1 Introduction

Background and Motivation

The computational issues of autonomous mobile robots have been research object in distributed computing fields. In particular, a large amount of work has been dedicated to the research of theoretical models of autonomous mobile robots [1,2,3, 6, 12, 15, 18, 19]. In the basic common setting, a robot is modeled as a point in a two-dimensional plane and its capability is quite weak. We usually assume that robots are oblivious (no memory to record past history), anonymous and uniform (robots have no IDs and run identical algorithms) [8]. Robots operate in Look-Compute-Move (LCM) cycles in this model. In the Look operation, robots obtain a snapshot of the environment and they execute the same algorithm with the snapshot as an input to the Compute operation, and move towards the computed destination in the Move operation. Repeating these cycles, all robots perform a given task. It is difficult for these very weak robot systems to complete the task. Revealing the weakest capability of robots sufficient to attain a given task is one of the most interesting challenges in the theoretical research of autonomous mobile robots.

The problem considered in this paper is Gathering, which is one of the most fundamental tasks of autonomous mobile robots. Gathering is the process of n mobile robots, initially located on arbitrary positions, to meet within finite time at a location, not known a priori. When there are two robots in this setting, this task is called Rendezvous. In this paper, we focus on Rendezvous in asynchronous settings and we reveal the weakest additional assumptions for this problem.

Since Gathering and Rendezvous are simple but essential problems, they have been intensively studied and a number of possibility and/or impossibility results have been shown under different assumptions [1,2,3, 5,6,7, 10, 13,14,18]. The solvability of Gathering and Rendezvous depends on the activation schedule and the synchronization level. Usually three basic types of schedulers are identified, the fully synchronous (FSYNC), the semi-synchronous (SSYNC) and the asynchronous (ASYNC). In the FSYNC model, there are common rounds and in each round all robots are activated simultaneously and Compute and Move are done instantaneously. The SSYNC is the same as FSYNC except that in each round only a subset of the robots is activated. In the ASYNC scheduler, there is no restriction on the notion of time, Compute and Move in each cycle can take an unpredictable amount of time, and the time interval between successive activations is also unpredictable (but these times must be finite). Gathering and Rendezvous are trivially solvable in FSYNC by using an algorithm that moves to the center of gravity. However, Rendezvous cannot be solved even in SSYNC without any additional assumptions [8].

In [4], persistent memory called light has been introduced to reveal the relationship between ASYNC and SSYNC and they show that asynchronous robots with lights equipped with a constant number of colors are strictly more powerful than semi-synchronous robots without lights. In order to solve Rendezvous without any other additional assumptions, robots with lights have been introduced [4, 9, 21].

Table 1 shows results on solving Rendezvous by robots with lights with each scheduler and movement restriction. In the table, full-light means that robots can see not only the lights of other robots but also their own light. In the movement restriction, Rigid means that robots can reach the computed destination. In Non-Rigid, robots may be stopped before reaching the computed destination but move a minimum distance \(\delta >0\). Non-Rigid(+\(\delta \)) means the setting is Non-Rigid and the robots know the value \(\delta \). Gathering of robots with lights is discussed in [20].

Table 1. Rendezvous algorithms by robots with full-lights.

Our Contribution

In this paper, we consider whether we can solve Rendezvous in ASYNC with the optimal number of colors of light. In SSYNC, Rendezvous cannot be solved with one color but can be solved with 2 colors in Non-Rigid and full-light. On the other hand, Rendezvous in ASYNC can be solved with 3 colors in Non-Rigid and full-light, and with 2 colors in Rigid.

In this paper, we show that Rendezvous in ASYNC can be solved with 2 colors in Non-Rigid(+\(\delta \)) and full-light. We give a basic Rendezvous algorithm with 2 colors of full-lights (A and B)Footnote 1 and it can solve Rendezvous in ASYNC and Rigid, and its variant can also solve Rendezvous in ASYNC and Non-Rigid(+\(\delta \)). These two algorithms can behave correctly if the initial color of each robot is A. However if the initial color of each robot is B, the algorithm cannot solve Rendezvous in ASYNC and Rigid. It is still open whether Rendezvous can be solved with 2 colors in ASYNC and Non-Rigid. However, we introduce some restricted class of ASYNC called LC-atomic ASYNC, and we show that our basic algorithm can solve Rendezvous in this scheduler and Non-Rigid with arbitrary initial color. Here, LC-atomic ASYNC means that we consider the interval from the beginning of each Look operation to the end of the corresponding Compute operation as an atomic one, that is, no robot can observe between the beginning of each Look operation and the end of each Compute operation in every cycle. This is a reasonable sufficient condition so that Rendezvous can be solved with the optimal number of colors of light in ASYNC and No-Rigid.

2 Model and Preliminaries

We consider a set of n anonymous mobile robots \(\mathcal {R} = \{ r_1, \ldots , r_n \}\) located in . Each robot \(r_i\) has a persistent state \(\ell (r_i)\) called light which may be taken from a finite set of colors L.

We denote by \(\ell (r_i,t)\) the color of light the robot \(r_i\) has at time t and by the position occupied by \(r_i\) at time t represented in some global coordinate system. Given two points , \( dis (p,q)\) denotes the distance between p and q.

Each robot \(r_i\) has its own coordinate system where \(r_i\) is located at its origin at any time. These coordinate systems do not necessarily agree with those of other robots. This means that there is no common unit of distance and no common knowledge of directions of its coordinates and clockwise orientation (chirality).

At any point in time, a robot can be active or inactive. When a robot \(r_i\) is activated, it executes \( Look \)-\( Compute \)-\( Move \) operations:

  • Look: The robot \(r_i\) activates its sensors to obtain a snapshot which consists of pairs of a light and a position for every robot with respect to its own coordinate system. Since the result of this operation is a snapshot of the positions of all robots, the robot does not notice the movement, even if the robot sees other moving robots. We assume robots can observe all other robots (unlimited visibility).

  • Compute: The robot \(r_i\) executes its algorithm using the snapshot and its own color of light (if it can be utilized) and returns a destination point \( des _i\) with respect to its coordinate system and a light \(\ell _i \in L\) to which its own color is set.

  • Move: The robot \(r_i\) moves to the computed destination \( des _i\). A robot r is said to collide with robot s at time t if \(p(r,t)=p(s,t)\) and r is performing \( Move \) at time t, and r’s collision is accidental if its destination is not p(rt). Since robots are seen as points, we assume that accidental collisions are immaterial. A moving robot, upon causing an accidental collision, proceeds in its movement without changes, in a “hit-and-run” fashion [8]. The robot may be stopped by an adversary before reaching the computed destination.Footnote 2 If stopped before reaching its destination, a robot moves at least a minimum distance \(\delta >0\). Note that without this assumption an adversary could make it impossible for any robot to ever reach its destination, following a classical Zenonian argument [8]. If the distance to the destination is at most \(\delta \), the robot can reach it. In this case, the movement is called Non-Rigid. Otherwise, it is called Rigid. If the movement is Non-Rigid and the robots know the value of \(\delta \), it is called Non-Rigid(+\(\delta \)).

A scheduler decides which subset of robots is activated for every configuration. The schedulers we consider are asynchronous or semi-synchronous and it is assumed that for every robot r and time t, there exists a time \(t' (\ge t)\) at which r becomes active. Usually this scheduler is said to be fair [8].

  • ASYNC: The asynchronous (ASYNC) scheduler activates the robots independently, and the duration of each Compute, Move and the time between successive activities is finite and unpredictable. As a result, a robot can be seen while moving and the snapshot and its actual configuration are not the same, and so its computation may be done with the old configuration.

  • SSYNC: The semi-synchronous (SSYNC) scheduler activates a subset of all robots synchronously and their Look-Compute-Move cycles are performed at the same time. We can assume that activated robots at the same time obtain the same snapshot, and their Compute and Move are executed instantaneously. In SSYNC, we can assume that each activation defines a discrete time called round and Look-Compute-Move is performed instantaneously in one round. A subset of activated robots in each round is determined by an adversary and robots do not know about this subset.

As a special case of SSYNC, if all robots are activated in each round, the scheduler is called fully-synchronous (FSYNC).

In this paper, we consider ASYNC and we assume the following.

In a Look operation, a snapshot of a time \(t_L\) is taken and we say that the Look operation is performed at time \(t_L\). Each Compute operation of \(r_i\) is assumed to be done at an instant time \(t_C\) and its color of light \(\ell _i(t)\) and its destination \( des _i\) are assigned to the computed values at the time \(t_C\). In a \( Move \) operation, when its movement begins at \(t_B\) and ends at \(t_E\), we say that its movement is performed during \([t_B, t_E]\), its beginning and ending of the movement are denoted by \( Move_{BEGIN} \) and \( Move_{END} \), and its \( Move_{BEGIN} \) and \( Move_{END} \) occur at \(t_B\) and \(t_E\), respectively. In the following, \( Compute \), \( Move_{BEGIN} \) and \( Move_{END} \) are abbreviated by \( Comp \), \( Move_{B} \) and \( Move_{E} \), respectively. When some cycle has no movement (robots change only colors of lights, or their destinations are the current positions), we can assume that the Move operation in this cycle is omitted, since we can consider the Move operation can be performed just before the next Look operation.

Also we consider the following restricted classes of ASYNC.

Let a robot execute a cycle. If any other robot cannot execute any \( Look \) operation between the \( Look \) operation and the following \( Comp \) operation in the cycle, its ASYNC is said to be LC-atomic. Thus we can assume that in LC-atomic ASYNC, \( Look \) and \( Comp \) operations in every cycle are performed at the same time. If any other robot cannot execute any \( Look \) operation between the \( Move_B \) and the following \( Move_E \), its ASYNC is said to be Move-atomic. In this case \( Move \) operations in all cycles can be considered to be performed instantaneously and at time \(t_M\). In Move-atomic ASYNC, when a robot r observes another robot \(r'\) performing a \( Move \) operation at time \(t_M\), r observes the snapshot after the moving of \(r'\).

In our settings, robots have persistent lights and can change their colors at an instant time in each Compute operation. We consider the following robot models according to visibility of lights.

  • full-light, the robot can recognize not only colors of lights of other robots but also its own color of light.

  • external-light, the robot can recognize only colors of lights of other robots but cannot see its own color of light. Note that the robot can change its own color.

  • internal-light, the robot can recognize only its own color of light but cannot see colors of lights of other robots.

An n-Gathering problem is defined as follows. Given \(n (\ge 2)\) robots initially placed at arbitrary positions in , they congregate at a single location which is not predefined in finite time. In the following, we consider the case that \(n=2\) and the 2-Gathering problem is called Rendezvous.

3 Previous Results for Rendezvous

Rendezvous is not solvable in the basic model without lights.

Theorem 1

(Flocchini et al. [8]). Rendezvous is deterministically unsolvable in SSYNC even if chirality is assumed.

If robots have a constant number of colors in their lights, Rendezvous can be solved with three kinds of lights, as shown in Table 2. Since robots are oblivious and anonymous, the colors can be used to break symmetry of robots and configurations [9, 21]. Since full-lights are stronger assumptions than external-lights and internal-lights, the number of colors of full-lights used in algorithms is fewer than that of external-lights and internal-lights. Also previous algorithms and our algorithms with full-lights are in a class of algorithms called \(\mathcal {L}\)-algorithms [21], which means that each robot may only compute a destination point on the line connecting two points robots are located at by using only the colors of lights of current robots. The algorithms of this class are of interest because they operate also when the coordinate system of a robot is not self-consistent (i.e., it can unpredictably rotate, change its scale or undergo a reflection) [9]. On the other hand, there does not exist any \(\mathcal {L}\)-algorithm with external-lights and internal-lights in ASYNC and SSYNC, respectively [9].

Table 2. Rendezvous algorithms by robots with three kinds of lights.

It is still an open problem whether Rendezvous can be solved in ASYNC with 2 colors in Non-Rigid. In the following, we will show that Rendezvous is solved in ASYNC and full-light with 2 colors, if we assume (1) Rigid movement, (2) Non-Rigid movement and knowledge of the minimum distance \(\delta \) robots move, (3) LC-atomic. In these cases, we can construct optimal Rendezvous algorithms with respect to the number of colors in ASYNC.

4 Asynchronous Rendezvous for Robots with Lights

4.1 Basic Rendezvous Algorithm

In this section, two robots are denoted by r and s. Let \(t_0\) be the starting time of the algorithm.

Given a robot \( robot \), an operation \( op \) (\(\in \{ Look, Comp, Move_{B}, Move_{E} \}\)), and a time t, \(t^+( robot , op )\) denotes the time \( robot \) performs the first \( op \) after t (inclusive) if there exists such an operation, and \(t^-( robot , op )\) denotes the time \( robot \) performs the first \( op \) before t (inclusive) if there exists such an operation. If t is the time the algorithm terminates, \(t^+( robot , op )\) is not defined for any \( op \). When \( robot \) does not perform \( op \) before t and \(t^-( robot , op )\) does not exist, \(t^-( robot , op )\) is defined to be \(t_0\).

A time \(t_c\) is called a cycle start time if the next performed operations of both r and s after t are Look operations, or otherwise, the robots performing the operations neither change their colors of lights nor move. In the latter case, we can consider that these operations can be performed before \(t_c\), and the subsequent \( Look \) operation can be performed as the first operation after \(t_c\).

figure a

Algorithm 1 is used as a basic Rendezvous algorithm which has three parameters, namely scheduler, movement restriction and an initial color of light, and it assumes full-light and uses two colors A and B.

We will show that Rendezvous(ASYNC, Rigid, A) and Rendezvous(LC-atomic ASYNC, Non-Rigid, anyFootnote 3) solve Rendezvous, and that some variant of Rendezvous(ASYNC, Non-Rigid(+\(\delta \)), A) also solves Rendezvous.

Lemma 1

Assume that time \(t_c\) is a cycle start time and \(\ell (r,t_c)=\ell (s,t_c)=B\) in Rendezvous(ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any). If \( dis (p(r,t_c)),p(s,t_c))=0\), then two robots r and s do not move after \(t_c\).

Lemma 2

Let robot r perform a Look operation at time t in Rendezvous(ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any). If \(t^-(s, Comp ) \le t\) and \(\ell (r,t) \ne \ell (s,t)\), then there exists a time \(t^* (> t)\) such that r and s succeed in rendezvous at time \(t^*\) by Rendezvous(ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any).


If \(\ell (r,t)=B\) and \(\ell (s,t)=A\), then r does not change the color and stays at the current position. If s performs a \( Look \) operation at \(t^+(s, Look )\), s does not change the color and s’s destination is p(rt). Since both r and s do not change the colors after the time \(t^+(s, Look )\), r stays at p(rt) and the destination of s is p(rt). Thus r and s succeed in rendezvous at some time \(t^* \ge t^+(s, Move_{E} )\) even in Non-Rigid.

If \(\ell (r,t)=A\) and \(\ell (s,t)=B\), then r does not change the color and computes the destination as p(st). When s finishes the \( Move \) operation at \(t'=t^+(s, Move_{E} )\), s is located at \(p(s,t')\). If \(t' \le t\), since r’s destination is p(st) and p(st) is not changed (even if s performs a \( Look \) operation after \(t'\) and before t), r and s succeed in rendezvous at some time \(t^* \ge t^+(r, Move_{E})\).

Otherwise (\(t <t'\)), if r performs \( Look \) operations before \(t'\), these destinations are different since s is moving, but the color is not changed and \(\ell (r,t')=A\). Since s stays at \(p(s,t')\) after \(t'\), r and s succeed in rendezvous at some time \(t^* \ge t^+(r, Move_{E} )\).

In both cases r and s do not move after \(t^*\) by the algorithm.    \(\square \)

4.2 ASYNC and Rigid Movement

If Rigid movement is assumed, asynchronous Rendezvous can be done with 2 colors.

Theorem 2

Rendezvous(ASYNC, Rigid, A) solves Rendezvous.


Let \(t_0\) be the starting time of the algorithm and let r and s be two robots whose colors of lights are A. Without loss of generality, r is assumed to perform the \( Look \) operation first at time \(t_1\), that is, \(t_1=t_0^+(r, Look )\). Let \(t_2=t_0^+(s, Look )\). There are two cases: (I) \(t_1 \le t_2 < t_0^+(r, Comp )\) and (II) \(t_0^+(r, Comp ) \le t_2\).

  • Case (I): Since \(\ell (s,t_2)=A\) and \(\ell (r,t_2)=A\), s moves to the midpoint of \(p(r,t_0)\) and \(p(s,t_0)\) at time \(t_3=t_0^+(s, Move_{E} )\). Robot s changes its color of light from A to B at time \(t_0^+(s, Comp )\) and \(\ell (s,t_3)=B\). There are two cases (I-1) \(t_3'=t_0^+(r, Move_{E} ) < t_3\) and (I-2) \(t_3 \le t_3'=t_0^+(r, Move_{E} )\).

    • Case (I-1): Robot r reaches the destination at time \(t_3'\) but s does not reach the destination (\(t_3'=t_0^+(r, Move_{E} ) < t_3\)). If r does not perform any operations during \([t_3', t_3]\), \(t_3\) becomes a cycle start time and then r and s rendezvous at time \(t_3\) and the two robots do not move after \(t_3\) by Lemma 1.

      Otherwise, r performs several operations during \([t_3', t_3]\). Suppose r performs at least one \( Look \) operation and one \( Comp \) operation during \([t_3', t_3]\) and \(t_C\) denotes the time r performs the \( Comp \) operation (\(t_C=t_3'^+(r, Comp )\)). Note that r only changes its color of light and does not move in this cycle. Then its color of light is changed to A at \(t_C\), and \(\ell (r,t_C)=A\) and \(\ell (s,t_C)=B\). Thus, the next \( Look \) operation of r or s after \(t_C\) satisfies the conditions of Lemma 2, and r and s succeed in rendezvous. The remaining case is that r performs only a \( Look \) operation during \([t_3', t_3]\). Let \(t_{L}\) be the time r performs the \( Look \) operation. Since r observes \(\ell (s,t_{L})=B\) and r and s are located at the same point at \(t_3\), this case is the same as the first case.

    • Case (I-2): Interchanging the roles of r and s, this case can be reduced to Case (I-1).

  • Case (II): Since \((t_0)^+(r, Comp ) \le t_2\) and \(\ell (r,t_2) \ne \ell (s,t_2)\), r and s succeed in rendezvous by Lemma 2.    \(\square \)

Note that this algorithm does not terminate and we cannot change the algorithm so that the fixed one can terminate. It is an open problem whether there exists an algorithm which solves Rendezvous and terminates with two colors in ASYNC. Also there exists an execution such that Rendezvous(Async, Rigid, any) does not work in general. In fact, if the initial colors of lights for both robots are B, this algorithm cannot solve Rendezvous. Figure 1 shows a counterexample where Rendezvous(Async, Rigid, B) does not work. Since the colors of lights at \(t_5\) are B, this execution repeats forever and achieves only convergence, that is, the robots move arbitrarily close to each other, but might not rendezvous within finite time. This counterexample also shows that Rendezvous (Move-atomic ASYNC, Rigid, B) does not work. However, if we assume LC-atomic ASYNC, we can show that Rendezvous(LC-atomic ASYNC, Rigid, B) solves Rendezvous.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Rendezvous(ASYNC, Rigid, B) cannot solve Rendezvous in general.

Lemma 3

Rendezvous(LC-atomic ASYNC, Rigid, B) solves Rendezvous.


In LC-atomic ASYNC, any \( Look \) operation and the following \( Comp \) operation are performed at the same time and this operation is denoted by LC. Let \(t_c\) be a cycle start time and let r perform an LC operation first and let \(t_1=t_c^+(r,LC)\). There are two cases: (I) \(t_1=t_c^+(s,LC)\) and (II) \(t_1< t_c^+(s,LC)=t_2\).

  • Case (I): In this case, since \(t_1\) becomes a cycle start time and \(\ell (r,t_1)=\ell (s,t_1)=A\), the lemma holds by Theorem 2.

  • Case (II): In this case, since \(\ell (r,t_1)=A\) and \(\ell (s,t_2)=B\), the lemma holds by Lemma 2.    \(\square \)

In an execution of Rendezvous(Async, Non-Rigid, A) starting from \(\ell (r,t_0)=\ell (s,t_0)=A\), if r and s perform one cycle simultaneously, their colors can be changed into B without attaining Rendezvous, that is, there is a cycle start time \(t_c (\ge t_0)\) such that \(\ell (r,t_c)=\ell (s,t_c)=B\). Thus it cannot solve Rendezvous even if both initial colors of lights are A. In Subsect. 4.3, we will show that if ASYNC is restricted to LC-atomic, Rendezvous can be solved in Non-Rigid with two colors from any initial colors of lights.

4.3 LC-Atomic ASYNC and Non-Rigid Movement

Let \(t_c\) be a cycle start time of the algorithm. There are three cases according to the colors of lights of two robots r and s, (I) \(\ell (r,t_c) \ne \ell (s,t_c)\), (II) \(\ell (r,t_c)=\ell (s,t_c)=A\), and (III) \(\ell (r,t_c) = \ell (s,t_c)=B\).

Lemma 4

If \(\ell (r,t_c) \ne \ell (s,t_c)\) and the algorithm starts at \(t_c\), then there exists a time \(t^* (\ge t)\) such that r and s succeed in rendezvous at time \(t^*\) by Rendezvous (LC-atomic ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any).


This is obvious from Lemma 2.    \(\square \)

Lemma 5

If \(\ell (r,t_c)=\ell (s,t_c)=B\) and the algorithm starts at \(t_c\), then there exists a time \(t^* (\ge t)\) such that r and s succeed in rendezvous at time \(t^*\) by Rendezvous(LC-atomic ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any) or \(t^*\) is a cycle start time and \(\ell (r,t^*)=\ell (s,t^*)=A\).


Let r perform the LC operation first and let \(t_1=t_c^+(r,LC)\). There are two cases: (I) \(t_1=t_c^+(s,LC)\) and (II) \(t_1< t_c^+(s,LC)=t_2\).

(I) In this case, \(\ell (r,t_1)=\ell (s,t_1)=B\) and there are two cases: (I-1) \(t_1^+(r,LC) \ne t_1^+(s,LC)\) and (I-2) \(t_1^+(r,LC) =t_1^+(s,LC)\).

(I-1) This case can be proven by Lemma 2.

(I-2) Letting \(t^*=t_1^+(r,LC) =t_1^+(s,LC)\), \(\ell (r,t^*)=\ell (s,t^*)=A\) and \(t_*\) becomes a cycle start time. Also at the time \(t_*\) rendezvous is succeeded or \( dis (p(r,t^*),p(s,t^*)) \le dis (p(r,t_c),p(s,t_c))-2\delta \).

(II) Since \(\ell (r,t_1)=A\) and \(\ell (s,t_2)=B\), this case is proven by Lemma 2.    \(\square \)

Lemma 6

If \(\ell (r,t_c)=\ell (s,t_c)=A\) and the algorithm starts at \(t_c\), then there exists a time \(t^* (\ge t_c)\) such that r and s succeed in rendezvous at time \(t^*\) by Rendezvous(LC-atomic ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any) or \(t^*\) is a cycle start time, \(\ell (r,t^*)=\ell (s,t^*)=A\) and \( dis (p(r,t^*),p(s,t^*)) \le dis (p(r,t_c),p(s,t_c))-2\delta \).


Let \(t_1=t_c^+(r,LC)\) and \(t_c^+(s,LC)\). If \(t_1 =t_2\), then letting \(t^*=t_1\), \(t^*\) is a cycle start time and \(\ell (r,t^*)=\ell (s,t^*)=A\). Otherwise, Lemma 2 proves this case.    \(\square \)

Lemmata 4 to 6 imply the next theorem.

Theorem 3

Rendezvous(LC-atomic ASYNC, Non-Rigid, any) solves Rendezvous.

4.4 ASYNC and Non-Rigid Movement(+\(\delta \))

Although it is still open whether asynchronous Rendezvous can be solved in Non-rigid with two colors of lights, if we assume Non-Rigid(\(+\delta \)), we can solve Rendezvous modifying Rendezvous(ASYNC, Non-Rigid(\(+\delta \)), A) and using the minimum moving value \(\delta \) in it.

figure b

Let \( dist _0 = dis (p(r,t_0),p(s,t_0))\) and let RendezvousWithDelta (Algorithm 2) begin with \(\ell (r,t_0)=\ell (s,t_0)=A\). If \(dist_0 >2\delta \), both robots do not move until both colors of lights become B (lines 3-5) and there exists a cycle start time \(t_1(> t_0)\) such that \(\ell (r,t_1)=\ell (s,t_1)=B\). After \(\ell (r,t_1)=\ell (s,t_1)=B\), the distance between r and s is reduced by \(\delta /2\) without changing the colors of lights (line 4) and the distance falls in \([2\delta , \delta ]\) and both colors of lights become A at a cycle starting time \(t_2\). After \(\ell (r,t_2)=\ell (s,t_2)=A\), we can use Rendezvous(ASYNC, Rigid, A) since \(2\delta \ge dis (p(r,t_2),p(s,t_2)) \ge \delta \). Therefore, rendezvous is succeeded. Note that in Algorithm 2, the initial pair of colors of r and s is \((\ell (r,t_0),\ell (s,t_0))=(A,A)\) and it is changed into \((\ell (r,t_1),\ell (s,t_1))=(B,B)\) without changing the distance of r and s. And it is changed into \((\ell (r,t_2),\ell (s,t_2))=(A,A)\) when the distance becomes between \(\delta \) and \(2\delta \). These mode changes are necessary and our algorithm does not work correctly if these mode changes are not incorporated in the algorithm. If the algorithm starts with \((\ell (r,t_0),\ell (s,t_0))=(A,A)\) and does not use the mode change, when the distance becomes between \(\delta \) and \(2\delta \) at some time \(t'\), the configuration becomes \((\ell (r,t'),\ell (s,t'))=(B,B)\) and therefore Rendezvous fails from the configuration.

Lemma 7

If \( dist _0 > 2\delta \), in any execution of RedezvousWithDelta(ASYNC, Non-Rigid(\(+\delta \)), A),

  1. (1)

    there exists a cycle start time \(t_1(> t_0)\) such that \(\ell (r,t_1)=\ell (s,t_1)=B\) and \( dis (p(r,t_1),p(s,t_1))= dist _0\), and

  2. (2)

    there exists a cycle start time \(t_2 (> t_1)\) such that \(\ell (r,t_2)=\ell (s,t_2)=A\) and \(2\delta \ge dis (p(r,t_2),p(s,t_2)) \ge \delta \).


(1) Without loss of generality, r performs the \( Look \) operation first and let \(t_{rL}\) be such a time. The color of r is changed from A to B at a time \(t_{rC}\). Since \(\ell (s, t_0)=A\), s performs a \( Look \) operation at a time \(t_{sL} (\ge t_{rL})\) and changes its color from A to B at a time \(t_{sC}\). Then, let \(t_1=\max (t_{rC},t_{sC})\). If a \( Comp \) operation is performed immediately after \(t_1\), the robot does not change its color of light, since the robot performs the preceding \( Look \) operation before \(t_1\). Thus, \(t_1\) becomes a cycle start time.

(2) Since \(t_1\) is a cycle start time, we can assume that the algorithm starts at \(t_1\) with \(\ell (r,t_1)=\ell (s,t_1)=B\). The distance \( dist _0\) is reduced by \(\delta /2\) every cycle of each robot after \(t_1\). Since \( dist _0 > 2\delta \), \( dist _0\) can be denoted by \(x(\delta /2)+\varepsilon \), where \(x \ge 4\) and \(0 \le \varepsilon < \delta /2\).

Let t be the time of the \((x-2)\)-th \( Look \) operation among \( Look \) operations r and s performed after \(t_1\), and without loss of generality, let r be the robot performing the \((x-2)\)-th \( Look \) operation. Note that among \((x-3)\) \( Move \) operations between \(t_1\) and t at least \(\max (0,x-4)\) \( Move \) operations have been completed and at most one \( Move \) operation has not been completed yet.

Let \(t'=t^-(s, Look )\).Footnote 4 We have two situations (Fig. 2). One is that (I) \((x-3)\) \( Move \) operations are completed until t. This case satisfies \(2\delta \ge dis(p(r,t),p(s,t)) \ge \delta \). The other is that (II) the \((x-3)\)-th \( Move \) operation s performs has not been completed at t.Footnote 5 The latter case is divided into two cases (II-1) \(2\delta \ge dis (p(r,t),p(s,t)) \ge \delta \) and (II-2) \( dis (p(r,t),p(s)) > 2\delta \), according to the time r performs the \( Look \) operation.

  • Case (I) and (II-1): Since \(2\delta \ge dis (p(r,t),p(s,t)) \ge \delta \), r changes its color of light to A at \(t^+(r, Comp )\). When s performs a \( Look \) operation at \(t_{sL}=t^+(s, Look )\), s observes \(2\delta \ge dis (p(r,t_{sL}),p(s,t_{sL})) \ge \delta \) and \(\ell (s,t_{sL})=B\), and changes its color of light to A at \(t_{sC}=t^+(s, Comp )\). Letting \(t_2=\max (t_{rC},t_{sC})\), \(t_2\) becomes a cycle start time as follows.

    When \(t_2=T_{rC}\), s changes its color of light to A at \(t_{sC} (\le t_{rC})\). Even if s performs a \( Look \) operation at \(t_L\) after \(t_{sC}\) before \(t_2=t_{rC}\), s does not change its color at \(t_L^+(s, Comp )\) since \(\ell (r,t_L)=B\). The case that \(_2=T_{sC}\) can be proven similarly.

  • Case (II-2): Since \( dis (p(r,t),p(s,t)) > 2\delta \), r reduces the distance by \(\delta /2\). Then, r performs the \( Move \) operation and subsequently performs the next \( Look \) operation at \(t_{rL}=t^+(r, Look )\). After that it changes its color of light to A at \(t_{rC}=t^+(r, Comp )\), since \(\delta \le dis (p(r,t_{rL}),p(s,t_{rL})) \le 2\delta \). The next \( Look \) operation of s is performed after \(t'^+(s, Move_E )\), and s changes its color of light to A at \(t_{sC}=t^+(s, Comp )\). Robot s changes its color of light to A at \(t_{sC}\). Letting \(t_2=\max (t_{rC},t_{sC})\), we can prove that \(t_2\) becomes a cycle start time similar to the former case.    \(\square \)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Situations in the proof of Lemma 7

The following two lemmata can be proven similarly to the proof of Theorem 2.

Lemma 8

If \(2\delta \ge dist_0 \ge \delta \), then RedezvousWithDelta(ASYNC, Non-Rigid (\(+\delta \)), A) solves Rendezvous.

Lemma 9

If \( dist _0 >\delta \), then RedezvousWithDelta(ASYNC, Non-Rigid (\(+\delta \)), A) solves Rendezvous.

Lemmata 7 to 9 imply the following theorem.

Theorem 4

RedezvousWithDelta(ASYNC, Non-Rigid(\(+\delta \)), A) solves Rendezvous.

5 Concluding Remarks

We have shown that Rendezvous can be solved in ASYNC with the optimal number of colors of lights if Non-Rigid(\(+\delta \)) movement is assumed. We have also shown that Rendezvous can be solved by an \(\mathcal {L}\)-algorithm in ASYNC and Non-Rigid with the optimal number of colors of lights if ASYNC is LC-atomic. Interesting open problems are whether can Rendezvous be solved in ASYNC and Non-Rigid with 2 colors or not,Footnote 6 and what condition of ASYNC can \(\mathcal {L}\)-algorithms be solved in Non-Rigid with 2 colors?