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With the fast and continuous movement of global changes, profound modifications on the client’s profile can be noticed, in all areas of the economy and also regarding their doctor.

Therefore, medical clinic managers strongly feel the need to search for wider and more innovative actions, becoming even bigger strategists, mainly to what comes to human resources, since its importance is notorious to a doctor’s success.

To innovate is to introduce novelty to the old, to step out of the box where old habits in old practices imprison us and, with that, reach an integrated, motivated, and efficient staff who wishes to grow, to learn, to develop, and to reach success.

Nowadays, to manage people is no longer a synonym to controlling, patterning, and routinizing, but to stimulate involvement, growth, and staff development. This is, surely, a task of great proportions.

It is important to recognize that it is crucial for the manager to have a high endurance to frustrations, considering that, when dealing with people, there will be fatal judgment errors or unforeseen changes in a worker’s behavior . These situations often lead to questionings to the real validity of certain strategies that give emphasis to the elevated valuing of the staff.

Frustrating situations or misjudged assessments don’t cancel out the great importance of this work, quite the other way around, actually. They become sources of expertise that will aid you on the planning of future strategies, where such occurrences may be avoided more dexterously.

Innovating, being creative, and obtaining more positive results in this work surely will help doctors in their search for professional success in this highly competitive market.

Therefore, the manager must constantly have a wide and critical view of their work, for, as Thomas Edison said: “If there is a way to do it better, find it.”

I hope this book may somehow contribute to improve the quality in doctor’s offices services , wherever the ideas, the breath of my soul, herein contained, may reach.