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On exotic and perverse-coherent sheaves

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Representations of Reductive Groups

Part of the book series: Progress in Mathematics ((PM,volume 312))


Exotic sheaves are certain complexes of coherent sheaves on the cotangent bundle of the flag variety of a reductive group. They are closely related to perverse-coherent sheaves on the nilpotent cone. This expository article includes the definitions of these two categories, applications, and some structure theory, as well as detailed calculations for SL2.

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I am grateful to Chris Dodd, Carl Mautner, and Simon Riche for numerous helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper. This work was supported by NSF grant DMS-1001594 and NSA grant H98230-14-1-0117.

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Achar, P.N. (2015). On exotic and perverse-coherent sheaves. In: Nevins, M., Trapa, P. (eds) Representations of Reductive Groups. Progress in Mathematics, vol 312. Birkhäuser, Cham.

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