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Pattern Generation Policies to Cope with Robustness in Home Care

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Health Care Systems Engineering (ICHCSE 2017)

Part of the book series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics ((PROMS,volume 210))

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We consider the Robust Home Care problem, where caregiver-to-patient assignment, scheduling of patient requests and caregiver routing must be taken jointly in a given planning horizon, and patient demand is subject to uncertainty. We propose four alternative policies to fix scheduling decisions and experiment their impact when used as a building block of a decomposition approach. Preliminary experiments on large size instances show that such policies allow to efficiently compute robust solutions of good quality in terms of balancing caregivers’ workload and in terms of number of satisfied uncertain requests.

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Cappanera, P., ScutellĂ , M.G. (2017). Pattern Generation Policies to Cope with Robustness in Home Care. In: Cappanera, P., Li, J., Matta, A., Sahin, E., Vandaele, N., Visintin, F. (eds) Health Care Systems Engineering. ICHCSE 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 210. Springer, Cham.

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