Correction to: R. Feldhay et al. (eds.), Emergence and Expansion of Preclassical Mechanics, Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 270,

The book was inadvertently published with few errors in chapter 6 “A Journey to the Center of the Earth: Cosmology and the Centrobaric Theory from Antiquity to the Renaissance”. The text has been corrected and read as follows:

  1. 1.

    Greek fonts were reflecting incorrectly in both the PDF and xml. These have now been corrected. An error in the production process unfortunately led to publication of this chapter prematurely, before incorporation of the final corrections. The version supplied here has been corrected and approved by the author [authors].

  2. 2.

    A reference in page 177 has been corrected to read as: Euripides, and D. Kovacs. 2002. Helen, Phoenician women, Orestes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

  3. 3.

    Text in page 163 has been updated from “Psalm CCCXXXVI,6” to “Psalm 103” and “Psalm XXIV,2” to “Psalm 23”.

In addition to this, the text “Ribandiera” has been updated to “Ribadeneira” in line 20, page 31 of chapter 2 “Preclassical Mechanics in Context: Practical and Theoretical Knowledge Between Sovereignty, Religion, and Science”.