5\). This is because \(r_4\) is a cache hit. As a result, we record cache conflict from \(r_2\) to \(r_5\). It is worthwhile to mention that in LRU policy, we will discard the cache conflict from \(r_2\) to \(r_5\) due to the presence of \(r_4\). Formally, we ensure there does not exist any instruction \(r_k\), where \(k \in [j+1,i)\), such that \(r_k\) is a cache miss and it accesses the same memory block as \(r_j\). Therefore, \(\psi _{unq}^{fifo} \left( j,i \right) \) can be formalized as follows:
$$\begin{aligned} \psi _{unq}^{fifo} \left( j,i \right) \equiv \bigwedge _{k:\ j< k < i} \left( \left( tag(r_j) \ne tag(r_k) \right) \right. \vee \left. \left( set(r_j) \ne set(r_k) \right) \vee \left( miss_k = 0 \right) \right) \end{aligned}$$(12)
Constraints to Formulate Cache Conflict. Let us assume \(\varPsi _{j,i}^{evt}\) captures whether \(r_j\) creates a cache conflict to \(r_i\). For FIFO replacement policy, this is possible only if \(r_j\) is a cache miss (i.e. \(miss_j = 1\)). Using the intuition described in the preceding paragraphs, we can bound the value of \(\varPsi _{j,i}^{evt}\) as follows:
Constraints to Formulate Cache Misses. Let us assume that \(miss_{i}\) captures the cache behaviour of instruction \(r_i\). Therefore, \(miss_i\) is set to 1 if \(r_i\) is a cache miss, and is set to 0 otherwise. We can formulate the value of \(miss_i\) using the following constraints:
where \(\mathcal {A}\) captures the associativity of the cache. Once a memory block is loaded into the cache, it requires at least \(\mathcal {A}\) unique cache conflicts to evict the block. If \(\varPsi _{i,j}^{evt} \ge \mathcal {A}\), \(r_i\) has suffered at least \(\mathcal {A}\) unique cache conflicts since the last access of the memory block referenced by \(r_i\) – resulting \(r_i\) to be a cache miss. If \(r_i\) is not a cold miss (i.e. \(\lnot \varTheta _i^{cold}\) holds) and \(\varPsi _{i,j}^{evt} \ge \mathcal {A}\) does not hold, \(r_i\) will be a cache hit, as captured by Constraint (16).
Putting It All Together. To derive the symbolic cache behavior \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \), we gather all constraints over \(\{r_1, \ldots , r_n\}\) as follows:
where \(repl \in \{lru,fifo\}\) capturing the underlying replacement policy. \(\varTheta _i^{m}\) and \(\varTheta _i^{h}\) together bound the value of \(miss_i\), which, in turn captures whether \(r_i\) is a cache miss. However, \(\varTheta _i^{m}\) and \(\varTheta _i^{h}\) are dependent on symbolic variables \(\varPsi _{j,i}^{evt}\) where \(j \in [1,i)\). The bound on symbolic variables \(\varPsi _{j,i}^{evt}\) is captured via \(\varTheta _{j,i}^{em,repl}\) and \(\varTheta _{j,i}^{eh,repl}\) (Constraints (9)–(10) and Constraints (13)–(14)). Hence, the formulation of \(\varGamma (\varPsi _{path})\) includes both \(\varTheta _{j,i}^{em,repl}\) and \(\varTheta _{j,i}^{eh,repl}\) for \(j \in [1,i)\).
Complexity of Constraints. The size of our constraint system is \(O(n^3)\), where n is the number of memory accesses. The dominating factor in our constraint system is the set of constraints generated from Constraints (9)–(10) for LRU policy and from Constraints (13)–(14) for FIFO policy. In general, we generate constraints for each pair of memory accesses that may potentially conflict in the cache, leading to \(O(n^2)\) pairs in total. For each such pair, the constraint may have a size O(n) — making the size of overall constraint system to be \(O(n^3)\). However, our evaluation reveals that such a bound is pessimistic and the constraint system can be solved efficiently for real-life programs.
5 Application
In this section, we instantiate Algorithm 1 to formulate the objective \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) from the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\) and the refinement of \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) (cf. line 23 and lines 31–34 in Algorithm 1).
Testing Timing-Related Properties. Embedded and real-time systems are often constrained via several timing-related properties. Given a timing deadline \(\mathcal {D}\), Algorithm 1 can find a witness where such timing deadline is violated for program \(\mathcal {P}\) or prove that no such witness exists.
In this paper, we assume that the timing of a given instruction may vary only due to the same incurring a cache hit or a cache miss. However, such a timing model can always be extended leveraging on the rich body of work in timing analysis [21].
Given the execution trace \(\mathbb {S}\) (cf. Eq. (1)), we use the variable \(miss_i\) to capture whether a memory-related instruction \(r_i\) suffered a cache miss. Let us assume \(\mathbb {C}\) is the time taken to execute all instructions not accessing the memory subsystems. Given the preceding descriptions, we formulate the objective \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) from \(\mathbb {S}\) as follows:
where \(\mathcal {L}\) is the latency incurred for a cache miss and n is the total number of memory-related instructions. If a solution is found for \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \wedge \mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \varPsi _{path}\) using \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) in Eq. (18), then we found witness of a violation of timing deadline \(\mathcal {D}\). Such a witness can be used for further investigation and improve the timing behaviour of the system.
In our evaluation, we refine \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) to find unique violations, meaning each test input capture a unique value of \(\sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i * \mathcal {L} + \mathbb {C}\). Therefore, if \(\sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i = N\) is true for a satisfying solution of \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \wedge \mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \varPsi _{path}\), \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) is refined as \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i \ne N\).
Testing Cache Side-Channel Vulnerabilities. The performance gap between cache and main memory (DRAM) can be exploited by an attacker to discover classified information (e.g. a secret key). Such attacks are often non-invasive and they can even be mounted over the network [8]. In this paper, we choose timing-related attacks, where the observer monitors the overall cache misses to discover secret information [8].
Let us assume the cache side channel to be a function \(C: \mathbb {I} \rightarrow \mathbb {O}\), mapping a finite set of secret inputs to a finite set of observations. Since the attacker monitors the number of cache misses, in this scenario, an observation simply captures the number of cache misses in an execution. If we model the choice of a secret input via a random variable X and the respective observation by a random variable Y, the leakage through channel C is the reduction in uncertainty about X when Y is observed. In particular, the following result holds for any distribution of X [17].
where \( ML (C)\) captures the maximal leakage of channel C. The equality holds in Eq. (19) when X is uniformly distributed.
CATAPULT can be tuned to compute each unique element in the set \(C(\mathbb {I})\) and thereby, to derive an upper bound (exact bound when X is uniformly distributed) on the maximal leakage \( ML (C)\). We accomplish this by setting and refining \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) as follows:
If \(miss_i^{(c)}\) captures a satisfying solution of \(miss_i\) (for \(i \in [1,n]\)) in \(\varGamma \left( \varPsi _{path} \right) \wedge \mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \varPsi _{path}\), then we refine \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\) as follows: \(\mathcal {O_{\mathbb {S}}}\wedge \left( \sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i \ne \sum _{i=1}^{n} miss_i^{(c)} \right) \).
It is worthwhile to mention that the number of tests computed is directly correlated with the maximal leakage through the cache side channel (cf. Eq. (19)). As a result, our test generation method can be used as a metric to measure the information leak through cache side channel. Besides, since we also generate an witness for each possible observation (i.e. the number of cache misses), these witnesses can further be used for analyzing, quantifying and controlling the information leaked at runtime.
Due to the lack of space, we only show the instantiation for one type of attacker. However, our framework can model a variety of different attacking scenarios, as long as the observation by an attacker can be modeled via symbolic constraints over the set of variables \(\{miss_1,miss_2,\ldots ,miss_n\}\).
6 Evaluation
Experimental Setup. We build CATAPULT on top of KLEE symbolic execution engine [2]. We first decompile PISA [5] compliant binaries (a MIPS like architecture) into LLVM bitcode. It is worthwhile to note that compiling source code to LLVM bitcode will inaccurately capture the cache performance. This is because of the target-dependent compiler optimizations that take place while generating binary code. The decompiled LLVM bitcode is identical with the PISA binary in terms of functionality, memory placement and the number of memory-related instructions. This ensures that the translated LLVM code has exactly the same cache performance as the binary code. To use CATAPULT for a different architecture (e.g. ARM), we only need the translator that converts the binary code for the respective architecture to the LLVM bitcode. The rest of our test generation framework remains completely unchanged. The translated LLVM code is provided as an input to CATAPULT. All our experiments have been performed on an Intel I7 machine with 8 GB of RAM and running Debian operating system.
To evaluate CATAPULT, we choose cryptographic routines from OpenSSL and other libraries [1, 3] and user-interface routines from Linux GDK library (cf. Table 1). Our choice is motivated by the importance of validating security and performance related properties in these programs. Moreover, these programs are memory intensive and in particular, the cryptographic routines exhibit complex memory access patterns. As a result, such programs are also appropriate for stress testing our framework.
Basic Result. Table 2 captures the key result obtained from CATAPULT. For all experiments in Table 2, we used a two-way and 8 KB cache, with 32 bytes cache-line and a cache-miss latency of 10 cycles. We make the following crucial observations from Table 2. We observe that the number of tests generated for FIFO policy is significantly smaller than the number of tests obtained for LRU policy. Since each test is attached to a unique cache performance (i.e. the number of cache miss), the LRU policy suffers from significantly higher cache side-channel leakage (cf. Eq. (19)), as compared to FIFO policy. This happens due to the reason that cache states change more frequently in LRU policy as compared to FIFO policy (e.g. for every access in LRU policy and for every cache miss in FIFO policy). This potentially leads to more variation in cache performance across different inputs in LRU policy, resulting in more tests and higher cache side-channel leakage. This result indicates important trade-offs in system design, as LRU policy is, on average, superior compared to FIFO policy in terms of overall performance. For experiments in Table 2, we can also validate that the maximal leakage of a basic AES implementation [3] is comparable with the AES implementation in the OpenSSL library. The implementation of RC5 does not exhibit any input-dependent memory access or branch. Hence, the size of our constraint system is 0 and there is exactly one test generated for both replacement policies. As observed from Table 2, CATAPULT terminates within reasonable time for all the experiments. Therefore, our results guarantee both the exact number of test cases and the best/worst-case timing obtained over all inputs. Finally, it is worthwhile to note that an exhaustive enumeration (\(2^{128}\) possibilities for AES) of all test inputs is infeasible to provide such guarantees.
Sensitivity Result. Figure 6 shows the sensitivity of CATAPULT with respect to cache configurations. Although increasing cache size usually improves performance, this may not be true for security. As an example, a smaller cache may result in cache misses for all possible inputs (i.e. one test), whereas a bigger cache may result in cache misses for a subset of inputs (i.e. more than one test). As a result, increasing the cache size may lead to increased number of tests and hence, increased likelihood of cache side-channel leakage (cf. Eq. (19)). For a huge cache, however, the dependency between inputs and the cache behaviour may disappear, resulting in reduced cache side-channel leakage. In Fig. 6, we observe both the increase and the decrease in the number of tests (and hence, the maximal leakage) with increased cache size. We also observe that FIFO policy on average outperforms LRU policy, in terms of side-channel resistant.
Summary. In summary, CATAPULT reveals useful information regarding the memory performance of programs. This includes the cache side-channel vulnerability of these programs as well as their worst-case memory performance. Concretely, we can show, for most of the chosen subjects, FIFO replacement policy is significantly more resistant to cache side channel as compared to LRU policy. We also show that increasing cache size may not necessarily lead to a more secure implementation (cf. Fig. 6).
7 Related Work
Works on worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis [20, 21] compute an upper bound on the execution time of program. In addition, approaches based on program synthesis [9] aim to generate optimal software by construction. In contrast to these works, our approach has a significant flavor of testing and CATAPULT is used to generate witnesses violating certain non-functional properties. Our work is orthogonal to the efforts in statically analyzing cache side channels [7, 14, 17]. Specifically, CATAPULT generates test inputs that violate timing-related constraints and to quantify cache side-channel leakage. Our framework does not generate false positives, however, it is not aimed to verify the absence of cache side-channel leaks and timing-related violations.
Recent works on performance testing [16, 18, 19] consider performance purely at code level and ignore any influence of execution platform on performance. Our previous works had targeted specific performance bugs (e.g. cache thrashing [6]) and they do not consider the variation of memory performance within a program path [6, 11, 13].
In summary, a majority of works in software testing have either focused on functionality bugs or ignore the influence of execution platforms on non-functional properties. In this paper, we propose to systematically explore the behaviour of execution platform via dynamic symbolic execution, with a specific focus on memory performance.
8 Discussion
Extensions and Limitations. CATAPULT generates witnesses to show the evidence of side-channel leakage or timing-related faults. However, it does not debug these faults. Debugging faults related to software non-functional properties (e.g. timing and security) is a challenging research problem in its own right and CATAPULT provides the necessary foundation for debugging research in the context of timing or security-related faults. A limitation of our approach is the requirement of the knowledge of cache architecture (e.g. cache replacement policy). In the future, this limitation can be lifted via using some machine learning approach to approximately capture the cache replacement policy [4]. Subsequently, we can formulate the test generation problem via symbolic constraints in a similar fashion as in CATAPULT. The scalability of CATAPULT is primarily limited by the number of memory accesses in an execution. Since our symbolic constraints encode the cache conflict (and not the actual cache states), the scalability of CATAPULT is not affected by increased cache sizes and associativity [10].
Perspective. We have presented CATAPULT where the key insight is to express the platform-dependent software properties (e.g. performance and security) via logical constraints. Hence, our approach can be adapted easily within existing software testing methodologies based on symbolic execution. To show the generality of our approach, we have instantiated our framework for a variety of cache designs and shown its application in both performance and security testing via real-life case studies (e.g. including OpenSSL and Linux GDK applications). This makes the idea of CATAPULT quite appealing for further exploration in the future. Among others, techniques to improve the testing time and extension of CATAPULT for regression testing are worth exploring in the area of testing non-functional software properties.
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Chattopadhyay, S. (2017). Directed Automated Memory Performance Testing. In: Legay, A., Margaria, T. (eds) Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. TACAS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 10206. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-54580-5_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-54580-5_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Print ISBN: 978-3-662-54579-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-662-54580-5
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