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The first session should find out possibilities (in school and in integration courses) for refugees how to use art and design in the surroundings to open doors to elementary mathematics, to culture and especially to the culture of the countries of origin of the refugees entering Europe (from Syria, Iraq, former UDSSR, …). One idea along the way was to show to adult refugees, their children and indigenous children that the countries of origin of refugees hold high culture like the European countries, too. Thus might help refugees and their children to keep little proudness for themselves. Members and the organiser of the Group presented examples (Russian puppets—enlargement in area and space, Islamic mosaics—tessellations, African clothes—shifting; folkloric dances—algorithms and plane geometrical figures, …).

The second session dealed with Mathematics in international contemporary art and had the following background: Contents of contemporary art and design often resemble applied mathematics: they use mathematics, especially ‘prescientific mathematics’ like: basic geometric forms, series of numbers, plane mappings, … Often they are more interesting than the same mathematical content brought by traditional math education. On the other hand: Today new results in math are known per internet by artists nearly simultaneously to the specialists. And they introduce them into their artwork immediately (news in tessellation; dynamic processes, big data …).

Nearby effect: Subjects also are new and interesting for teachers, the general public and especially for those with low cultural background because of their social, economical or geographical origin. That’s why a big part of the work of the Group run outside the Congress sector: Three important commercial galleries in Hamburg showed exhibitions accompanying the discussion group:

Galerie Dr: Nanna Preussners presented artworks dealing with the hazard: art pieces of herman de vries (NL) showed twice, the human inability to create hazard and his ability for that by using aleatoric methods. The artworks of Werner Dorsch (GER) and Jo Schöpfer (GER) led the visitor via “Superzeichen” (Max Bense) catastrophically to a wrong interpretation. Michel Jouet (FR) used aleatory to build an incomplete edge-model of an cube and Werner Hotter integrated the Langford-series to simulate hazard-builded artpieces. Galerie Renate Kammer presented the use of elementary plane and three-dimensional geometric figures in contemporary art: Max H. Mahlmann (GER+), Martin Vosswinkel (GER) and Laszlo Otto (HU) applicated grids. Ingo Glass (GER, HU) and Ludwig Wilding (GER+) integrated basic geometrical elements like square, circle, cube und sphere. Gudrun Piper (D+) and Ilse Aberer (AUT) introduced series and proportions. Galerie multiple box showed irritation by moving and pseudo-moving geometrical forms in artpieces of Vera Kovacic (SLO) and Rolf Schneebeli (CH).

Four public vernissages and three longer than the congress running exhibitions gave ICME-members and citizens a good overview. The work will be continued by four personal exhibitions (Aberer, Hotter, Otto, Vosswinkel) in the participating galleries next year and further activities especially of the group of artists.