
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

13.1 Curriculum Vitae

Born 21 October 21 1932, Cleveland, OH

Died 2 March 2014, Kaneohe, HI


Wife: Grace S (deceased 2013), daughters: Dawn A and Lei S


BA, political science, 1959, University of Hawaii

MA, political science, 1961, University of Hawaii

BA equivalent credits, mathematics, 1961, University of Hawaii

Ph.D., political science, 1963, Northwestern University

Honors, Fellowships, and Grants

Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Kappa Phi; Omicron Delta Kappa

Carl F Knoblock Prize in Government for Scholastic Achievement, 1959

George Washington Honor Medal Award, Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge, 1977

Guest, International Cultural Society of Korea, August 1986

Selection of Applied Factor Analysis as a ‘Citation Classic’ by Institute for Scientific Information, 1987

Nominated for the United States Peace Institute Peace Medal

Congressional Reception on Death by Government, Washington, DC, November 1994

Graduate Convocation Speaker, University of Hawaii, May 1995

Panel in honor of Rummel’s research, Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, Chicago, IL, 1995

Nobel Peace Prize frequent nominee beginning in 1996

Third Place, 1997 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order

Susan Strange Award of the International Studies Association for having intellectually most challenged the field, 1999

Lifetime Achievement Award from the Conflict Processes Section, American Political Science Association, 2003

International Association of Genocide Scholars Award for Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to the Field of Genocide and Democide Studies and Prevention, 2005

Fellowships and Scholarships

Institute of World Affairs Scholarship, 1959

Northwestern University International Relations Program Fellowship, 1961, 1962


National Science Foundation grants, 1963–64, 1964–66, 1966, 1966–68, 1972–74

Advanced Research Projects Agency (Department of Defense) grants, 1967–69, 1969–70, 1970–71, 1971–72, 1972–73, 1974–75

Ilhae Institute, 1986–87

United States Institute of Peace, 1988–90, 1990–92

Professional Positions

Director, NSF Dimensionality of Nations Project, 1962–63

Principal Investigator and Director, Dimensionality of Nations Project, 1963–75

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Indiana University, 1963–64

Assistant Professor of Political Science, Yale University, 1964–66

Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii, 1966–67

Research Political Scientist, Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii, 1966–68

Associate Professor, University of Hawaii, 1967–68

Director, the PATH Institute of Research on International Problems, 1974–77

Vice President, Political Economic Risk Consultants, 1976–78

Professor of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1968–95

President, Haiku Institute of Peace Research, 1987–95

Professor Emeritus, University of Hawaii, 1996–2014

Professional Activities


Laboratory for Electronics, 1962

Bendix Aerospace Systems Division, 1965–72

Special Operations Research Office, Department of Army, 1965–66

JCS/ARPA Simulated International Processes Project, Northwestern University, 1965–67

Political Science Research Library, Yale University, 1964–66

Yale Political Data Program, 1964–66

National Science Foundation, 1965, 1966, 1974, 1979, 1982, 1983

Advanced Research Projects Agency, 1965–66

General Electric, TEMPO, 1969–70

Global Political Research, 1976

Stanford Research Center, Washington, DC, 1976–81

Planning Research Corporation, Washington, DC, 1978–83

CACI, Washington, DC, 1982


Associate Editor, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1968–71

Interim Editor, Interpolimetrics Newsletter, 1970–72

Editorial Boards

Strategic Review, 1977–82

Orbis, 1981–84

International Journal on World Peace, 1984–2014

Westview Press Studies in International Security, 1987–90


Institute for Defense Analysis/Advanced Research Projects Agency Conference on Basic Political Science Research, 1967

Quantitative International Politics Society, 1969–70

University of Hawaii Faculty-Student Council, 1970

Interpolimetrics Society 1971–72

Board and Committee Memberships

International Relations Archive Advisory Committee, 1968–70

Constitutional Revision Committee, American Political Science Association, 1970–71

Board of Research Consultants, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, 1978–86

Republican National Committee, Advisory Council on National Security and International Relations, 1977–80

Negotiation Institute (New York), 1979–86


Interpolimetrics Society, 1972

PATH Institute of Research on International Problems, 1974

Political Economic Risk Consultants, 1976

Haiku Institute of Peace Research, 1987

Presentations (Excluding Speeches)

Peace Research Conference, University of Chicago, 1964

Peace Research Conference, University of Pennsylvania, 1965

Project CAMELOT Conference, Airlie House, Warrenton, VA, 1965

Computers and the Policy Making Community Institute, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 1966

ARPA Behavioral Science Symposium on Political Science Research, Arlington, VA, 1967

Second ARPA Behavioral Science Symposium on Political Science Research, Institute for Defense Analysis, Arlington, VA, 1967

International Politics Theory Symposium, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA, 1968

Long Range Planning and Forecasting Conference, Holloman Air Force Base, NM, 1969

Peace Research Conference, Rome, Italy, 1969

Peace Research Conference, London School of Economics, London, England, 1969

First Asian Peace Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1969

Quantitative Political Science Meeting, Monterey, CA, 1970

Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1995

ARPA Utilization Conference, Airlie House, Warrenton, VA, 1972

NSF Conference on the Successes and Failures of International Relations Research, Ojai, CA, 1973

Communication and Peace in the Pacific, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI, 1973

International Transactions for the Future Conference, East-West Center, Honolulu, HI, 1975

NSF Conference on Control Theory in International Relations Research, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 1975

Peace and Unification on the Korean Peninsula in a New International Order, Seoul, Korea, 1975

American Security Council, Washington, DC, 1976

Alfred P Sloan School of Management, MIT, Boston, MA, 1977

Symposium on Nuclear Strength—A Faustian Bargain?, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 1977

Workshop on Appraisal of Technology Assessment, University of Dayton Research Institute, Dayton, OH, 1977

International Symposium in Search of a Peace System in Northeast Asia, Tokyo, Japan, 1978

Conference on Prospect for World Peace, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL, 1979

US Commission on Proposals for the National Academy of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Honolulu, HI, 1980

Humanities Conference, Honolulu, HI, 1980

Colloquium on Defending a Free Society, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, 1981

Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA, 1981

Defense Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Washington, DC, 1981

Asian Studies Center, American University, Washington, DC, 1981

Seminar, National Defense University, Washington, DC, 1981

Reason Foundation Conference on Defending a Free Society, Santa Barbara, CA, 1983

Professor’s World Peace Academy Conference on the Sino-Soviet-American Triad, Los Angeles, CA, 1985

Sogang Institute for East Asian Studies and Korean Association for International Relations, Seoul, Korea, 1986

International Conference on The Strategic Defense Initiative: Implications for the Asian Community, Seoul, Korea, 1986

United States Institute of Peace Conference, Airlie House, Airlie, VA, 1988

Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1989

United States Institute of Peace Conference, Washington, DC, 1990

American Bar Association Meeting on ‘The Rule of Law in US Foreign Policy and the New World Order’, Washington, DC, 1991

Program on Nonviolent Sanctions in Conflict and Defense, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1992

Department of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University, Tallahasee, FL, 1992

Center for National Security Law and American Bar Association Conference on Democracy and the Rule of Law in Foreign Policy, Washington, DC, 1993

Department of Political Science, Florida Atlantic University, Tallahasee, FL, 1994

Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1994

School of Law, University of Virginia, 1994

Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia, 1994

Congressional Reception on Death by Government, Washington, DC, 1994

Seminar by Academics of the Second Amendment, Miami, FL, 1994

Center on Law, Ethics and National Security Conference, Durham, NC, 1995

School of Law, University of Virginia, 1995

Convocation Speech, University of Hawaii, 1996

13.2 Publications, Reports, and Papers

13.2.1 Books

Applied Factor Analysis. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 1970.

Dimensions of Nations. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1976.

Peace Endangered: The Reality of Détente. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1976.

Field Theory Evolving. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1977.

Dynamics of Power: The US-USSR Arms Field. Honolulu, HI: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1977.

Understanding Correlation. Honolulu, HI: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1978.

National Attributes and Behavior: Dimensions, Linkages and Groups, 195065. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1979.

Understanding Conflict and War. Vols. 1–5. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1975–81.

Vol. 1: The Dynamic Psychological Field, 1975

Vol. 2: The Conflict Helix, 1976

Vol. 3: Conflict in Perspective, 1977

Vol. 4: War, Power, Peace, 1979

Vol. 5: The Just Peace, 1981

Analyzing Population Policy and Demographic Change. Calcutta: Prajna, 1981.

In The Minds of Men: Principles Toward Understanding and Waging Peace. Seoul: Sogang University Press, 1984.

Freedom or Violence: On the Inverse Relationship between Political Freedom and Collective Violence. Honolulu, HI: Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1986.

Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocides and Mass Murders 191787. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction, 1990.

The Conflict Helix: Principles and Practices of Interpersonal, Social, and International Conflict and Cooperation. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction, 1991.

China’s Bloody Century: Genocide and Mass Murder since 1900. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction, 1991.

Democide: Nazi Genocide and Mass Murder. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction, 1992.

Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder in the Twentieth Century. NJ: Transaction, 1994.

The Miracle that Is Freedom. Martin Institute, University of Idaho, 1996.

Statistics of Democide. Center on National Security and Law, University of Virginia, 1997. Münster: LIT, 1998.

Power Kills. NJ: Transaction, 1997.

Saving Lives, Enriching Life: Freedom as a Right, and a Moral Good, 2001,

Lo Stato, Il Democidio, La Guerra: Antologia Di Seritti Sulla Violenza Dei Governi. Treviglio: Presso Tipografia Eliografia Saccardo, 2002.

Rummel’s Libertarian Peace Theory. [Collected Works in Korean]. Edited by Rhee Sang-Woo, 2002.

The Blue Book of Freedom. Nashville, TN: Cumberland House, 2007.

Freedom’s Principles, 2008,

Never Again novels, published by Llumina Press (Fort Lauderdale, FL). They can be freely downloaded in .pdf format from

War & Democide Never Again, 2004

Nuclear Holocaust Never Again, 2004

Reset Never Again, 2004

Red Terror Never Again, 2005

Genocide Never Again, 2005

Never Again? 2005

Never Again: Ending War, Democide, & Famine through Democratic Freedom. Nonfiction supplement, 2005,

13.2.2 Articles and Chapters

Dimensions of conflict behavior within and between nations. General Systems: Yearbook of the Society for General Systems 8, 1963: 1–50.

Testing some possible predictors of conflict behavior within and between nations. Peace Research Society, Papers 1, Chicago Conference, 1963: 79–111.

A field theory of social action with application to conflict within nations. General Systems: Yearbook of the Society for General Systems 10, 1965: 183–211.

A social field theory of foreign conflict behavior. Peace Research Society Papers 4, Cracow Conference, 1966: 131–150.

The Dimensionality of Nations Project. In: Comparing Nations. The Use of Quantitative Data in Cross-National Research. Edited by Richard Merritt & Stein Rokkan. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1966, 109–129.

Dimensions of conflict behavior within nations, 1946–59. Journal of Conflict Resolution 10(1), 1966: 65–73.

A foreign conflict behavior code sheet. World Politics 18(2), 1966: 283–296.

Some dimensions in the foreign behavior of nations. Journal of Peace Research 3(3), 1966: 201–223.

Review of Myron Weiner, ed.: Modernization—Dynamics of Growth. American Political Science Review 61(3), 1967: 833.

Some attributes and behavioral patterns of nations. Journal of Peace Research 4(2), (1967): 196–206.

Dimensions of dyadic war, 1820–52. Journal of Conflict Resolution 11(2), 1967: 176–183.

Understanding factor analysis. Journal of Conflict Resolution 11(4), 1967: 444–480.

Future research on the Asian system, East-West Center Review 4(2), 1967: 31–33.

The relationship between national attributes and foreign conflict. In: Quantitative International Politics. Edited by J David Singer. New York: Free Press, 1968, 187–214 + refs. 359–374.

Progress in understanding international relations: The DON project. East-West Center Review 4(3), 1968: 15–25.

Delineating international patterns and profiles. In: The Computer and the Policy Making Community. Edited by Davis B Bobrow & Judah L Schwartz. Englewood, Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969, 154–202.

Some empirical findings on nations and their behavior. World Politics 21(2), 1969: 226–241.

Indicators of cross-national and international patterns. American Political Science Review 63(1), 1969: 127–147.

Forecasting international relations: A proposed investigation of three-mode factor analysis. Technological Forecasting 1(2), 1969: 197–216.

Dimensions of foreign and domestic conflict behavior: A review of empirical findings. In: Theory and Research on the Causes of War. Edited by Dean G Pruitt & Richard C Snyder. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969, 219–228.

Patterns of dyadic foreign conflict for 1963 (with Dennis Hall). Multivariate Behavioral Research 5(3), 1970: 275–293.

Course grades. PS 3(2), 1970: 193–195.

Issue dimensions in the 1963 United Nations General Assembly (with Richard Pratt). Multivariate Behavioral Research 6(3), 1971: 251–286.

Dimensions of error in cross-national data, In: Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology. Edited by Raoul Naroll & Ronald Cohen. Garden City, NY: Natural History Press, 1971, 946–961.

US foreign relations: conflict, cooperation, and attribute distances. In: Peace, War and Numbers. Edited by Bruce Russett. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1972, 71–113.

Social time and international relations. In: Locational Approaches to Power and Conflict. Edited by Kevin R Cox et al. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1974, 73–105.

Review of J David Singer & Melvin Small: The Wages of War, 1816–1965—A Statistical Handbook. American Political Science Review 69(1), 1975: 390–391.

The roots of faith. In: In Search of Global Patterns. Edited by James N Rosenau. New York: Free Press, 1976, 10–30.

Will the Soviet Union soon have a first-strike capability? Orbis 20(3), 1976: 579–594.

…Or imminent threat. New Guard 17 (December 1976): 14–15.

The Dimensionality of Nations Project. In: Quantitative International Politics. Edited by Francis W Hoole & Dina A Zinnes. New York: Praeger, 1976, 149–154.

Comments on the reviews of the Dimensionality of Nations Project. Ibid., 219–243.

Détente and reality. Strategic Review IV (Fall 1976), 33–43.

Wishful thinking is no defense. Reason 9 (July 1977), 22–25.

Predicting the condo market (with Gary D Murfin). CONDO: Honolulu Condo Report 2 (April 22, 1977), 11–14.

Patterns and prediction equations: What are the questions? What are the uses? (with Gary D Murfin). Ibid. 2 (May 20, 1977), 11–15.

Patterns and prediction equations: analyzing results (with Gary D Murfin). Ibid. 2 (June 17, 1977), 12–14.

How multinational analyze political risk (with David A Heenan). Harvard Business Review 56 (January–February 1978) 67–76.

A warning on Michael Haas’s International Conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution 22(1), 1978: 157–162. [Followed by a response by Michael Haas: 163–164.]

Controlling arms control: The price of peace with freedom. Journal of International Relations 3 (Spring 1978) 12–27.

International transactions and conflict: Polarities or complements? In: Bonds without Bondage: Explorations in Transcultural Interactions. Edited by Krishna Kumar. Honolulu, HI: University Press of Hawaii, 1979, 283–292.

Preparing for war? The Third Reich versus the Soviet Union today. International Security Review 4(Fall), 1979: 207–229.

Korea and the correlation of forces toward war. Korea & World Affairs 5(Spring), 1981: 18–35.

Government, violence, and social justice in Hawaii. In: 1980 Humanities Conference, Honolulu, HI: Hawaii Committee for the Humanities, 1981.

Wiberg’s review essay on Rummel: A reply. Journal of Peace Research 20(3), 1983: 279–280.

The freedom factor. Reason (July), 1983: 32–38.

Libertarianism and international violence. Journal of Conflict Resolution 27(1), 1983: 27–71.

Libertarianism, violence within states, and the polarity principle. Comparative Politics 16 (4), 1984: 443–462.

Empirical basis of defense policy. In: Defending a Free Society. Edited by Robert W Poole, Jr. Lexington, KY: Lexington Books, 1984, 33–56.

Current strategic realities. Ibid. 57–97.

On fostering a just peace. International Journal on World Peace 1(1), 1984: 4–15.

Rummel responds to Martindale [debate about ‘On fostering a just peace’]. International Journal on World Peace 2(1), 1985: 83–85.

Freedom and global peace, Encyclopedia of Peace, 2, 1985.

The conflict helix. Journal of Peace Studies 5(December), 1985: 41–92.

Libertarian propositions on violence within and between nations: A test against published research results. Journal of Conflict Resolution 29(3), 1985: 419–455.

Social field theory, libertarianism, and violence. International Journal on World Peace 3(4), 1986: 9–44.

Social field theory, libertarianism, and violence—rejoinder. International Journal on World Peace 3(4), 1986: 47–49.

This week’s citation classic: Applied Factor Analysis. Current Contents (24), 1987: 16.

A catastrophe theory model of the conflict helix, with tests. Behavioral Science 32(4), 1987: 241–266.

Triadic struggle and accommodation in perspective. In: The Strategic Triangle: China, the United States and the Soviet Union. Edited by Ilpyong Kim. New York: Paragon House, 1987, 253–278.

On Vincent’s view of freedom and international conflict. International Studies Quarterly 31(1), 1987: 113–125.

Deadlier than war. IPA Review 41, 1987:24–30.

As though a nuclear war: The death toll of absolutism. International Journal on World Peace 5(3), 1988: 27–44.

Roots of faith II. In: Journeys through World Politics. Edited by Joseph Kruzel & James N Rosenau. Lexington, KY: Lexington Books, 1989, 311–328.

Now, there’s a kinder, gentler argument in favor of a free press. ASNE Bulletin [ASNE: American Society of Newspaper Editors] (February), 1989: 27.

War isn’t this century’s biggest killer. In: International Relations. Edited by George Lopez & Michael Stohl. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1989: 473–476.

American troops in Korea and the potential for war. In: US Forces in Korea [in Korean]. Edited by Tong Whan Park. Seoul, Korea: Korea Institute for Defense Analysis, 1990.

Political perception, latent functions, and social fields: a quantum theory approach to politics. In: Quantum Politics: Applying Quantum Theory to Political Phenomena. Edited by Theodore Becker. New York: Praeger, 1991, 101–125.

Political systems, violence, and war. In: Approaches to Peace: An Intellectual Map. Edited by W Scott Thompson & Kenneth M Jensen, with Richard N Smith & Kimber M Schraub. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 1991, 347–370, including discussion. Also published as: The politics of cold blood. Society 27(1), 1989: 32–40 and at

The death toll of Marxism in the Soviet Union. Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide 30(1), 1991: 9–12.

The rule of law: towards eliminating war. Speech given to the ABA National Security Conference on The Rule of Law in United States Foreign Policy and the New World Order. Washington, DC, 10–11 October 1991.

Megamurders. Society 29(6), 1992: 47–52.

Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely. Internet on the Holocaust and Genocide 31(June), 1992: 1–10.

Power, genocide, and mass murder. Journal of Peace Research 31(1), 1994: 1–10.

Democide in totalitarian states: mortacracies and megamurderers. In: Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic Review. Edited by Israel W Charny. Rutgers, NJ: Transaction, 1994.

Waging peace through democracy. Waging Peace Bulletin 4(Winter) 1994/95.

Democracy, power, genocide, and mass murder. Journal of Conflict Resolution 39(1), 1995: 3–26.

Democracies ARE less warlike than other regimes. European Journal of International Relations 1(4), 1995: 457–479.

The Holocaust in comparative and historical perspective. In: Contemporary Genocides: Causes, Cases, Consequences. Edited by Albert J Jongman. Leiden: PIOOM, 1996, 17–33.

Human Rights. In: Protest, Power, and Change: An Encyclopedia of Nonviolence Action from Act-Up to Women’s Suffrage. Edited by William Vogele & Roger Powers. Hamden, CT: Garland, 1997, 232–236.

Democratization. Ibid: 142–145.

Is collective violence correlated with social pluralism? Journal of Peace Research 34(2), 1997: 163–175.

One-thirteenth of a data point does not a generalization make: A response to Dulić. Journal of Peace Research 41(1), 2004: 103–104.

13.2.3 Research Reports of the Dimensionality of Nations Project

Comprehensive lists of all the research reports from the DON Project are found in Hilton (1973) and in Rummel (1976f). All the reports with Rummel as a (co-)author are included in the following list, except those later published as articles and a few early items (reports 3–6) mainly reporting variable lists (cf Hilton, 1973: 74).Footnote 1

Measures of international relations (8), 1967,

The DON Project: a five-year research program (9), 1967.

The patterns of dyadic foreign conflict behavior for 1963 (with Dennis Hall) (12), 1968.

Attribute and behavioral spaces of nations: variables and samples for 1950 (13), 1968.

Estimating missing data (with Charles Wall) (20), 1969.

Foreign conflict patterns and types for 1963 (with Gary Oliva) (22), 1969.

Dynamic patterns of nation’s conflict, 1955 to 1963 (with Willard Keim) (27), 1969.

Field theory and indicators of international behavior (29), 1969.

The DON Project: policy relevance and overview (34), 1969.

Field and attribute theories of nation behavior (31), 1969.

Forecasting international relations: some views on the relevancy of the Dimensionality of Nations Project to policy planning (with Warren Phillips) (36), 1969.

Testing field theory on the 1963 behavior space of nations (with Richard Van Atta) (43), 1970.

Field theory and the 1963 space of nations (44), 1970.

Status field theory and international relations (50), 1971.

Attributes of nations: data and codes 1950–65 (with Sang-Woo Rhee & George Omen) (65), 1973.

Behaviors of nation-dyads: data and codes 1950–65 (with Sang-Woo Rhee & George Omen) (67), 1973.

A summary and annotated bibliography of research by the Dimensionality of Nations Project, 1967–73 (69), 1975.

13.2.4 Papers (Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii)

Dynamics of conflict behavior, 1969, 20 pp

International social indicators and linkages, 1974, 45 pp

Conflict watch: a continuous computer monitor of the Asia-Pacific region, 1975, 46 pp

The plight of South Korea, 1975, 9 pp

Factors of crime, criminality and enforcement in Honolulu: concepts paper, 1975, 3 pp

Population policy and demographic change, 1975, 52 pp

Political systems and war, 1975, 25 pp

Synoptic computer projection of the policy environment, 1976, 70 pp

Knee–jerk negativism: the intellectual and the B-1, 1976, 8 pp

Roots of struggle, 1976, 14 pp

Assessing political risk, 1977, 36 pp

What price inferiority, 1977, 18 pp

The statistical dynamics of the US/USSR military balance, 1977, 57 pp

The probability of a Soviet-American war as judged by scientific findings on peace and war, 1978, 77 pp

Is deterrence collapsing? 1979, 100 pp

Fundamental and applied principles of peace and conflict, 1979, 90 pp

The new danger of a Soviet-American war, 1979, 87 pp

Freedom, violence and war, 1982, 15 pp

How many did communist regimes murder?, 1993, 3 pp

Genocide and mass murder: How many have been killed and why? 1993, 8 pp

Genocide and mass murder: The black hole in peace research, 1993, 17 pp.

13.2.5 Papers Written for the Website

Democide versus genocide. Which is what?, May 1998, at:

Democide since World War II, April 1999, at:

Statistics of Poland’s democide: Addenda, November 2000, at:

Eliminating democide and war through an alliance of democracies, June 2000, at:

For shorter commentaries, see the archive on the commentary theme page, at:

13.2.6 Newspaper Articles

  • Testing paths to peace, Honololu Star-Bulletin, 27 January 1975: A–16.

  • American credibility, Honololu Star-Bulletin, 8 April 1975.

  • Kissinger versus Solzhenitsyn, Honololu Star-Bulletin 25 July, 1975: A–19.

  • The myth of a Soviet-US arms race, Honololu Star-Bulletin.

  • The myth of American military superiority, Honololu Star-Bulletin 9 August 1975: A–10.

  • Detente and the Russian threat, Honololu Star-Bulletin 6 January 1976: A–15.

  • Overkill in military arguments, Honololu Star-Bulletin 15 May 1976: A–11.

  • The balance of power in Asia, Korean Herald New Year Supplement 1 January 1977: 5.

  • The meaning of ‘Roots’, Honololu Star-Bulletin 19 February 1977: A–8.

  • The question is war or peace, Honololu Star-Bulletin 1 February 1980: A–19.

  • A scenario on unilateral disarmament, Honololu Star-Bulletin 18 November 1981: A–16.

  • Arming Japan would foster world peace, Press Telegram 25 May 1984.

  • Democracies don’t fight each other, Honololu Star-Bulletin 21 June 1985.

  • War isn’t this century’s biggest killer. Wall Street Journal 7 July 1986.