General fluid intelligence (Gf) is the ability used in inductive and deductive reasoning, particularly with novel material. It can be contrasted with general crystallized ability (Gc) which reflects schooling and acculturated learning, and the two abilities have different developmental trajectories, with Gf peaking earlier in the lifespan. Gustafsson has made key contributions to our understanding of Gf. He (Gustafsson 1984) introduced hierarchical confirmatory factor analytic models to reconcile Thurstonian (non-hierarchical) and Spearman and Cattell-Horn (hierarchical) models of intelligence and in so doing identified Gf as a second-order factor which perfectly correlated with the third-order factor, general ability (g). This has important implications for understanding the nature of general cognitive skill. Subsequent research showed that Gf can be identified separately from g through variation in culture-related opportunities to learn (Valentin Kvist and Gustafsson 2008). Gf has served both as a predictor (Gustafsson and Balke 1993) and outcome (Cliffordson and Gustafsson 2008) in the developmental, cognitive training, cognitive aging, international comparative assessment, genetics, neuropsychopharmacological, human capital theory, and behavioral economics literatures. Understanding the nature of fluid intelligence and how to improve it has become a topic of renewed and general interest for optimizing human performance in school and in the workplace.
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Kyllonen, P., Kell, H. (2017). What Is Fluid Intelligence? Can It Be Improved?. In: Rosén, M., Yang Hansen, K., Wolff, U. (eds) Cognitive Abilities and Educational Outcomes. Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43473-5_2
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43473-5_2
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