Errata to:

A. König, U. Spetzger Surgery of the Skull Base,

We received the following corrections in chapters 2, 5 and 6 and the same has been updated in the book.


1. In chapter 2, new figure 2.7 was received

2. In chapter 5, new figures 5.46, 5.52 and 5.54 were received

3. In chapter 5, the names of the contributing authors were to be placed under the respective sections in the chapter TOC, chapters and the running heads of the chapter

4. In chapter 6, legend of the box 6.2 was changed to ‘Criteria for Primary (Idiopathic) Vestibular Paroxysmia’

5. In chapter 6, the names of the contributing authors were to be placed under the respective sections in the chapter TOC, chapters and the running heads of the chapter