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Optimierung durch Vernetzung? Bildungspolitische Programmatiken und organisationale Realitäten

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Organisationen optimieren?

Part of the book series: Organisation und Pädagogik ((ORGAPÄD,volume 31))

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For organizations in the education system, educational and socio-political programs are an organizational environment that constantly challenges them to optimize themselves in the sense of a learning organization. Today, day-care centers are also faced with transformational expectations of networking in order to improve the participation of children in society and to optimize themselves in this sense. In this paper, different types of networking are identified on the basis of network interviews. It becomes clear that the constructs of social area and inclusiveness are not constituted by addressing educational policy, but that they are produced relationally in the specific network structure. Contrary to what is suggested by the educational and socio-political programms, the organizations are by no means free in the way in which they shape and build up their cooperation.

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    Das Projektteam besteht aus Peter Cloos und Inga Truschkat (Projektleitung), Alice Altissimo, Sabrina Volk, Britta Karner und Tom Töpfer (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen) und Mareike Kock und Lilian Power (studentische Hilfskräfte). (FKZ 01NV1811).


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Truschkat, I., Altissimo, A., Volk, S. (2023). Optimierung durch Vernetzung? Bildungspolitische Programmatiken und organisationale Realitäten. In: Weber, S.M., Fahrenwald, C., Schröer, A. (eds) Organisationen optimieren?. Organisation und Pädagogik, vol 31. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer VS, Wiesbaden

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-658-36007-8

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-658-36008-5

  • eBook Packages: Education and Social Work (German Language)

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