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Raw materials mark the beginning of a value-added chain. In times of increasing globalization their availability is a precondition for prosperity, productivity and development of a country’s economy. Raw materials have always been needed for many purposes. Global demand had its origin in the Bronze and Iron Ages and increased exponentially during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th Century. Worldwide demand for raw materials rapidly increased in the 20th Century, caused by the explosive growth of the world population and global economic productivity. In the 21st Century, the information and computer age, the demand for raw materials remains on a high level. Modern jet airlines, automobiles, and mobile phones require a comprehensive cocktail of innumerable raw materials.

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  14. The strategic objective of the EU, which was resolved by the Heads of States and Governments in Lisbon (March 2000), is to be regarded in this context. Accordingly, the EU is to develop the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world capable to create permanent economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social coherence. Thus, the EU should become an “area” in the world whose economic structure is characterized by high resource efficiency.

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  26. To some extent this might establish the construction minerals as an exception: Letouzé distinguishes between absolute and relative location-bound deposits. — Letouzé, G., (1996): Projekt Harmonisierungsmodell, Schritte zu einer bundesweiten Harmonisierung der Materie Mineralrohstoff-Vorsorge, Gutachten zum Fachbereich Rohstoffgeologie (Project harmonization model, steps towards a nation-wide harmonization of mineral raw materials provision, expertise to the Department of Resource Geology), Appendix 2, Wien 1996 In this sense also Solar (2004), in: Department of Mining and Tunnelling, University of Leoben (2004), Minerals Policies and Supply Practices in Europe, Final Report. best-practices/leoben_2004_en.pdf; an extended summary from this report is available under leoben_extsum_en.pdf.

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  27. In particular, conferring to the mining of ores: cp. Gocht (1983), l.c., p. 2. Also: Wagner, M, Huy, D. (2005): Schafft der Strukturwandel in der Nachfrage eine neue Dimension für die Weltrohstoffmärkte, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe [ Does the structural change in demand accomplish a new dimension to the world raw materials markets? Federal Institute for Geosciences and Raw Materials], Hannover, p. 2: From the discovery of an ore deposit to production, at least 5 years for planning and construction have to be calculated.

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  33. Cp. The following situation reported by the Presse (Austrian journal), October 2008, p.21: the stock of RHI, a corporation producing refractory products mainly for the steel, cement and glass industries, has depreciated in the wake of the financial crisis of autumn 2008 (after the boom in May 2008 of just under € 34, the RHI share on Oct. 29 was € 12,50), though the company rises extensively (Presse, Oct.29, 2008). The outlook for 2009 was less optimistic: The steel industry reduced its production significantly; further development would depend on employment in the automotive, construction and engineering sector. The growth rates of 2008 will not continue. (Presse, 29.10.2008).

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  34. This raises also the issue of investment security. Cp. Tiess, G. (2011): Legal basics of Mineral Policy in Europe, Wien: The validity of the exploration and exploitation permission is essential and standard of a modern mining law.

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  49. Nötstaller, R. (2003), Österreichischer Rohstoffplan, Arbeitskreis 2, Rohstoffwirtschaft und Bergwesen (Austrian Minerals Plan, Working Group 2, Mineral Economy and Mining ), Department of Mining and Tunnelling, University of Leoben, Leoben, p. 25.

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  66. Meanwhile three international conferences to the topic “Sustainable Development Indicators in the Mineral Industry (SDIMI) were held: SDIMI 2003 in Milos/Greece, SDIMI 2005 in Aachen/Germany and SDIMI 2007 again in Milos. In SDIMI 2003 the so-called Milos Declaration was resolved, quoted in the Proceedings SDIMI in 2007, XV, “A statement of commitment to a sustainable future through the use of scientific, technical, educational and research skills and knowlegde in minerals extraction and utilzation”. At the last two conferences the author made important contributions jointly with H. Wagner, S. Šolar, K. Nielsen: SDIMI 2005: Minerals planning policies in Europe; SDIMI 2007: National minerals policy practices: key to minerals supply in Europe.

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  73. Kugler (2008), Innovation: Fliegende Materialien, Materialcluster Leoben, Neuartige Werkstoffe wie Titan-Aluminide ermöglichen Dinge, die bisher undenkbar waren (Innovation: Flying materials. The Materialcluster Leoben, Novel materials such as titanium aluminides enable things that were previously unthinkable), Die Presse (Austrian Journal, 10.9.2008 l.c., quotes Professor Clemens, materials researcher at the University of Leoben, Styria, including Materialcluster).

  74. Innovation: Fliegende Materialien, Materialcluster Leoben, Neuartige Werkstoffe wie Titan-Aluminide ermöglichen Dinge, die bisher undenkbar waren (Innovation: Flying materials. The Materialcluster Leoben, Novel materials such as titanium aluminides enable things that were previously unthinkable), Die Presse (Austrian Journal, 10.9.2008 Ibid: Meanwhile in simulations the crystal structures of metals can be calculated. Alloy elements can be inserted into the computer programme and predict the qualities of the material. (Clemens).

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Tiess, G. (2011). Introduction. In: General and International Mineral Policy. Springer, Vienna.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Vienna

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-211-89004-2

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