Based on an extensive literature overview, this chapter discloses an integrative meta-perspective in media logics. The main questions the authors focuse on are: (1) How can the interdependencies between different systems, and corresponding structures and logics be conceptualized? (2) Which (new) transaction spaces are shaped by whom? And: (3) Which theoretical and empirical consequences arise from this perspective? Following Altheide (Communication Theory, 23: 223–238, 2013), the authorsconceptualize the interdependencies of producer, user and consumer as networked transactions in a digitalized network society (Castells/Gardoso in The network society: From knowledge to policy, Washington, DC, Johns Hopkins Center for Transatlantic Relations, 2005). The implications are far reaching: For instance, blog journalism needs to be understood as hybridization of producing and receiving content. Based on empirical case studies, following this integrative perspective of mediated interdependencies, vital conceptual as well as empirical challenges are mapped out. This paper closes with potential solutions for current theory buildingand presents further implications in the analysis of media logic(s).
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Döveling, K., Knorr, C. (2018). Media Logic as (Inter)Action Logic—Interaction Interdependency as an Integrative Meta-Perspective. In: Thimm, C., Anastasiadis, M., Einspänner-Pflock, J. (eds) Media Logic(s) Revisited. Transforming Communications – Studies in Cross-Media Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65756-1_7
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65756-1_7
Publisher Name: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-65755-4
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-65756-1
eBook Packages: Literature, Cultural and Media StudiesLiterature, Cultural and Media Studies (R0)