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Emotions in Decision Making

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Neuroeconomic and Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making


A blend of research methods applied in psychology, economics and neurology has contributed to deeper understanding of the causes and effects of emotional processes in decision making. New paradigms initiated the studies on the role of emotions and cognitive processes in decision making. When making choices, a human being formulates their cognitive judgments on the basis of their affective experience. The studies point to both the adaptive and nonadaptive effect of emotional experience. Intense emotions moderate or modify the cognitive processes that are a part of decision making. Therefore, in the light of current scientific knowledge, the complexity and importance of emotional processes must be taken into account when analyzing the decision-making processes.

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Sołtys, A., Sowińska-Gługiewicz, I., Chęć, M., Tyburski, E. (2017). Emotions in Decision Making. In: Nermend, K., Łatuszyńska, M. (eds) Neuroeconomic and Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham.

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