Correction to: D.A. Cox et al., Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms, Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics,

After initial publication of the book, various errors were identified that needed correction. The following corrections have been updated within the current version, along with all known typographical errors.

Chapter 1

Page 23, part (c) of Exercise 5: “Adapt the argument given at the end of the section” should be “Adapt the argument used for the circle x2 + y2 = 1”

Page 24, line 1: “adapt the argument given at the end of the section” should be “adapt the argument used for the circle x2 + y2 = 1”

Page 39, line 6 of the paragraph beginning “To see why this algorithm works”: “By (5)”, should be “By (1),”

Page 47, part (a) of Exercise 14: “where h(a) ≠ 0” should be “where r ≥ 1 and h(a) ≠ 0”

Chapter 2

Page 63, bottom display, second line underneath)______: “xy2x” should be “x2yx

Page 63, bottom display, fourth line underneath)______: “x2yy” should be “xy2y

Page 66, lines − 5 and − 6: “[using condition (ii) of the definition of a monomial order]” should be “[using Lemma 8 of §2]”

Page 81, line 1 of Exercise 2: “lt(I)” should be “〈lt(I)〉”

Page 82, last line of Exercise 13: “Exercise 14 of Chapter 1, §4” should be “Proposition 8 of Chapter 1, §4”

Page 89, part (d) of Exercise 5: “z2 − 3z” should be “z2 − 3z

Page 93, line − 3: “〈lt(G∖{p})〉” should be “〈lt(G∖{g})〉”

Page 96, line 2 of part (a) of Exercise 12: “is not divisible by” should be “has leading term not divisible by”

Page 97, line 3 of Exercise 14: “\(\frac{x_{j} - a_{j}} {a_{i} - a_{j}}\)” should be “\(\frac{x - a_{j}} {a_{i} - a_{j}}\)

Page 105, lines 13–16: Replace xy + 1 with xy − 1 in three places and − xy with − x + y in two places. Thus the lines should be as follows: ______________________

§3. If we divide f = xy2x by G = (xy − 1, y2 − 1), the division algortihm gives

$$\displaystyle{xy^{2} - x = y \cdot (xy - 1) + 0 \cdot (y^{2} - 1) + (-x + y)}$$

so that \(\overline{f}^{G} = -x + y\neq 0\). Yet we can also write

$$\displaystyle{xy^{2} - x = 0 \cdot (xy - 1) + x \cdot (y^{2} - 1),}$$

Page 107, line − 4: “f3 = xz + yz + 1” should be “f3 = xzx + y + 1”

Page 108, Exercise 1: “f3 = xz + yz + 1” should be “f3 = xzx + y + 1”

Page 110, Lemma 4: The statement of the lemma should be changed to the following:

Lemma  4 . Every element of S(F) can be written as a sum of homogeneous elements of S(F). Furthermore, this decomposition is unique.

Page 115, line 12 “by Lemma 2” should be “by Lemma 2 of §9”

Chapter 3

Page 136, line 20: “\((t,u,x,y,z) \in \mathbf{V}(I) \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{5}\)” should be “\((t,u,x,y,z) \in \mathbf{V}(I) \subseteq \mathbb{C}^{5}\)

Page 140, Exercise 3: “t2 is always positive” should be “t2 is always ≥ 0”

Page 154, part (c) of Exercise 15: The x-coordinate of the second displayed point should be

$$\displaystyle{\pm \frac{1} {2}\sqrt{15 + 6\root{3}\of{2 } - 12\root{3}\of{4}}}$$

Page 160, part (b) of Exercise 4: “go = g3” should be “go = g2

Page 167, line − 17: Replace “It follows that” with “(Proposition 5 applies to f, g since their coefficients lie in the field k(x2, , xn)). It follows that”

Page 169, line − 7: “u1(x1)” should be “u(x1)”

Page 170, line 1: “〈fi, f〉” should be “〈fi, f〉”

Page 170, part (c) of Exercise 3: “part (a) is still true but part (b) can fail” should be “parts (a) and (b) are still true”

Page 171, line 2 of Exercise 9: “lm” should be “lm > 0”

Chapter 4

Page 180, line 13: “must have fi(a1, , an) = 0” should be “must have fi(a1, , an) ≠ 0”

Page 181, lines 1 and 2 of Exercise 10: “\(\mathbb{R}[x,y]\)” should be “\(\mathbb{R}[x,y,z]\)” in two places.

Page 181, line 4 of Exercise 10: “same for \(\mathbb{R}[x]\)” should be “same for \(\mathbb{R}[x]\) and \(\mathbb{R}[x,y]\)

Page 187, line − 3: “\(a_{1} \frac{\partial f_{i}} {\partial x_{j}}h_{i}\)” should be “\(a_{i}\frac{\partial f_{i}} {\partial x_{j}}h_{i}\)

Page 189, Exercise 15: Replace the hint with “Hint: Show that xy, xz, yz generate the ideal of leading terms of \(\sqrt{I}\) and use the definition of Gröbner basis given in Chapter 2, §5.”

Page 196, line 4: “principal ideals is principal)” should be “two principal ideals is principal)”

Page 206. Exercise 5: Replace the hint with “Hint: Examine the generators of JsM.”

Page 212, Exercise 10: “Theorem 11 implies” should be “Theorem 11 and Proposition 6 of §7 imply”

Page 221, line 1: “by Exercise 3 of Chapter 2, §9” should be “by Exercise 15”

Page 221, Corollary 3: “With the same notation” should be “With k algebraically closed and the same notation”

Page 222, line 4: “for all i” should be “for all such i

Page 222, line 5 of Proposition 5: “a variety contained in V ” should be “a variety contained in V(Il)”

Page 223, line − 17: “\(W \subsetneq \mathbf{V}(I)\)” should be “\(W \subsetneq \mathbf{V}(I_{l})\)

Page 223, line − 9: “fails for I, V(I)” should be “fails for I, V(Il)

Page 223, line − 8: “by Proposition 4” should be “by Proposition 4 (we can assume G is reduced)”

Page 224, second display: The display should be as follows:

$$\displaystyle{\mathbf{V}(I_{1})\setminus \mathbf{V}(c_{1}) = \mathbb{C}\setminus \mathbf{V}(y) = \mathbb{C}\setminus \{0\} \subseteq \pi _{1}(\mathbf{V}(I)) \subseteq \mathbf{V}(I_{1}) = \mathbb{C}.}$$

Page 228: Add the following new exercise:

  1. 15.

    In the setting of Theorem 2, prove that xγ > lt(f) implies \(\mathbf{x}^{\gamma } > \text{LT}(\bar{f})\) for fk[x, y].

Page 231, line 9: “EXERCISES FOR §9” should be “EXERCISES FOR §8

Page 231, part (b) of Exercise 11: “Exercise 4” should be “Exercise 6”

Page 231, Exercise 12: “Use Proposition 9 of §4” should be “Use Exercise 4 of §4”

Chapter 5

Page 247, line 1: “R = k[x, t]” should be “R = k[t]”

Page 247, line 2 of part (b) of Exercise 10: “a, bk[x]” should be “a, bk

Page 256, Exercise 6: “Let \(V = \mathbf{V}(x_{3} - x_{1}^{2},x_{4} - x_{1}x_{2},x_{2}x_{4} - x_{1}x_{5},x_{4}^{2} - x_{3}x_{5}) \subseteq \mathbb{C}^{5}\)” should be “Let \(V = \mathbf{V}(I) \subseteq \mathbb{C}^{5}\) for \(I =\langle x_{3} - x_{1}^{2},x_{4} - x_{1}x_{2},x_{2}x_{4} - x_{1}x_{5},x_{4}^{2} - x_{3}x_{5}\rangle \subseteq \mathbb{C}[x_{1},x_{2},x_{3},x_{4},x_{5}]\)

Page 256, line − 1: At the end, add “Assume that the field k is infinite.”

Page 257, part (e) of Exercise 11: “we developed in Chapter 1” should be “we developed in Chapter 1, §2”

Page 260, lines 2–4: These three lines ________________________________

(iii) is proved in the same way as Theorem 11 of Chapter 4, §5. □

When k is algebraically closed, the Weak Nullstellensatz also holds in k[V ]. You will prove this in Exercise 16._____________________________________________________________

should be replaced with the following: ________________________________

(iii) is proved by first showing that the Weak Nullstellensatz also holds in k[V ]. You will prove this in Exercise 16. From here, one proceeds in the same way as Theorem 11 of Chapter 4, §5. □

Page 271, line following second display: “VW(a2b2 + 4)” should be “VW(y2z2 + 4)”

Page 272, second paragraph of the proof of Proposition 6: In two places, “V(figi′ − figi)” should be “VV(figi′ − figi)”

Page 279, display (1): Replace the display with

$$\displaystyle{ s^{\ell} + c_{1}s^{\ell-1} + \cdots + c_{\ell} = 0,\quad c_{ 1},\ldots,c_{\ell} \in R. }$$

Page 279, line − 10: “aiℓsiℓ” should be “aiℓs

Page 279, line − 7: “the coefficient of x is” should be “the coefficient of x is”

Page 279, the last display should be:

$$\displaystyle{\mathrm{det}(A - xI_{\ell}) = (-1)^{\ell}(x^{\ell} + c_{1}x^{\ell-1} + \cdots + c_{\ell}).}$$

Page 279, line − 4: “aiR” should be “ciR

Page 280, line 4: “C has entries in R” should be “C has entries in S

Page 280, line − 13: “(ii) ⇒ (iii)” should be “(i) ⇒ (iii)”

Page 280, line − 9: “divide f by G” should be “divide f by a Gröbner basis G

Page 282, line − 6: “finite over k[y]” should be “finite over k[y1, , ym]”

Page 288, line 2 of Exercise 6: “means geometrically” should be “means geometrically when k is algebraically closed”

Page 288, line 1 of Exercise 13: “in (4) is” should be “in (5) is”

Page 288, line 2 of part (a) of Exercise 13: “the substitution (5)” should be “the substitution (4)”

Page 289, last line of part (a) of Exercise 17: “ϕ(V(J))” should be “π(V(J))”

Chapter 6

Page 294, line below second display: “C = U × V ” should be “\(\mathcal{C} = U \times V\)

Page 300, first display: “f(θ1 + θ2 + θ3)” should be “f(θ1, θ2, θ3)”

Page 302, line 2: “\(\mathcal{J} = \mathbf{V}(x_{1}^{2} + y_{1}^{2} - 1,x_{2}^{2} + y_{2}^{2} - 1,x_{3}^{2} + y_{3}^{2} - 1)\)” should be

\(\mathcal{J} = \mathbf{V}(c_{1}^{2} + s_{1}^{2} - 1,c_{2}^{2} + s_{2}^{2} - 1,c_{3}^{2} + s_{3}^{2} - 1)\)

Page 302, two lines below (7): “V = V(x12 + y12 − 1, x22 + y22 − 1, x32 + y32 − 1)” should be “V = V(c12 + s12 − 1, c22 + s22 − 1, c32 + s32 − 1)”

Page 304, part (a) of Exercise 9: “result of part (c)” should be “result of part (e)”

Page 305, line 12: “in equation (7) of §2” should be “in equation (6) of §2”

Page 305, line 1 of (2): “\(\frac{2bl_{2}l_{3}} {2l_{2}(a^{2} + b^{2})}s_{2}\)” should be “\(\frac{bl_{2}l_{3}} {l_{2}(a^{2} + b^{2})}s_{2}\)

Page 305, line 2 of (2): “\(\frac{2al_{2}l_{3}} {2l_{2}(a^{2} + b^{2})}s_{2}\ +\)” should be “\(\frac{al_{2}l_{3}} {l_{2}(a^{2} + b^{2})}s_{2}\ -\)

Page 306, line 1 of (3): “\(\frac{2b} {2(a^{2} + b^{2})}s_{2}\)” should be “\(\frac{b} {a^{2} + b^{2}}s_{2}\)

Page 306, line 2 of (3): “\(\frac{2a} {2(a^{2} + b^{2})}s_{2}\ +\)” should be “\(\frac{a} {a^{2} + b^{2}}s_{2}\ -\)

Page 307, line − 3: “when a2 + b2 < 4,” should be “when 0 < a2 + b2 < 4,”

Page 308, line 6: “if l4 lies in” should be “if l2 = l3 = 1 and l4 lies in”

Page 308, line 8 of the subsection Specialization of Gröbner Bases: “k[x1, , xm, t1, , tm]” should be “k[x1, , xn, t1, , tm]”

Page 309, display in the middle of the page: Replace the display with

$$\displaystyle{1,\ l_{2},\ l_{3},\ l_{2},\ l_{3},\ 1,\ l_{2}l_{3},\ l_{2}l_{3},\ l_{2}l_{3},\ a,\ b,\ a^{2} + b^{2},\ l_{ 2}l_{3}.}$$

Page 309, two lines below display: “a, b, l2, l3, a2 + b2 and a2 + b2l22l32 are nonzero” should be “a, b, l2, l3 and a2 + b2 are nonzero”

Page 312, line 3: “We have” should be “When l2 = l3 = 1, we have”

Page 316, line 5: “Bijk(t)[x]” should be “Bjik(t)[x]”

Page 316, part (c) of Exercise 7: Replace the hint with “Hint: The monomial orders for k(t)[x] and k[x] are the same—the parameters tj are “constants” as far as the ordering is concerned. Theorem 6 of Chapter 2, §9 will be useful.”

Page 316, lines 7 and 8 of Exercise 8: Delete these lines and replace them with the following: _______________________________________________________

nonzero polynomials Fi and Gj in k[t], we get

$$\displaystyle{\tilde{f}_{i} = F_{i}f_{i},\ \tilde{g}_{j} = G_{j}g_{j} \in k[\mathbf{x},\mathbf{t}].}$$

Page 316, line 9 of Exercise 8: “\(\tilde{I} \subseteq k(\mathbf{t})[\mathbf{x}]\)” should be “\(\tilde{I} \subseteq k[\mathbf{x},\mathbf{t}]\)

Page 316, part (a) of Exercise 8: Replace part (a) with the following: ______

  1. a.

    Fix j and suppose gj = i = 1sBjifi in k(t)[x] and let djk[t] be a polynomial that clears the denominators of Bj1, , Bjs. Also let F = lcm(F1, , Fs). Then prove that

    $$\displaystyle{d_{j} \in (\tilde{I}: F\tilde{g}_{j}) \cap k[\mathbf{t}],}$$

    where \(\tilde{I}: F\tilde{g}_{j}\) the ideal quotient as defined in §4 of Chapter 4.


Page 316, part (b) of Exercise 8: “\((\tilde{I}:\tilde{ g}_{j}) \cap k[\mathbf{t}]\)” should be “\((\tilde{I}: F\tilde{g}_{j}) \cap k[\mathbf{t}]\)

Page 317, part (b) of Exercise 11: “\(c_{i} \in \mathbb{R}[a,b,l_{2},l_{3}]\)” should be “\(h_{i} \in \mathbb{R}[a,b,l_{2},l_{3}]\)

Page 326, line 4 of the first display should be:

$$\displaystyle{f_{4} = x_{3}u_{3} + x_{4}u_{1} - x_{4}u_{2} - u_{1}u_{3},}$$

Page 331, part (b) of Exercise 2: Replace with “b. With this choice, explain why we can specify the coordinates of B as B = (u3, 0), i.e., the x-coordinate of B is arbitrary, but the y-coordinate is zero.”

Page 332, Exercise 10: “made in Example 1” should be “made in the continuation of Example 1”

Page 332, line − 1: “reducible components” should be “irreducible components”

Page 333, line 2 of part (e) of Exercise 14: “follows from part (a)” should be “follows from part (b)”

Page 333, line 2 of part (e) of Exercise 14: “(c ⋅ g)’s” should be “(c ⋅ g)s

Page 333, line 3 of part (c) of Exercise 15: “show that \(\overline{c}\) has” should be “show that \(c\overline{c}\) has”

Page 336, lines 6-7: Interchange the order of these two lines. Thus the line “q: = ⋯ ” should be above the lines “r: = ⋯ ”

Chapter 7

Page 348, line − 6: “lt(σ1σ)” should be “lt(σ1σ2)”

Page 354, first display of Exercise 11: “hji(xk, , xn)” should be“hji(xj, , xn)”

Page 355, line 1 of the display in Exercise 15: “ + (−1)j−1σk−1xi + (−1)jσk​ = ” should be “ + (−1)j−1σj−1xi + (−1)jσj = ”

Page 355, display of Exercise 18: “ = sj = σ1sj−1 +” should be “ = sjσ1sj−1 +”

Page 356, line 7: “every linear map” should be “every invertible linear map”

Page 361, second display of Example 13: Replace with the following:

$$\displaystyle{x^{i}y^{j} = \left \{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad }l@{}} x^{2m}y^{2l} = (x^{2})^{m}(y^{2})^{l} \quad &\text{if i,j are even} \\ x^{2m+1}y^{2l+1} = (x^{2})^{m}(y^{2})^{l}xy\quad &\text{if i,j are odd}. \end{array} \right.}$$

Page 362, Exercise 6: “k[x, y, z]G” should be “\(\mathbb{R}[x,y,z]^{G}\)” in part (d) and again in part (e)

Page 362, part (a) of Exercise 7: “k[x, y, z]G” should be “\(\mathbb{R}[x,y,z]^{G}\)

Page 363, second line of the first display: The third factor of g should be “(xy + z)”

Page 363, part (b) of Exercise 7: “k[x, y, z]G” should be “\(\mathbb{R}[x,y,z]^{G}\)” twice one line below the display, once two lines below the display, and once three lines below the display

Page 364, part (b) of Exercise 14: “Use the method of Exercise 13” should be “Use the method of Exercise 12”

Page 367, line − 1: At the end of the display, “\(\sum _{\vert \beta \vert =\vert G\vert }R_{G}(x^{\beta })u^{\beta }\)” should be“\(\sum _{\vert \beta \vert =\vert G\vert }b_{\beta }R_{G}(x^{\beta })u^{\beta }\)

Page 372, part (b) of Exercise 8: “use Exercise 6 and §2” should be “use Exercise 6 and Example 13 of §2”

Page 382, part (c) of Exercise 2: “Use Exercise 13” should be “Use Exercise 16”

Page 382, line 2 of Exercise 9: “b = A ⋅ a” should be “b = A ⋅ a

Page 383, line 2 of Exercise 12: “G ⋅ bG ⋅ a −{ a}” should be ‘(G ⋅ bG ⋅ a){a}”

Page 383, line 2 of Exercise 16: “as in Definition 1 of” should be “as in Definition 2 of”

Chapter 8

Page 394, Exercise 7: “the map (2)” should be “the map (1)”

Page 399, line − 4: “ψ” should be “ϕ” in two places

Page 399, line − 2: “(1: a1: ⋯: an)” should be “ϕ(a1, , an) = (1: a1: ⋯: an)”

Page 404, line 5: “1 ≤ i1 < ” should be “0 ≤ i1 < ”

Page 404, line 2 of Exercise 9: “fik[x0, , xn]” should be “fjk[x0, , xn]”

Page 410, line − 1: “k[x1, , xn]” should be “k[x0, , xn]”

Page 414, part (b) of Exercise 13: “V ∖VV(g)” should be “V ∖(VV(g))”

Page 416, line 2 of Lemma 5: “lm> h(fh)” should be “\(\text{LM}_{>_{h}}(f^{h})\)

Page 416, line − 4: “lm> h(fh)” should be “\(\text{LM}_{>_{h}}(f^{h})\)

Page 417, equation (2): “lm> h(fh)” should be “\(\text{LM}_{>_{h}}(f^{h})\)

Page 417, two lines below equation (2): “lm> h(gih)” should be “\(\text{LM}_{>_{h}}(g_{i}^{h})\)

Page 419, second sentence of the proof of Theorem 8: The sentence should be “Applying the proof of part (i) of Proposition 7 with I in place of Ia(W) shows that Z is a projective variety containing W.”

Page 425, first line following fourth display: “trivial solutions (0: 0; y)” should be “trivial solutions (0, 0, y)”

Page 429, line − 1: “This proves fI(0) ∩⋯ ∩ I(n)” should be “This proves fIn(0) ∩⋯ ∩ In(n)

Page 430, line 17: “Now suppose fI(i)” should be “Now suppose fIn(i)

Page 430, line 20: “fI(0) ∩⋯ ∩ I(n)” should be “fIn(0) ∩⋯ ∩ In(n)

Page 431, line 2 of the proof of Proposition 8: “Then the proof of Proposition 7” should be ‘Then Proposition 7”

Page 432, line − 1: “point in \(\mathbb{P}^{n}\)” should be “point in \(\mathbb{P}^{m}\)

Page 433, line − 12: “all have weight d” should be “are all weighted homogeneous of weight d

Page 443, line below display (9): “σ suppose that” should be “suppose that”

Page 445, first display: “\(\left (\begin{array}{*{10}c} a_{0} & a_{1} & a_{2} & a_{3} \\ b_{0} & b_{1} & b_{1} & b_{3} \end{array} \right)\)” should be “\(\left (\begin{array}{*{10}c} a_{0} & a_{1} & a_{2} & a_{3} \\ b_{0} & b_{1} & b_{2} & b_{3} \end{array} \right)\)

Page 446, line − 3: “wij = λwij” should be “wij = λwij

Page 447, line 5: “through two points” should be “through two distinct points”

Page 447, line 10: “are nonzero, and, hence, determine a line L” should be “are nonzero and distinct, and, hence, determine a unique line L

Page 448, part (a) of Exercise 5: “i, j = 0naijxixi” should be “i, j = 0naijxixj

Page 448, line 1 of Exercise 9: “be nonzero” should be “be nonzero with Q = (aij) symmetric”

Page 449, line 3 of Exercise 10: “set of all lines” should be “union of all projective lines”

Page 449, part (a) of Exercise 13: At the end of line 2, add “The image of F is called a projective line in \(\mathbb{P}^{n}\).”

Page 450, line 5: “\(V \subseteq \mathbb{P}^{4}\)” should be “\(V \subseteq \mathbb{P}^{9}\)

Page 453, line − 6: “nonzero” should be “nonconstant”

Page 456, line 7: “f = b0zm + ⋯ ” should be “f = a0zm + ⋯ ”

Page 456, line 8: “\(b_{0} \in \mathbb{C}\setminus \{0\}\)” should be “\(a_{0} \in \mathbb{C}\setminus \{0\}\)

Page 464, part (a) of Exercise 5: “nonzero polynomial” should be “nonconstant polynomial”

Chapter 9

Page 472, line 4 of part (b) of Exercise 4: Add “(This is a challenging exercise.)”

Page 481, lines − 7 and − 6: “It is easy to generalize this argument and show” should be “By using the discussion following Lemma 4, one can show”

Page 496, Exercise 7: “aHFI(s) =aHPI(s)” should be “aHFRI(s) =aHPRI(s)”

Page 496, part (c) of Exercise 10: “with Theorem 15 of Chapter 4, §3” should be “with Proposition 1 of §1”

Page 497, part (c) of Exercise 13: “Lemma 5 of §2” should be “Lemma 4 of §2”

Page 506, part (a) of Exercise 14: “part (a) of the proposition” should be “part (i) of the proposition”

Page 506, part (b) of Exercise 14: “part (b) of the proposition” should be “part (ii) of the proposition”

Page 514, part (a) of Exercise 10: “If f1, , fsk[x1, , xn]” should be “If f, f1, , fsk[x1, , xn]”

Page 535, line − 1: “kN” should be “iN

Page 537, line 4 of part (d) of Exercise 14: “a curve LΓ” should be “a curve \(\widetilde{L} \subseteq \varGamma\)

Page 537, hint to part (b) of Exercise 15: “BL0V ” should be “Bl0V

Page 537, part (b) of Exercise 16: “g(q, tq) = 0” should be “g(tq, q) = 0”

Page 537, part (c) of Exercise 16: “g(q, tq) = 0” should be “g(tq, q) = 0”

Chapter 1 0

Page 549, part (a) of Exercise 7: “matrix M3 in (3)” should be “matrix M3 in (5)”

Page 549, line 2 of part (e) of Exercise 7: The line should be “x > y > z and explain its relation to the matrix N2 in Example 8.”

Page 559, line 21: “HFS∕〈lt(G)〉(m′) < HFSI(m′)” should be “HFS∕〈lt(G)〉(m′) > HFSI(m′)”

Page 564, line 3: “ − v2 + ξ2ζ2” should be “v2ξ2 + ζ2

Page 564, line 10: “ − 2 + 2” should be “22

Page 564, line 12: “ − 2 + 2 + 2” should be “222

Page 564, fourth display: “ −ξ2ζ2 + η4 + ζ4” should be “ξ2ζ2η4ζ4

Page 564, sixth display: “ − xz + y2 + z2” should be “xzy2z2

Page 570, first display: On the left, “\(\frac{\mathrm{lcm}(\text{LM}(f_{i}),\text{LM}(f_{j})} {\text{LT}(f_{j})}\)” should be“\(\frac{\mathrm{lcm}(\text{LM}(f_{i}),\text{LM}(f_{j}))} {\text{LT}(f_{i})}\)” (two errors)

Page 578, line 3 of first display: “xy” should be “ − xy

Page 578, line − 1: in two places, “(xy” should be “(−xy

Page 579, line before last display: “ − xy + y2” should be “xy + y2

Page 582, line 2 of Example 6: “f2 = xy2xy” should be “f2 = xy2 + xy

Page 582, first display of Example 6: “ − x(xy2xy)” should be “ − x(xy2 + xy)”

Page 582, line after first display of Example 6: “equal to lt(f1)” should be “equal to −lt(f1)”

Page 582, third display: “\(\mathfrak{s}(\mathbf{g}) = x\mathbf{e}_{2}\)” should be “\(\mathfrak{s}(\mathbf{g}) = -x\mathbf{e}_{2}\)

Page 585, line above the second display: “ye1xe1” should be ‘ye1xe2

Page 585, line below the second display: “\(\mathfrak{s}(\mathbf{h}) = x^{2}\mathbf{e}_{2}\) divides \(\mathfrak{s}(\mathbf{k})\)” should be “\(\mathfrak{s}(\mathbf{k}) = x^{2}\mathbf{e}_{2}\) divides \(\mathfrak{s}(\mathbf{h})\)

Page 586, first line of pseudocode: “fiR” should be “fiR, fi monic”

Page 590, part (c) of Exercise 1: On the first line, “order on S” should be “order on R

Page 590, part (c) of Exercise 1: On the second line, “ > ” should be “ >POT

Page 590, part (b) of Exercise 2: Replace with “If we allow \(\mathfrak{s}\)-reductions and reduction by the syzygy h = (−f2, f1), then show that we can reduce g to (0, 0).”

Page 590, part (c) of Exercise 2: Replace with “Use Propositions 12 and 14 to explain why the computations in parts (a) and (b) are unnecessary.”

Page 591, line 10 of the pseudocode in Exercise 5: “ < ” should be “ <POT