1 Introduction

Cloud Computing has attracted a lot of attention by facilitating customers access to computing services without owning any computing resources. However, system security and data security bring people’s attention for the problems as user losing control of his machines in cloud [7] and internal attacks [23]. A number of security enhancement mechanisms have been proposed, e.g. access control, least privilege and intrusion detection. Nevertheless, there is still a key issue not being addressed, i.e. whether the proclaimed service components, including those security-enhancement components, have been genuinely enforced, and whether other unnecessary or even adverse components have not been loaded.

Genuinely recording and reporting the provenance of objects, e.g. files and processes, is an essential approach to establish data and system trustworthiness for cloud computing services [4]. The provenance of an object can be characterized by the processes which have modified this object and recursively the provenance of all objects which were inputs for those processes [27]. Over the past two decades, provenance is adopted into different areas, e.g. network, storage and security enhancement [15, 16, 18, 29]. However, adopting the current existing provenance-aware solutions to the cloud faces several challenges.

Firstly, due to the existence of internal attacks and even privileged adversaries in the cloud, assumption that applications in the user-space are trusted can be easily breached. Nevertheless, most of the existing provenance-aware systems [6, 8, 9] rely on some applications and services in the user-space. Even kernel-based provenance mechanisms [15, 19] fail to work in malicious environments. Bates et al. claim to solve this problem and present a generic provenance-aware architecture called Linux Provenance Modules (LPM) [3]. Unfortunately, LPM also introduces the provenance recorder and storage back-ends in the user-space into its TCB, and anchors its hope to protect LPM components through SELinux. A strict SELinux policy is powerful to prevent these components from privileged adversaries. However, besides the cost to design and manage this strict SELinux policy, how to entrust a remote user that the cloud computing platform has genuinely enforced the proclaimed SELinux policy is also a problem.

Secondly, the user loses control of the services deployed in the cloud [7], and all information are transferred to the user through an untrusted network. Because of the existence of the network adversary [1] who may sniff or control the network and further temper or forge the packages, the integrity and trustworthiness of provenance information should be ensured. However, the vast majority of existing provenance-aware systems fail to support this capability. Lyle et al. [10] prepare to integrate Trusted Computing [14] into provenance-aware system, as the former provides remote attestation to enable a remote verifier to obtain genuine records of a target platform. Unfortunately, the provenance information the traditional Trusted Computing could collect is too coarse-grained to reflect the whole system provenance [3]. In addition, the efficiency of traditional Trusted Computing is limited due to the latency of operating trusted hardware [24].

In order to solve the aforementioned problems, our paper provides a trusted provenance-aware service named TProv based on Trusted Computing. As all applications and services in the user-space are viewed as untrusted, TProv is enhanced to prevent from a privileged adversary. In addition, TProv enables to genuinely transfer provenance information to a remote user through an untrusted network. We achieve these goals by designing an appropriate Chain of Trust (CoT). Furthermore, we leverage Merkle Hash Tree [13] to reduce the length of CoT and enable a parallel validation towards CoT rather than the traditional strict sequential validation. Key contributions in this paper are:

  1. 1.

    presenting a trusted provenance-aware service, which enables a cloud user to collect trusted provenance of a cloud machine in the case of a malicious local privileged adversary or adversary attacking in an untrusted network.

  2. 2.

    ensuring the efficiency of TProv by leveraging Merkle Hash Tree.

  3. 3.

    implementing a prototype of TProv.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews Trusted Computing. Section 3 illustrates a possible scenario and overviews TProv. Sections 4 and 5 present TProv in detail. The evaluation results are given in Sect. 6. Section 7 reviews the related works. Section 8 presents some necessary discussion and our future works, and we conclude this paper in Sect. 9.

2 Trusted Computing

Trusted Computing [14] provides a hardware-based solution to validate the integrity of a remote platform. The core component for this technology is an embedded chip called Trusted Platform Module (TPM) [2]. TPM is viewed as the Root of Trust (RoT) and is trusted by default. The Chain of Trust (CoT) is built from the RoT. The last component in CoT measures the upcoming component and determines its trustworthiness if we enforce trusted boot [11]. The entire boot process is extended into CoT, including BIOS, GRUB, and finally the operating system kernel. After the kernel is loaded, this chain is extended to the applications layer via Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) [22].

IMA ensures that all software components are measured into Platform Configuration Registers (PCRs) inside the TPM, including the executables, kernel modules, dynamic link library and files opened by root. It is implemented by the PCR_Extend instruction of TPM, which replaces the PCR value with a hash of the result of concatenating its original value and the most recently measurement’s hash value. As a PCR can only be extended after a system restart, i.e. preforming PCR_Extend, all the values measured into it cannot be reversed. Each TPM has a number of 24 PCRs (from 0 to 23). The measurements of hardware, BIOS and bootloader stages are recorded into PCR0-7, while PCR10 records the events of IMA. Since the extend operation makes computationally impossible to recover the list of stored values backwards from the current content of a PCR, a Measurement Log (ML) is maintained to record the detailed information for the software components, representing the integrity status of the platform (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Integrity Measurement Architecture

IMA has defined Remote Attestation to enable verifier to validate the integrity of prover. When receiving an attestation request, the Attestation Agent in prover collects integrity evidence, including PCR values, the signature signed by TPM and the ML. The signature signed by TPM contains the current PCR values. The private key (i.e. Attestation Identity Key, AIK) to generate signature can only be used inside a specific TPM. Hence, a valid signature represents for the identity of prover and can be used to determine the trustworthiness of transferred PCR values. The genuineness of ML is further determined by simulating PCR_Extend and matching the simulated result with trusted value of PCR10. If the validation result is positive, verifier searches his expected values and compares them with the trusted ML, and hence he can determine whether the prover is running as his expectation. The expectations of verifier are collected from the original source: the software and hardware manufacturers.

3 Scenario and Architecture Overview

3.1 Scenario

Figure 2 shows the threat model. We define prover as the provenance-aware platform (e.g. a machine in the cloud) and verifier as a cloud user to retrieve the provenance information of prover to do some analysis, e.g. identify malicious behavior. Besides the user-space applications and services in the prover, the communication channel between verifier and prover is also untrusted. We allow the adversary to be a local privileged adversary [1] or a remote adversary [1]. Specifically, a local privileged adversary is capable of obtaining root privileges and controlling all privileged or unprivileged software on prover, e.g. falsifying the provenance response sent to verifier. A remote adversary can remotely infect malwares, sniff all packets in the network and interfere with the communication to launch attacks, e.g. Man-in-the-Middle attacks. As many solutions [5, 25] have been proposed to ensure kernel’s integrity, we assume that the kernel is trusted.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Threat model of TProv

Based on this threat model, we consider a scenario which uses provenance to detect malicious process in prover. Given that an adversary successfully attacks prover via a user-space rootkit attack [12], e.g. mafixFootnote 1. This rootkit replaces the good system applications, e.g. ls, find, ps, netstat and ifconfig, with trojaned system files to provide backdoor or hide the attackers presence [12]. Some tools (e.g. chkrootkit [17]) construct a basic digest library towards core system applications to prevent this attack. However, a local privileged adversary can modify these tools to hide himself. Auditing is a promising mechanism to record behaviors, yet transferring the audit log to a remote verifier is also challenging.

3.2 Architecture Overview

The overview of TProv is shown in Fig. 3. We call Measurement Events (MEs) as the events that should be recorded as provenance information, such as running binary programs, reading/writing/replacing a file, forking a new process, insmoding a kernel module and IPC. LPM gives us a great idea to capture these events by writing hooks following LSM [3]. These hooks in TProv are called TProv hooks. When a ME occurs in prover, the corresponding TProv hook is triggered. The Measurement Agent in kernel measures this ME and writes the measurement result into PROV Log. In addition, kernel maintains a merkle hash tree (MHT) with a given tree height. The hash of the measurement generated by Measurement Agent is viewed as a leaf node of MHT. Once the MHT is full, i.e. all leaf nodes store measurement results, the root node’s value of MHT is appended into RecordChain and extended into PCR via PCR_Extend. Meanwhile, data in RecordChain is exported into Chain Log.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Overview of TProv service

The whole procedure of handling ME is called as Provenance Collection (see Sect. 4), as the real lines show in Fig. 3. Other lines in Fig. 3 refer to the Provenance Attestation procedure (see Sect. 5), which starts from when a verifier sends requests to collect provenance information, and ends with when the verifier validates the trustworthiness of provenance received from prover.

Note that all components in the user-space of prover may be tampered by a local adversary. Meanwhile, even a non-tampered response generated by prover may be attacked by a remote adversary. Nevertheless, the Provenance Collection procedure establishes an one-by-one protection, i.e. TPM protects PCR which further protects the ChainLog, and finally the ChainLog protects the PROV Log. Hence any attack based on our threat model can be recognized by verifier.

Besides, introducing MHT gives adversary a chance to attack via modifying the memory which stores MHT. However, the runtime integrity of kernel can be protected by [5, 25], and hence we do not consider this attack in this paper.

4 Provenance Collection

4.1 Definition of System Provenance

Before introducing TProv, we attempt to define the system provenance. Provenance of the whole system makes up of a directed graph, i.e. G(V, E). The objects we focus on in prover consist of the processes and the files operated, i.e. read/write/rename, by these processes. All the processes and files compose of the nodes V in G. The edges E in G appear in the following cases:

  1. 1.

    When process B derives from process A, there is an edge from A to B.

  2. 2.

    When file F is operated by process P, there is an edge from P to F. The notation of this edge contains the type of operation, e.g. read/write/rename.

  3. 3.

    The IPC from process P to process Q introduces an edge from P to Q.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Possible provenance (the right figure) for the fork program (the left figure)

Figure 4 gives a possible provenance graph for a “fork” program, which invokes syscall fork to generate a new child process in a bash environment. It indicates that the bash process forks a new child process to run “fork” program, which further reads some necessary files, e.g. /etc/ld.so.cache, and forks a new child process. TProv should enable the verifier to restore a trusted provenance graph to do a further analysis, e.g. whether malicious behaviors exist in prover.

4.2 Workflow of Provenance Collection

ME Conversion. The inputs of Provenance Collection are the MEs (defined in Sect. 3.2) generated in the user-space of prover. MEs fall into kernel mode through syscalls. After this ME passes the DAC and MAC performed by LSM, TProv hooks are invoked and the Measurement Agent receives it. TProv hooks are designed according to LPM [3] to record the whole system’s provenance, as the completeness of LSM Hooks has been demonstrated [28]. Measurement Agent measures the coming ME to generate some key-value pairs.

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{MA}_{\textit{ME}}=Measurement\ Agent\,(\textit{ME})=\{key:value\}_n \end{aligned}$$

\(\textit{MA}_{\textit{ME}}\) should contain all necessary information that the verifier can utilize to do a further analysis. The relationship among MEs is essential to reconstructing the provenance graph. We enforce the Measurement Agent to allocate a unique and auto-increment PROV_ID for each process and file nodes when they are created. Besides PROV_ID, PARENT_ID is also recorded to indicate the node’s parent. The PARENT_ID is the PROV_ID of the current process in kernel, afterwards, the relationship among MEs can be established by parsing PROV_ID recursively. Key ACTION tells us the type of operation the ME does and it is determined by the TProv hook’s name. For example, value PROV_FILE_WRITE reflects to write to a file. Some special keys are included into \(\textit{MA}_{\textit{ME}}\), e.g. key ARGV represents an executable program’s parameters. The integrity of these key-pairs should also be ensured, so the Measurement Agent concatenates all key-value pairs and views its hash value as the value of key NODE_HASH.

An example of the final \(\textit{MA}_{\textit{ME}}\) is shown below, which means that process whose PROV_ID is 5038 executes a binary program (value of key ACTION) named cp. The value of key HASH refers to the hash value of binary file /bin/cp.

figure a

Then how can we reliably save these provenance entries? According to IMA [22], Measurement Agent appends the measurement result into kernel data structures and extends the PCR of TPM directly. Each measurement result of ME becomes a component of CoT. It means that kernel has to maintain CoT in the form of data structures. The longer the CoT, the larger the memory of kernel to be consumed and the longer the time for validation. Considering the huge size of MEs, this approach can not satisfy high efficiency. In order to reduce the memory consumption of kernel, the Measurement Agent writes \(\textit{MA}_{\textit{ME}}\) in the form of a string into PROV Log in the user-space directly, without recording any information of ME in the kernel. However, since the PROV Log locates in the user-space and is thus untrusted, it is essential to ensure the PROV Log’s integrity. As we mentioned before, the value of key NODE_HASH (hereafter we call it \(node\_hash\)) indicates the digest value of \(\textit{MA}_{\textit{ME}}\), so recording a trusted \(node\_hash\) ensures the integrity of PROV Log. Measurement Agent does not take charge of protecting \(node\_hash\), yet it just passes \(node\_hash\) into the Merkle Tree.

Merkle Tree. TProv maintains a complete binary merkle hash tree (MHT) with a specified height. We donate \(\textit{MHT}_h\) as a MHT whose height equals h. The root node of \(\textit{MHT}_h\) lies in layer 0, while the leaf nodes lie in layer \(\textit{h-1}\). All nodes are initialized as zero. We call the initialization state as AllZero, otherwise the state is non-AllZero. We use \(Node_i^l\) to represent the i-th node in layer l of \(\textit{MHT}_h\), where \(l \in [0, h-1]\), \(i \in [0, 2^l-1]\) and \(l, i \in \mathbb {Z}\). All ancestors of \(Node_i^l\) are:

$$\begin{aligned} AncestorSet(Node_i^l)=\{Node_j^k \mid k\in [0,l-1] \cap j=\lfloor \frac{i}{2^{l-k}}\rfloor \} \end{aligned}$$

When receiving \(node\_hash\) from Measurement Agent, kernel locates the first non-AllZero leaf node (called WorkNode) of \(\textit{MHT}_h\) and sets its value as \(node\_hash\).

$$\begin{aligned} WorkNode:=\min _i \{Node_i^{h-1} | Node_i^{h-1} \ne \texttt {AllZero}\} \end{aligned}$$

Updating leaf node results in updating MHT. For the sake of explanation, let’s start with a necessary definition:

  1. 1.

    \(\varphi _L [r(r_1 \xrightarrow {s} r_2);statement]\) means that the object operated is L (may be a Set), and the operating procedure is to traverse r from value \(r_1\) to value \(r_2\) with the step s, each time to complete statement.

Based on the above definition, the updating procedure of \(\textit{MHT}_h\) can be expressed as Eq. 4, where \(\textit{HASH()}\) indicates to calculate a digest value.

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{Node_j^k \in AncestorSet(\textit{WorkNode})} [k(\textit{h-2} \xrightarrow {-1} 0); Node_j^k :=\textit{HASH}(Node_{2j}^{k+1} || Node_{2j+1}^{k+1})] \end{aligned}$$

More specifically, it operates the WorkNode’s all ancestor nodes and updates them from the higher layer to the root node of \(\textit{MHT}_h\). For each ancestor node (e.g. \(Node_j^k\)), kernel concatenates its two children’s values and calculates their digest value which will be set as the value of \(Node_j^k\).

Once finishing the updating procedure, the Provenance Collection is accomplished if the WorkNode is not the MHT’s last leaf node. Otherwise kernel passes the root node’s value (\(Node_0^0\)) to RecordChain, and all leaf nodes of this MHT will be cleared and set as AllZero. Equation 5 shows the clear procedure, such that the WorkNode for the next ME is the first leaf node.

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{Node_j^{h-1}} [j(0 \xrightarrow {1} 2^{h-1}-1); Node_j^{h-1} := \texttt {AllZero}] \end{aligned}$$

RecordChain. Besides \(\textit{MHT}_h\), kernel maintains a double-linked list. When receiving the root node’s value (\(Node_0^0\)) of \(\textit{MHT}_h\), RecordChain appends \(Node_0^0\) into this double-linked list and extends this value into PCR11 via PCR_Extend. Kernel exports this list into Chain Log in the user-space. Note that PROV Log is appended by Measurement Agent directly in order to reduce the cost of storing data structures. However, Chain Log is exported into user-space via securityfs, which is used to print the data structures in kernel when a process opens this file. As the write operation of this securityfs is disabled, modifying Chain Log in the user-space is in fact invalid. In addition, as the entries in Chain Log are \(\frac{1}{2^{h-1}}\) times the number of entries in PROV Log, a reasonable h brings benefit to balance between the cost and security. In a word, Chain Log records root nodes of every full MHT and hence can be used to validate the integrity of PROV Log.

Besides protecting PROV Log, Merkle Tree and RecordChain also contribute to achieving high efficiency, as them reduce the length of CoT and enable parallel computing when validating PROV Log. Compared with IMA where all measurement events of IMA belong to CoT, the length of CoT in TProv is decreased to \(\frac{1}{2^{h-1}}\) times. The longer the CoT, the more cost of operating TPM and validating CoT. In addition, we can leverage parallel validation to validate CoT. The details are shown in Sect. 5.

5 Provenance Attestation

5.1 Message Transferring

A verifier requests to collect provenance by sending RetrieveReq to prover.

$$\begin{aligned} RetrieveReq=\{nonce, PCR\ index\} \end{aligned}$$

where nonce is generated at random, and \(PCR\ index\) indicates which PCRs are to be retrieved. nonce is used to prevent from the attacker using the past to forge the current message. The \(PCR\ index\) refers to PCR11 which records the CoT of TProv, i.e. root nodes’ values of every full MHTs.

When receiving the RetrieveReq, the Retrieve Agent in prover collects the RetrieveRes, including PROV Log, Chain Log and information stored in TPM, i.e. PCR11, the AIK Certificate and the signature for PCR11 and nonce.

5.2 Trustworthiness of Chain Log

When RetrieveRes reaches verifier through an untrusted network, the Message Parser in verifier attempts to resolve each part of RetrieveRes. If the resolution fails, the RetrieveRes has been tampered. Otherwise, the Message Parser passes the PROV Log that has not yet been verified to the PROV Log Validation module, and passes the others of RetrieveRes to the TPM Identity Validation.

TPM Identity Validation module does the following steps. Firstly, it validates the identity of TPM via AIK Certificate in RetrieveRes. Secondly, it retrieves the AIK public key from AIK Certificate and resolves the PCR11 and nonce from the signature with the AIK public key. Finally, it compares the resolved results with PCR11 in RetrieveRes and nonce in RetrieveReq respectively. Note that any failure of these steps means that the RetrieveRes has been tampered. If all steps are successful, trusted PCR values are obtained, and the RetrieveRes is up to date as the nonce matches the one the verifier sent.

The trusted PCR11 and the Chain Log waiting for validation are passed into the ChainLog Validation module as inputs. During the Provenance Collection, entries in Chain Log are extended into PCR11 one-by-one. Through simulating the PCR_Extend operation towards Chain Log, a simulated value (s-PCR) can be calculated (Eq. 7). s-PCR is initialized as AllZero.

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{entry_i \in Chain Log} [i(0 \xrightarrow {1} |ChainLog|-1); \textit{s-PCR} := \textit{HASH}(\textit{s-PCR} \parallel entry_i)] \end{aligned}$$

Finally, the verifier compares s-PCR with the trusted PCR11. If the match fails, RetrieveRes has been tampered.

5.3 Trustworthiness of PROV Log

When the Chain Log has been validated to be trusted, the PROV Log Validation module prepares to work with the inputs, including the trusted Chain Log and the PROV Log waiting for validation.

SPLIT. Split contributes to making a division towards the input log and outputting a Set of entries. For Chain Log, each element of the outputted Set, i.e. SC, refers to an entry in Chain Log, while for PROV Log, each element of the outputted Set, i.e. SP, refers to adjacent \(2^{h-1}\) entries.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \textit{SC}=\{&entry_0,entry_1,. . . ,entry_{|Chain\ Log|-1}\}\\ \textit{SP}=\{\{&entry_{s*i+0},entry_{s*i+1},. . . ,entry_{s*i+2^{h-1}-1}\} \mid \\&s=2^{h-1} \cap i\in \{0,1,. . . ,\lfloor \frac{|PROV\ Log|}{2^{h-1}} \rfloor -1\} \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Since every \(2^{h-1}\) entries of PROV Log make up of a MHT in kernel, and all root nodes are recorded into Chain Log, the size of SC and SP should be equal.

Validation Rule 1 (size comparison): The outputted Sets for splitting Chain Log and PROV Log should satisfy Eq. 9.

$$\begin{aligned} \left| SC \right| =\left| SP \right| or \left| Chain\ Log \right| = \lfloor \frac{\left| PROV\ Log \right| }{2^{h-1}}\rfloor \end{aligned}$$

MHT. For each element of SP, i.e. \(SP^j\), which is a Set with \(2^{h-1}\) entries of PROV Log, we have to reconstruct a MHT with height h. Let \(SP_i^j\) as the i-th element of \(SP^j\), and thus \(SP_i^j\) also refers to an entry in PROV Log. Define \(\textit{MHT}_h^j\) as the MHT reconstructed by \(SP^j\) and \(Node_k^{j,l}\) as the k-th node in layer l of \(\textit{MHT}_h^j\). Note that the \(node\_hash\) for each entry in PROV Log is viewed as a leaf node to construct MHT. Define \(node\_hash\) for \(SP_i^j\) as \(SP_i^j.node\_hash\). Therefore, all \(SP_i^j.node\_hash\) for \(SP^j\) make up the leaf nodes of \(\textit{MHT}_h^j\).

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{Node_i^{j,h-1}} [i(0 \xrightarrow {1} 2^{h-1} - 1); Node_i^{j, h-1} := SP_i^j.node\_hash] \end{aligned}$$

Additionally, considering that \(node\_hash\) is calculated by all other key-value pairs for a entry in PROV Log, we can validate the integrity of each entry in PROV Log during the procedure of updating the leaf nodes of MHT.

Validation Rule 2 (entry’s integrity comparison): If all steps in Eq. 11 return True, the integrity of entries in \(SP^j\) is satisfied.

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{SP_i^j} [i(0 \xrightarrow {1} |SP^j|-1); Compare(SP_i^j.node\_hash, HashSet(SP_i^j \setminus node\_hash))] \end{aligned}$$

where \(SP_i^j \setminus node\_hash\) represents the key-value pairs of \(SP_i^j\) except key NODE_HASH, and \(HashSet\,(S)\) indicates to concatenate all elements of Set S and calculate its digest value. \(Compare\,(A, B)\) returns True if the value of A equals value B.

We can recalculate the root node’s value through updating nodes from layer \(h-2\) to the lowest layer, i.e. layer 0. Updating a node means to concatenate its two children nodes’ values and set the returned value’s digest as this node’s new value. Equation 12 shows the updating procedure towards nodes in layer k.

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{Node_i^{j,k}} [i(0 \xrightarrow {1} 2^k-1); Node_i^{j,k}:= \textit{HASH}(Node_{2*i}^{j,k+1}|| Node_{2*i+1}^{j,k+1})] \end{aligned}$$

Validation Rule 3 (PROV Log’s trustworthiness determination): After all MHTs are updated, a trusted PROV Log should satisfy Eq. 13.

$$\begin{aligned} \varphi _{MHT_h^j} [j(0 \xrightarrow {1} |SP|-1); Compare(Node_0^{j,0}, SC^j)] \end{aligned}$$

where \(Node_0^{j,0}\) is the root node of the j-th MHT and \(SC^j\) refers to the j-th element of SC, i.e. the j-th entry of Chain Log.

Except Validation Rule 1, all validation steps can be determined with multi-threading, as they only concern about a specific element of SP and SC during the calculation. Hence the cost of validation can be reduced.

6 Evaluation

The prover in our prototype is Ubuntu 14.04 with our modified kernel to support TProv, along with 4 GB memory and 4 processor cores. A TPM1.2 chip is equipped in prover. The verifier is Ubuntu 14.04 with the default kernel and 2 GB memory.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Provenance information towards mafix process.

6.1 Effectiveness: Process Behavior Track

We firstly demonstrate TProv’s effectiveness. We utilize the scenario in Sect. 3.1 to show that TProv contributes to tracking process behaviors. Figure 5 describes a part of provenance graph created by analyzing the PROV Log towards mafix process, i.e. mafix/root/#4645. Nodes in this graph are made up of processes and files to be written. Node /bin/bash#4441 represents for process /bin/bash whose PROV_ID equals 4441. The file movement is identified by a character “\(\rightarrow \)”, for instance, node in the bottom left corner with label \(\texttt {mafix/bin/hide}\rightarrow \texttt {/usr/lib/libsh/hide\#31185}\) means to replace /usr/lib/libsh/hide with file mafix/bin/hide.

As Fig. 5 shows, mafix process, i.e. node mafix/root#4645, firstly runs a binary program /bin/tar#4650 to extract a lot of files and save them into directory mafix/bin. After that, mafix runs mv several times to replace the good system binaries with files extracted by itself. For example, process with PROV_ID 4877, which is created by mafix, runs /bin/mv#4878 program, and replaces /usr/bin/find with mafix/bin/find in node with PROV_ID 31055. Hence the information that a lot of system binaries have been replaced can be acquired.

6.2 Efficiency: Performance of Provenance Collection

Besides the effectiveness of TProv, we utilize LMbench3Footnote 2, a well-known tool for performance analysis, to evaluate our modified kernel which implements Provenance Collection procedure. The evaluation is divided into three cases: (1) Origin: the default kernel 3.13.11. (2) TProv: kernel which implements the Provenance Collection procedure based on kernel 3.13.11. (3) TProv-w/o-mht: compared with TProv, kernel in this case does not maintain MHT, yet just extends all measurement results into PCR and writes them into PROV Log directly.

Table 1 shows the evaluation results, where in each case we run LMbench3 for 10 times and calculate its average overhead. The MHT’s height is set as 10. For case TProv and TProv-w/o-mht, Table 1 shows them with a percent overhead calculation against case Origin. For most measurements, the evaluation results of case TProv and TProv-w/o-mht cost a little more than case Origin. However, there are four measurements whose additional overheads are noteworthy: fork process, exec process, 0 K file create and 10 K file create. It is reasonable as more than two hooks are triggered in these cases. Additionally, compared with case TProv, case TProv-w/o-mht usually costs more. The reason is that kernel in this case does not maintain a MHT, instead each valid ME causes a TPM operation.

Table 1. Performance of provenance collection

6.3 Efficiency: Influence of MHT’s Height

The MHT’s height is the only parameter for TProv. In order to enable the user of TProv to adjust the MHT’s height to fit for his own requirement, we add a new parameter with the key prov_mht_height into the configuration or command line of Grub, e.g. /boot/grub/grub.cfg for Ubuntu.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

(a) Average time usage for adding 600 thousands entries for different prov_mht_height; (b) Time usage for validation with different prov_mht_height.

Figure 6(a) shows the average time usage for adding 600000 entries. When a lower prov_mht_height is set, the average time for collecting entries is higher. The result is acceptable due to reducing the frequency of performing TPM operations. However, due to the increased cost of updating MHT when setting a larger prov_mht_height, the average time for collecting entries tends to be stable.

6.4 Efficiency: Provenance Validation with Multi-threading

We claim that TProv enables parallel validation to decrease the time usage. We evaluate it with two variables: the MHT’s height and the thread numbers used to validate PROV Log. For each experiment, we record the time usage to validate the integrity of PROV Log after finishing split. Before running this experiment, the number of PROV Log’s and Chain Log’s entries are 27821 and 55 respectively when the prov_mht_height equals 10, and they reach to 27143 and 106 respectively when the prov_mht_height equals 9.

Figure 6(b) shows our results. It indicates two points. Firstly, when increasing the thread number, the time for validate is reduced as expected until the thread number reaching to the number of Chain Log’s entries, for instance, when prov_mht_height is set as 10, time usage tends to be stable when thread number reaches 55. Secondly, a higher prov_mht_height requires less thread number to stabilize the time usage, i.e. 106 threads when prov_mht_height equals 9, but 55 threads when it is set as 10. Compared with IMA which is limited to do a strict sequential validation, TProv reaches High efficiency.

7 Related Work

Trusted Computing. Based on IMA, binary remote attestation enables a verifier to determine the current state of prover. Due to the limited computation capability of a TPM chip, the latency of a remote attestation is unacceptable. Stumpf et al. [26] propose the Timestamped Hashchain-based Attestation to compensate this deficiency. Policy-Reduced IMA(PRIMA) and Privilege-Based Remote Attestation [20] achieve ML reduction and hence decrease the delay of Remote Attestation. Additionally, Sadeghi and Stüble propose a delegation based attestation in [21]. They highlight the drawbacks of binary remote attestation and demonstrate how property based attestation to be realized.

Provenance-aware Mechanisms. The majority of proposed provenance-aware mechanisms depend on applications in the user-space. SPADE [6] is a daemon in the user-space to record the provenance from interfaces provided by operating system, e.g. the audit mechanisms. Hasan et al. present SPROV [8] and SPROV2 [9] to utilize a signature-chaining mechanism to provide a platform-independent, efficient, highly-configurable and modular library. However, an adversary in our threat model can easily forge/disable this library to tamper the provenance information. In contrast, PASS [15] is a well-known provenance-aware system to collect provenance in the VFS layer. Hi-Fi [19] is implemented as a LSM module to collect the whole system provenance, although it blocks the installation of other security modules based on LSM. LPM [3] solves some issues of Hi-Fi, but the provenance recorder and storage back-ends in the user-space are assumed as a part of TCB. Lyle et al. [10] attempt to integrate Trusted Computing to provide a trusted provenance system. Nevertheless, the provenance information it could collect are incompleteness, i.e. just focus on code execution and ignores other activities like IPC and network. Activities whose digests are not changed are also being ignored. Additionally, it requires frequent TPM operations and is limited to the strict sequential validation.

8 Discussion and Future Work

Firstly, MHT maintained in the kernel of prover may not be full when the Provenance Attestation occurs, i.e. leaf nodes in the state of AllZero exist. In this situation, the last \(|\textit{PROV}\ Log| \% 2^{h-1}\) entries in PROV Log are ignored in the validation procedure. It can be accepted as the PROV Log is much huger than these remaining entries with a reasonable height of MHT. Increasing the Provenance Attestation frequency is also helpful.

Secondly, we adopt the idea of LPM to construct TProv Hooks following by LSM. LSM is demonstrated to achieve completeness [3] such that this solution is effective to collect the whole system provenance. However, the hooks for network message transferring are not implemented. We will figure it out in the future.

Finally, we do not show algorithms to filter the entries of a trusted PROV Log for the purpose of constructing a provenance graph with information only concerned by a certain verifier. We will do it in the future.

9 Conclusion

In this work, we introduced TProv to establish trusted provenance-aware service for cloud computing in the case of adversary being capable to be a privileged administrator or attacking in an untrusted network. We firstly presented the Provenance Collection procedure to show that TProv collects provenance which only depends on hardware and kernel, such that the size of TCB is reduced. Provenance Attestation procedure based on Trusted Computing ensures that any attacks from untrusted user-space of prover and untrusted network can be detected from the side of verifier. In addition, considering the overhead of the huge size of provenance information and the cost of operating TPM, we introduced an approach to leverage Merkle Hash Tree to guarantee efficiency. The experiment result reflects the effectiveness and efficiency of our solution.