
1 Introduction

Rule classifiers express patterns discovered in data in learning processes through conditions on attributes included in the premises and pointing to specific classes [5]. A variety of available approaches to induction enable construction of classifiers with minimal numbers of constituent rules, with all rules that can be inferred from the training samples, or with subsets of interesting elements [3].

To limit the number of considered rules [9] either pre-processing can be employed, with reducing rather data than rules, by selection of features or instances, or in-processing relaying on induction of only those rules that satisfy given requirements, or post-processing, which implements pruning mechanisms and rejection of some unsatisfactory rules. The paper focuses on this latter approach.

One of the most straightforward ways to prune rules and rule sets involves exploiting direct parameters of rules, such as their support, length [11], strength [1]. Also specific condition attributes can be taken into account and indicate rules to be selected by appearing in their premises [12]. Such process can lead to improved performance or structure and in the presented research it is compared to weighting of rules by calculated quality measures, also based on attributes [13], both procedures actively using rankings of considered characteristic features [7].

The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 briefly describes some elements of background, that is feature weighting and ranking, and aims of pruning of rules and rule sets. Section 3 explains the proposed research framework, details experimental setup, and gives test results. Section 4 concludes the paper.

2 Background

The research described in this paper incorporates characteristic feature weights and rankings into the problem of pruning of decision rules and rule sets.

2.1 Feature Ranking

Roles of specific features exploited in any classification task can vary in significance and relevance in a high degree. The importance of individual attributes can be discovered by some approach leading to their ranking, that is assigning values of a score function which causes putting them in a specific order [7].

Rankings of characteristic features can be obtained through application of statistical measures, machine learning approaches, or systematic procedures [12]. The former assign calculated weights to all variables, while the latter can return only the positions in a ranking, reflecting discovered order of relevance.

Information Gain coefficient (InfoGain, IG) is defined by employing the concept of entropy from information theory for attributes and classes:

$$\begin{aligned} InfoGain(Cl,a_f)=H(Cl)-H(Cl|a_f), \end{aligned}$$

where H(Cl) denotes the entropy for the decision attribute Cl and \(H(Cl|a_f)\) condition entropy, that is class entropy while observing values of attribute a.

An attribute relevance measure can be based on rule length [11], with special attention given to the shortest rules that often possess good generalisation properties:

$$\begin{aligned} MREVM(a)=Nr(a,MinL):Nr(a,MinL+1), \end{aligned}$$

where Nr(a, L) denotes the number of rules with length L in which attribute a appears, and MinL is the length of the shortest rule containing a. The attribute ranking constructed in this way is wrapped around the specific inducer, not its performance, since other parameters of rules are disregarded, but structure.

2.2 Pruning of Decision Rules

To limit the number of rules three approaches can be considered [8]:

  • pre-processing — the input data is reduced before the learning stage starts by rejecting some examples or cutting down on characteristic features. With less data to infer from, it follows that fewer rules are induced.

  • at the algorithm construction stage — by implementation of specific procedures only some rules meeting requirements are found instead of all possible.

  • post-processing — the set of inferred rules is analysed and some of its elements discarded while others selected.

When lower numbers of rules are found the learning stage can be shorter, yet solutions are not necessarily the best. If higher numbers of rules are generated, more thorough and in-depth analysis is enabled, yet even for rule sets with small cardinalities some measures of quality or interestingness can be employed [6].

Rule quality can be weighted by conditional attributes [13]:

$$\begin{aligned} QM(r_i)=\prod \limits _{j=1}^{K_{r_i}}w(a_j), \end{aligned}$$

where \(K_{r_i}\) denotes the number of conditions included in rule \(r_i\) and \(w(a_j)\) weight of \(a_j\) attribute taken from a ranking. It is assumed that \(w(a_j)\in (0,1]\).

3 Experimental Setup and Obtained Results

The research works presented were executed within the general framework:

  • Initial preparation of learning and testing data sets

  • Obtaining rankings of attributes

  • Induction of decision algorithms

  • Pruning of decision rules in two approaches:

    • Selecting rules referring to specific attributes in the ranking

    • Calculating measures for all rules while exploiting weights assigned to positions in the attribute rankings, which led to weighting of rules and their rankings, and from these rankings rules in turn were selected

  • Comparison and analysis of obtained test results

Steps of these procedures are described in the following subsections.

3.1 Input Datasets

As a domain of application for the research stylometric analysis of texts was selected. Stylometry enables authorship attribution while basing on employed linguistic characteristic features. Typically they refer to lexical and syntactic markers, giving frequencies of occurrence for selected function words and punctuation marks that reflect individual habits of sentence and paragraph formation.

Learning and testing samples corresponded to parts of longer works by two pairs of writers, female and male, giving binary classification with balanced data.

As attribute values specified usage frequencies of textual descriptors, they were small fractions, which means that for data mining there was needed either some technique that can deal efficiently with continuous numbers, or some discretization strategy was required [2]. Since regardless of a selected method discretization always causes some loss of information, it was not attempted.

3.2 Rankings of Attributes

In the research presented two attribute rankings were tested. The first one relied on statistical properties detected in input datasets and was completely independent on the classifier used later for prediction, and the other was wrapped around characteristics of induced rules, observing how often each variable occurs in shortest rules, which usually are of higher quality as they are better at generalisation and description of detected patterns than those with many conditions. Orderings of variables for both rankings and both datasets are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Rankings of condition attributes

InfoGain returns a specific score for each feature while MREVM gives a ratio. To unify numbers considered as attribute weights they were assigned in an arbitrary manner, listed in column denoted w(a), and equal 1/i, where i is a position in the ranking. Thus the distances between weights decrease while going down the ranking. It is assumed that each variable has nonzero weight.

3.3 DRSA Rule Classifiers

The rules were induced with the help of 4eMka Software (developed at the PoznaƄ University of Technology, Poland), which implements Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach (DRSA). By substituting the original indiscernibility relation [4] of classical rough sets with dominance DRSA observes ordinal properties in datasets and enables both nominal and ordinal classification [10].

As the reference points classification systems with all rules on examples were taken. For female writers the algorithm consisted of 62383 rules, which with constraints on minimal rule support to be equal at least 66 resulted in 17 decision rules giving the maximal classification accuracy of 86.67 %. For male writers the algorithm contained 46191 rules, limited to 80 by support equal at least 41, and it gave the correct recognition of 76.67 % of testing samples. In all cases ambiguous decisions were treated as incorrect, without any further processing.

3.4 Pruning of Rule Sets by Attributes

Selection of decision rules while following attribute rankings was executed as follows: at i-th step only the rules with conditions on the i highest ranking features were taken into account. The rules could refer to all or some proper subsets of variables considered, and these with at least one condition on any of lower ranking attributes were discarded. Thus at the first step only rules with single conditions on the highest ranking variable were filtered, while at the last 25-th step all features and all rules were included. For example at 5-th step for female writer dataset for InfoGain ranking only rules referring to any combination of attributes: not, colon, semicolon, comma, hyphen, were selected. The detailed results for both datasets and both rankings are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Characteristics of decision algorithms with pruning of rules referring to specific conditional attributes: N indicates the number of considered attributes, (a) number of recalled rules, (b) maximal classification accuracy [%], (c) minimal support required of rules, (d) number of rules satisfying condition on support

It can be observed that with each variable added to the studied set the numbers of recalled rules rose significantly, but the classification accuracy equal to or even higher than the reference points was detected quite soon in processing, for InfoGain for female dataset after selection of just four highest ranking attributes, for male writers and MREVM for just three most important features.

3.5 Pruning of Rule Sets Through Rule Rankings

Calculation of QM measure for rules can be understood as translating feature rankings into rule rankings. Depending on cardinalities of subsets of rules selected at each step, the total number of executed steps can significantly vary. The minimum is obviously one, while the maximum can even equal the total number of rules in the analysed set, if with each step only a single rule is added.

On the other hand, once the core sets of rules, corresponding to the decision algorithms limited by constraints on minimal support of rules and giving the best results for the complete algorithms, are retrieved, there is little point in continuing, thus the results presented in Table 3 stop when only fractions of the whole rule sets are recalled, for female writers just few hundreds, and for male writers close to ten thousand (still less than a quarter of the original algorithm).

Table 3. Characteristics of decision algorithms with pruning of rules while weighting them by measures based on rankings of conditional attributes: N indicates the weighting step, (a) number of recalled rules, (b) maximal classification accuracy [%], (c) minimal support required of rules, (d) number of rules satisfying condition on support

3.6 Summary of the Best Results

Out of the two tested and compared approaches to rule filtering, selection governed by attributes included when following their rankings enabled to reject more rules from the reference algorithms, even over 35 % and 48 %, respectively for female and male datasets, with prediction at the reference level. For male writers recognition could be increased (at maximum by over 4 %) either with keeping or lowering constraints on minimal support required of rules.

When rules were wighted, ranked, and then selected the quality of prediction was enhanced at maximum by over 3 % for both datasets, and for female and male writers datasets respectively over 29 % and 18 % of rules could be pruned.

For female dataset for both approaches to rule pruning better results were obtained while exploiting InfoGain attribute ranking, and for male dataset the same can be stated for MREVM ranking.

4 Conclusions

The paper presents research on selection of decision rules while following rankings of considered conditional attributes and exploiting weights assigned to them, which constitute alternatives to the popular approaches to rule filtering. Two ways to prune rules were compared, the first relying on selection of the rules with conditions only on the highest ranking attributes, while those referring to lower ranking features were rejected. Within the second methodology, the weights of attributes from their rankings formed a base from which for all rules the defined quality measures were calculated, and their values led to rule rankings. Next, the highest ranking rules were filtered out. For both described approaches two attribute rankings were tested, and the test results show several possibilities of constructing optimised rule classifiers, either with increased recognition, decreased lengths of decision algorithms, or both.