In this chapter we are concerned with variational methods in image analysis. Special attention is paid on free discontinuity approaches of Mumford Shah type and their application in segmentation, matching and motion analysis. We study combined approaches, where one simultaneously relaxes a functional with respect to multiple unknowns. Examples are the simultaneous extraction of edges in two different images for joint image segmentation and image registration or the joint estimation of motion, moving object, and object intensity map. In these approaches the identification of one of the unknowns improves the capability to extract the other as well. Hence, combined methods turn out to be very powerful approaches. Indeed, fundamental tasks in image processing are highly interdependent: Registration of image morphology significantly benefits from previous denoising and structure segmentation. On the other hand, combined information of different image modalities makes shape segmentation significantly more robust. Furthermore, robustness in motion extraction of shapes can be significantly enhanced via a coupling with the detection of edge surfaces in space time and a corresponding feature sensitive space time smoothing. Furthermore, one of the key tools throughout most of the methods to be presented is nonlinear elasticity based on hyperelastic and polyconvex energy functionals. Based on first principles from continuum mechanics this allows a flexible description of shape correspondences and in many cases enables to establish existence results and one-to-one mapping properties. Numerical experiments underline the robustness of the presented methods and show applications on medical images and biological experimental data. This chapter is based on a couple of recent articles (Bar et al., A variational framework for simultaneous motion estimation and restoration of motion-blurred video, 2007; Litke et al., An image processing approach to surface matching, 2005; Droske et al., Comput. Vis. Sci. Online First, 2008; Droske and Rumpf, SIAM Appl Math 64(2):668–687, 2004; Droske and Rumpf, IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell 29(12):2181–2194, 2007; Rumpf and Wirth, SIAM J Imag Sci, 2008) published by the author together with Leah Bar, Benjamin Berkels, Marc Droske, Nathan Litke, Wolfgang Ring, Guillermo Sapiro, Peter Schröder, and Benedikt Wirth.
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The author is grateful to Werner Bautz, radiology department at the university hospital Erlangen, Germany, for providing CT data of kidneys, as well as to Heiko Schlarb from Adidas, Herzogenaurach, Germany, for providing 3D scans of feet, and to Bruno Wirth, urology department at the Hospital zum Hl. Geist, Kempen, Germany, for providing thorax CT scans. Furthermore, the author thanks Stan Osher for pointing to the issue of elastic shape averaging and Marc Droske for discussion about the phase field approach. Finally, he acknowledges Helene Horn for her help in the careful preparation of the manuscript.
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Rumpf, M. (2013). Variational Methods in Image Matching and Motion Extraction. In: Level Set and PDE Based Reconstruction Methods in Imaging. Lecture Notes in Mathematics(), vol 2090. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01712-9_3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01712-9_3
Publisher Name: Springer, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-319-01711-2
Online ISBN: 978-3-319-01712-9
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