Correction to: V. Britanak, K.R. Rao, Cosine-/Sine-Modulated Filter Banks,

This book was inadvertently published without updating the following corrections:


On p. v, in the third line from top, β€œin” was inserted after comma to read β€œ. . ., and vice versa, in many sub-band/transform-based schemes . . .”

Chapter 1

On p. 1, in the second paragraph, two occurrences of β€œpseudo-OMF” was replaced by β€œpseudo-QMF”

Chapter 3

On p. 50, in the sentence after equation (3.33): β€œ. . . DN = diag {1, βˆ’1, 1, …, βˆ’1} is the diagonal odd sign changing diagonal matrix, . . .”, the third word β€œdiagonal” was removed.

On p. 54, in equation (3.52), replace β€œcos” transform kernel by β€œsin” transform kernel.

On p. 62, in the sentence after equation (3.78): β€œ. . . DN = diag {1, βˆ’1, 1, …, βˆ’1} is the diagonal odd sign changing diagonal matrix, . . .”, the third word β€œdiagonal” was removed.

Chapter 4

On p. 106, on the right-hand side of equation (4.17) from the argument in the cosine transform kernel under sum the redundant variable β€œn” was removed.

On p. 145, in the first paragraph of subsection 4.3.7, correct the following sentence as follows: β€œFor a particular radix number q, the radix-q fast algorithms recursively divide the entire transform computation into q shorter \(\frac {N}{q}\)-point transforms [72].” (Append word β€œtransforms” at the end of sentence).

On p. 145, in the last paragraph of subsection 4.3.7, the sentence was corrected as follows: β€œThis DIT mixed-radix fast algorithm was extended . . .”.

4. On p. 149, on the left-side of equation (4.133) correct notation β€œc3k+1” by β€œ\(c^{{ }^O}_{3k+1}\)”.

5. On p. 168, on the right-hand side of equation (4.191) under sums, replace all terms β€œck” by β€œ\(c^{{ }^{\mathrm{MLT}}}_k\)” (two times).

6. On p. 170, on the right-hand side of equation (4.200) under the sum, replace β€œck” by β€œ\(c^{{ }^{\mathrm{MLT}}}_k\)”.

Chapter 5

On p. 215, in the first sentence after equation (5.18) the closing parenthesis was removed after \(\frac {N}{2}\)-point DCT-III.

On. p. 234, on the right-hand side of equation (5.53) the β€œD” was changed to bold (β€œ\({D}_{\frac {M}{2}}\)” by β€œ\({\boldsymbol D}_{\frac {M}{2}}\)”)

Chapter 6

On p. 338, 3rd paragraph, 4th line, β€œAppendices” was corrected.

Chapter 9

On p. 498, the correct form of the sentence immediately after equation (9.23) is as follows: β€œwhere \(\boldsymbol {G}^{{ }^T}_N \) is the transposed rotation matrix GN defined by (9.12).”, (the superscript T denoting transposition was removed).

Appendix B

On p. 593, in the part B.1, the correct form of equation on the left-hand side in (B.2) is as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} u_n = -u_{N-1-n}, \qquad \qquad v_n = v_{N-1-n}, \qquad n = 0, 1, \ldots , \frac{N}{2}-1. \end{aligned}$$

Appendix D

On p. 620, in the part D.7.1, the following paragraph was appended at the end:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} c^{{}^{II}}_0 = x_2 + a_5 &\\ c^{{}^{II}}_1 = m_2 - m_3 &\\ c^{{}^{II}}_2 = m_1 - a_8 &\\ c^{{}^{II}}_3 = m_4 - m_2 &\\ c^{{}^{II}}_4 = m_1 + a_8 & \end{array} \end{aligned}$$