Contemporaneously, companies—especially private—present themselves as institutions with accountability. The private accountability is the issue addressed by companies from adopting a posture of social responsibility. The central idea of this article is to verify the debate about private accountability, taking into account aspects that comprise it, such as the stakeholder theory.
The standard AA 1000 will also be the subject of our reflections, as it aims to disseminate the central position focused on accountability, particularly in the context of private companies. The chapter presents the main aspects that make up the theoretical debate on the subject, while also addressing their criticisms, especially those made to studies that analyze the accountability from the private sphere—that would be counter to the traditional theories on the subject.
This chapter also discusses what we understand as the development of private accountability in the public sphere. This is a complex debate, especially because many scholars understand accountability as a characteristic phenomenon of the public sphere and can’t, therefore, be thinking and applied within the private sphere. However, the paths taken in this study indicate that accountability is, increasingly, an aspect that makes the concerns of private actors, befriending others, such as social responsibility. Understanding how these relationships develop is the purpose of this article.
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- 1.
This is the book organized by the authors in 2003, to be analyzed in this article. At this point we analyze the introduction of such work, exclusive authored by Mainwaring is titled “Democratic Accountability in Latin America”.
- 2.
The study which Mainwaring refers is the work. “Accountabilities: Five Public Services”, by 1987.
- 3.
The study is the work titled “Democracy, Accountability, and Representation”, by 1999.
- 4.
The work which Mainwaring and Welna (2003) refer is the book “Ministers and Parliament: Accountability in Theory and Practice”, by Diana Woodhouse, 1994.
- 5.
The work in which Guillermo O’Donnell presents this definition is the article entitled “delegative Democracy”, published in the Journal of Democracy, in 1994.
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Op. Cit.
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- 9.
Op. Cit.
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- 11.
Released in 1999, AA 1000 has been created with the objective of helping companies, shareholders, auditors, consultants and certification bodies; it can be used alone or in conjunction with other standards of accountability, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), norms and standards such as ISO and SA. 8000. To learn more, see http://www.accountability.org/. Date of access: 28/05/2013.
- 12.
The AA1000 standard, as previously said, appeared in 1999, however, after its release, other updated versions of the standard are available-. 2002 and 2003 In general, these reissues, few changes to the core content. Changes take place in increments, in general, with the inclusion of the thematic content of this standard modules.
- 13.
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Riscado, P.E. (2015). AA1000: An Analysis of Accountability and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Contemporary Context. In: Rahim, M., Idowu, S. (eds) Social Audit Regulation. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15838-9_11
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15838-9_11
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-15837-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-15838-9
eBook Packages: Business and EconomicsBusiness and Management (R0)