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I am honored to have the opportunity to say a few words about Manuel Cardona from the perspective of a publisher. His publishing activities were impressive. Not only was Manuel the author or co-author of about 1300 scientific publications in international journals, which made him one of the most cited physicists worldwide with a Hirsch index of 113, he was also very productive as book author and editor and wrote and edited 10 monographs on solid state physics. I have enjoyed working with him on several editions of the renowned textbook “Fundamentals of Semiconductors” which he co-authored with Peter Yu. It appeared in four editions, was translated into different languages and became the leading textbook in this field for many years.

Manuel’s publishing activities were also intended to support the scientific progress by providing books needed by scientists and graduate students for their research and learning. In his role as co-editor of the book series “Solid State Sciences” at Springer Verlag, he selected and recommended expert scientists as book authors or editors. Together with the other scientific advisors and co-editors Peter Fulde, Hans Queisser, Klaus von Klitzing, Horst Störmer, Roberto Merlin and Helmut Lotsch, Manuel contributed to making this a prestigious book series in the field of solid state sciences.

As an editor at Springer I was privileged to have close contact with Manuel over many years, and we became friends through our frequent collaboration. I greatly admired his intensive working style which continued right up to his last hour in his office at the Max Planck Institute. Most of all I will miss his personal qualities as a warm-hearted human being with a deep understanding of other people.