The fundamental question of whether preschool effects “fade” is hotly debated in arenas of theory, research, and policy. Few of these debates consider the role of transitions. Might it be that poor transitions are at least partly to blame? That is, if transitions are neglected, present educational contexts may be unintentionally aligned against the long-lasting impact of early interventions. We conducted a series of studies of an implementation of a scale-up model that evaluated the persistence of effects of a research-based model for scaling up. The largest of these research projects was explicitly based on the theory that fade-out of effects would be mitigated by attention to transitions. Results indicated that the intervention condition that included the model’s transition strategies maintained gains of the pre-K mathematics intervention better than the condition that did not include such strategies. However, more extensive and effective transition strategies should be developed and evaluated that expand on children’s learning in preschool and thereby completely close equity gaps in mathematics through the primary grades.
This research was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education, through grants R305K05157 and R305A110188, and also by the National Science Foundation, through grants ESI-9730804 and REC-0228440. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the IES or NSF. Although the research is concerned with the scale-up model, not particular curricula, a minor component of the intervention used in this research has been published by the authors, who thus could have a vested interest in the results. An external auditor oversaw the research design, data collection, and analysis, and other researchers independently confirmed findings and procedures. The authors wish to express appreciation to the school districts, teachers, and children who participated in this research. Address correspondence to Julie Sarama, University of Denver, Kennedy Institute and Educational Research, Policy & Practice Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall 224 1999 East Evans Avenue Denver CO 80208-1700.
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The reason for the quotation marks is that we believe there are ramifications of the use of the term “fade-out.” Although technically applied to the diminution of effect sizes, it is often interpreted as a loss of knowledge or skill or the evanescence of learning products or potential. This is consistent only with some theoretical interpretations and may be misinterpreted and misapplied to policy.
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The curricula used were an important component of the scale-up model and of the experiment, but this was a study of the TRIAD scale-up model, not only of a curriculum.
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To maintain focus, we do not describe all the ways that TRIAD’s guidelines were implemented, such as planning for the long term by starting with these schools for the research, but from the start scheduling counterfactual schools and any new teachers for professional development after the cohort of children had completed those grades.
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Sarama, J., Clements, D.H. (2018). Promoting Positive Transitions Through Coherent Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Development: The TRIAD Scale-Up Model. In: Mashburn, A., LoCasale-Crouch, J., Pears, K. (eds) Kindergarten Transition and Readiness . Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90200-5_15
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-90200-5_15
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-90199-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-90200-5
eBook Packages: Behavioral Science and PsychologyBehavioral Science and Psychology (R0)