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An Approach to Supervision Practice with Therapists Who Work with Pregnant Substance-Abusing Women in Voluntary and Compulsory Treatment Settings

  • Chapter
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Supervision of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice

Part of the book series: Focused Issues in Family Therapy ((FIFT))


This chapter is written for supervisors and psychotherapists who work with pregnant substance abusing women in the Specialist Health Service in Norway. The chapter describes an approach to supervision, which arises as a result of the findings from a research study conducted with therapist working with pregnant substance abusing women. The study was conducted in Norway, and I am confident that the reflections on the supervision offered in this chapter can be relevant for therapist in different parts of the globe working with the same population. Therapeutic work is demanding, and the therapist encounters different dilemmas. The background for women with substance abuse problems is that substance abuse during pregnancy has become a significant problem and has led to accelerated attempts to develop specific treatments, both voluntary and compulsory. I wanted to investigate through supervision how practitioners in the family-oriented substance abuse services understood their mission, and the aim of the current chapter is to investigate how the professionals who work with both voluntarily and compulsorily admitted substance abusing pregnant women describe their work.

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Myra, S.M. (2017). An Approach to Supervision Practice with Therapists Who Work with Pregnant Substance-Abusing Women in Voluntary and Compulsory Treatment Settings. In: Vetere, A., Sheehan, J. (eds) Supervision of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice. Focused Issues in Family Therapy. Springer, Cham.

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