
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Today Garbled Circuit (GC) is the main technique for secure computation. It has advantages of high performance, low round complexity/low latency, and, importantly, relative engineering simplicity. Both core GC (garbling), as well as the meta-protocols, such as Cut-and-Choose (C&C), have been thoroughly investigated and are today highly optimized. Particularly in the semi-honest model there have been few asymptotic/qualitative improvements since the original protocols of Yao [Yao86] and Goldreich et al. [GMW87]. Possibly the most important development in the area of practical SFE since the 1980 s was the very efficient oblivious transfer (OT) extension technique of Ishai et al. [IKNP03]. This allowed the running of an arbitrarily large number of OTs by executing a small (security parameter) number of (possibly inefficient) “bootstrapping” OT instances and a number of symmetric key primitives. The cheap OTs made a dramatic difference for securely computing functions with large inputs relative to the size of the function, as well as for GMW-like approaches, where OTs are performed in each level of the circuit. Another important GC core improvement is the Free-XOR algorithm [KS08a], which allowed for the evaluation of all XOR gates of a circuit without any computational or communication costs.

As SFE moves from theory to practice, even “small” factor improvements can have a significant effect.

1.1 Motivation of Efficient GC Hashing: Cut-and-Choose (C&C) and Other Uses

In this work we improve (actually show how to achieve it for free) a core garbling feature of GC, circuit hashing. We discuss how this improves standard GC-based SFE protocols. We also discuss evaluation of certified functions, and motivate this use case.

GC hashing is an essential tool for C&C, and is employed in many uses of C&C. We start with describing C&C at the high level.

C&C. According to the “Cut-and-Choose Protocol” entry of the Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security [TJ11], a (non-zero-knowledge) C&C protocol was first mentioned in the protocol of Rabin [Rab77] where this concept was used to convince a party that the other party sent it a specially formed integer n. The expression “cut and choose” was introduced later by Brassard et al. in [BCC88] in analogy to a popular cake-sharing problem: given a cake to be divided among two distrustful players, one of them cuts the cake in two shares, and lets the other one choose.

Recall, the basic GC protocol is not secure against cheating GC generator, who can submit a maliciously garbled circuit. Today, C&C is the standard tool in achieving malicious security in secure computation. At the high level, it proceeds as follows. GC generator generates a number of garbled circuits \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _1, ..., {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _n\) and sends them to GC evaluator, who chooses a subset of them (say, half) at random to be opened (with the help of the generator) and verifies the correctness of circuit construction. If all circuits were constructed correctly, the players proceed to securely evaluate the unopened circuits, and take the majority output. It is easy to see that the probability of GC generator succeeding in submitting a maliciously garbled circuit is exponentially small in n. We note that significant improvement in the concrete values of n required for a specific probability guarantee was achieved by relatively recent C&C techniques [LP11, Lin13, HKE13, Bra13, LR14, HKK+14, AO12, KM15].

Using GC Hashing for C&C. What motivates our work is the following natural idea, which was first formalized in Goyal et al. [GMS08]. To save on communication (usually a more scarce resource than computation), GC generator, firstly, generates all the circuits \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _1, ..., {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _n\) from PRG seeds \(s_1, ..., s_n\). Then, instead of sending the circuits \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _1, ..., {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _n\), it sends their hashes \(H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _1), ..., H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _n)\). Finally, while the evaluation circuits will need to be sent in full over the network, only the seeds \(s_1, ..., s_n\) need to be sent to verify that GC generator did not cheat in the generation of the opened circuits, saving a significant amount of communication at the cost of computing and checking \(H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i)\) for all n circuits.

On many of today’s computing architectures (e.g. Intel PC CPUs, with or without hardware AES), the cost of hashing the GC can be up to 6\(\times \) greater than the cost of fixed-key garbling. At the same time, today’s network speeds are comparable in throughput with hardware-assisted fixed-key garbling (see our calculations in Sect. 5.3). Hence, eliminating the GC hashing cost will improve SFE performance by eliminating the (smaller of the) cost of hashing or sending the open circuits. We stress that the use of our Free Hash requires syntactic changes in C&C protocols and it provides a security guarantee somewhat distinct from collision-resistant hash. Hence its use in C&C protocols should be evaluated for security. See Sect. 5.1 for more details.

Additionally, we show that a new computation/communication cost ratio offered by our free GC hash will allow for reduced communication, computation, and execution time, while achieving the same cheating probability.

SFE of Private Certified Functions. One advantage offered by GC is the hiding of the evaluated function from the evaluator. To be more precise, the circuit topology of the function is revealed, but this information leakage can be removed or mitigated by using techniques such as universal circuit [Val76, KS08b, LMS16, KS16] or circuit branch overlay [KKW16].

In practical scenarios, evaluated functions are to be selected as allowed by a mutually agreed policy, e.g., to prevent evaluation of identity function outputting player’s private input. Then evaluating a hidden function presumes either a semi-honest GC generator, or employing a method for preventing/deterring out-of-policy GC generation. An efficient C&C approach does not seem to help prevent cheating here, since check circuits will reveal the evaluated function and will not be acceptable to the GC generator. Further, depending on policy/application, the zero-knowledge proofs of correctly constructing the circuits may be very expensive.

In many scenarios, Certificate Authorities (CA) may be used to certify the correct generation of GCs. Indeed, this is quite feasible at small to medium scale. Our motivating application here is the private attribute-based credential (ABC) checking. Very recent concurrent works [CGM16, KKL+16] showed for the first time that ABCs can be based on GCs. While both [CGM16, KKL+16] discuss public policy only, their GC-based constructions will not preclude achieving private policy. We note that this is a novel property in the ABC literature, where all previous work (in addition to supporting very small policies only) relied in an essential manner on the policy being known to both prover and verifier.

At the high level, the architecture/steps for evaluation of private CA-certified functions is as follows.

  1. 1.

    CA generates seeds \(s_1, ... s_n\) and, for \(i=1,...n\), CA generates GCs \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i\), GC hashes \(H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i)\) and signatures \(\sigma _i = \mathsf {Sign}_{CA} (H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i))\). It sends all \(s_i, H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i), \sigma _i\) to ABC verifier V.

  2. 2.

    Prover P and V proceed with execution of the ABC protocols [CGM16, KKL+16], with the following modification:

    1. (a)

      Whenever GC \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i\) needs to be sent by V, instead V generates \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i\) from \(s_i\) and sends to P the pair \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} _i, \sigma _i)\).

    2. (b)

      P computes \(H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}})\) and verifies the signature \(\sigma _i\) prior to continuing. If the verification or GC evaluation fails, P outputs abort.

Free Hash will allow to significantly (up to factor 6) reduce the computational effort required by the CA to support such an application. Indeed the cost of the signature generation can be small and ignored in cases where the signed circuits are large, or a single signature can certify a number of circuits. The latter would be the case where two players may be expected to evaluate a number of circuits.

Importantly, evaluation of certified functions may be essential in scenarios where legislative and/or operational demands require high degree of accountability and auditability (recall, digital signatures are a recognized legal instrument in many countries [Wik]). These scenarios may frequently arise in government, intelligence or military applications.

Technical results of this work will have direct impact, up to factor 6 improvement, in the bottleneck (CA load) in many scenarios discussed above.

1.2 Our Contributions and Outline of the Work

We start the presentation with a brief discussion of related work and then providing a high-level technical overview of our approach. Then, in Sect. 2, we introduce existing definitions and constructions required for this work. In Sect. 3 we discuss definitional aspects, assumptions and parameter choices of our work.

We start technical Sect. 4 with introducing our proposed definition of GC hash security. Our definition is weaker than the standard hash collision guarantees, yet it is possible to make free hashing work with several standard GC constructions (cf. Sect. 5.1 for discussion about its C&C use). We then present hashed garbling algorithms for standard garbling (based on Just Garble of [BHKR13]) as well as for half-gates garbling of [ZRE15]. Our main contribution is the improvement of the state-of-the-art half-gates; we consider hashed Just Garble a valuable generalization and an instructional example.

In Sect. 5, we discuss the impact of Free Hash garbling and C&C. We report on our implementation and its performance evaluation. We discuss the application to certified circuits. We propose a unified cost metric (time) and show higher speeds/smaller computation and communication for the same error probability. We estimate total execution time reduction of about \(43\%\) for the C&C components of [LP11], and of about \(64\%\) for [AO12, KM15] in settings we consider (1Gbps channel and hardware AES).

1.3 Technical Overview of Free GC Hash

In this section we present the main intuition behind our technical approach.

We take advantage of the observation that the input to the hash is a garbled circuit \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\), which must be evaluatable using the garbled circuit \(\mathsf {Eval} \) function. We will not require standard hash collision resilience of GC strings, achieving which is very costly relative to the cost of GC generation. Instead, we guarantee that if an adversary can find another string \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) that matches the hash of a correctly garbled \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\), then with high probability, the garbled circuit property of \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) is broken and its evaluation will fail.

We present our intuition iteratively; we start with a naive efficient approach, which we then refine and arrive at a secure hashed garbling. Recall, we start with a correctly generated GC \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) with the set of output decoding labels d. Adversary’s goal is to generate a circuit \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) with the same hash as \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\), and which will not fail evaluation/decoding given the same output labels d. This hash guarantee is sufficient for certain GC-based SFE protocols. A syntactic difference with [GMS08] C&C hashing is that verification of Free Hash involves GC evaluation, and is only possible once input labels are received (e.g., after OT of input labels). More importantly, Free Hash, as applied to C&C, provides a security guarantee subtly distinct from collision-resistant hash. Hence, drop-in replacement of [GMS08] C&C hashing with Free Hash may not be always possible, and in general should be done by hand and original proofs re-checked. See Sect. 5.1 for additional discussion.

We present the intuition for the classical four-row GC; we use similar ideas to achieve half-gates GC hashing as well. We present and prove secure both Free Hash constructions.

The first Free Hash idea is to simply set the hash of the garbled circuit to be the XOR of all garbled table (GT) rows of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\). This is clearly problematic, since a cheating garbler \({\mathcal {A}}\) can mount, for example, the following attack. \({\mathcal {A}}\) will set one GT entry to be the encryption of the wrong wire label. This affects the XOR hash as follows \(H(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) \oplus \varDelta \). Now suppose the garbler knows (or guesses) which GT entry anywhere in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) will not be used in evaluation (inactive GT row). Now \({\mathcal {A}}\) simply replaces the inactive GT row X with value \(X\oplus \varDelta \). This will restore the hash to the desired value, and since this entry will not be used in the evaluation, the garbler will not be caught.

The following refinement of this approach counters the above attack: we make the gate’s output wire key depend (in an efficient manner) on all GT rows of that gate. The idea is that XOR hash correction, such as above, will necessarily involve modification to an active GT row, which will affect the computed wire key on that gate. Importantly, because wire keys and GT rows are related via a random (albeit known) function, a GT row offset by \(\varDelta \) (needed to “fix” the hash) will result in effectively randomizing the output wire label of the gate. Because a non-failing evaluation requires output wire labels to be consistent with the fixed decoding information d, \({\mathcal {A}}\) will now be stuck.

We attempt this by starting with a secure garbling scheme \({\mathcal {G}} \), and modifying the way the wire labels are defined, as follows. The two wire labels \(w_i^0, w_i^1\) associated with gate \(G_i\)’s output wire will now be treated as temporary labels. A label \(W_i^j\) of the new scheme will be obtained from the \(w_i^j\) simply by XORing it with all the GT rows of \(G_i\).

This is not quite sufficient, as it still allows the attacker to modify a GT row and then correct it within the same gate table. This is possible since a “fix” for the hash does not disrupt the validity of the wire label, as both the hash and the new wire label are defined in the same manner (as XOR of all the GT rows of \(G_i\)). Our final idea, is to use the GT rows as XOR pads in a different manner for computing the GC hash and for offsetting the wire values. This way, the fix for the hash w.h.p. will not simultaneously keep the wire label valid. We achieve this by malleating GT rows prior to using them as XOR pads in wire value computation.

It is not hard to show that the above changes preserve the privacy and authenticity properties of the garbling scheme.

We summarize the intuition for the hash security of the above construction. Consider a \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}} \ne {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \) that collides under the above hash. Then, the evaluation of \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) will deviate from that of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \) w.r.t. some wire label. Importantly, \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) evaluation can subsequently either return to a valid wire label or to a correct running hash, but not both. Thus, evaluation of \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) using encoding information \(\widehat{e}\) cannot go back to both the wire label and the hash being correct.

1.4 Related Work

To our knowledge, there is no prior work specifically addressing hashing of GCs. At the same time, significant research effort has been expended on optimizing core GC performance. Work includes algorithmic GC improvements, such as Free XOR [KS08a], FleXOR [KMR14], half-gates [ZRE15], as well as optimizing underlying primitives, such as JustGarble [BHKR13]. Our work complements the existing GC improvement work.

Of course, the natural GC hashing approach works: just hash the generated GC. The problem with this is, of course, its cost. Relative cost of fixed-key cipher garbling and hashing are strongly architecture-dependent. They can be almost the same (e.g., when both AES and SHA are implemented in hardware). In another extreme, Intel’s white paper [GGO+] reports that AES-NI evaluation of 16-byte blocks is \(23\times \) faster that of SHA1 (35, 965.9 vs 793, 718.7 KB/sec). In our experiments reported in Sect. 5.2, we observed about \(6\times \) performance difference between AES-NI and SHA1.

Improving on this, and motivated in part by the availability of fast hardware AES implementations, there was a short series of works [BRS02, RS08b, RS08a, BÖS11], implementing a hash function with three fixed-key AES function calls. A recent work of Rogaway and Steinberger [RS08a] constructs a class of linearly-determined, permutation-based compression functions \({{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^{mn} \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^{rn}\) making k calls to the different permutations \(\pi _i\) for \(i \in [k]\), where they named their construction as LPmkr. The fastest construction LP362 (12.09 cycles per byte) [BÖS11], with 6 calls to fixed-key AES would cost about \(6\times \) of that of fast garbling. Davies-Meyer-based hash construction [Win84] in the ideal cipher model considered in literature is reported to have similar speeds [BÖS11].

In comparison, our work eliminates the cost of hash whatsoever, while adding no cost to garbling or GC evaluation.

C&C and Uses of Hashed GC. There is a long sequence of GC-based SFE work, e.g. [Lin13, HKE13, Bra13, LR14, HKK+14, KM15], most of which uses some form of C&C or challenging the GC generator. Based on [GMS08], these works will benefit from our result, to varying degree. The exact performance benefit will depend on where the Free Hash is used, the ratio of evaluated/test circuits, as well as the computational/communication resources available to the players. In Sect. 5, we calculate performance improvement in several C&C protocols due to our GC hash.

2 Preliminaries

Notation. Let \(\textsc {ppt} \) denote probabilistic polynomial time. We let \(\lambda \) be the security parameter, [n] denote the set \(\{1,...,n\}\), and \(|\varvec{t}|\) denote the number of bits in a string. We denote the i-th bit value of a string \(\varvec{s}\) by \(\varvec{s}[i]\), use || to denote concatenation of bit strings. We write \(x \overset{R}{\leftarrow } {\mathcal {X}}\) to mean sampling a value x uniformly from the set \({\mathcal {X}}\). For a bit string \(\varvec{s}\), we let \(\varvec{s}^{\ll i} \) denote the bit string obtained by shifting \(\varvec{s}\) by i bits to the left. Throughout, by shift we mean a circular shift, where the vacant bit positions are filled not by zeros but by the shifted bits. \(\mathsf {lsb}(\varvec{s})\) denotes the least significant bit of string \(\varvec{s}\). We say a function \(f(\cdot )\) is negligible if \(\forall c \in {\mathbb {N}}\), there exists \(n_0 \in {\mathbb {N}}\) such that \(\forall n \ge n_0\), it holds that \(f(n) < n^{-c}\).

Let S be an infinite set and \(X = \{X_s\}_{s \in S}, Y = \{Y_s\}_{s \in S}\) be distribution ensembles. We say X and Y are computationally indistinguishable, if for any \(\textsc {ppt} \) distinguisher \({\mathcal {D}}\) and all sufficiently large \(s \in S\), we have \(|\Pr [{\mathcal {D}}(X_s) = 1] - \Pr [{\mathcal {D}}(Y_s) = 1]| < 1 / p(|s|)\) for every polynomial \(p(\cdot )\).

Ideal Cipher Model. The Ideal Cipher Model (ICM) is an idealized model of computation, similar to the random oracle model (ROM) [BR93]. In ICM, one has a publicly accessible random block cipher (or ideal cipher). This is a block cipher with a k-bit key and a n-bit input/output, that is chosen uniformly at random among all block ciphers of this form; this is equivalent to having a family of \(2^k\) independent random permutations. All parties including the adversary can make both encryption and decryption queries to the ideal block cipher, for any given key. ICM is shown to be equivalent to ROM [CPS08].

Collision-Resistant Hash Function. A hash function family \({\mathcal {H}}\) is a collection of functions, where each \(H \in {\mathcal {H}}\) is a mapping from \({{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^m\) to \({{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^n\), such that \(m > n\) and mn are polynomials in security parameter \(\lambda \). An instance \(H \in {\mathcal {H}}\) can be described by a key which is public known. We say a hash function family \({\mathcal {H}}\) is collision-resistant if for any \(\textsc {ppt} \) adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\)

$$\begin{aligned} {\mathbf {P}}{\mathbf {r}}[H \overset{R}{\leftarrow } {\mathcal {H}}, (x, x') \leftarrow {\mathcal {A}}(H): x \ne x' \wedge H(x) = H(x')] = \mathsf {negl} (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

2.1 Yao’s Construction

A comprehensive treatment of Yao’s construction of garbled circuits, was given in [LP09]. At a high-level, in Yao’s construction, each wire of the boolean circuit is associated with two random strings called wire labels or wire keys that encode logical 0 and 1 wire values. A garbled truth table is constructed for every gate in the circuit, where each combination of input wire labels is used to encrypt the appropriate output wire label as per the gate functionality. This results in four ciphertexts per gate, one for each input combination of the gate. The evaluator knows only one label for each input wire, and can therefore, open only one of the four ciphertexts.

2.2 Garbled Circuits

We make use of the abstraction of garbling schemes [BHR12] introduced by Bellare et al. At a high-level, a garbling scheme consists of the following algorithms: \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}\) takes a circuit as input and outputs a garbled circuit, encoding information, and decoding information. \({\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}}\) takes an input x and encoding information and outputs a garbled input X. \(\mathsf {Eval}\) takes a garbled circuit and garbled input X and outputs a garbled output Y. Finally, \({\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}}\) takes a garbled output Y and decoding information and outputs a plain circuit-output (or an error \(\bot \)).

We note that this deviates from the definition of [BHR12], in that, we include \(\bot \) in the range of the decoding algorithm \({\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} \), so it now outputs a plain output value corresponding to a garbled output value or \(\bot \) if the garbled output value is invalid. [JKO13] add an additional verification algorithm \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} \) to the garbling scheme. Formally, we define a verifiable garbling scheme by a tuple of functions \({\mathcal {G}} = ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}, {\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}}, \mathsf {Eval}, {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}}, {\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}})\) with each function defined as follows.

  • Garbling algorithm \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} (1^\lambda , {\mathcal {C}})\): A randomized algorithm which takes as input the security parameter and a circuit \({\mathcal {C}}: {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{m}} \) and outputs a tuple of strings \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]}, \{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]})\), where \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) is the garbled circuit, the values \(\{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]}\) denote the input-wire labels, and the values \(\{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]}\) denote the output-wire labels.

  • Encode algorithm \({\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (x, \{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]})\): a deterministic algorithm that outputs the input wire labels \(\mathbf {X} = \{X_i^{\varvec{x}[i]}\}_{i \in [n]}\) corresponding to input x.

  • Evaluation algorithm \(\mathsf {Eval} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j\}_{j\in [n]})\): A deterministic algorithm which evaluates garbled circuit \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) on input-wire labels \(\{X_j\}_{j\in [n]}\), and outputs a garbled output \(\mathbf {Y}\).

  • Decode algorithm \({\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} (\mathbf {Y}, \{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]})\): A deterministic algorithm that outputs the plaintext output corresponding to \(\mathbf {Y}\) or \(\bot \) signifying an error if the garbled output \(\mathbf {Y}\) is invalid.

  • Verification algorithm \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathcal {C}}, {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]}, \{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]})\): A deterministic algorithm which takes as input a circuit \({\mathcal {C}}\), garbled circuit \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\), input-wire labels \(\{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]}\), and output-wire labels \(\{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]}\) and outputs \(\mathsf {accept}\) if \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) is a valid garbling of \({\mathcal {C}}\) and \(\mathsf {reject}\) otherwise.

A verifiable garbling scheme may satisfy several properties such as correctness, privacy, obliviousness, authenticity and verifiability. We now review some of these notions: (1) correctness, (2) privacy (3) authenticity, and (4) verifiability. The definitions for correctness and authenticity are standard: correctness enforces that a correctly garbled circuit, when evaluated, outputs the correct output of the underlying circuit; authenticity enforces that the evaluator can only learn the output label that corresponds to the value of the function. Verifiability [JKO13] allows one to check that the garbled circuit indeed implements the specified plaintext circuit \({\mathcal {C}}\).

We include the definitions of these properties for completeness.

Definition 2.1

(Correctness). A garbling scheme \({\mathcal {G}}\) is correct if for all input lengths \(n \le \mathsf {poly}(\lambda )\), circuits \({\mathcal {C}}: {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{m}} \) and inputs \(x\in {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \), the following probability is negligible in \(\lambda \):

$$\begin{aligned}&\Pr ( {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} (\mathsf {Eval} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j^{x_j}\}_{j\in [n]}),\{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]} ) \ne {\mathcal {C}} (x) : \\&\qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]},\{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]}) \leftarrow {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} (1^\lambda , {\mathcal {C}})) \end{aligned}$$

Definition 2.2

(Privacy). A garbling scheme \({\mathcal {G}}\) has privacy if for all input lengths \(n \le \mathsf {poly}(\lambda )\), circuits \({\mathcal {C}}: {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{m}} \), there exists a \(\textsc {ppt} \) simulator \(\mathsf {Sim} \) such that for all inputs \(x\in {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \), for all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries \({\mathcal {A}}\), the following two distributions are computationally indistinguishable:

  • \(\textsc {Real} (f,x):\) run \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},e,d) \leftarrow {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} (1^\lambda ,{\mathcal {C}})\), and output \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, {\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (x,e), d)\).

  • \(\textsc {Ideal} _{\mathsf {Sim}}({\mathcal {C}}, f(x))\): output \(\mathsf {Sim} (1^\lambda , {\mathcal {C}}, {\mathcal {C}} (x))\)

Definition 2.3

(Authenticity). A garbling scheme \({\mathcal {G}}\) is authentic if for all input lengths \(n \le \mathsf {poly}(\lambda )\), circuits \({\mathcal {C}}: {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{m}} \), inputs \(x\in {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \), and all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries \({\mathcal {A}}\), the following probability is negligible in \(\lambda \):

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left( \begin{matrix} {\widehat{Y}} \ne \mathsf {Eval} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j^{x_j}\}_{j\in [n]}) \\ \wedge {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\widehat{Y}}, \{Z_j^0, Z_j^1\}_{j\in [m]}) \ne \bot \end{matrix} \,:\, \begin{matrix} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j^0, X_j^1\}_{j\in [n]},\{Z^0, Z^1\}_{j\in [m]}) \leftarrow {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} (1^\lambda , {\mathcal {C}})\\ {\widehat{Y}} \leftarrow {\mathcal {A}} ({\mathcal {C}}, x, {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, \{X_j^{x_j}\}_{j\in [n]}) \end{matrix} \right) \end{aligned}$$

Definition 2.4

(Verifiability). A garbling scheme \({\mathcal {G}}\) is verifiable if for all input lengths \(n \le \mathsf {poly}(\lambda )\), circuits \({\mathcal {C}}: {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{m}} \), inputs \(x \in {{\{0,1\}}^{n}} \), and all probabilistic polynomial-time adversaries \({\mathcal {A}}\), the following probability is negligible in \(\lambda \):

$$\begin{aligned} \Pr \left( \begin{matrix} {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} (\mathsf {Eval} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},{\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (x,e)),d) \ne {\mathcal {C}} (x) \end{matrix} \,:\, \begin{matrix} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, e, d )\leftarrow {\mathcal {A}} (1^\lambda , {\mathcal {C}})\\ {\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} \left( {\mathcal {C}}, {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, d, e \right) = \mathsf {accept} \end{matrix} \right) \end{aligned}$$

In the definition of verifiability above, we give the decoding information explicitly to the verification algorithm since in our construction the garbled circuit includes only the garbled tables and not the decoding information. We note that a natural and efficient way to obtain a verifiable garbling scheme is to generate \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) by using the output of a pseudorandom generator on a seed as the random tape for \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}\), and then provide the seed to the verification procedure \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} \). \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} \) will regenerate the \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) and the encoding and decoding tables, and will output \(\mathsf {accept}\) for a garbled circuit if and only if it is equal to the generated one.

2.3 Free-XOR and Other Optimizations

Several works have studied optimizations to reduce the size of a garbled gate down from four ciphertexts. Garbled row-reduction was introduced by Naor et al. [NPS99]. There, instead of choosing the wire labels at random for each wire, they are chosen such that the first ciphertext will be the all-zero string, and hence need not be sent. In [PSSW09], the authors describe a way to further reduce the number of ciphertexts per gate to 2, by applying polynomial interpolation at each gate. Kolesnikov and Schneider [KS08a] introduced the Free XOR approach, allowing evaluation of XOR gates without any cost. Here, the idea is to choose wire labels such that the two labels on the same wire have the same (secret) offset across the entire circuit. The two labels for a given wire are of the form \((A, A\oplus \varDelta )\), where \(\varDelta \) is secret and common to all wires. Now, as first proposed in [Kol05], an evaluator who has one of \((A, A\oplus \varDelta )\) and one of \((B, B\oplus \varDelta )\) can compute the XOR by simply XORing the wire labels. The result is either C or \(C\oplus \varDelta \) where \(C=A\oplus B\) and correctly represents the result of XOR. Thus, no ciphertexts are needed for the XOR gate. Kolesnikov, Mohassel and Rosulek proposed a generalization of Free XOR called FleXOR [KMR14]. In FleXOR, each XOR gate can be garbled using 0, 1, or 2 ciphertexts, depending on certain structural properties of the circuit. In [ZRE15], the authors present a method built on Free XOR that can garble an AND gate using only two ciphertexts. This technique is also compatible with Free XOR. The idea is to write an AND gate as a combination of XOR and two half-gates, where a half-gate is an AND gate for which one party knows one of the inputs. The half-gates can be garbled with one ciphertext each, and the resulting AND gate, in combination with free-XOR, uses two ciphertexts.

3 Preliminary Discussion

3.1 Our Treatment of GC Topology and Formalization of the \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) Representation

A formalization of what precisely the GC description string \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) includes is often natural and hence is usually omitted from discussion. In our setting this an important aspect, as we focus on the collision resilience-related properties of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) strings, as well as on minimizing the size of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) and its computation time.

Firstly, we remind the reader that in the BHR [BHR12] notation the function \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}\) outputs the garbling function F. Since it is problematic to operate on functions, BHR regards \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}\) as operating on strings representing and defining the corresponding functions. In our notation, \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}\) outputs \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\), which we treat as a string defining the evaluation process as well.

Clearly, \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) will contain a set of garbled tables; the question is how to treat the circuit topology, i.e. exactly how to describe/define how \(\mathsf {Eval}\) should process \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\). One choice is to treat the plaintext circuit/topology as a part of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\). Because we focus on size/computation, this approach would cause some waste. Indeed, in most scenarios, the circuit and topology is known to both players, and hence could be implicit in GC.

Instead, we opt to consider the circuit description, including the locations of the free XOR gates as an externally generated string. It is certainly the case in SFE where the evaluated function is known to both players, and players can a priori adopt a convention on how to map the \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) garbled gates to the circuit gates, hence defining the evaluation process. In PFE, which is the case in our certified function evaluation scenario (see Sect. 1.1), the evaluated function is not known to the evaluator. In this case, we still treat the topology/evaluation instructions as external to \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) and assume that they are correctly delivered to the evaluator.

We note that in the certified function case, this can be naturally achieved by the CA signing the topology with a unique identifier, and including this identifier with \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) and the hash of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\).

3.2 Our Assumptions

Our work optimizes high-performance primitives, and it is important to be clear on the assumptions we require of them so as to properly compare to related work.

We use the same primitives, and nearly identical constructions as JustGarble [BHKR13] and half-gates [ZRE15]. As a result, privacy and authenticity properties of our schemes hold under the same assumptions as [BHKR13, ZRE15], namely that the Davies-Meyer (DM) construction is a primitive meeting the guarantee of the random-permutation model (RPM). While [BHKR13] proves the security of their construction in RPM directly, [ZRE15] abstracts the DM security property as a variant of correlation-robust function. Our first (auxiliary) construction, namely, the privacy property, is proven under assumption that DM is correlation-robust.

To achieve hash security, we need to assume collision resistance of DM. We note that collision resistance of DM can be achieved e.g., by assuming that DM meets the requirement of the ideal-cipher model (ICM) [BRS02].

3.3 Cipher Instantiation

As noted above, we instantiate the key derivation function (KDF) calls as do [BHKR13, ZRE15], with the Davies-Meyer construction. Namely, the input X to KDF H(Xi) are the 128-bit long wire keys, and i is an internal integer that simply increments per hash function call. We set \(H_\pi (X, i) = \pi (K) \oplus K\), where \(K = 2x \oplus i\) (\(\pi \) is assumed to be an ideal cipher, instantiated with 128-bit AES with randomly chosen key).

3.4 Hash Security Parameters

We use \(\lambda =128\)-bit security parameter, which is standard for encryption and GCs. However, 128-bit hash domain is often seen as insufficient. This is because of the birthday attack, which provides time-space tradeoff for an attacker. Specifically, a collision-finding attacker can precompute and store a square-root number of hash images. Then by birthday paradox, a random collision will be found among these images with significant probability. This attack requires \(2^{64}\) hash computations and efficiently accessible storage for \(2^{64}\) hash values.

We argue that 128-bit hash security is nevertheless acceptable in SFE, if used carefully.

Firstly, we note that computing \(2^{64}\) hashes is an extremely expensive task. Indeed, recent Bitcoin reports [Bra] suggest that world’s hashing power recently peaked at 1 PetaHash per second (i.e. \(1000^5<2^{50}\) hashes/sec). That is, global Blockchain hashing power can compute \(2^{64}\) hashes in the order of \(2^{14}\) s (or 4.5 h). Much more importantly, storage systems operate many orders of magnitude slower than CPUs and hashing ASICs, implying that storing and searching these hashes will take \(10^3\)\(10^6\) times more time than generating them. Thus, extremely conservatively, we estimate that today a random hash collision may be found by engaging the entire Bitcoin mining system fitted with global-scale storage system in 4500 h (about 6 months).

In the majority of applications, the time and financial expense to achieve such a task will not be feasible.

Importantly, SFE hash checks have an online property, meaning that we can set up the system such that preprocessing or post-processing will not aid the attacker. Indeed, consider the SFE scenario and the following solution. In the existing fixed-key cipher-based protocols it is specified that the fixed key is chosen at random prior to GC generation. We can simply explicitly require that both players contribute to key generation, and that the selected key will be the one defining the fixed-key permutation used in GC. This will render any precomputation useless. Post-computation, while a threat to the privacy and, perhaps, authenticity of GC, is not helping the attacker, since the GC evaluator decision to accept or reject reached during the execution, is irrevocable. GC evaluator can set a generous time limit (e.g. several seconds or even minutes) after which it will abort the execution. The probability of \({\mathcal {A}}\) cheating via finding a 128-bit hash collision in this period of time sufficiently small, even given entire world’s resources available to \({\mathcal {A}}\).

In sum, we have argued that using 128-bit hash security is appropriate for SFE and the applications we discuss in this work. Further, as eventually we move from 128-bit AES to next-generation of ciphers, our hash security guarantee will benefit from the transition.

4 GC Hashing Scheme

In this section, we define our hashed garbled circuit scheme. We capture the security guarantees we require from this new notion, and then present our construction that outputs a garbled circuit and its hash. Our garbled circuit construction satisfies the properties of correctness, authenticity and privacy. We then show that our construction is secure according to our hash security definition.

4.1 Hashed Garbled Circuit Security

Recall, we want to define hash security of garbled circuits with the same topology (cf. Sect. 3.1). We require that if the hash of such two garbled circuits collide, and one of them verifies correctly, then with high probability the other garbled circuit will fail evaluation. We now formalize this intuition in the definition below.

Definition 4.1

(Hash security). A garbling scheme \({\mathcal {G}}\) is hash-secure with respect to a hash function \({\mathcal {H}}\) if for every boolean circuit \({\mathcal {C}} \), input x and \(\textsc {ppt} \) adversary \({\mathcal {A}}\),

is negligible in \(\lambda \).

We point out that the decoding information d that results in failed decoding of \({\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}}\) is the same decoding information with respect to which \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \) successfully verifies, and this is essential to hash security. If we did not place this requirement, then an adversary can change d to \({\widehat{d}}\) which decodes any string that \(\mathsf {Eval}\) on \({\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}}\) returns. We note that in full generality it is not necessary to require \({\mathcal {A}} \) to generate a \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) passing the verification \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}}\) of a specific circuit \({\mathcal {C}}\). We can achieve that if an \({\mathcal {A}}\) generates two unequal \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \)s with the same hash, at least one of them will always output \(\bot \). However, the above Definition 4.1 reflects the typical use of \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \)s, and is sufficient for our construction.

In this work we consider verifiable garbling schemes with hash security. That is, \({\mathcal {G}} = ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}, {\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}}, \mathsf {Eval}, {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}}, {\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}}, {\mathcal {H}})\). Because we apply our constructions to secure computation, we will need schemes additionally satisfying the properties of correctness (cf. Definition 2.1) and privacy (cf. Definition 2.2). If needed, the authenticity property of GC (cf. Definition 2.3) can be achieved as well.

4.2 Our Construction

We now formalize the intuition of Sect. 1.3 on how to generate a GC hash for free when garbling. The full construction is presented in Fig. 1; here we provide additional intuition. Recall, in Sect. 1.3, we explained that after we generated (temporary) GC tables, we need to XOR their GT entries into the GC hash in one manner, and into the GC wire labels in another manner. In our construction, we do so by bitwise shifting the GT entries \(C_i\) prior to XORing them into the wire labels.

We note that we use bit shifting because it is fast and easy to implement, but a more general condition is sufficient for security of our schemeFootnote 1.

In presenting our construction, we adopt the approach used by [BHKR13] and others, where the gates are garbled as \(H(w_i || w_j || r) \oplus w_k\), where \(w_i\) and \(w_j\) are wire labels on input wires, r is a nonce and \(w_k\) is a wire label on the output wire. H is a key-derivation function modeled as a random oracle.

The scheme we present below follows the standard point-and-permute optimization. This was introduced by Beaver et al. in [BMR90], where a select bit is appended to each wire label, such that the two labels on each wire have opposite select bits. This association between select bits and the logical truth values is random and kept secret. Now the garbled truth table can be arranged by these public select bits. The evaluator can select the correct ciphertext to decrypt based on the select bit instead of trying all four. For each wire label w, its least significant bit \(\mathsf {lsb}(w)\) is reserved as a select bit that is used as in the point-and-permute technique, and complementary wire labels have opposite select bits. For the ith wire, define \(p_i = \mathsf {lsb}(w_i^0)\). When using Free XOR, the global randomly chosen offset R is such that \(\mathsf {lsb}(R)=1\). Since \(w_i^0 \oplus w_i^1 = R\) holds for each i in the circuit, we have that \(\mathsf {lsb}(w_i^0) \ne \mathsf {lsb}(w_i^1)\).

To simplify presentation, in our constructions and notation we set the decoding information simply to be the output wire labels. We note, this does not preserve the authenticity property of GC. Authenticity can be easily achieved in our scheme, e.g. by instead setting the decoding information to be the collision-resistant hashes of the output labels. In more detail, let H be a collision-resistant hash function. The output translation table for a wire will now be \(\lbrace H(w_i^0 ), H(w_i^1)\rbrace \). Given a garbled value \(w_i^b\) on an output wire, it is possible to determine whether it corresponds to the 0 or 1 key by computing \(H(w_i^b)\) and checking whether it is equal to the first or second value in the pair. However, given this output translation table, it is not feasible to find the actual garbled values.

Let \(H: {{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^* \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^{\lambda }\) be a function, satisfying properties discussed in Sect. 3.2. For a function represented by a circuit \({\mathcal {C}}: {{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^n \rightarrow {{\{0,1\}}^{}} ^m\), we use \(W_{{\mathsf {i}}{\mathsf {n}}}, W_{\mathsf {out}}\) to denote the input and output wires of f respectively, and \(G_{\mathsf {inter}}\) for intermediate gates. The Free Hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}= ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}}, {\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}}, {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}}, \mathsf {Eval}, {\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}}, {\mathcal {H}})\) is described in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The free hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\)

The construction in Fig. 1 satisfies the properties of authenticity (cf. Definition 2.3), privacy (cf. Definition 2.2) and hash security (cf. Definition 4.1).

Theorem 4.2

The Free Hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) described in Fig. 1 satisfies privacy as in Definition 2.2 assuming the correlation robustness of H.

Theorem 4.3

The Free Hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) described in Fig. 1 satisfies authenticity as in Definition 2.3 assuming the correlation robustness of H.

We omit the proofs of privacy and authenticity in the main body, since our changes to the standard construction do not affect them, and closely follow the arguments of [BHKR13, ZRE15]. We include the proofs in the full version.

Hash Security. We now state and prove a technical lemma on which we rely for proving hash security (Theorem 4.6). The lemma below captures the following useful fact about \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \) and \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\): a gate in \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) whose \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2}\) (XOR hash of the gate table) collides with that of the gate in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \) will not be evaluated correctly (i.e. will not produce a valid label on the output wire) if the gate table is different, or if the input wire keys of the gate are different, or both. We say that a wire label, obtained during evaluation on input x encoded using \(\widehat{e}\), is valid if it is one of the two possible wire labels for the same wire in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \). For presentation, we slightly abuse notation, by writing \(g_i\) to mean both the gate and the garbled table corresponding to the gate. It will be clear from context, which of the two is meant.

Definition 4.4

(Valid key). Let \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, e, \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, \widehat{e}, d,h)\) be such that \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, \mathsf {Topology} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = \mathsf {Topology} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}), {\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = {\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = h\) and \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d,e) = \mathsf {accept}\). An internal wire key \(\widehat{K}_i^b\) obtained on wire \(w_i\) during \(\mathsf {Eval}\) of \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) is called valid if \(\widehat{K}_i^b \in \{K_i^0, K_i^1 \}\) where \((K_i^0, K_i^1)\) are the wire keys corresponding to 0 and 1 on wire \(w_i\) in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \).

Lemma 4.5

Let \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, e, \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, \widehat{e},d, h)\leftarrow {\mathcal {A}} (1^{\lambda })\) be such that \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, \mathsf {Topology} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = \mathsf {Topology} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}), {\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = {\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = h\) and \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d,e) = \mathsf {accept}\). Assuming \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} = \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\), evaluation of the garbled gate \(\widehat{g_i}\) during \(\mathsf {Eval} \) results in a valid wire label for the output wire of the gate with probability \(\mathsf {negl} (\lambda )\) in the following cases:

  1. 1.

    Input wire keys to gate \(\widehat{g_i}\) are valid, and \(\widehat{g_i} \ne g_i\).

  2. 2.

    At least one input wire key to gate \(\widehat{g_i}\) is invalid and \(\widehat{g_i} = g_i\).

  3. 3.

    At least one input wire key to gate \(\widehat{g_i}\) is invalid, and \(\widehat{g_i} \ne g_i\).


Let \(g_i = \lbrace C_1,C_2, C_3, C_4 \rbrace \) be the ith garbled table in GC and \(\widehat{g_i} = \lbrace \widehat{C_1},\widehat{C_2}, \widehat{C_3}, \widehat{C_4} \rbrace \) the ith garbled table in \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\).

  • Case 1 Since \(\widehat{g_i} \ne g_i\), w.l.o.g., let \(C_1 \ne \widehat{C_1}\). Since \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} = \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\), there must be (at least) one \(j \ne 1\) such that \(\widehat{C_j} \ne C_j\). Now, \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} = \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\) gives,

    $$\begin{aligned} \widehat{C_j} \oplus \widehat{C_1} = C_j \oplus C_1 \end{aligned}$$

    Let \(\widehat{K} = (\widehat{K}_a, \widehat{K}_b)\) be the input wire key to gate \(g_i\) in \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) during \(\mathsf {Eval} \), which by assumption is valid. For the sake of contradiction, say, one of the ciphertexts, say, \(\widehat{C_1}\), in \(\widehat{g_i}\) gives a valid output wire key. Let T be the intermediate key obtained by decrypting \(\widehat{C_1}\). Now validity of output wire key implies \(T \oplus \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,1} = K \in \lbrace K^0, K^1 \rbrace \).

    $$\begin{aligned} T \oplus \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,1} = K \nonumber \\ \widehat{C_j}^{ \ll j} \oplus \widehat{C_1}^{ \ll 1} = C_j^{\ll j} \oplus C_1^{\ll 1} \oplus R \end{aligned}$$

    where \(R = T \oplus K \oplus \mathsf {pad}_{i,1} \) is a fixed value, and \(T= H(\widehat{K}||i) \oplus \widehat{C_1}\). Therefore, K is valid only when both (1) and (2) hold. We now argue that this happens with probability \(\le 1/2^{\lambda }\). By the assumption that \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d, e) = \mathsf {accept}\), \(C_1\) and \(C_j\) are random keys masked by the outputs of the function H. If, therefore, a \(\widehat{C_1}\) and \(\widehat{C_j}\) that satisfies (1), also satisfies (2), then we can find \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) such that \(r_1 \oplus r_2\) is \(\delta \) for some fixed \(\delta \) and \(r_1^{\ll } \oplus r_2^{\ll }\) collides with the output of the function H on a fixed value. By collision resistance of the function H, this happens only with probability \(\le 1/2^{\lambda }\).

  • Case 2 \(g_i = \widehat{g_i}\). Either \(\widehat{K}_a \not \in \{K_a^{0}, K_a^{1})\) or \(\widehat{K}_b \not \in \{K_b^{0}, K_b^{1})\) or both, where \((K_a^{0}, K_a^{1})\) and \((K_b^{0}, K_b^{1})\) are the wire keys corresponding to the input wires of \(\widehat{g_i}\) in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \). Let \((K^0, K^1)\) be the wire keys of the output wire of \(g_i\). For the sake of contradiction, say, one of the ciphertexts, say, \(C_1\), gives a valid output wire key with \(\widehat{K}\) as the input wire keys. Let T be the intermediate key obtained by decrypting \(C_1\). Now validity of output wire key implies \(T \oplus \mathsf {pad}_{i,1} = K \in \lbrace K^0, K^1 \rbrace \). That is,

    $$\begin{aligned} H(\widehat{K}||i) \oplus C_1\oplus \mathsf {pad}_{i,1} = K \end{aligned}$$

    K is valid when (3) holds, and that happens with negligible probability since we can find a r such that the output of H on r collides with a given value only with probability \(\le 1/2^{\lambda }\).

  • Case 3 W.l.o.g., let \(C_1 \ne \widehat{C_1}\). Since \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} = \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\), there must be (at least) one \(j \ne 1\) such that \(\widehat{C_j} \ne C_j\). Either \(\widehat{K}_a \not \in \{K_a^{0}, K_a^{1})\) or \(\widehat{K}_b \not \in \{K_b^{0}, K_b^{1})\) or both, where \((K_a^{0}, K_a^{1})\) and \((K_b^{0} K_b^{1})\) are the wire keys corresponding to the input wires of \(\widehat{g_i}\) in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \). \((K^0, K^1)\) be the wire keys of the output wire of \(g_i\). Now, \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} = \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\) gives,

    $$\begin{aligned} \widehat{C_j} \oplus \widehat{C_1} = C_j \oplus C_1 \end{aligned}$$

    Let \(\widehat{K} = (\widehat{K}_a, \widehat{K}_b)\) be the input wire key to gate \(g_i\) in \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) during \(\mathsf {Eval} \). Since \(\widehat{K}\) is invalid by assumption, either \(\widehat{K}_a \not \in \{K_a^{0}, K_a^{1})\) or \(\widehat{K}_b \not \in \{K_b^{0}, K_b^{1})\) or both, where \((K_a^{0}, K_a^{1})\) and \((K_b^{0}, K_b^{1})\) are the wire keys corresponding to the input wires of \(\widehat{g_i}\) in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \). \((K^0, K^1)\) be the wire keys of the output wire of \(g_i\). For the sake of contradiction, say, one of the ciphertexts, say, \(\widehat{C_1}\), in \(\widehat{g_i}\) gives a valid output wire key. Let T be the intermediate key obtained by decrypting \(\widehat{C_1}\). Now validity of output wire key implies \(T \oplus \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,1} = K \in \lbrace K^0, K^1 \rbrace \).

    $$\begin{aligned} T \oplus \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,1} = K \nonumber \\ \widehat{C_j}^{ \ll j} \oplus \widehat{C_1}^{ \ll 1} = C_j^{\ll j} \oplus C_1^{\ll 1} \oplus R \end{aligned}$$

    where \(R = T \oplus K \oplus \mathsf {pad}_1 \), and \(T= H(\widehat{K}||i) \oplus \widehat{C_1}\). Therefore, K is valid only when both (4) and (5) hold. We now argue that this happens with probability \(\le 1/2^{\lambda }\). By the assumption that \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d, e) = \mathsf {accept}\), \(C_1\) and \(C_j\) are random keys masked by the outputs of the function H. If, therefore, \(\widehat{K}\), \(\widehat{C_1}\) and \(\widehat{C_j}\) satisfy (4) and (5), then we can find \(r, r_1\) and \(r_2\) such that the output of the function H on r collides with \(r_1^{\ll } \oplus r_2^{\ll }\) and \(r_1 \oplus r_2\) is \(\delta \) for some fixed \(\delta \). By collision resistance of the function H, this happens with probability at most \( 1/2^{\lambda }\).

When there is more than one \(j \ne 1\) such that \(\widehat{C_j} \ne C_j\) in cases (1) and (3) above, we will have,

$$\begin{aligned} \bigoplus \limits _{j\ne 1} \widehat{C_j} \oplus \widehat{C_1} = \bigoplus \limits _{j\ne 1}C_j \oplus C_1 \\ \bigoplus \limits _{j\ne 1} \widehat{C_j}^{ \ll j} \oplus \widehat{C_1}^{ \ll 1} = \bigoplus \limits _{j\ne 1} C_j^{\ll j} \oplus C_1^{\ll 1} \oplus R \end{aligned}$$

and the same arguments extend.   \(\square \)

Theorem 4.6

The Free Hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) described in Fig. 1 satisfies hash security as defined in Definition 4.1 assuming the collision-resistance of H.


Given an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) who outputs \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, e, \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, \widehat{e},d, h)\) such that \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, {\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = {\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = h\), \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d,e) = \mathsf {accept}\), we show that \( \forall x, \Pr [ \mathsf {Eval} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}},{\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (x, \widehat{e})) \ne \bot ] = \mathsf {negl} (\lambda ) \). Since \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\), they differ in at least one garbled gate. Let \(g_i\) be the first gate in topological order that differs in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \) and \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\). When \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} = \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\) for all \(\widehat{g}_i \ne g_i\), by case (1) of Lemma 4.5, we have that the output wire key for \(\widehat{g_i}\) is invalid. Now, by inductively applying cases (2) and (3) of Lemma 4.5, all wire keys from then on, in topological order of evaluation remain invalid.

Now, when \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} \ne \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\), \(\mathsf {Eval}\) on \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) can return to a valid wire key for the output wire of \(\widehat{g}_i \ne g_i\). Let us denote by \(\widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i\) the running hash up until gate \(\widehat{g}_i\) in \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\). Since \(\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} \ne \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}\), we have \(\widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i \ne {\mathcal {H}}_i\). By the assumption that \({\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = {\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}})\), there must be a gate \(\widehat{g}_j \ne g_j\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta = \bigoplus \limits _{i:\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} \ne \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}} (\mathsf {pad}_{i,2} \oplus \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{i,2}) = \widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i \oplus {\mathcal {H}}_i \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \widehat{\mathsf {pad}}_{j,2} = \mathsf {pad}_{j,2} \oplus \varDelta \end{aligned}$$

We now argue that the output wire of \(\widehat{g}_j\) is invalid. From an argument similar to case (1) of Lemma 4.5 (since the input wire keys to \(\widehat{g}_j\) are valid), (7) imposes a constraint on the ciphertexts of \(\widehat{g}_j\). Thus the probability that output wire key is valid is bounded by the probability of finding \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) such that \(r_1 \oplus r_2\) is \(\delta \) for some fixed \(\delta \) and \(r_1^{\ll } \oplus r_2^{\ll }\) collides with the output of the function H on a fixed value. By collision resistance of the function H, this happens only with probability \(\le 1/2^{\lambda }\).

By Lemma 4.5 and the union bound, we have that, \(\Pr [ {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} (\mathsf {Eval} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}},{\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (x, \widehat{e})),d) \ne \bot ] \le \vert C \vert q^2 / 2^{\lambda }\), where \(\vert C \vert \) is the number of gates in the circuit, and q is the number of queries to the function H that \(\mathcal {A}\) is allowed to make.

Since the input x that lead to the above wire labels was arbitrary, we have that, given \({\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = {\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}), {\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, {\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d,e) = \mathsf {accept}\),

$$\begin{aligned} \forall x, \Pr [ {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} (\mathsf {Eval} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}},{\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (x, \widehat{e})),d) \ne \bot ] = \mathsf {negl} (\lambda ) \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

As calculated in the proof, the probability of hash collision is bounded by \( \vert C \vert q^2 / 2^{\lambda }\). See Sect. 3.4 for discussion on parameter choices.

4.3 Hashing in Half-Gates Garbling Scheme

The current state of the art for garbled circuit construction is the half-gates scheme of Zahur et al. In the half-gates construction, two ciphertexts are used for each AND gate and the construction is compatible with the free-XOR technique [KS08a]. A half-gate is a garbled AND gate where one of the inputs to the gate is known in clear to one of the parties. Consider an AND gate \(c = a \wedge b\). Now suppose the generator chooses a uniformly random bit r, and imagine we can have the evaluator learn the value of \(r \oplus b\). We can write c as

$$\begin{aligned} c= a \wedge b = (a \wedge r) \oplus (a \wedge (r \oplus b)) \end{aligned}$$

[ZRE15] show how to garble the first AND gate with a generator-half-gate where the generator knows one of the values r, and the second AND gate with evaluator-half-gate since the evaluator know \(r \oplus b\). The full AND gate is garbled by taking XOR of the two half-gates. Each garbled half-gate is one ciphertext, and with free-XOR, the full AND gate is two ciphertexts.

Let \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} ' = ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} ', {\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} ', {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} ', \mathsf {Eval}')\) be the algorithms of the half-gate garbling procedure in [ZRE15]. The algorithms for encoding and evaluation in our scheme are the same; we only include the garbling and decoding algorithms, \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} \) and \({\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} \). We assume that the half-gate garbling scheme outputs wire labels corresponding to both 0 and 1 on the output wires as the decoding information. \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {b}} \) outputs a garbled circuit, the encoding and decoding information and the hash of the garbled circuit. \({\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} \) returns a decoded output or \(\bot \) if the garbled output is invalid.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The half-gate free hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {half}{\mathcal {G}}\)

Note that in the construction of hashed garbling scheme for half-gates above, the hash is the XOR of all the ciphertexts. Unlike our construction for general garbled circuits (cf. Fig. 1), we do not modify the wire keys. Since the garbled circuit is the same as the original half-gates construction, we retain the privacy and authenticity properties. To argue hash security, first observe that in the half-gates scheme both ciphertexts in a garbled gate (one per half-gate) are decrypted and used for output wire computation. Consider an attacker \(\mathcal {A}\) which modifies a gate table and changes one entry to decrypt to a wrong label. Then there must be another modified entry to correct the hash, and both modified entries need to decrypt correctly during evaluation to produce a valid label. Thus, in the half-gate garbling, the intuition for hash security is similar to that of our original 4-row construction. Namely, any modified gate will break the XOR hash. Further, any gate table that brings back the hash to the correct value will result in an invalid output wire label. We provide a proof sketch below.

Theorem 4.7

The Half-Gate Free Hash garbling scheme \(\mathsf {half}{\mathcal {G}}\) described in Fig. 2 satisfies hash security as defined in Definition 4.1 assuming the collision-resistance of H.

Proof Sketch

Given an adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) who outputs \(({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}, e, \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, \widehat{e},d, h)\) such that \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}, {\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}) = {\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = h\), \({\mathsf {V}}{\mathsf {e}} ({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}},d,e) = \mathsf {accept}\), we show that \(\forall x, \Pr [ \mathsf {Eval} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}},{\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (\widehat{e}, x)) \ne \bot ] = \mathsf {negl} (\lambda ) \). Since \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \ne \widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\), they must differ in at least one garbled gate, and let \(g_i \ne \widehat{g}_i\) be the first gate in topological order that differs: \(g_i = \{\tau _{G_i}, \tau _{E_i}\}\) and \(\widehat{g}_i = \{\widehat{\tau }_{G_i}, \widehat{\tau }_{E_i}\}\). Let \(\widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i\) be the running hash up until gate \(\widehat{g}_i\) in \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\). We consider the following cases:

  1. 1.

    \(\widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i = {\mathcal {H}}_i\) where \({\mathcal {H}}_i\) is the running hash until gate \(g_i\) in \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \). Now \(g_i \ne \widehat{g}_i\) and \(\widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i = {\mathcal {H}}_i\) implies that both half-gates are modified since \(\widehat{g}_i\) is the first gate that differs from \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \). That is,

    $$\begin{aligned} \tau _{G_i} \ne \widehat{\tau }_{G_i} \text { and } \tau _{E_i} \ne \widehat{\tau }_{E_i} \end{aligned}$$

    Let \((\widehat{K}_a, \widehat{K}_b)\) be the input wire keys of \(\widehat{g}_i\). The output wire key of \(\widehat{g}_i\) during \(\mathsf {Eval}\) is given by

    $$\begin{aligned} \widehat{K} = H(\widehat{K}_a ) \oplus s_a \widehat{\tau }_{G_i} \oplus H( \widehat{K}_b) \oplus s_b (\widehat{\tau }_{E_i} \oplus \widehat{K}_a) \end{aligned}$$

    where \(s_a\) and \(s_b\) are select bits. The probability that \(\widehat{K}\) is valid is at most \(1/2^{\lambda }\) by the collision resistance of function H. Now, by inductively using argument similar to cases (2) and (3) of Lemma 4.5, the wire keys of \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) remain invalid.

  2. 2.

    \(g_i \ne \widehat{g}_i\), \(\widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i \ne {\mathcal {H}}_i\) and \({\mathcal {H}}({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = {\mathcal {H}}(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}})\) implies there must be a gate \(\widehat{g}_j \ne g_j\) such that

    $$\begin{aligned} \widehat{\tau }_{G_j} \oplus \widehat{\tau }_{E_j} = \widehat{{\mathcal {H}}}_i \oplus {\mathcal {H}}_i \oplus (\tau _{G_j} \oplus \tau _{E_j}) \end{aligned}$$

    We now argue that the output wire of \(\widehat{g}_j\) is invalid: (8) imposes a constraint on the ciphertexts of \(\widehat{g}_j\). Thus the probability that output wire key is valid is bounded by the probability of finding \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) such that \(r_1 \oplus r_2\) is \(\delta \) for some fixed \(\delta \) and \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) collide with the outputs of function H. By collision resistance of H, this happens with probability at most \(1/2^{\lambda }\). Again, inductively all further wire keys of \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) remain invalid.

By the union bound, we have that, \(\Pr [ {\mathsf {D}}{\mathsf {e}} (\mathsf {Eval} (\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}},{\mathsf {E}}{\mathsf {n}} (\widehat{e},x)),d) \ne \bot ] \le \vert C \vert q^2 / 2^{\lambda }\), where \(\vert C \vert \) is the number of gates in the circuit, and q is the number of queries to the function H that \(\mathcal {A}\) is allowed to make.   \(\square \)

As calculated in the proof, the probability of hash collision is bounded by \( \vert C \vert q^2 / 2^{\lambda }\). See Sect. 3.4 for discussion on parameter choices.

5 Performance and Impact

5.1 Cut-and-Choose Protocols Using \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\)

As pointed out in [GMS08], an improvement in communication complexity can be achieved by taking the following approach. To compute a garbled circuit, the garbler \(P_1\) generates a random PRG seed. Then the output of the pseudorandom generator is used as the random tape for the garbling algorithm. In C&C, \(P_1\) sends to \(P_2\) only a collision-resistant (CR) hash of each GC. In a later stage of the protocol, if a GC \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}\) is chosen as a check circuit and needs to be opened, \(P_1\) simply sends the seed corresponding to that circuit to \(P_2\).

\(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) hash can be used in C&C similarly to standard CR hash of GC. In [GMS08], \(P_1\) commits via a collision resistant hash function to garbled circuits. These GCs can be either good or cheating. Importantly, due to the CR property of the hash, a malicious \(P_1\) cannot change this designation at a later time. In using \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\), \(P_1\) has the same choice: he can compute \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) of either a good or a cheating GC. If he computed and sent the hash h of a good garbled circuit \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \), then h cannot be claimed to match a cheating evaluation circuit \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\), even if the XOR hash \(H({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}) = H(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}})\). Indeed, w.h.p., evaluation of such a \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\) will fail and \(P_2\) will abort, independently of \(P_2\)’s input. Similarly, if \(P_1\) computed and sent the hash of a cheating circuit \(\widehat{{\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}}}\), it cannot be later opened as a good check circuit \({\mathsf {G}}{\mathsf {C}} \).

We stress that we must be careful when \(P_2\) is allowed to abort, so as to not allow a selective failure attack. Specifically, a malicious \(P_1\) could cause evaluation failure by sending an invalid label on a specific input wire/value pair or by generating a GC which produces an invalid label based on a value of an internal wire. Thus, while it is OK for \(P_2\) to abort if it sees a GC which does not match the \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\)-hash, it should not (necessarily) abort simply based on seeing a decoding failure. Instead, this failure should be treated by the C&C procedure. We stress that it is protocol dependent, and protocol security should be evaluated. At the high level, our hashing guarantees that the garbler cannot open/equivocate an “honest” hashed circuit as a valid “malicious” circuit (or vice versa). However, he can open any (i.e. honest or malicious) hashed circuit as a “broken” one (i.e. one which will fail evaluation).

Covert C&C protocols [AL07, KM15], as well as C&C based on majority output, such as [LP11], can be made to work with \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\). Indeed, exercising the extra power the adversary has (turning a good or bad evaluation circuit into a broken evaluation circuit) will simply cause covert evaluator to abort independently of its input. Similarly, in [LP11], the evaluation circuits which were made broken cannot be used to contribute to majority output. Using \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) with [KM15] requires a bit of care. [KM15] actually already explicitly support using [GMS08]. Using \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) differs from [GMS08] only in that a cheating \(P_1\) can open an honest evaluation circuit as a broken one, resulting in an abort. However, the same effect could be achieved by \(P_1\) sending an invalid signature on the garbled circuit.

We note that [Lin13] uses [LP11] as a basic step in cheating punishment and our \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) can be used within the [LP11] subprotocol of [Lin13]. However, it is not immediately clear \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\) can be used elsewhere in [Lin13]. This is because the cheating punishment relies on evaluator having received a good evaluation circuit to recover the cheating garbler’s input. However, in our case, malicious garbler can present a broken circuit, preventing input recovery.

Similarly, it is not immediately clear that the dual-execution C&C protocols of [HKE13, KMRR15] can take advantage of \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\). Intuitively, this is because a malicious generator \(P_1\) might produce a single cheating circuit, which is likely to be chosen for evaluation among a number of honest circuits. Then, \(P_1\) will open all honest evaluation circuits as broken ones. Avoiding selective failure attack, \(P_2\) will not abort, and the resulting output will depend on the output of the cheating circuit.

5.2 Implementation

We implemented our scheme using \(\mathsf {libgarble}\) [Mal] for garbling and report on the performance below. In Table 1, we compare the cost of our GC hashing construction with garbling and then hashing the GC using SHA. We use the AES circuit to garble in the comparisons. The numbers in Table 1 are in cycles per gate. The configuration of the machine we used to run our implementation is: 2.3 GHz Core i5-2410M processor with 4 GB RAM. The processor has AES-NI integrated.

Table 1. Evaluation times of the AES circuits, in cycles per gate.

We believe that free hashing will simplify and speed up GC use particularly in larger systems using GC, such as the Blind Seer encrypted database [PKV+14, FVK+15], where GC processing will be competing for the CPU resource with a number of other tasks.

SFE of Private Certified Functions. We now consider the use case described in Sect. 1.1, where a Certificate Authority (CA) generates and certifies a number of GCs for use by the subscribers of the CA. In this case, clearly, CA is the bottleneck; Table 1 demonstrates over 6\(\times \) performance improvement for the state-of-the-art half-gates GC, as compared with using standard hashing available with the OpenSSL library. Again, we stress that with half-gates hashing, simple XOR of all rows of all the gate tables provides a secure hash. This allows simple implementation in addition to the performance improvement.

5.3 Impact on Cut-and-Choose

We discuss the SFE performance improvement brought by our work on the example of the state-of-the-art approach of [LP11, KM15]. (Subsequent improvements to [LP11], as well as C&C, covert and other GC protocols will benefit from free GC hashing correspondingly). We review the C&C choices and parameters of [LP11, AO12, KM15] in light of [GMS08] and free hashing allowed by our work. We will show that:

  1. 1.

    Computing and sending additional GC hashes does not increase communication cost (computation cost is minimal due to our work), but significantly reduces cheating probability (see Table 2).

  2. 2.

    Keeping the cheating probability constant, we improve total C&C time by 43–64% by sending circuit hashes instead of circuits as suggested by [GMS08] (See Table 3).

For concreteness, to achieve a cheating probability of, say, \(2^{-40}\), the number of garbled circuits that need to be sent is n. This incurs a communication cost, in bits, of k, where \(k = n \mathsf {C}\), and \(\mathsf {C}\) is the cost of a garbled circuit.

Sending only the hashes of the garbled circuits in the beginning of the cut-and-choose, let the total number of garbled circuits be \( \tilde{n}\). Let \(\mathsf {h}\) be the size of the hash of a GC, which is the communication cost of a check circuit. Now, we have that the communication bits incurred,

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{k} = \tilde{n} \mathsf {h} + \frac{1}{2} \tilde{n} \mathsf {C} \end{aligned}$$

Setting the communication complexity to be the same, \(\tilde{k} = k = n \mathsf {C}\), we have,

$$\begin{aligned} n = \tilde{n} \mathsf {q} + \frac{\tilde{n}}{2} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathsf {q} = \frac{\mathsf {h}}{\mathsf {C}}\) is the ratio of the cost of a check circuit and the cost of a garbled circuit. For \(q<1/2\), we have \(\tilde{n} = \frac{n}{q+\frac{1}{2}} > n \), thus giving a cheating probability \(2^{-\tilde{n}} < 2^{-n}\) for the same communication complexity. For large circuits, we expect \(\mathsf {C} \gg \mathsf {h}\), giving concrete improvements in the security at no additional communication cost.

Table 2. Reducing cheating probabilities in [LP11] and [KM15] using \(\mathsf {h}{\mathcal {G}}\).

Performance Improvement for Constant Cheating Probability. Consider the task of evaluating a billion-gate circuit (cf. [KSS12]). We show estimated improvement due to our technique as applied to [LP11, KM15]. We do this in terms of expended time by unifying the computation and communication costs of generating and sending garbled circuits. These calculations are not based on specific implementations or protocol definitions. Instead they are based on simple estimates of time needed to generate, hash and send GCs, and adding them together.

We first calculate and explain the computation and communication costs in seconds of our basic tasks.

According to [BHKR13], using JustGarble to garble the AES circuit (6660 non-XOR gates) takes \(637\,\upmu \mathrm{s}\). Adjusting for size, we calculate that the time taken for GC generation for a circuit with 1 billion gates to be 95 s. For communication, assuming ideal scenario in 1 Gbps channel, assume we can send 1 billion bits/sec. Thus the time to send a circuit of 1 billion gates is 256 s at (assuming half gates and \(2 \times 128\) bits per gate).

The total number of seconds needed in the cut-and-choose phase to maliciously evaluate a 1 billion-gate circuit with \(2^{-40}\) cheating probability using previous technique and our construction using the optimal parameters. In our calculation we include the costs of generating, hashing (in our scheme) and sending the GCs. We do not include the cost of regenerating the check circuits at the evaluator’s end that is incurred by our technique. This is because this cost is also incurred by other techniques. Indeed, checking correctness of a circuit that the evaluator already has (directly, or when using [GMS08] hash) is simplest and fastest by receiving its generating seed, reconstructing and comparing. We are concerned only with the cut-and-choose phase, and ignore the time taken for OT and GC evaluation in the protocol and show how our construction allow for reduced execution time in the cut-and-choose phase.

The cost in seconds calculated in Table 3 is obtained by adding the time to generate, hash (if needed) and send all the required garbled circuits. As explained above, we assume that it takes 95 s to generate a 1-Billion gate GC, and 256 s to send it (Table 4).

Finally, we note that even though we don’t know whether the dual-execution C&C of Huang et al. [HKE13] could be modified to take advantage of our Free Hash, we point out that an improved balance between the check and evaluation circuits is possible when [HKE13] is used with the [GMS08] hash. We include the calculations of optimal parameters for [HKE13] in Appendix A.

Table 3. A billion-gate circuit. Execution time estimates of cut-and-choose with our improvements to achieve cheating probability of \(2^{-40}\)
Table 4. A billion-gate circuit. Execution time estimates of cut-and-choose with our improvements to achieve deterrence of \(\epsilon = 0.9\).